[web2py] web shell problem

2010-06-08 Thread mika
, in __shell shell.locals = env(app,True) File "path_to_app/web2py/gluon/shell.py", line 124, in env sys.exit(1) SystemExit: 1 In welcome app it works normally. What is wrong? best regards, Mika

[web2py] checking if table exists in database

2010-06-11 Thread mika
hi i would like to make my application generate database at startup (sth like first run) - i mean generating automatically all needed relations (hardcoded).. on startup i would like to check if database was prepared before How to achieve this? what to do with migration? i though about such code (

[web2py] Re: checking if table exists in database

2010-06-15 Thread mika
so what I can do if I have database already created? I would like simply to connect db and see if tables exists... by the way, metadata used by web2py to recognize tables created by itself is working only on sqlite, or on other db also? On Jun 11, 3:46 pm, mdipierro wrote: > if you set migrate=T

[web2py] cron and printing on console

2010-06-18 Thread mika
I have some funcions which are printing info directly to console. How to get it working in cron? when i call it by hand it works - from cron - it doesn't..

[web2py] calling secured function from cron

2010-06-21 Thread mika
hi I can't find solution to call the function protected by auth from cron. I have defined auth group managers, and decorated function with @auth.requires(not request.wsgi or auth.has_membership('managers')) unfortunatelly, that is not working from cron. i havetried also @auth.requires(not requ

[web2py] Re: calling secured function from cron

2010-06-24 Thread mika
@auth.requires(request.client==None or auth.has_membership('managers')) don't work. What do u mean about fake authentication? how to do it? On Jun 22, 3:31 am, Álvaro Justen wrote: > On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 13:30, mdipierro wrote: > > try > > > @auth.requires(request.client==None or > > auth.

[web2py] Re: calling secured function from cron

2010-06-28 Thread mika
I tried also request.wsgi.environ==None doesn't work also how to make cron call function with auth? I can't believe that nobody did it or nobody needs it! Web2py should have such feature

[web2py] Re: calling secured function from cron

2010-06-29 Thread mika
I have following line in crontab: * * * * * root *cpe_lang/test_only the function in controller is defined as: @auth.requires( (request.client==None) or (auth.has_membership('managers')) ) def test_only(): logging.error('Test cron') logging.info(str(request)) if request.

[web2py] Re: calling secured function from cron

2010-06-29 Thread mika
why should I put there? I have logging function defined in models/log.py. It works correctly, I think. You want request.client? so when I call by hand it gives "", when it is from Cron it gives "None" but only if function is NOT secured. When it is secured it is not called properly and gi

[web2py:23268] Re: IS_IN_DB - multiple-level reference ?

2009-06-04 Thread mika
I saw slides for new 1.63, but I can't find anything to solve my problem. Massimo, have you implemented some new features which could help me to do it? --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "web2py Web Frame

[web2py:23580] how to get main web2py directory?

2009-06-08 Thread mika
I would like to get the main web2py path, so I could just for example add 'applications/my_app/generated_files/1.txt' to make the complete path for file that will be created. Are there some environmetal paths or something like this? --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You receiv

[web2py:24078] authentication - login error

2009-06-13 Thread mika
I'm trying to make an authentication: i've just made new application, the auth settings in db model are default (I'm using web2py 1.64.1), and I defined in my default controller two functions: @auth.requires_login() def secret(): return 'secret one..' def nosecret(): return 'not secret'

[web2py:24139] Re: authentication - login error

2009-06-14 Thread mika
I still have that problem - I'm using web2py from trunk - Version 1.64.1 (2009-06-13 13:29:19). Could you give me example how to get it working? I'm doing like Gary said, and I get error while logging in... --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you

[web2py:24199] Re: authentication - login error

2009-06-15 Thread mika
Ok, I solved it - I was running python 2.6 instead 2.5... Now, with 2.5 everything seems to be good. Thanks for your help! On Jun 14, 8:01 pm, Fran wrote: > On Jun 14, 5:15 pm, mika wrote: > > > I still have that problem - I'm using web2py from trunk - Version > > 1.64

[web2py:30959] logout problem

2009-09-14 Thread mika
Hi! I have the problem with logout option - it seems that it doesn't work - nothing happnens BUT after some time, when I click Logout again, logout works normally do you know what can be wrong? I'm using the newest web2py, and default generated user() function in controller. --~--~-~--

[web2py:31047] Re: logout problem

2009-09-15 Thread mika
yes, url points well logout works, but not directly after clicking 'logout' from menu I can click and click all the time, and it seems the page is reloaded (like index after login) and after some time, there's no problem and logout works it depends on some settings? (i didn't change the defaults)

[web2py:31200] FORM, SQLForm - what should I use?

2009-09-17 Thread mika
he whole information about machine have presented (generated by SQLForm?) I tried to find some example how to do it, but nothing similar found. Could you help me? Cheers, mika --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups

[web2py:31402] Re: FORM, SQLForm - what should I use?

2009-09-21 Thread mika
Thanks for your replies, they gave me some light.. I have a question to example 33 - How it is working?? :) I mean how the values from db are put into SELECT, in code there's only declaration of form, and the fields are INPUTS (not SELECT)? --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You

[web2py:32229] column ... is not unique

2009-10-05 Thread mika
hi! The problem is that traceback shows that column in my db is not unique. In code, there was 'unique=True', but I changed it. The problem still occurs. What should I do? --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Grou

[web2py:32460] Re: column ... is not unique

2009-10-08 Thread mika
On Oct 5, 12:46 pm, Carl wrote: > Is this happening in your local development environment is it using > sqlite? > If so, the only solution I found was to delete the local database and > start over. > > On Oct 5, 9:23 am,mika wrote: > > > > > hi! > > >

[web2py:34929] Re: cron and permissions

2009-11-09 Thread mika
gt; Perhaps something missing in request.env? This needs to be tested. If > you do any test, please let us know. > > On Nov 6, 4:58 am,mika wrote: > > > > > hi! > > > I noticed that if I decorate a function with a > > @auth.requires_membership, > > the

[web2py:35819] Re: cron and permissions

2009-11-23 Thread mika
I tried, and it gives me: WARNING:root:WEB2PY CRON Call returned code 1: No error message available On Nov 9, 4:33 pm, mdipierro wrote: > Can you try: > > @auth.requires(auth.has_membership(...) or not request.env) > > On Nov 9, 6:53 am,mika wrote: > > > > > I h

[web2py:21364] cron function in controller problem

2009-05-07 Thread mika
to run function every minute. the line * * * * * *my_app/abc/get is in file my_app/cron/crontab. What's wrong? regards, mika --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "web2py

[web2py:21457] Re: cron function in controller problem

2009-05-08 Thread mika
Thanks for reply. but what about http://www.web2py.com/examples/default/cron section: Calling controller functions that's really under development? I'm using OS X. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "web2

[web2py:21460] Re: cron function in controller problem

2009-05-08 Thread mika
Not working. I call db.commit(), but nothing happens. How can I test if cron is working? Do I need to restart web2py every time? --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "web2py Web Framework" group. To post to

[web2py:22265] IS_IN_DB - multiple-level reference ?

2009-05-21 Thread mika
'email'), SQLField('phone_stationary','string'), SQLField('phone_mobile','string')) db.admins.first_name.requires=db.admins.surname.requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY () db.admins.room_id.requires=IS_IN_DB(db,'rooms.id','%(numbe

[web2py:22347] Re: IS_IN_DB - multiple-level reference ?

2009-05-22 Thread mika
Yeah, I want to do something like DenesL proposed:) --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "web2py Web Framework" group. To post to this group, send email to web2py@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe from this g

[web2py:22608] Re: IS_IN_DB - multiple-level reference ?

2009-05-25 Thread mika
So, Massimo do you have any idea how to solve that problem? ;) --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "web2py Web Framework" group. To post to this group, send email to web2py@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe

[web2py:22650] Re: IS_IN_DB - multiple-level reference ?

2009-05-26 Thread mika
Ok, thanks for replying, we're all waiting for new version! :) best regards, mika --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "web2py Web Framework" group. To post to this group, send

[web2py:22874] import custom module from controller

2009-05-29 Thread mika
As in topic, I have a problem with importing. I saw similar posts, but they don't help me to solve it. I have a file called addons.py in modules/ directory. In controller, i'm trying to import like this: import applications.sara.modules.addons as addons (sara is the name of my app) What I'm doin

[web2py:22888] Re: import custom module from controller

2009-05-29 Thread mika
Ok, now it seems to work. But I don't exactly know where was the problem ;) --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "web2py Web Framework" group. To post to this group, send email to web2py@googlegroups.com To

[web2py] background operations?

2011-02-25 Thread mika
popup?). How to achieve this? I checked about cron, I checked about services and background process but I am not sure is it proper way to do that. BR, Mika

[web2py] IDE plugin what to use?

2013-02-01 Thread Mika Sjöman
non FOSS software at all. Sincerely yours Mika -- --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "web2py-users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to web2py+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com. For mo

[web2py] Can not check True/False on this field?

2013-03-07 Thread Mika Sjöman
Hi trying to check true false in a string set, but does not work ## db.py db.define_table('answer', Field('description'), Field('is_correct', type='list:string'), Field('belongs_to_quiz',type='reference quiz',writable=False), ) db.answer.is_correct.requires=IS_IN_SET(('y','n')) #

[web2py] Re: Can not check True/False on this field?

2013-03-08 Thread Mika Sjöman
> else: ># do something else > > Hope this helps. > > On Friday, March 8, 2013 12:37:20 PM UTC+8, Mika Sjöman wrote: >> >> Hi trying to check true false in a string set, but does not work >> >> ## db.py >> >> db.define_table('

[web2py] Free host for blog with domain?

2013-03-24 Thread Mika Sjöman
Hi I wonder if anyone knows where I can put my we2py based blog up where they I also can use myOwnDomain.com for free? Not too much traffic, maybe a 100 a day And... I just build a community from scratch in two weeks from scratch with web2py, coming from django - I must say I LOVE web2py! Hug

[web2py] Re: update existing project model without breaking backward compatibility...

2013-03-24 Thread Mika Sjöman
Hi Maybe you could dump it to a phone numbers to a csv file or a python dict with dump_data = { phone_number : contact.id,} Then when you created the second table, just run a for loop to populate that table with the dumped data with contact_id as a reference to the old table. Thats what I

[web2py] how about setting a standard fadeout to response.flash?

2013-03-26 Thread Mika Sjöman
Hi Had a user pointing out how irritating it was that the response.flash never goes away automatically. Found this fix thou in the group, how about making a standard 4 second fadeout on it? in web2py.js: var flashBox = jQuery(".flash"), flashTimer; flashBox.click(function(){ if (flashT

[web2py] strange mobile behaviour when changing bootstrap theme

2013-03-26 Thread Mika Sjöman
Hi I am trying to change the theme to the Cerulean theme at bootswatch.com. But changing from the default to bootstrap.min.css makes the web2py main menu go away when on mobile phone. Should I add / change anything else to make it work on mobile? Cheers -- --- You received this message bec

[web2py] Re: Deploy to openshift

2013-04-23 Thread Mika Sjöman
Hi I am sitting on a Mac and I have distutils installed because it works when I import it with python. But Web2py still complains that it is not installed. Any ideas? I tried to use the ez_setup, but nothing happens. Tried> sudo python ez_setup distutils, but I only get this then> error: Could

[web2py] JQUERY as response in Ajax call?

2013-05-09 Thread Mika Sjöman
Hi I am trying to close a window title dialog with JQUERY after sucessuflly updating a clients phone number. The problem is that after I successfully update the data I send this as a response to the browser: message = "jQuery('#windowTitleDialog').toggle('slow');" return message But the

[web2py] Re: JQUERY as response in Ajax call?

2013-05-10 Thread Mika Sjöman
r/29/12?search=response.js > > On Friday, May 10, 2013 7:10:31 AM UTC+2, Mika Sjöman wrote: >> >> Hi >> >> I am trying to close a window title dialog with JQUERY after sucessuflly >> updating a clients phone number. The problem is that after I successfully &

[web2py] jQuery and Web2py? Multiple vars problem

2013-05-10 Thread Mika Sjöman
Hi I am having a problem because my forms are getting sent with multiple values. The issue is that on my page there are multiple places where the same formnames are used. So the post vars becomes like this: Parametersapplication/x-www-form-urlencoded answer280lesson75lesson75lesson75player_answ

[web2py] Re: jQuery and Web2py? Multiple vars problem

2013-05-10 Thread Mika Sjöman
Looks like a great solution! Thanks!! // mika On Friday, May 10, 2013 9:42:46 PM UTC+8, Anthony wrote: > > It's not quite clear what your HTML looks like -- are you saying you have > multiple forms (i.e., ) with the same web2py formname (i.e., > same value in the hidden _formn

[web2py] Re: JQUERY as response in Ajax call?

2013-05-11 Thread Mika Sjöman
--- Mobile Phone: On Friday, May 10, 2013 7:26:40 PM UTC+8, Anthony wrote: > > http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/11#Eval-target > > On Friday, May 10, 2013 6:13:23 AM UTC-4, Mika Sjöman wrote: >> >> Hi >> >> No

[web2py] Re: JQUERY as response in Ajax call?

2013-05-11 Thread Mika Sjöman
es of code in my controler instead of writing them in the view. cheers and thanks! On Saturday, May 11, 2013 5:18:13 PM UTC+8, Mika Sjöman wrote: > > that one worked like a charm. Final solution became like this, where the > submit buttons is kind of there just for looks since i

[web2py] hi any webchat web2py apps?

2013-05-16 Thread Mika Sjöman
Hi We wish to add a button on our frontpage that will enable users to contact us via a webchat, something like this> http://mibew.org/demo.php But we do not want a PHP solution, do you know of any web2py solution? cheers -- --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Goo

[web2py] Re: Minify (compress) response HTML

2013-05-19 Thread Mika Sjöman
So how do I turn minify on? I can not find any info and I really need my pages to be as small as possible because my users like speed. Cheers On Monday, February 6, 2012 11:25:17 AM UTC+8, Kernc wrote: > > On Feb 3, 6:07 am, Massimo Di Pierro > wrote: > > OK, let's add a minifier in contrib.

[web2py] Re: Testing your app using py.test

2013-05-19 Thread Mika Sjöman
Hi I really badly want to get into testing because right now I have an application breaking all the time because we do manual QA. Is there any video guide on selenium with web2py, except the one at killerwebdevelopment.com, because I could not get selenium working when I tried. I would reall

[web2py] can not migrate MySQL when deleting referenced field?

2013-05-21 Thread Mika Sjöman
Hi Does anyone know how to delete a reference field from MySQL? I get an error from MySQL when I try to remove the field from the table going from: db.define_table('tecken', Field('hsk_level',type='list:string'), Field('streak_id', type='reference streak', writable=True)) ### To

[web2py] Re: web2py 2.4.7 is Out

2013-05-26 Thread Mika Sjöman
I agree I think it confuses people allot who are starting with web2py since many try to use online themes, but they break because web2py uses an old version of bootstrap. Cheers On Sunday, May 26, 2013 7:33:59 PM UTC+8, LightDot wrote: > > This should fix it nicely. > > Btw, I see jQuery 1.10

[web2py] Dropboxing movies into Web2py Server?

2013-05-26 Thread Mika Sjöman
Hi We are trying to set up our production flow so that the guys making small instructional movies will automatically upload them to our server with dropbox. My question is how I can get those movies into a database automatically with the filename as the description into a Field('Description')

[web2py] Re: Dropboxing movies into Web2py Server?

2013-05-26 Thread Mika Sjöman
forgot to add that our server is a ubuntu server... Cheers On Monday, May 27, 2013 1:52:59 AM UTC+8, Mika Sjöman wrote: > > Hi > > We are trying to set up our production flow so that the guys making small > instructional movies will automatically upload them to our server with

[web2py] Re: Dropboxing movies into Web2py Server?

2013-05-26 Thread Mika Sjöman
Hi thanks for that dropbox info! Really helpful! When it comes down to showing video at one side and presentation at another it is actually not so smart as people think. The brain has to take the 2D picture of the person and convert it to a 3D picture when it sees a face. Presenting material at

[web2py] Re: Dropboxing movies into Web2py Server?

2013-05-26 Thread Mika Sjöman
Yes but how do I import the video into a field of web2py? I look in my app and it does not get inside my app folder - so where does it go? Say for example I download the movie via the Dropbox API, how do I then add it to my "video" table? Cheers On Monday, May 27, 2013 4:02:55 AM UTC+8, Niph

[web2py] Re: Error importing dropbox_account module

2013-05-29 Thread Mika Sjöman
a tip would be to include that reference into the documentation where you present the Dropbox API http://www.web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/14#Dropbox-API Found it with a google search, but still :) cheers On Sunday, October 7, 2012 10:42:22 PM UTC+8, Massimo Di Pierro wrote: > > You nee

[web2py] dropbox integration not working for me, any ideas?

2013-05-29 Thread Mika Sjöman
Hi Tried using the instructions from http://www.web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/14#Dropbox-API The typo there has not been fixed yet; use_janrain(auth,filename='private/dropbox.key') should be use_dropbox(auth,filename='private/dropbox.key') But anyways, I got it working, but now when I

[web2py] Move from VPS to Cloud? Too big to pack

2013-06-16 Thread Mika Sjöman
Hi I want to move my website from a VPS to Pythonanywhere. The problem is that my webpage has some houndred megabytes of video material so packing it just ends up in a python error "internal error: requested number of bytes is more than a Python string can hold" Is there another way I can move

[web2py] Web2py and WebRTC?

2013-07-27 Thread Mika Sjöman
Hi I would like the users of my website to communicate with video without using Skype etc. I am currently using pythonanywhere as my host, and they do not permit using node.js, so I can not use https://github.com/henrikjoreteg/SimpleWebRTC Is there any other way you guys know of that I could

[web2py] onvalidate fails with compute=lambda field

2013-08-02 Thread Mika Sjöman
hi Got this field, to make sure that a booking is unique. Field('booking_hash', unique=True, compute=lambda r: make_secure_val(str(r['bo_teacher_id']) + str(r['bo_lesson_date']) + str(r['bo_start_lesson_time'])+ str(r['bo_student_id']) )), Instead of getting an error poping up saying the reco

[web2py] Re: onvalidate fails with compute=lambda field

2013-08-03 Thread Mika Sjöman
if you don't > explicitly catch the error yourself). Instead, you want to use the > IS_NOT_IN_DB validator on that field -- that will result in an error > message being displayed on the form. > > Anthony > > On Friday, August 2, 2013 4:10:15 AM UTC-4, Mika Sjöman wrote:

[web2py] Re: accounting appliance

2013-08-08 Thread Mika Sjöman
Hi Did you do anything about this? I really need an accounting appliance but it seems I have to write one myself if not convering some other project. cheers On Thursday, June 3, 2010 9:48:11 AM UTC+8, Jim Karsten wrote: > > I am considering developing a web2py small business Accounting > appli

[web2py] Request: Course about Web2py & TDD + pledge for cash

2013-08-11 Thread Mika Sjöman
Hi I am trying to get started with TDD and web2py, but it is really hard since I do not have a CS degree. I have been studying this two courses at Coursera, and especially the former is awesome (I did not like the Intro to Systematic program design so much) https://class.coursera.org/programmi

Re: [web2py] Re: Request: Course about Web2py & TDD + pledge for cash

2013-08-15 Thread Mika Sjöman
> love to compare notes. :) >> >> >> On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 6:53 PM, Luca wrote: >> >>> I will be teaching a web dev class at UCSC based on web2py, and I may >>> make the videos available in YouTube. >>> Starting around September 20. >

[web2py] Re: [web2py:27381] Re: MySQL - OperationalError: Error on rename (errno: 150)

2013-08-19 Thread Mika Sjöman
I am still getting allot of the same problems but now in 2013. When working on localhost and pushing to pythonanywhere, then I get these MYSQL index errors with 150 message. The way to solve it has been to add fake_migrate_all=True to the DAL connection, but then I can not do any database chan

[web2py] How to measure conversion rate with google analytics?

2013-12-06 Thread Mika Sjöman
Hi I was wondering if it is possible to measure the conversion rate of how many people sign up to our service www.dominochinese.com with google analytics? If I understand it correct, I need to set up a goal URL with google analytics, but I then wonder how to redirect new users to that URL? Is

[web2py] Re: How to measure conversion rate with google analytics?

2013-12-08 Thread Mika Sjöman
, Christian Foster Howes wrote: > > can't you just add google analytics to your site. from there you can see > referrers and funnels and conversions etc. with almost no extra work. > > On Friday, December 6, 2013 12:48:31 PM UTC-8, Mika Sjöman wrote: >> >> Hi >>

[web2py] Re: Online classes

2013-12-08 Thread Mika Sjöman
Hi Supper happy to see this! Two questions: 1. could you cut them down a bit into smaller sections? 2.5 hour videos are a little bit too much to take in one time. 20 - 30 minutes max I would say is my personal attention span, preferably shorter. 2. is it possible to make it more like coursera

[web2py] Re: Online classes

2013-12-08 Thread Mika Sjöman
eat if you could edit the text and cut it into smaller > parts. I am not recording it again. ;-) > > On Sunday, 8 December 2013 07:03:10 UTC-6, Mika Sjöman wrote: >> >> Hi >> >> Supper happy to see this! >> >> Two questions: >> 1. could you c

[web2py] Proposal for big but simple improvement: [add view] in IDE view

2013-12-09 Thread Mika Sjöman
Hi I just noticed watching Massimo's video tutorials, how often we need to open a second tab in Chrome when we want to create a view/controller/model file. It often leads us to get conflicts since we do not want to close the previous (having multiple tabs open we are working on). If we could

[web2py] Re: Proposal for big but simple improvement: [add view] in IDE view

2013-12-09 Thread Mika Sjöman
> CC) has started something a while ago. > > Paolo > > On Monday, December 9, 2013 4:57:25 PM UTC+1, Mika Sjöman wrote: >> >> Hi >> >> I just noticed watching Massimo's video tutorials, how often we need to >> open a second tab in Chrome when we wan

Re: [web2py] Re: Proposal for big but simple improvement: [add view] in IDE view

2013-12-10 Thread Mika Sjöman
with those discovered in point4 (js) > 6- when a new file is created, add the new view to the available > views(point3) and update the file list sidebar(point 1).(backend/js) > > I start with 1, I can work on the other points in the coming days/week. > > > Paolo > &

[web2py] Paypal Recurring Payments? Any experience? Any alternatives?

2014-03-31 Thread Mika Sjöman
Hi I wonder if anyone here has implemented recurring payments with Paypal here with Web2py? Any experience with this and how to implement it? We currently charge people for lessons with our teachers, but we would like to go over to a payment model where we automatically charge the customers ev

[web2py] How to upload an image from React Native to Web2py?

2017-03-12 Thread Mika Sjöman
Hi I am trying to upload an image from a React Native app to web2py. I am using a plugin called react-native-uploader, and when i upload the image I get a storage object when I return the request vars using the below code: def upload: return response.json({'vars': str(request.vars)}) When

[web2py] Re: How to upload an image from React Native to Web2py?

2017-03-13 Thread Mika Sjöman
Hi and thanks :) Ill try that later. But I need to keep the image outside of the db (not in a blob field), and only keep a reference to the location of the image on the disk. I am going to run a python script on the image I am uploading to do OCR analysis triggered by the Scheduler, so I need t

Re: [web2py] Re: How to upload an image from React Native to Web2py?

2017-03-13 Thread Mika Sjöman
3, 2017 at 8:26 PM, Dave S wrote: > > > On Monday, March 13, 2017 at 12:10:32 PM UTC-7, Mika Sjöman wrote: >> >> Hi and thanks :) >> >> Ill try that later. But I need to keep the image outside of the db (not >> in a blob field), and only keep a reference to t

Re: [web2py] Re: How to upload an image from React Native to Web2py?

2017-03-13 Thread Mika Sjöman
pic, visit https://groups.google.com/d/ > topic/web2py/7yCg0huUwXE/unsubscribe. > To unsubscribe from this group and all its topics, send an email to > web2py+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com. > For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout. > -- -- Mvh/Sincerely you

[web2py] Signing in / register from React Native to Web2py?

2017-03-13 Thread Mika Sjöman
Hi After extensive searching in the forum, docs and the internet, I feel that I can post the question here. I am building a React Native application, which means I don't have access to localstorage (this is not a web-app) - I think that I need to save some kind of login token in my React native

Re: [web2py] Re: How to upload an image from React Native to Web2py?

2017-03-13 Thread Mika Sjöman
Yes I did both but I kept getting the same output no matter what I did. //Cheers Den 14 mars 2017 00:18 skrev "Dave S" : > > > On Monday, March 13, 2017 at 2:51:08 PM UTC-7, Mika Sjöman wrote: >> >> I tried that (up_file = request.vars['file[]']), but I

[web2py] Re: How to upload an image from React Native to Web2py?

2017-03-22 Thread Mika Sjöman
Yeah, I am back at it now. But I still dont seem to be able to save the object. Any ideas on how to save this object? I have tried and tried but I am just not able to save it :( // Mika On Tuesday, March 14, 2017 at 11:20:16 AM UTC+1, Leonel Câmara wrote: > > Mika just because you'