
I just noticed watching Massimo's video tutorials, how often we need to 
open a second tab in Chrome when we want to create a view/controller/model 
file. It often leads us to get conflicts since we do not want to close the 
previous (having multiple tabs open we are working on). 

If we could add a view with a button "add view" when looking at a 
controller and the list of views, we could basically stop opening multiple 
chrome tabs and also reduce the merges we need to do. 

*Edit views:* view1, view2, [Add view]

Clicking it would open the new text file immediately in another tab. 

It should also reload the files toggle view on the left. An [add or +] 
button could also be added after each section in the files toggle view to 
the left, and it would feel really complete. Even though I guess we would 
still open it sometime, it would reduce the times we need to click Edit 
link at the top bar. 

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