Hi everyone,

i'm starting a new project with web2py, and now i'm defining the model
of the app and i have some questions.

the "classical" and simplified model (there are lots of tables but the
questions are about those)  is something like:

Table 'companies'
  - id_company
  - name
  - ....

Table 'guild'
  - id_guild
  - name
  - ....

Table 'construction' (i don't really know if "construction" is the
correct english word for this example, or maybe "building_lot")
  - id_construction
  - name
  - ....

And now I have to make the relations. In this case one companies can
have many guilds (i.e: the company 'company1' owns to the 'painters'
guild and the 'doors' guild). This relation would be easy in web2py
with a list:reference.

But the case is that in a building lot, can have one company working
with an specific guild, and in other building lot, the same company
working with another guild.

For example:
   In the construction "A" of 5 apartments, the company "company1"
only works installing windows.
   In the construction "B" of 20 apartments, the company "company1"
only works painting the walls.

In a classic table_has_table model, I could have this:

Table "company_has_guild":
  - id_company_has_guild
  - id_company
  - id_guild


Table "construction_has_company_has_guild" (and at this moment don't
know if this is the best way to make this relation...)
  - id_construction
  - id_company_has_guild

As I have mentioned before, the first relation (company_has_guilds)
with web2py would be easy:

   Field("name", "string")

   Field("name", "string"),
   Field("guilds", "list:reference guilds")

Any suggestions about the creation of the second relation
(construction_has_company_has_guild)? Or I have to create the
"classic" table_has_table model? In this case, there is some efficient
way to make it in web2py?

Thanks in advance!

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