i check all but i can't find nothing wrong in my code.. so i delete all my controller function and i try to compile.. it return the same error i do the same with db and the view ... it return the same error..
so i start to delete all db value for clear the db and i find an error on table db.auth_event this is the error: (i don't understand where the problem is) Error traceback 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Traceback (most recent call last): File "gluon/restricted.py", line 188, in restricted File "G:/web2py 1.84.4/applications/GeBi/views/appadmin.html", line 96, in <module> File "gluon/globals.py", line 105, in write File "gluon/html.py", line 108, in xmlescape File "gluon/html.py", line 619, in xml File "gluon/html.py", line 610, in _xml File "gluon/html.py", line 108, in xmlescape File "gluon/html.py", line 619, in xml File "gluon/html.py", line 610, in _xml File "gluon/html.py", line 108, in xmlescape File "gluon/html.py", line 619, in xml File "gluon/html.py", line 610, in _xml File "gluon/html.py", line 108, in xmlescape File "gluon/html.py", line 619, in xml File "gluon/html.py", line 610, in _xml File "gluon/html.py", line 108, in xmlescape File "gluon/sql.py", line 1510, in __getattr__ File "gluon/sql.py", line 1505, in __allocate RuntimeError: Using a recursive select but encountered a broken reference Error snapshot Detailed traceback description * Exception: <type 'exceptions.RuntimeError'>(Using a recursive select but encountered a broken reference) Exception instance attributes o __setattr__: <method-wrapper '__setattr__' of exceptions.RuntimeError object at 0x039D9F08> o __reduce_ex__: <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of exceptions.RuntimeError object at 0x039D9F08> o __getslice__: <method-wrapper '__getslice__' of exceptions.RuntimeError object at 0x039D9F08> o __getitem__: <method-wrapper '__getitem__' of exceptions.RuntimeError object at 0x039D9F08> o __setstate__: <built-in method __setstate__ of exceptions.RuntimeError object at 0x039D9F08> o __getattribute__: <method-wrapper '__getattribute__' of exceptions.RuntimeError object at 0x039D9F08> o __str__: <method-wrapper '__str__' of exceptions.RuntimeError object at 0x039D9F08> o args: ('Using a recursive select but encountered a broken reference',) o __reduce__: <built-in method __reduce__ of exceptions.RuntimeError object at 0x039D9F08> o __class__: <type 'exceptions.RuntimeError'> o __dict__: {} o __delattr__: <method-wrapper '__delattr__' of exceptions.RuntimeError object at 0x039D9F08> o __repr__: <method-wrapper '__repr__' of exceptions.RuntimeError object at 0x039D9F08> o __hash__: <method-wrapper '__hash__' of exceptions.RuntimeError object at 0x039D9F08> o __doc__: 'Unspecified run-time error.' o __init__: <method-wrapper '__init__' of exceptions.RuntimeError object at 0x039D9F08> o __new__: <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x1E1CD748> * Python 2.5.4: G:\web2py 1.84.4\web2py_no_console.exe File G:\web2py 1.84.4\gluon\restricted.py in restricted at line 188 [ code | arguments | variables ] Function argument list: (code="response.write('<script><!--\ \njQuery(document).r...alse)\n pass\nresponse.write('\\n', escape=False)", environment={'A': <class 'gluon.html.A'>, 'Auth': <class 'gluon.tools.Auth'>, 'B': <class 'gluon.html.B'>, 'BEAUTIFY': <class 'gluon.html.BEAUTIFY'>, 'BODY': <class 'gluon.html.BODY'>, 'BR': <class 'gluon.html.BR'>, 'CENTER': <class 'gluon.html.CENTER'>, 'CLEANUP': <class 'gluon.validators.CLEANUP'>, 'CODE': <class 'gluon.html.CODE'>, 'CRYPT': <class 'gluon.validators.CRYPT'>, ...}, layer=r'G:\web2py 1.84.4\applications\GeBi/views\appadmin.html') File G:\web2py 1.84.4\applications\GeBi\views\appadmin.html in <module> at line 96 [ code | arguments | variables ] Function argument list: () 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. response.write(' ]', escape=False) pass response.write(' \n ', escape=False) if rows: response.write('\n <div style="overflow: auto;" width="80%">\n ', escape=False) linkto=URL(r=request,f='update',args=request.args[0]) response.write('\n ', escape=False) upload=URL(r=request,f='download',args=request.args[0]) response.write(' \n ', escape=False) response.write(SQLTABLE(rows,linkto,upload,orderby=True,_class='sortable')) response.write('\n </div>\n ', escape=False) pass response.write('\n <br/><br/><h2>', escape=False) response.write(T("Import/Export")) response.write('</h2><br/>\n [ <a href="', escape=False) response.write(URL(r=request,f='csv',args=request.args[0],vars=dict(query=query))) response.write('">', escape=False) response.write(T("export as csv file")) response.write('</a> ]\n ', escape=False) if table: File G:\web2py 1.84.4\gluon\globals.py in write at line 105 [ code | arguments | variables ] Function argument list: (self=<Storage {'body': <cStringIO.StringO object at 0...lambda> at 0x019C1330>, 'view': 'appadmin.html'}>, data=<gluon.sqlhtml.SQLTABLE object at 0x03A8FF10>, escape=True) File G:\web2py 1.84.4\gluon\html.py in xmlescape at line 108 [ code | arguments | variables ] Function argument list: (data=<gluon.sqlhtml.SQLTABLE object at 0x03A8FF10>, quote=True) File G:\web2py 1.84.4\gluon\html.py in xml at line 619 [ code | arguments | variables ] Function argument list: (self=<gluon.sqlhtml.SQLTABLE object at 0x03A8FF10>) File G:\web2py 1.84.4\gluon\html.py in _xml at line 610 [ code | arguments | variables ] Function argument list: (self=<gluon.sqlhtml.SQLTABLE object at 0x03A8FF10>) File G:\web2py 1.84.4\gluon\html.py in xmlescape at line 108 [ code | arguments | variables ] Function argument list: (data=<gluon.html.TBODY object at 0x039667B0>, quote=True) File G:\web2py 1.84.4\gluon\html.py in xml at line 619 [ code | arguments | variables ] Function argument list: (self=<gluon.html.TBODY object at 0x039667B0>) File G:\web2py 1.84.4\gluon\html.py in _xml at line 610 [ code | arguments | variables ] Function argument list: (self=<gluon.html.TBODY object at 0x039667B0>) File G:\web2py 1.84.4\gluon\html.py in xmlescape at line 108 [ code | arguments | variables ] Function argument list: (data=<gluon.html.TR object at 0x03966F70>, quote=True) File G:\web2py 1.84.4\gluon\html.py in xml at line 619 [ code | arguments | variables ] Function argument list: (self=<gluon.html.TR object at 0x03966F70>) File G:\web2py 1.84.4\gluon\html.py in _xml at line 610 [ code | arguments | variables ] Function argument list: (self=<gluon.html.TR object at 0x03966F70>) File G:\web2py 1.84.4\gluon\html.py in xmlescape at line 108 [ code | arguments | variables ] Function argument list: (data=<gluon.html.TD object at 0x03966790>, quote=True) File G:\web2py 1.84.4\gluon\html.py in xml at line 619 [ code | arguments | variables ] Function argument list: (self=<gluon.html.TD object at 0x03966790>) File G:\web2py 1.84.4\gluon\html.py in _xml at line 610 [ code | arguments | variables ] Function argument list: (self=<gluon.html.TD object at 0x03966790>) File G:\web2py 1.84.4\gluon\html.py in xmlescape at line 108 [ code | arguments | variables ] Function argument list: (data=3, quote=True) File G:\web2py 1.84.4\gluon\sql.py in __getattr__ at line 1510 [ code | arguments | variables ] Function argument list: (self=3, key='xml') File G:\web2py 1.84.4\gluon\sql.py in __allocate at line 1505 [ code | arguments | variables ] Function argument list: (self=3) On 9 Ott, 17:36, ceriox <cer...@gmail.com> wrote: > thanks massimo, > I test all function and I don't find any error ... > I'll check all the functions more accurately > > On 8 Ott, 20:11, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote: > > > I will add to web2y better debugging for this case. Anyway, if you > > just try call all the actions in your code you will find that one (or > > more of them) fail. Those that fail probably have indentation issues > > which cause compilation to fail. > > > On Oct 8, 5:04 am, ceriox <cer...@gmail.com> wrote: > > > > hi all i have this error when i'm compiling my app > > > > Compilazione fallita: ci sono errori nell'applicazione. > > > > (filed to compile: there is errors in the application) > > > > i test the app but i don't find any error, where i can read the > > > compiler log? > > > (the error ticket of my app is empty) > >