I'm currently running Version 1.99.2 on my Ubuntu Linux server. Is there an
easy way to upgrade to the latest version (1.99.7)?
My web2py installation says "Checking for upgrades...", but it never
finishes checking! I presume that if it were to finish checking, there
would be a way to upgrade a
> new version beside and unpack web2py new version there and bring my app in
> the new installation.
> You don't have to bother with permission since you are only use it for
> developpement.
> Richard
> On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 12:45 PM, horridohobb
You guys are kidding, right? I have to use source code control or Git or
Fabric (none of which I'm familiar with), just to update my *production*system?
I have to spend time and energy to learn all these tools (which I
no longer need for development)?
In all other respects, web2py is easy...wri
I'm new to python and web2py. I'm studying the official web2py book.
In Chapter 8, there is a reference to PGP mail using the gpgme
It is possible to send PGP encrypted emails using the following
1. from gpgme import pgp
2. mail.settings.cipher_type = 'gpg'
3. mail.setti
Like I said, I'm new to python and web2py. I'm just starting to get
into it with the official web2py book.
My preliminary search reveals that I may have to build the python-pyme
stuff. I'm using web2py under Windows 7. I'm not sure how to proceed.
(Things like SWIG puzzle me.)
Is there a quick wa
Okay, now I'm *really* confused. web2py has nothing to do with any
python installation on my Windows PC. So the question is, how do you
install python-pyme from within web2py? Does the web2py book talk
about this??
On Oct 2, 2:50 pm, horridohobbyist wrote:
> Like I said, I&
t; > Not yet at least.
> > You have to install using easy_install.
> >http://packages.python.org/distribute/easy_install.html#installing-ea...
> > mic
> > Il giorno 02/ott/2011 21:11, "horridohobbyist"
> > ha scritto:
> > > Okay, now I'
I'm looking for a way to encrypt/decrypt data in web2py. Someone
suggested that pyme is already included in web2py, but I think he's
just plain wrong. I've seen references to m2secret on the web, but
it's obvious that it needs to be installed.
I've not been able to figure out how to install M2Cryp
I guess no one has ever used encryption (M2Crypto) in web2py. Maybe
the web2py community isn't as large as I had thought...
On Oct 3, 11:00 am, horridohobbyist wrote:
> I'm looking for a way to encrypt/decrypt data in web2py. Someone
> suggested that pyme is already in
tion in the past (I do linux/OSX only) without a
> single problem at all...
> Is this a web2py issue? - or is it that you cannot install the
> packages of m2crypto for your setup, what versions of the OS/web2py/
> python are you using?
> Thanks,
> Julio
> On O
The Windows version of web2py does NOT require Python to be installed
under Windows. Apparently, web2py relies on its internal Python. So
installing for my Python install is totally irrelevant.
My Windows PC is not set up to compile C code. This is an extra step I
do not care to engage in. In the
I have a problem getting web2py working in Ubuntu Linux (Lucid Lynx).
Let me explain the situation...
I am experimenting with a VirtualBox VM of Ubuntu. I follow the
instructions in the Official web2py Book (sections: Apache setup and
mod_wsgi). The VM has an address of
As per inst
Son of a gun! That worked!
The main reason for my Linux experiment is to determine how to make
web2py coexist with an existing web app (which is not written in
Python) on the target Linux server. Currently, Apache2 is fully
configured within httpd.conf. It would seem that web2py does not touch
Never mind. I figured it out. You have to use https:, not http: as in
the Welcome app.
On Oct 5, 4:48 pm, horridohobbyist wrote:
> Son of a gun! That worked!
> The main reason for my Linux experiment is to determine how to make
> web2py coexist with an existing web app (
I like web2py. I think it's the best web framework out there...
Let me explain where I'm coming from. My first experience as a web
developer was with Smalltalk/Seaside in 2007. It came highly
recommended to me by a friend. He told me that Seaside was very
powerful, very flexible, and most importan
Under Windows, I have no problem sending emails from my web2py app. I
import gluon.tools.Mail and perform a send to the server
'smtp.broadband.rogers.com:25'. Easy peasy.
However, under Linux, it just doesn't work. The Mail send operation
always fails. If the error is being logged, I don't know wh
It would seem that Postfix is configured correctly after all. The
problem seems to be the server I've chosen -- 'smtp.gmail.com:587'
works, but 'smtp.broadband.rogers.com:25' doesn't. WTF.
If 'smtp.broadband.rogers.com:25' works under Windows, why the hell
wouldn't it work under Linux?? Oh well.
That theory don't fly. I have a Seaside app running on a Linux server
at a remote datacenter, and it uses the same
On Oct 6, 7:29 am, MidGe wrote:
> "If 'smtp.broadband.rogers.com:25' works under Windows, why the hell
> wouldn't it work under Linux?? Oh
I seem to have made a boo-boo. I installed web2py on a production
server that is also running a Seaside app. Like web2py, Seaside runs
its own internal server, so the app references localhost:8080, for
Since installing web2py, I can access web2py, for example, with
localhost:8000. But now
ferent port:
> python web2py.py -a your_password -i -p
> Also, on production, you might consider using something other than web2py's
> built-in server.
> Anthony
> On Saturday, October 8, 2011 5:22:42 PM UTC-4, horridoh
On Oct 8, 6:53 pm, horridohobbyist wrote:
> Now that I think about it, I'm wondering: Is web2py actually using
> its internal server? I installed web2py using the One Step Production
> Deployment recipe in the Official web2py Book. Since the Ubuntu system
> with Apache2 support
> > directives into the Apache configuration in order to grant access to
> > the Seaside app. Why I didn't need these directives *before* I
> > deployed web2py confounds me. Apparently, web2py did *something* to
> > force my hand.
> > Richard
> >
I think I found a serious issue with email verification...
I changed the following in db.py for the scaffolding app:
## configure email
mail.settings.server = 'smtp.gmail.com:587'
mail.settings.sender = 'joeb...@gmail.com'
mail.settings.login = 'joeblow:somepassword'
> Em 09/10/2011 09:04, "horridohobbyist" escreveu:
> > I think I found a serious issue with email verification...
> > I changed the following in db.py for the scaffolding app:
> >
When I use IE9 to access admin and edit any file in an app, the
contents of the editor window are all highlighted and there's no way
to get out of it. This makes editing impossible.
Has anyone else found this?
Not that it really matters to me because I just use Chrome or Firefox,
instead. But for
I'm trying to do something fairly simple. I have a dropdown list of
product names from a product database. When the user clicks on the
dropdown list and chooses a different product name, I want a function
to execute "onclick" that goes to the product database, retrieves the
rest of the record, and
I'm using SQLTABLE in a view and I'm specifying 'orderby' to add
sortable column headers, eg,
I have the linkable column headers, but when I click on them, NOTHING
changes. The order of the rows remain the same.
So, what am I missing here? Shouldn't this "just work"?
I was just wondering...
When you select a menu tab from the menu, it doesn't get highlighted.
Highlighting the current menu tab is expected behavior for every menu
system I've ever seen on the web.
What am I missing here? Is there an option I need to enable?
I tried that (though I didn't bother to change the default color).
Doesn't seem to work - the active menu still isn't highlighted.
On Oct 17, 1:09 pm, ron_m wrote:
> If you are using superfish menus in views/layout.html hee is what I did.
> I changed
> jQuery(
Sorry, I tried it, but it didn't work.
On Oct 17, 3:00 pm, Paolo Caruccio wrote:
> If you're using respone.menu to build your menu and in line
> withhttp://www.web2py.com/book/default/search?search=response.menu
> you could replace the second item (the boolean value)in the tuple with th
This is all very messy. I think I'll just leave well enough alone.
Pity, though.
I'm quite surprised at how poorly thought-out the Superfish menu
system is.
On Oct 17, 3:01 pm, ron_m wrote:
> Oops sorry forgot a detail, I did this a while back
> I have a simple mapping of top level me
Sorry, it does work. I forgot to clear the damn browser cache! (This
bites me in the ass every frickin' time!)
On Oct 18, 11:06 am, Paolo Caruccio
> Richard,
> could you post not working code sample?
> Ciao.
> Paolo
I was just curious...
In "profile", you can change your E-mail address. Does this send an
"Email verification" message just as when you register (assuming you
enabled this)?
You can see what I'm getting at. If the registration email was
verified and the user subsequently changes the email address
Um, guys, I think we have a BIG problem here...
For some reason, web2py adds a viewport meta tag to the header that
restricts the screen to the device width. This makes it impossible to
pinch-zoom on a tablet such as the iPad or TouchPad.
For people (with poor eyesight) who need to zoom into the
On Oct 19, 10:54 pm, Anthony wrote:
> Just delete that meta tag from layout.html. Actually, I think you might only
> need to delete the maximum-scale=1.0 part of it if you want to be able to
> zoom in.
> On Wednesday, October 19, 2011 1
I'm trying to specify exactly which fields to display in a grid, but I
just can't get the syntax right. And the docs are of no help.
Here's what I tried, among other things:
No, but I don't want to display the id. Is this mandatory?
On Oct 21, 1:35 pm, Nate Atkinson wrote:
> Have you tried including db.products.id in the fields?
> On Oct 21, 1:30 pm, horridohobbyist wrote:
> > I'm trying to spe
I'm guessing it's mandatory. I suppose I can live with it.
On Oct 21, 1:35 pm, Nate Atkinson wrote:
> Have you tried including db.products.id in the fields?
> On Oct 21, 1:30 pm, horridohobbyist wrote:
> > I'm trying t
I don't know how to add a SELECT field (dropdown list) to
SQLFORM.factory. I want to create a form without a database table, and
one of the fields should be a dropdown list with a fixed set of items.
The sample syntax I've seen is like...
I tried columns, but it just seems to be ignored.
On Oct 21, 1:48 pm, Martín Mulone wrote:
> yes, but you can use columns instead of fields.
> 2011/10/21 horridohobbyist
> > No, but I don't want to display the id. Is t
Why is password not a required field in registration?
I just found that if you don't enter a password, you can't login, even
though registration was successful. Apparently, login will not accept
an empty password.
This is a minor cosmetic issue, but cosmetics do matter in a
professional/commercial website. The login nav looks like this after
Welcome Richard [ logout | profile | password]
There should be a space between 'password' and ']', just as there is a
space between 'lost password?' and ']'.
I'm using the latest stable version, 1.99.2.
On Oct 23, 9:17 am, Anthony wrote:
> What version are you using? I think this has been fixed.
I've discovered that when you download files over HTTPS, older
versions of Internet Explorer (< 9.0) choke. Since my website uses
SSL, this means that I can only support IE9.
Is there a way to force web2py to download over HTTP?
Actually, the more specific issue is that web2py probably sends a
"Cache-control:no-store" or "Cache-control:no-cache" header...
On Oct 24, 10:52 am, horridohobbyist
> I've discovered that when you down
> On Monday, October 24, 2011 12:17:07 PM UTC-4, horridohobbyist wrote:
> > Actually, the more specific issue is that web2py probably sends a
> > "Cache-control:no-store" or "Cache-control:no-cache" header...
> >http://support.microsoft
ystem Registry. It's just not
On Oct 24, 12:26 pm, Anthony wrote:
> The support article says it's a problem with IE<=6, and a hotfix has been
> issued. Are you finding the problem with IE7 and IE8 as well?
> On Monday, Oct
olution is to require
the user to update his browser. This is, after all, a browser bug --
that's why there's a hotfix.
On Oct 24, 3:04 pm, Anthony wrote:
> On Monday, October 24, 2011 12:17:07 PM UTC-4, horridohobbyist wrote:
> > Actually, the more
Yes, I'm seeing the problem when downloading a file via the download()
On Oct 24, 5:35 pm, Anthony wrote:
> On Monday, October 24, 2011 4:42:10 PM UTC-4, horridohobbyist wrote:
> > Interestingly, the cache control header doesn't appear in the "view
Holy Crap! I found the header...
Key Value
Cache-Control no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-
On Oct 24, 5:35 pm, Anthony wrote:
> On Monday, October 24, 2011 4:42:10 PM UTC-4, horridohobbyist wrote:
> > Interestingly, the cache co
7:24 PM UTC-4, horridohobbyist wrote:
> > Holy Crap! I found the header...
> > Key Value
> > Cache-Control no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-
> > check=0
> Can you show your code for how you are generating the download -- I don't
> think
> On Tuesday, October 25, 2011 12:23:23 PM UTC-4, horridohobbyist wrote:
> > I'm using standard coding. The only difference is that my website is
> > going through HTTPS. If it goes through HTTP, no problem.
> > The ap
richardeng2005 @ hotmail . com
On Oct 25, 1:01 pm, Anthony wrote:
> On Tuesday, October 25, 2011 12:50:36 PM UTC-4, horridohobbyist wrote:
> > Oh, sorry. The downloads I'm referring to are from purchased products.
> > Try this...
> > Login as "richard...
Really? That's fascinating. What exactly is the problem?
On Oct 25, 2:19 pm, Anthony wrote:
> OK, I see the problem now. We should be able to come up with a fix.
> On Tuesday, October 25, 2011 1:47:48 PM UTC-4, horridohobbyist wrote
Can SQLFORM.grid be customized/extended to add extra columns, and can
the view form be extended to add additional logic? I guess what I'm
asking is, can SQLFORM.grid be extended into a mini-app?
On Oct 26, 10:32 am, Cliff wrote:
> SQLFORM.grid is amazing. Many thanks Massimo, Bruno, Mar
> def index():
> if request.args(0) == 'edit':
> # redefine field visibility in case there are some
> # you don't want users to see or edit
> # redefine db.mytable.myfield.represent
> response.view = 'another_view.html'
> form
I've discovered an issue, but I'm not sure if it is specific to
web2py. It might be...
I used domain forwarding with masking on stressrelief.drsommers.com to
point to http://goodsexnetwork.com/stressrelief. On Internet
Explorer, this hinders the login function -- when you enter username/
/var/log/apache2/access.log common
ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error.log
On Oct 26, 3:06 pm, horridohobbyist wrote:
> I've discovered an issue, but I'm not sure if it is specific to
> web2py. It might be...
> I used domain forwarding with masking on stressre
in to point to your server.
> Anthony
> On Wednesday, October 26, 2011 6:35:24 PM UTC-4, horridohobbyist wrote:
> > Okay, I've made it easier to investigate. I've obtained a free domain
> > name with domain masking...
> &
> It's probably not a good idea to use domain masking anyway (the address bar
> won't show any of your internal URLs -- nothing can be bookmarked). Just
> set up the DNS for your domain to point to your server.
> Anthony
Again, that's richardeng2005 @ hotmail . com
On Oct 27, 1:25 pm, horridohobbyist wrote:
> I agree with you, but just as a lark, I tried to add a P3P header to
> the user() action:
> response.headers['P3P'] = 'CP="IDC DSP COR ADM DEVi TAIi PSA
I've searched the archive and have found several solutions for
specifying field focus using JavaScript, but they all seem to be out
of date, ie, they don't work. What is the current accepted method of
specifying field focus? I have a form with a text area field named
"message". Something like:
Problem sol-ved...
On Oct 28, 7:13 am, horridohobbyist wrote:
> I've searched the archive and have found several solutions for
> specifying field focus using JavaScript, but they all seem to be out
> of date, ie, they don'
I tried this, replacing the document.forms[0].elements[0].focus()
line. It didn't work.
On Oct 28, 10:11 am, Richard G wrote:
> Or if you don't have much info on the page and just want the first visible
> field to have focus you could do:
> $("input:visible:enabled:first").focu
I'm trying to get P3P to work with web2py. Under Ubuntu and Apache,
web2py is configured the standard way:
WSGIDaemonProcess web2py user=www-data group=www-data
WSGIProcessGroup web2py
WSGIScriptAlias / /home/www-data/web2py/wsgihandler.py
AllowOverride None
Order Allow,Deny
So, nobody knows where the root is? Really?
On Oct 31, 10:57 am, horridohobbyist
> I'm trying to get P3P to work with web2py. Under Ubuntu and Apache,
> web2py is configured the standard way:
> WSGIDaemonProcess web2py user=www-data group=www-data
e file in
> applications/welcome/static/p3p.xml
> and add
> AliasMatch ^/w3c/(.*) /home/www-data/web2py/applications/welcome/
> static/$1
> You can replace "welcome" with your own app.
> On Oct 31, 9:57 am, horridohobbyist wrote:
Never mind.
On Nov 1, 9:59 am, horridohobbyist wrote:
> Thanks, but there is one other issue. The following XML references the
> file system, I believe:
> /
> This cannot be fixed in Apac
Is there a way to insert HTML into a database text field so that when
the text is displayed (say, in a SQLTABLE), the browser renders the
HTML? For example, I insert:
into a database text field, but it's not rendered.
against XSS
> attacks. Seehttp://web2py.com/book/default/chapter/05#XML.
> Anthony
> On Monday, November 7, 2011 8:04:58 AM UTC-5, horridohobbyist wrote:
> > Is there a way to insert HTML into a database text field so that when
> >
Is the web2py book out of date or out of sync? For one-step production
deployment, the setup-web2py-ubuntu.sh file is no longer at Googlecode.
How can I setup web2py to work on a headless Ubuntu server quickly and
- http://web2py.com
- http://web2py.com/book (Documentatio
> Anthony
> On Saturday, June 18, 2016 at 4:35:37 PM UTC-4, horridohobbyist wrote:
>> Is the web2py book out of date or out of sync? For one-step production
>> deployment, the setup-web2py-ubuntu.sh file is no longer at Googlecode.
I'm new to web2py and I'm playing around with SQLFORM.grid. I notice that
the display of string fields truncates at 20 characters, whereas SQLTABLE
did not impose such a limit. How do I loosen up this limit?
Also, while I can disable exportclasses, I can't get rid of the "Export:"
label beneath
Can I ask how you can format individual fields in the grid, say, with bold
or color attributes?
Thanks again.
On Sunday, 19 January 2014 10:54:27 UTC-5, Anthony wrote:
> On Sunday, January 19, 2014 9:32:39 AM UTC-5, horridohobbyist wrote:
>> I'm new to
Very helpful. Thanks a bunch.
On Sunday, 19 January 2014 21:05:21 UTC-5, Anthony wrote:
> On Sunday, January 19, 2014 8:09:42 PM UTC-5, horridohobbyist wrote:
>> Thanks!
>> Can I ask how you can format individual fields in the grid, say, with
>> bol
I have a database definition:
Field('price','decimal(6,2)',represent=lambda v, r: 1 if
r.sale == 'regular' else 2),
I get an error saying that the 'Row' object has no 'sale' attribute. I'm
puzzled. Of course, it has a 's
0 January 2014 00:50:39 UTC-5, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> When do you get that error? It does not originate in the model. Can you
> show is the controller that you call when you get the error?
> On Sunday, 19 January 2014 21:51:42 UTC-6, horridohobbyist wrote:
quot; which is not retrieved
> from the database.
> You need to select "sale" as well.
> On Monday, 20 January 2014 06:43:38 UTC-6, horridohobbyist wrote:
>> In db.py, I have:
>> db.define_table('products',
>> Fie
ds will get included in the query (not
> totally sure, though).
> Anthony
> On Monday, January 20, 2014 10:23:40 AM UTC-5, horridohobbyist wrote:
>> "Ah, I see," said the blind man as he picked up his hammer and saw!
>> I was trying to use
When I specify "required=True" in a Field definition, Database
Administration STILL lets me insert records with empty fields. What am I
- http://web2py.com
- http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
- http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code)
- https://code.goo
I can't get this to work. I'm new to web2py. Perhaps I don't understand the
argument-passing mechanism...
In SQLFORM.grid, I have:
links=[lambda row: A('View',_href=URL('view',args=[db.products,row.id]))],
In the default controller, I have:
def view(table,id):
return dict()
I get the foll
day, 21 January 2014 01:35:52 UTC-5, Johann Spies wrote:
> Did you create a function 'view' in the default controller?
> Regards
> Johann
> On 21 January 2014 06:44, horridohobbyist
> > wrote:
>> I can't get this to work. I'm new to
Ah, I think I know! The arguments are passed in request.args. Right?
On Tuesday, 21 January 2014 08:00:19 UTC-5, horridohobbyist wrote:
> Yes, I did. But I shouldn't have included arguments in the 'view'
> function. That was the error.
> So how do I extract th
I'm trying to do an os.listdir() of the files in 'static', but I can't
figure out the correct pathname. Is this documented somewhere?
- http://web2py.com
- http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
- http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code)
- https://code.google.com/p/we
I'm using "@auth.requires_login()" to have a user register himself. I've
modified the code in db.py to:
mail.settings.server = 'smtp.gmail.com:587'
mail.settings.sender = 'drsommers4stressrel...@gmail.com'
mail.settings.login = 'drsommers4stressrelief:password'
I got th
Sorry, my bad. I failed to see some lines in db.py that negated my code
On Thursday, 23 January 2014 17:22:07 UTC-5, Jaime Sempere wrote:
> This could be related:
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/web2py/gmail/web2py/CU_1qWYixjI/A2IuDsRDJ_oJ
> (Although you said that
I'm using Version 2.4.2.
I'm finding that the ondelete function is never called when I delete a
record in SQLFORM.grid. Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong? The
onupdate function does get called when I update a record.
- http://web2py.com
- http://web2py.com/boo
> On Friday, January 24, 2014 8:22:17 PM UTC-5, horridohobbyist wrote:
>> I'm using Version 2.4.2.
>> I'm finding that the ondelete function is never called when I delete a
>> record in SQLFORM.grid. Is this a bug, or am I do
Never mind my last message. I'm still not sure it's being called. I need
to investigate further.
On Saturday, 25 January 2014 05:47:35 UTC-5, horridohobbyist wrote:
> Oh, it's called BEFORE the delete! That's why I was getting unexpected
> results.
> I
On Saturday, 25 January 2014 05:59:06 UTC-5, horridohobbyist wrote:
Python. See
> http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/06/the-database-abstraction-layer#sum,-avg,-min,-max-and-len
> Anthony
> On Saturday, January 25, 2014 7:17:44 AM UTC-5, horridohobbyist wrote:
>> Okay, I know the problem now. After a delet
e.js to some JS code to
> update the sum after a delete.
> Anthony
> On Saturday, January 25, 2014 12:02:29 PM UTC-5, horridohobbyist wrote:
>> Thanks for the tip about database sum. I've also moved most of the logic
>> into the controller.
I had to go to the server and
monkey around with file permissions. I really wish this could be fixed (but
I sorta understand why it can't).
Thanks again.
On Saturday, 25 January 2014 14:30:15 UTC-5, Anthony wrote:
> On Saturday, January 25, 2014 2:13:21 PM UTC-5, horridohobbyist wrot
I'm looking for a simple way to print out statements in Python. I
understand the 'print' function outputs to the console on the server side,
but once web2py is deployed through Apache, I don't there's a "console"
I tried looking at Python logging. The simplest case from the Python
Thanks. That's a good suggestion. I should've thought of that!
On Sunday, 26 January 2014 13:33:38 UTC-5, Calvin Morrison wrote:
> A ghetto way: just open a file and use regular write commands
> On Jan 26, 2014 1:30 PM, "horridohobbyist"
> >
> wrote
As per the web2py book, I installed the python-pyme package in Ubuntu
Server and inserted the following into db.py:
from gpgme import pgp
mail.settings.cipher_type = 'gpg'
mail.settings.sign = True
mail.settings.sign_passphrase = 'your passphrase'
mail.settings.encrypt = True
I get "ImportError:
gpg in a
directory (e.g. "/home/www-data/.gnupg").
Is the book lying to me?
On Monday, 27 January 2014 15:17:16 UTC-5, Niphlod wrote:
> you need the gpgme package, not the python-pyme one
> On Monday, January 27, 2014 8:42:33 PM UTC+1, horridohobbyist wrote:
Oh, wait a sec...there are two references in my Google search for the
web2py book, one of which is probably an older version. This confused me.
On Monday, 27 January 2014 16:25:52 UTC-5, horridohobbyist wrote:
> From the web2py book:
> It is possible to send PGP encrypted emai
Gee, that's a clever idea! Thanks.
On Monday, 27 January 2014 16:09:20 UTC-5, Rowdy wrote:
> On 27/01/2014 05:30, horridohobbyist wrote:
> > I'm looking for a simple way to print out statements in Python. I
> > understand the 'print' function outputs
I have two tables defined:
Field('order_num','reference orders'),
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