Hi all,
how i can duplicate a record ?
it work perfectly, thanks
> myrecord = db.table[5]
> db.table.insert(**db.table._filter_fields(myrecord))
like object...
i need to generate a label with barcode
anybody have an example?
thanks for the help but i need to generate a barcode not a qr code and
without internet connection :(
On 1 Giu, 15:32, Jason Brower wrote:
> That's the one. :D But it doesn't work without an internet connection.
> I needed it without internet. (Or a big brother.:P)
> On Tue, 2010-06-01 at 03:2
i generate barcode with this workaround
1) i install the barcode font
2) i generate the code and with the view i show the code with barcode
On 1 Giu, 19:04, ceriox wrote:
> thanks for the help but i need to generate a barcode not a qr code and
> without internet connection :(
i need to test if a table are empty in if statement ... i try with:
if db.Prestiti.id.count==0:
vuoto='if '
vuoto='else '
it go under else in both cases (table Prestiti with no record or with
how i can remove the link to registration page in auth login page?
i want only registered user can insert a new user
how i can increment a data field of x days?
i have
db.Prestiti.Data_richiesta=2010-06-03 16:13:14
i want generate
fineprestito=2010-07-03 16:13:14
i wanna add 30 days to a data field
how i can permit the registration of new user (auth system) only for
refistered user?
2, Iceberg wrote:
> Search doc for python built-in timedelta please.
> On Jun3, 10:30pm, ceriox wrote:
> > hi,
> > how i can increment a data field of x days?
> > example
> > i have
> > db.Prestiti.Data_richiesta=2010-06-03 16:13:14
> > db.Pres
date2 + delta == date1
> Isn't it simple maths? :-) So be a python lover. It is intuitive and
> it won't let you down.
> On Jun3, 11:06pm, ceriox wrote:
> > i'm looking for it but timedelta retun the difference from 2 date ,
> > i need to add
hi all
i have a problem making an outer join
somebody can write me the correct one?
Field('user_id', db.User, writable=False, readable=False),
Field('book_id', 'integer', db.Book, writable=False,
Field('Titolo', 'string'
record=db().select(db.Book.ALL, db.Union.ALL,
i use 'left=db.Book.on' not 'right=.'
On 4 Giu, 14:17, ceriox wrote:
> hi all
> i have a problem making an outer join
> somebody can write me the corr
> On Jun 4, 7:17 am, ceriox wrote:
> > hi all
> > i have a problem making an outer join
> > somebody can write me the correct one?
> > db.define_table('Union',
> > Field('user_id', db.Us
now it work thanks Candid
On 4 Giu, 17:55, Candid wrote:
> typo: belongs, not belngs
> On Jun 4, 11:49 am, ceriox wrote:
> > it don't work
> > AttributeError: 'Field' object has no attribute 'belngs'
> > mdipierro i write you an em
Hi all,
somebody can post a little flexigrid tutorial or example ?
i want to use it but i can't find any example or instruction to use it
with web2py
hi all,
there is a easy example of generating pdf app?
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thanks for help!!
but i need reportlab ?
how can install it?
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"web2py-users" group.
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hi all what grid sistem work better for an small office helpdesk app?
(anagraphic, assistance ticket, note, etc..)
i'm testing
datatable --> i can do all i want, nice documentation/example
jqgrid --> i cant find a good documentation, i can do only the basic
flexigrid --> wonderfull
i have a strange problem with jquery.
i have a date field in my db:
Field('Data_richiesta','date', label='Data richiesta'),
and other field ..
and jquery string in my controller:
table=plugin_jqgrid(db.Rapportino,columns=['id', 'Motivo',
i try but i can't understand the log of firebug ... i never use it
On 2 Set, 15:25, mdipierro wrote:
> Can try check with firebug what is being stranferred between client
> and server?
> On Sep 2, 8:02 am, ceriox wrote:
> > i have a strange problem with jquer
another strange think
if i don't show id field jqgrid don't show nothing like table without
any record ... >.<
On 2 Set, 16:24, ceriox wrote:
> i try but i can't understand the log of firebug ... i never use it
> before
> On 2 Set, 15:25, mdipierro wrote:
2 Set, 18:09, mdipierro wrote:
> 1) install firebug
> 2) open firebug before you load the page that makes the ajax request
> 3) click on console (you will see the ajax request)
> 4) click on the ajax request to run it again on a new tab and see the
> output.
> 5) post it here
i find the problem
my date have this format:
if i change the date format with
all work
how can resolve this problem? (italian format is the first gg/mm/
and the calendar components retun this format)
On 3 Set, 08:38, ceriox wrote:
> i follow your instruct
hi all,
i'm learning jqgrid and i have some question:
1) how i can make a column with a button or image for do some stuff
like insert new record, delete record etc
2) how i can change column header or take it from label of a field?
3) how i setup width with a % and not with a fixed pixel number?
u can post an easy working web2py example?
On 10 Set, 09:02, Mathieu Clabaut wrote:
> Hello,
> It may be of interest to some of you :http://www.webismymind.be/editablegrid/
> -Mathieu
hi all,
how i can generate a random string of 8 numbers/letters?
i need for generate an automatic password when a user complete
registration in my apps
how i can directly insert a record to user auth table without generate
a user table?
thanks for help
i have an error
NameError: global name 'base64' is not defined
On 14 Set, 10:10, Kenneth Lundström
> I m just updating my CSV import which generates password so I found
> this line of code:
> password =
> base64.b64encode(sha.sha(str(random.random())).hexdigest())[
now it work
it need to import this:
import random,base64,sha
On 14 Set, 13:10, ceriox wrote:
> i have an error
> NameError: global name 'base64' is not defined
> On 14 Set, 10:10, Kenneth Lundström
> wrote:
> > I m just updating my CSV import w
i wanna insert a new user in db.auth_user with something like:
(i don't know how to specify more field)
On 14 Set, 13:34, mdipierro wrote:
> Not sure I understand.
> On Sep 14, 3:08 am, ceriox wrote:
> > how i can directly inser
On 14 Set, 14:39, ceriox wrote:
> i wanna insert a new user in db.auth_user with something like:
> db.auth_user.insert(first_name=nome)
> (i don't know how to specify more field)
> On 14 Set, 13:34, mdipierro wrote:
> > Not sure I understand.
> the error message.
> On Sep 14, 7:59 am, ceriox wrote:
> > i do this:
> > nome=utente[0].Nome
> > cognome=utente[0].Cognome
> > email=utente[0].Email
> > password=base64.b64encode(sha.sha(str(random.random())).hexdigest())[:
> > 8]
> >
anybody can post an working example of rating plugin? or a guide?
thanks for help
i need to make a rating system for a bookstore.
*user can vote only one time a book (when he open the book details he
can see hes vote and change if he want)
*i need to display user vote and average rating of all user for a
On 15 Set, 19:23, ceriox wrote:
> hi,
> anybody can p
> and
> http://web2pyslices.com/main/slices/take_slice/5
> On Sep 15, 1:50 pm, ceriox wrote:
> > i need to make a rating system for a bookstore.
> > *user can vote only one time a book (when he open the bo
> and
> http://web2pyslices.com/main/slices/take_slice/5
> On Sep 15, 1:50 pm, ceriox wrote:
> > i need to make a rating system for a bookstore.
> > *user can vote only one time a book (when he
hi all
i follow the example but i can't make it work ...
i use:
like example, the read show me my record details but plugin don't save
the rating... i miss somethink?
plugin don't save the value... but i call the plugin like example
show :
why it don't take the parameters 'Libro' and 4? i don't make any
changes on plugin code ...
if i change rate clicking on the stare the 4.0 value change correctly
Hi all,
i'm sorry but my project is only for italy, so the rest of the message
is in italian language.
Ciao a tutti gli utenti italiani di questo gruppo.
vorrei segnalarvi il sito del mio progetto
è un gestionale per biblioteche di nuova generazione, con funzioni di
condivisione con
> I can use your source and help you.
> I like your logo and site design, are you the designer?
> Enviado via iPhone
> Em 06/10/2010, às 11:31, ceriox escreveu:
> > Hi all,
> > i'm sorry but my project is only for italy, so the rest of the message
Hi all,
it is possible delete a record if it is older than 5 days (without
user operation)?
i have a table with a data field if this field is older than 5 days i
wanna delete it and do other stuff without any "manual" operation
Rocha wrote:
> Cron ->http://web2py.com/book/default/chapter/04?search=cron#Cron
> 2010/10/7 ceriox
> > Hi all,
> > it is possible delete a record if it is older than 5 days (without
> > user operation)?
> > i have a table with a data field if this fi
hi all i have this error when i'm compiling my app
Compilazione fallita: ci sono errori nell'applicazione.
(filed to compile: there is errors in the application)
i test the app but i don't find any error, where i can read the
compiler log?
(the error ticket of my app is empty)
i'm sorry but i don't want to send my application...
if u want u can tell me how to find the error ...
On 8 Ott, 12:27, Raja sekhar wrote:
> send the application program
> On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 3:34 PM, ceriox wrote:
> > hi all i have this error when i'm compi
t one (or
> more of them) fail. Those that fail probably have indentation issues
> which cause compilation to fail.
> On Oct 8, 5:04 am, ceriox wrote:
> > hi all i have this error when i'm compiling my app
> > Compilazione fallita: ci sono errori nell'a
i check all but i can't find nothing wrong in my code..
so i delete all my controller function and i try to compile.. it
return the same error
i do the same with db and the view ... it return the same error..
so i start to delete all db value for clear the db and i find an error
on table db.auth_e
i check all but i can't find nothing wrong in my code..
so i delete all my controller function and i try to compile.. it
return the same error
i do the same with db and the view ... it return the same error..
so i start to delete all db value for clear the db and i find an error
on table db.auth_e
problem resolved i write in a view
{{extend 'layout2.html'}}
the correct one is
{{extend 'layout_2.html'}}
and i reset all table value for the error on db.auth_event
all work fine now
On 11 Ott, 17:00, ceriox wrote:
> i check all but i can't find nothing wrong in
I download the new version
Version 1.87.1 (2010-10-12 03:49:29)
for windows and i have this error
file: web2py_no_console.exe.log
file text:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "web2py.py", line 17, in
File "gluon/widget.py", line 25, in
File "gluon/main.py", line 83, in
IOError: [
yes same error
i try the new version 1.87.2 (2010-10-12 15:23:17)
and all work fine
On 12 Ott, 14:50, mdipierro wrote:
> Do you also have the error with web2py.exe?
> Massimo
> On Oct 12, 2:26 am, ceriox wrote:
> > I download the new version
> > Ve
hi all,
i need an autoincremented unic numeric field for make a ticket system
how i can do it?
thanks for help
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thanks for the reply but i'm not a good web2py programmer ... i
writing my first real app
you can write the code for my request? (i can't understand the post of
your link)
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"web2py-users" group.
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hi all,
i don't know how to decode the field in one to many relation
when i show "rows" i want to decode Customer_storage.Object_id whit
Storage.Model for shwo to user a table like this:
Object Serial number Serial number sostituitoGaranzia
thanks for help but for the first solution i have a syntax error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "gluon/restricted.py", line 171, in restricted
File "G:/web2py/applications/Siltel/controllers/default.py", line 41
On 1 Feb, 14:39, mdipierro wrote:
> what db? The left=... only works on rdbms, not on GAE.
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I resolve my problem with
In the view display db.Storage[row.Object_id].Model for each row in
thanks DenesL and mdipierro
On 2 Feb, 15:08, ceriox wrote:
> mysql
> On 1 Feb, 14:39, mdipierro wrote:
> > what db? The left=... only works on rdbms, not on GAE.
hi all,
like object, i'm trying to make an application for
- generate PDF (with a template) from a record in my db (support
ticket) and send it by email to my customer email address (from my
customer record in db)
p.s. i'm not an expert programmer
i find send mail app example (http://mdp.cti.depa
ciao a tutti,
sto sviluppando la mia prima applicazione e ho dei problemini con il
db, cioè in una tabella ho due voci collegate con altre due tabelle,
per la prima voce riesco (seguendo l'esempio) ad ottenere la combo
box, mentre quando lo faccio per la seconda mi da un errore che non
riesco a ri
scusa per il disturbo sono riuscito a risolvere tutti i problemi di
questo post
On 4 Nov, 10:20, ceriox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> scusa dimenticavo, c'è la possibilità di visualizzare più campi nella
> combo? ad esempio nome e cognome di una persona?
> On 4 Nov
> a
> db.mezzi.mezzo.requires=IS_IN_DB(db,'tipom.id','tipom.tipo')
> altri suggerimenti:
> SQLField('alimentazione','string')
> db.mezzi.associazione.requires=IS_IN_DB(db,'associazioni.id','%
> (n
scusa dimenticavo, c'è la possibilità di visualizzare più campi nella
combo? ad esempio nome e cognome di una persona?
On 4 Nov, 10:07, ceriox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> grazie massimo, sei stato gentilissimo, potresti spiegarmi la logica
> della sintassi? o dirmi dove posso
ciao a tutti,
vorrei un consiglio su come fare una tabella per gestire i turni di
volontari, mi spiego meglio
ho già le tabelle:
anagrafica volontari
dovrei fare una tabella servizi con i seguenti campi
nome servizio
descrizione servizio
autista (anagrafica volontari)
hi all,
i'm testing powertable plugin but i can't make it work correctly (i
don't have the "green plus" icon for expand the row of a table item)
where is the problem?
this is my code:
def index():
Test powerTable
table = plugins.powerTable
table.datasource = db.auth_us
Kenneth -> i just copy the code from a powertable example app
(web2py.app.skrywer_powertable.w2p) now i try to delete ".load"
Bruno Rocha -> i download it yesterday from your website
http://powertable.blouweb.com/ , now i try to re-download the plugin
from bitbucket
thanks for help!
Bruno Rocha
can have 2 or more "green plus" button ... i want to make one button
for deatils one for edit... one for duplicate record (and if it is
possible with another button icon)
On 4 Feb, 08:51, ceriox wrote:
> Kenneth -> i just copy the code from a powertable example app
> (web2py.ap
the interface of the details?
> > and a new question...
> > i can have 2 or more "green plus" button ... i want to make one button
> > for deatils one for edit... one for duplicate record (and if it is
> > possible with another button icon)
> > On 4 Fe
another questions...
how can manage parameters in function call ?
i want to have my row id in myfunction
On 4 Feb, 09:28, ceriox wrote:
> oh ok...
> but how i can associate a f
return dict(obj=obj)
On 4 Feb, 11:02, Johann Spies wrote:
> On 4 February 2011 11:50, ceriox wrote:
> > another questions...
> > how can manage parameters in function call ?
> > details={
i need to execute istructions after a specific date and time.
for example in a table i have a field called "validity" and it is a date
time field
the record is valid until this date/time (validity field) , when it is over
i need to execute some instruction.
(i'm doing a shop for food pro
thanks, can you post an little example or a reference to the manual?
sorry i'm not a good programmer :(
Il giorno giovedì 17 luglio 2014 11:19:31 UTC+2, Niphlod ha scritto:
> use cron or, even better, the scheduler.
> On Thursday, July 17, 2014 10:27:09 AM UTC+2, ceriox w
i need to implement a reservation system:
- the user can accept a reservation and the system must "block" the
- After x times (for example 1 week) my software can abort the payment
and the user have the money back
- After x times (for example 1 week) my software can acc
> On Fri, Jul 18, 2014 at 11:09 AM, ceriox >
> wrote:
>> Hi
>> i need to implement a reservation system:
>>- the user can accept a reservation and the system must "block" the
>>- After x
Hi all,
it is possible to create a table from a recordset?
something like this for example:
db.define_table('t_log', log_results)
- http://web2py.com
- http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
- http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code)
- https://code.google.com/p/web2py
the results of the select
> there and use that as a new table.
> But why?
> On Monday, 21 July 2014 02:24:27 UTC-5, ceriox wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> it is possible to create a table from a recordset?
>> something like this for example:
hi all,
i have a table with some fields (two of the type boolean)
if i use
form = SQLFORM.smartgrid(db.t_proposte,onupdate=auth.archive)
all work fine!
but if i use:
form = SQLFORM.grid(db.t_proposte,
<- must be a function*
>> user_signature=False) # change to True in
>> production
>> On Tue, Jul 29, 2014 at 12:05 PM, ceriox >
>> wrote:
>>> hi all,
>>> i have a t
77 matches
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