Hi, first of all sorry if I made any mistake in english :)
When i try to make a crud.search(), i can customize the names of the
search form, but i cant do the same with the results' headers.
def search():
db.licenses.id.represent = lambda id: \
DIV(A('edit',_href=URL(r=request, f='upd
Thanks a lot Massimo!
On 2 nov, 14:58, mdipierro wrote:
> Yes. In the view, instead of
> {{=rows}}
> do
> {{=SQLTABLE(rows,headers=)}}
> On Nov 2, 5:43 am, demetrio wrote:
> > Hi, first of all sorry if I made any mistake in english :)
Hi everyone!
I'm doing an app with fullcalendar (http://arshaw.com/fullcalendar/)
and now i'm with all the events and calendar cruds.
Its time to add some logic to the crud.create() of the events, an only
let the user to add events in his/her calendars, not in ALL the
I have this:
I think I got excited too soon. I tried these method and it seems that
it not works.
This is the traceback:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/demetrio/devel/web2py_devel/trunk/devel/web2py/gluon/
restricted.py", line 188, in restricted
exec ccode in environment
e_asset_type.id) &
> (db.file_asset_type.name=='Album Art')),
> db.file_asset.id, '%
> (name)s')),
> (no that is not from your example, but a clipping from one of my
> models)
> cfh
> On Nov 4, 1
4 nov, 20:09, Richard Vézina wrote:
> Hello!
> I am very interresting in your dev.
> I would like to help if possible.
> Richard
> On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 2:16 PM, demetrio wrote:
> > Hi everyone!
> > I'm doing an app with fullcalendar (http:
It seems that it's been a long day...
{{if not rows:}}
No matches found
{{=SQLTABLE(rows,headers={"field.id":"custom name id",
"field.name":"custom name"})}}
more simple... impossible...
Sorry for wasting your time :(
On 5
i'm trying to use CAS in my project, I can login and logout etc... but
if I use any decorator like @auth.requires_login() it shows the web2py
default login form.
There is any way to use the auth decorators with cas?
I've search in this group messages but i didn't find something useful
for my
Hi, I've realized that it might be helpful, to include a template
called "debug.html" with the same code found in "generic.html." but
without the {{extend}} statement. I am using in my development and
saves me some time to write several "BEAUTIFY" calls.
When I want to be in "development mode", I
Hi everyone,
i'm doing a desktop like iGoogle, with boxes containing information
from different sources (it can be the same application, or other
apps). So I need send my own forms (like "available_boxes", "modify
content preferences" and so)
I saw that the modal plugin is old and now is located
I had the same problem, that code works fine. Thx dspiteself
On 12 nov, 22:23, dspiteself wrote:
> there was a problem loading my static files in the designer
> I would push it but our project uses git here is a patch.
> /***
> fix web2py bug
Hi everyone!
When I try to send html code to a view web2py automatically converts
it to html characters (i.e.: the character "<" is converted to "<")
There is any way to make the unescape the data?
Thanks in advance.
I have a problem with the represent functionality. In version 1.89.1
it was working fine, but then i updated to 1.89.4 and now to 1.89.5 (I
don't know if it happens on .2 and .3), and it doesn't works.
Moreover, the fields with the "reference", now show the id of the
table instead the format t
Hi everyone,
i've searched if there is any way to create a table without an id
field. I've tryed with: param "primarykey = None" but this doesn't
There is any way to do it?
#CustomLog logs/svn_logfile "%t %u %{SVN-ACTION}e" env=SVN-ACTION
# Enable Subversion
DAV svn
# Directory containing all repository for this path
SVNParentPath /home/demetrio/www/svn_test
# Enable repository listing when browing the Location root
SVNListParentPath On
Hi everyone,
I have connected WebDAV and SVN auth with a wsgi script. I needed to use a
standalone DAL. When you do a dav petition with the navigator it makes a
lot of petitions. Well, the thing is that always there is a connection
opened (i can see them with PhpMyAdmin)
if self.db:
A little bump on the topic.
Somebody knows something about this?
greetings, Daniel.
El lunes, 25 de marzo de 2013 15:55:19 UTC+1, demetrio escribió:
> Hi everyone,
> I have notice an strange behaviour of the track_changes feature (working
> on web2py 2.3.2 and python 2.7.3
I have the same issue using web2py 1.99.7. I'm trying to connecto to an
OpenDS LDAP, and if I use any non-existing user with "@" enters
Is this resolved in a newer release? If I can send some debug info just
tell me.
El jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2012 16:26:57 UTC+1, Massimo Di P
python ldap script so we can submit a bug report without web2py.
> Massimo
> On Thursday, 22 November 2012 11:26:58 UTC-6, demetrio wrote:
>> I have the same issue using web2py 1.99.7. I'm trying to connecto to an
>> OpenDS LDAP, and if I use any
Hi, i'm having the next traceback when I try to upload a file in the
production server:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/srv/web2py/gluon/main.py", line 442, in wsgibase
parse_get_post_vars(request, environ)
File "/srv/web2py/gluon/main.py", line 276, in parse_get_post_vars
Hi everyone,
i'm starting a new project with web2py, and now i'm defining the model
of the app and i have some questions.
the "classical" and simplified model (there are lots of tables but the
questions are about those) is something like:
Table 'companies'
- id_company
- name
Hi everyone,
i'm very proud to announce "Airea.me" (in english it's something like
"aerate me").
This application was made into the challenge "abredatos". A
competition held in Spain, based on the creation of an application
within 48 hours using open data.
Our team, decided to use web2py, jQuery
Hi everyone, I have a question about the views and their posibility to
create "tree views" recursively.
I want something like this in a view:
{{for item in items:}}
here goes the main item data.
{{if item.childs:}}
Hi, we have a very strange behaviour.
We have 2 apps:
CAS (the one from the free appliances), modified in order to receive 2
types more of authorization.
DevelApp this application sends a REST call to CAS to create a user.
This works under web2py 1.94.6 in both rocket and apache servers,
Hi everyone, i don't know if "Simultaneous multi-language system" is
the correct way to say what i need... i'll explain myself.
I'm developing an application that by request of our customer, needs
to have 2 languages at the same time. For example, if this app were in
spanish and english, in the na
Hi Massimo, i sent a mail a few days ago asking about some way to
provide "simultaneous multi-language" support to our application. If
you (or somebody) could give some suggestion would be nice.
thanks in advance
On 20 j
Hi everyone!
I'm very proud to announce the project openMyWork based on the Web2py
openMyWork has been created for the Basque Government in Spain, and
it's gonna be the Basque Government's center of future liberations of
open source applications.
The source code available is a beta an
27 matches
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