On May 4, 9:22 am, mdipierro wrote:
> Try replace
> from gluon.contrib.login_methods.ldap_auth import ldap_auth
> auth.settings.login_methods.append(ldap_auth(
> mode='ad', server='dc01',
> base_dn='ou=Users,dc=domain,dc=com'))
> with
> from gluon.contrib.logi
I'm trying to build a distributable version of an app for mac (and
it's my first time trying to do this for a mac).
I've tried "make app" from the web2py install directory;
I've tried "python setup_app.py py2app" (which I think should work);
I am missing some step - has anyone built a web2py ma
On May 4, 4:19 pm, ScOut3R wrote:
> Here it goes. First of all, I'm not a developer by profession, not
> even a web developer. You'll notice it on the design. By the way, I
> like the default style mdipierro. ;)
> The app is about storing personal dvds, music cds, books and keep
> track of any
On May 5, 12:11 am, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> Less that two days ago Thadeus made a request:
> http://web2py.uservoice.com/forums/42577-general/suggestions/702804-b...
> for this to be supported in web2py:
> http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/templates/#template-inher...
rap it).
Of course, the additional gain: it would not confuse, would allow
leaving the current "common use" of {{extends file}} as a way to
declare lineage (i.e., a parent).
This _is_ exciting!
- Yarko
On May 5, 2:35 am, Yarko Tymciurak
> On May 5, 12:11 am, Massimo Di Pierro
nd_ pythonic)
in parent:
{{include} # single insertion point of child content: I argue this
is useless - a special case of an empty block, but unfortunately
_only_ one point, so ... rigid
Think about it. Think about it in the context of designing user
modifyable skinning (i.e. user settings
ntax (so it doesn't get in the way later).
Super might be best reserved for other things.
{{extended block_name}} would preclude ever extending from more than
one (something you might want to do, once the responsibilities are
appropriately laid out).
I think probably something like {{ '
On May 5, 12:39 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> +1
> On May 5, 12:29 pm, Mariano Reingart wrote:
> > Advice:
> > Using translated strings as keys is a very bad idea (sorry, my fault).
> > As soon as other language is used, dictionaries and lists are broken
> > anyway (some values stored transl
you might want to look up some of the materials presented as arguments
under: "design by responsibility", and David Parnas original writings
on cohesion and coupling (i.e. his 1972 paper) -- I think Wikipedia
entry on him gives a fairly good, generic overview w/ links. For
design by responsibilit
On May 5, 2:46 pm, ScOut3R wrote:
> On May 5, 6:02 am, Yarko Tymciurak
> wrote:
> > On May 4, 4:19 pm, ScOut3R wrote:
> > > Here it goes. First of all, I'm not a developer by profession, not
> > > even a web developer. You'll notice it on th
conferences, clients, etc. (and - tell me if you think this isn't
necessary, and why) - that is: enable database administration (so
people can play with select data), but not source, or any of the other
"peek at what my demo is doing" stuff.
- Yarko
> On May 4, 9:
the "stack" of elements with attribute
"cls" - in our case, template names (e.g. "layout.html").
But for starters, I am not sure we will want or need that - let's just
not preclude it / not put anything in the way of us easily doing it
when / if we want.
- Yarko
hy.) The issue is, how does this element then
> > > determine which parent it should pull from, assuming the grandparent
> > > defines a block, and the parent overrides the block, what is left is
> > > not what is intended.
> > > --
> > > Thadeus
way to do this, is for the child to know about its parent, and
> >> > its parents parents, and parents parents parents (etc, depending on
> >> > the level of hierarchy.) The issue is, how does this element then
> >> > determine which parent it should pull from
gt; >>> > So the way to do this, is for the child to know about its parent, and
> >>> > its parents parents, and parents parents parents (etc, depending on
> >>> > the level of hierarchy.) The issue is, how does this element then
> >>> > deter
May 5, 10:33 pm, Yarko Tymciurak
> On May 5, 10:14 pm, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
> > I can't really say, we need some tests to analyze the effects of this.
> > I am thinking of a way that might not include any extra overhead at all.
> Yep - then you are on
can have nested blocks.
Great - I assumed so, thought so (hoped so, but wanted to make sure).
- Yarko
> --
> Thadeus
> On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 10:43 PM, Yarko Tymciurak
> wrote:
> > I've said I think a lot of things will get easier, I think I see a
> > fu
a little like this
# first, extend gets inserted to the front of index, like this:
> Hello World
> I will get included inside the content div.
# the order of these should be like so:
I am left over from body
> I am left over from index
mething, we will need to gain some experience -
play around with it (obviously, I will want to - I am very interested
to see how this will affect ability of an app to apply skinning... but
I'll look at basics, and stuff under the covers; others will need to
play / try too).
- Yarko
my attention span is 5 lines top. ;-)
> > Good that Thadeus seems to be able to read further down.
> > On May 6, 12:02 pm, Yarko Tymciurak
> > wrote:
> >> On May 6, 10:59 am, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
> >> > Ok. But the purpose of layout.html is to de
On May 6, 12:24 pm, Yarko Tymciurak
> On May 6, 12:14 pm, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
> > But default/index.html does choose its builder! By {{extends}} it
> > CHOOSES to be included inside of layout.
> I don't think that is a useful metaphor - in fact, I d
trying to reshape a little what we already have (and the form
of what we have is closer to what django templating has, components of
how jinja is done, etc.).
Thanks for the pointer, though!
- Yarko
> Best wishes,
> --r.
> On May 6, 2010, at 10:02 AM, Yarko Tymciurak wr
yntactic sugar, what do you need
{{include filename}} for anymore?
- Yarko
> --
> Thadeus
> On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 12:26 PM, Yarko Tymciurak
> wrote:
> > t is, your guests come to the address of your house (default/
> > index.html is what main() comes to ), NOT to the model the builder
> > showed you (main does not go to view
r the
> >> center of the page. Then progressively templates are invoked for
> >> containing elements, and finally the page body. Normally a default
> >> template becomes the page wrapper, but it's easy to switch which wrapper
> >> is used at any level, s
spaces for templates (at least not implicitly).
... have to think more; keep raising these points (I have to get on
to other things for today, but will look back here later).
- Yarko
> --
> Thadeus
> On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 1:42 PM, Yarko Tymciurak
> wrote:
I'll think about this more; have to get to other stuff now
- Yarko
> --
> Thadeus
> On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 1:48 PM, Yarko Tymciurak
> wrote:
> > ther than fixing the point of responsibility point, and making the
> > actions naturally there to
move of top, main menu: use this as in the
... etc
> --
> Thadeus
> On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 1:48 PM, Yarko Tymciurak
> wrote:
> > ther than fixing the point of responsibility point, and making the
> > actions naturally there to try to enab
e page layout)
this is application designers decision / choice.
One page (main) uses standard 3-panel template;
Most detail activity pages use 2-panel template for body;
Maybe admin, or "heaving interaction" / busy pages use 1-panel body.
> --
> Thadeus
> On
e the tag on end; lets leave it as syntactic
sugar, for readability; it can just be ignored by the parser
I'm thinking of a view file structure like this, with potentially
details using all the other block actions I pointed out.
- Yarko
> --
> Thadeus
> On Thu, May 6,
orial excercise, then we could
discover what else might be called for (if anything).
I'm feeling really positive about this cool stuff...
I'll send you private mail, how to move with this... hopefully, you'll
want to review, comment, help.
- Yarko
> --
> Thadeus
but this is good enough for now.
Ok - good enough.
- Yarko
> --
> Thadeus
> On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 2:22 PM, Yarko Tymciurak
> wrote:
> > On May 6, 1:52 pm, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
> >> I need an example of "dynamic skin behavior".
> >
dy accomplish that
> example.html
> {{ extend "layout.html" }}
> {{ block body }}
> {{ include "functions/body_2panel.html" }}
> ...
> {{ end body }} # this is fine, the parser already ignores the second value.
> --
> Thadeus
> On T
On May 8, 12:40 pm, David Marko wrote:
> Yes, I know, but you should be able to use it without DAL using
> pymongo as a primary MongoDB python driver. And thats where my
> question goes.
If you want to experiement, and get a start, I suggest you write your
scaffolding app without / with minimal d
On May 18, 12:13 am, Jason Brower wrote:
> I don't think we would even need a plugin... you just make a call to the
> web2py server and it would open the file for you.
> BR,
> Jason Brower
> On Mon, 2010-05-17 at 20:58 -0700, mdipierro wrote:
> > there is a firefox plugin for that.
FYI - the fi
On May 19, 7:59 am, ptressel wrote:
> On May 18, 6:31 am, mdipierro wrote:
> > Please use 1.78.3
> For those of us who have it checked out from launchpad, that's rev
> 1900, no?
Good point: looking at http://code.google.com/p/web2py/source/browse/.hgtags,
I do not see that 1.78.3 has been
On May 19, 2:14 pm, amoygard wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm pretty new to web2py and web application frameworks. I'm trying to
> create a new background process in controller to handle incoming ajax
> data from a user.
You are trying to do too much: remember: the web is "stateless" ---
when _anything_ co
general, you do not start subprocesses - with the exception of
cron. See http://www.web2py.com/book/default/section/4/17
- Yarko
> On 19 Mai, 22:00, Yarko Tymciurak wrote:
> > On May 19, 2:14 pm, amoygard wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > I'm p
You might also look at how services are setup:
On May 20, 11:58 am, amoygard wrote:
> Thanks for the helpful answer!
> On 20 Mai, 01:18, Yarko Tymciurak wrote:
> > On May 19, 5:41 pm, amoygard wrote:
> > >
On May 19, 6:18 pm, Yarko Tymciurak
> On May 19, 5:41 pm, amoygard wrote:
> So - in general, you do not start subprocesses - with the exception of
> cron. Seehttp://www.web2py.com/book/default/section/4/17
I might better have said you do not _want_ to be starti
to see what it looks like on a browser that does not support this, get
Opera - that will help you with development, so that you can satisfy
yourself with how you handle / see results if you _do_ use this, and
someone uses an unsupported browser.
On May 20, 10:39 am, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
> every
and http://docs.python.org/library/multiprocessing.html
Lots to read! ;-)
- Yarko
> On May 20, 2:12 pm, Yarko Tymciurak
> wrote:
> > On May 19, 6:18 pm, Yarko Tymciurak
> >
On May 21, 5:06 am, Graham Dumpleton
> On May 21, 7:00 pm, Yarko Tymciurak
> wrote:
> > There is much to cover in this - and I suppose reason to be happy that
> > python traditionally hasn't run multi-core.
> > See, for example, the discussions
On May 22, 4:28 pm, Pepe wrote:
> I really want to do that, but to do that i need to finish a project
> that will give me a time of peace :)
> I will offer my help, it's a deal.
Oooh! Oooh! - More than just helping to create a better design, I
would like to have the pleasure of _interacti
Have you looked at the XML() helper?
On May 23, 1:41 pm, RobertVa wrote:
> Hi.
> I found function to unescape html data, which I believe would be very
> prudent to put into framework itself.
> from htmlentitydefs import name2codep
On May 23, 3:16 pm, infodoc wrote:
> Hello,
> New to web2py. First post.
> What is the best way to serve static html content such as contact
> info, privacy policy, etc. As I want the content to extend a base
> html layout, putting it in the static subdir and using the static
> controller do
On May 24, 8:22 am, Tex wrote:
> Hi,
> sorry for my poor english...
> I'm wondering how can I put controller code filters like rails
> (before_filter / after_filter / around_filter).
> Searching into user group posts I see many responses on activerecord
> callbacks (before_save / after_save
On May 24, 5:32 pm, Matt wrote:
> Does web2py have a feature/request tracking system?
Technically, google code has bugtracking;
Practically, Massimo's always just answered questions here, and made
updates from posts here.
In the past, trying to do _both_ for web2py just turned out to be
webfaction - shared hosting - means all you need to worry about is
your application.
If your traffic is realtively low, this is really easy.
VPS is cloud hosting, so not sure what the setup is - but you can
probably expect to be root on your own linux slice.
Massimo will be able to say if he had t
On May 26, 4:15 am, Neveen Adel wrote:
> Hello,
> i have a problem in the creation of new database
> I wrote my design into db.py :
> and then i run my application the tables was created only in
> "appadmin", but when i show tables into mysql it displayed an empty
> set.
> then any updat
On May 26, 9:23 am, KR wrote:
> Hello,
> There is a Vimeo screencast (http://www.vimeo.com/1838049) about a
> web2py Conference Management System. Does anybody know wher I can
> download the soource code of that ?
You can get the version used at PyCon-2010 at code.google.com/p/
On May 26, 11:53 am, greenpoise wrote:
> Oh no, I am not developing where the live data resides. But when I
> make changes to my application on my development environment, how do I
> transfer/update those changes on my production site?
You have to work out a procedure that works with your product
uble or very unusual circumstances).
The list gets rather large rather quickly. And how you want to
handle it depends on your audience and their site (I'd handle a blog
differently than a conference registration site, with thousands of
users ... and dollars exchanging!)
- Yarko
t_ want
to do if you were (for example) to upgrade a major version of web2py -
to ensure you don't have old files that might get in the way around
any more.
The operation you are doing really has a significant impact on how
you'll want to do things.
On May 26, 1:34 pm, Yarko Tymciurak
On May 26, 1:40 pm, Yarko Tymciurak
> also consider:
> of the 3 places: development, staging / final testing, and
> deployment,
> some people stage by migrating / merging their existing site to a
> staging site, and then take their current deployment site &q
like Mariano made many).
- Yarko
On May 26, 2:32 pm, Mariano Reingart wrote:
> On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 2:19 PM, Yarko Tymciurak
> wrote:
> > On May 26, 9:23 am, KR wrote:
> >> Hello,
> >> There is a Vimeo screencast (http://www.vimeo.com/183804
On May 29, 10:04 am, mdipierro wrote:
> Mind you also have the new
> form=SQLFORM(...,formstyle='divs')
> form=SQLFORM(...,formstyle='table3cols')
> form=SQLFORM(...,formstyle='table2cols')
> form=SQLFORM(...,formstyle='ul')
Note: these canned styles were added in 1.77.1; check the README
I admit it - I'm a jQuery novice; no, worse: a javascript ninny: I
have not been able (yet) to make sense of how things work, what the
underlying structure is, so that I can "know" what I need to do (even
before I think about "all the ways" I can do something).
So - I wanted to use a few jquery
On May 29, 12:16 pm, Yarko Tymciurak
> I admit it - I'm a jQuery novice; no, worse: a javascript ninny: I
> have not been able (yet) to make sense of how things work, what the
> underlying structure is, so that I can "know" what I need to
t you know how it goes.
- Yarko
On May 30, 8:41 am, AsmanCom wrote:
> What about that
> http://app.ebansoftware.net/editable_jqgrid/default/show_example
> On 29 Mai, 19:21, Yarko Tymciurak wrote:
> > btw - trying to wade thru these doesn't seem to point to anyth
On May 30, 11:03 am, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
> I think that the .hgtags need to be updated. the 1.79.0rc1 tag refers
> to an earlier commit than the commit with the message 1.79.0rc1
> The tag refers to c29660517c
> When I think it needs to refer to 075c967337
... be sure to commit f
wiki) functionnality to manage the
> website
> - I deleted the databases folder and recreated it (empty)
> - The default "reingart-web2conf" works after having replaced
> db=SQLDB(DBURI,pools=DBPOOLS) by db=SQLDB(DBURI) and create the non
> existant databases folder. But th
On May 31, 11:49 am, mdipierro wrote:
> On May 31, 11:33 am, Yarko Tymciurak
> wrote:
> > web2conf from 2010 will not run with web2py 1.78.3;
> > If you checkout from the pycon2010 repository, which includes the
> > version of
> > web2py.
> Why? Is
On May 31, 12:10 pm, Yarko Tymciurak
> On May 31, 11:49 am, mdipierro wrote:
> > On May 31, 11:33 am, Yarko Tymciurak
> > wrote:
> > > web2conf from 2010 will not run with web2py 1.78.3;
> > > If you checkout from the pycon2010 reposito
On May 31, 12:53 pm, ceriox wrote:
> like object...
> i need to generate a label with barcode
> anybody have an example?
In general, you need to generate an image of some sort, based on data.
To print images on badges, you could look at the mk_barcode() function
On May 31, 2:43 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> tha last is cool but the demo just crashed by firefox. :-(
Really? Which? The jquery one, or the ZXing one? --- my firefox
(3.6.3 OS-X; and safari, and chrome) dealt with them ok.
> On May 31, 1:46 pm, Yarko Tymciurak
> wrote:
t; is all python. :D
> > Best Regards,
> > Jason Brower
> > On Mon, 2010-05-31 at 11:46 -0700, Yarko Tymciurak wrote:
> > > On May 31, 12:53 pm, ceriox wrote:
> > > > like object...
> > > > i need to generate a label with barcode
There are things here that are redundant, but you might want to check
In particular, I don't see that you have errors (but might want to);
there is more, but I'll let you look thru it.
- Yarko
On Jun 2, 11:25 am, Doug Warren wrote:
On Jun 2, 1:52 pm, weheh wrote:
> @hamdy.a.farag: swet. One of these days I have to memorize the
> bazillion or so auth.settings.
or simply use an IDE / debugger which will do completions for
> On Jun 2, 12:53 pm, "hamdy.a.farag" wrote:
> > in your model add something like
On Jun 2, 2:04 pm, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
> And for a given field...
> db(db.table.id > 0).update(field = None)
You can see all this in the "count / delete / update" section of
The behavior of truncate (i.e., resetting counter) is
On Jun 3, 10:26 am, Jean Guy wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to know if there is a way as simple of "requires = IS_IN_DB" to
> show a dropbox of what is already in my table, but without the need of
> requiring that field be entered in my other table. I have many fields that
> need dropbox but they
Have you tried something like this:
(replace png with whatever the correct image format it)
Let us know if this works.
- Yarko
On Jun 3, 11:23 am, Aaron Crowe wrote:
> How would I go about rendering an image that's been uploaded and
> stored in a database?
On Jun 3, 11:52 am, Vasile Ermicioi wrote:
> Yarkos approach will work only if you store it in a blob field, but not if
> image is uploaded in a directory
> my approach (Massimos approach :) ) should work for both cases
What Vasile showed requires that the image file is in the downloads
folder (r
On Jun 3, 12:07 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> Vasile approach (create an action to serve the blob as an image) is to
> be preferred because Yarko's approach is not cross-browser compatible.
Specifically IE 5-7 (see
There are other consi
On Jun 3, 12:07 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> Vasile approach (create an action to serve the blob as an image) is to
> be preferred because Yarko's approach is not cross-browser compatible.
just to be clear: this approach does not by itself serve a blob
- if there is no image file in the "/upload
On Jun 3, 11:31 pm, dlin wrote:
> There is a field which I want user to enter different answer, or just
> keep in empty.
empty, or unique answer:
db.table.answer.requires=IS_NULL_OR( IS_NOT_IN_DB( db,
'table.answer' ) )
> I've tried by:
> db.table.field.requires=IS_NOT_IN_DB(db, 'table.fie
On Jun 4, 10:43 am, Doug Warren wrote:
> Traditionally when I've written MVC style applications, the model
> would contain not only the data representing the objects but also the
> data for manipulating the objects. I'm not sure how that same
> relation applies to web2py.
> If I have a model
e specific back ends SQL).
You'll also find that forms, and validators are coupled to table
structure, so if / as you try to abstract away from table definitions,
you will run into this.
I'm sure others will add more comments...
> On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 8:56 AM, Yarko Tymci
On Jun 7, 2:28 am, annet wrote:
> Safari 4.0.5 : 115 0ut of 160
On OS/X 10.6.3:
Chrome 5.0.375.55: 142
Safari 4.0.5: 120
Opera 10.53:102
Firefox 3.6.3:101
Not sure how complete this test is (has anyone reviewed the test? -
from just glancing a
... I missed that this is being developed, open, by Niels:
...opne to contributions
On Jun 7, 1:10 pm, Yarko Tymciurak
> On Jun 7, 2:28 am, annet wrote:
> > Safari 4.0.5 : 115 0ut of 160
> On OS/X 10.6.3:
> Ch
Iceberg: could you debug / trace? I too thought the behavior you
asked for was already the case, so it is probably getting "short
circuited" somewhere - would be good to see where.
- Yarko
On Jun 7, 1:11 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> Not sure I understand. This should be already the default behavio
o Yarko's explanation, the DAL is not an ORM.
> > You probably mean.
> > if form.accepts(request.vars, session):
> > foo = create_object(owner_id=auth.auth_id, # NOT
> > db.create_object, just call your function like regular
> > template_nam
Ok - this link - html5test.com - has been updated, and Safari-5 is out
Out of (now) a total possible 300 points:
Safari 5.0 (6533.16): 208 + 10 bonus points;
Chrome 5.0.375.70:197 + 7 bonus points;
Safari 3.6.3139 + 4
Opera 10.53: 129 + 4
- Yarko
There is no reason you need to use webfaction's mail servers if you
are hosted on webfaction.
try connecting to a different mail server, and run some tests and see
what happens.
On Jun 9, 12:49 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> I do not know how to help about this. This seems more of a problem
> with smtl
On Jun 9, 5:59 pm, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
> On Jun 9, 2010, at 5:39 PM, GoldenTiger wrote:
> > Athttp://www.ez-css.org/rapid_prototyping, code of Module3A and
> > Module3B are identical, but looks different.
> > I don't understand it. Any help please?
> The classes are subtly different. T
that comes up as a bad link for me...
www.jquery.com/plugins redirects to http://plugins.jquery.com -- is
this the one you meant?
On Jun 10, 11:04 am, mdipierro wrote:
> http://www.jqueryplugins.com/plugins/
On Jun 10, 11:20 am, mdipierro wrote:
> Here is my proposal:
> define the following:
> request.models=(
> ('*','db.py'),
> ('*','model1.py'),
> ('*','model2.py'),
> ('default','model3.py'),
> ('default/a,default/b','model4.py'),
> )
> it specifies the order in which models should be executed
... this all _sounds_ great, but for one thing:
It places a dependency (an "import" or setup list) FAR AWAY from
where it should be declared!!!
This _will_ (sooner or later) become a problem.
Why not have something _less global_ (why _one_ config file???), and
more component / containment ori
d again later.
> Eventually all dependencies that are solvable will work themselves
> out...
> (Only I wrote while 1: in the pseudocode, and I meant while
> delay_process, but that's why it's psuedocode)
> On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 10:25 AM, Yarko Tymciurak
On Jun 10, 3:44 pm, Doug Warren wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 10:53 AM, Yarko Tymciurak
> wrote:
> > More discussion, thoughts?
> > (maybe this should move to the web2py developer's thread?)
> As my request is still 'pending' I'd
; (e.g. web2py model handling currently) as a default way
of achieving backward compatibility...
So the question still returns to the problem space - and you've added
one problem: wanting to share models among we2py apps (e.g. make
something like modules of them).
Kind regards,
- Yarko
On Jun 10, 1:17 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> If we are going to work on this we may as well solve a different
> problem.
> Executing models take time. If you have 500 tables each defined it its
> own file, it takes lots of time. Yet not all actions need all tables
> so we may want to implement a depen
This would be a security concern: I do not think you want web
executables / files owned by root.You would then be forced to open
up accessibility to the files (so that something which _is not root_
can run / read them) --- which would weaken security; OR you would
(???) need to run as root
if you are looking to prevent access, you should instead be doing
something like this:
chown -R nobody:nobody *.py
... etc.
On Jun 11, 5:41 pm, Yarko Tymciurak
> This would be a security concern: I do not think you want web
> executables / files owned by root. You would t
Interesting (FYI):
On Jun 12, 6:27 am, Kenneth wrote:
> Thank you Richard for the fast reply,
> I tested with python and "from PIL import Image" and the only result
> was a new line, so I´m guess python finds PIL but not web2py.
Kenneth -
This means your two Python environments are different. If you
On Jun 13, 9:51 am, annet wrote:
> Hi Vasile,
> > please take a look if that is what you
> > needhttp://groups.google.com/group/web2py/browse_thread/thread/fac136d7e1...
> Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I'll give it a try and
> let you know if it works.
> > - webfaction app
On Jun 13, 1:00 pm, NickFranceschina
> anyone?
> On Jun 12, 4:52 pm, NickFranceschina
> wrote:
> > if I have a records collection (of type Rows) from a select() call
> > through the DAL... why is the output different between these two
> > versions ofjsonconversion?
> > >>> reco
The generic www sql modeler is:
Not sure if anyone has been tracking this, but the code does have
web2py (and sqlite) generation in the source tree.
- Yarko
On Jun 13, 9:13 pm, nhisyam wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I am looking for the link for a webpage wh
On Jun 14, 12:42 am, Pai wrote:
> Hi,
> total noob question here.. how do you restart web2py on
> webfactional? I ssh in and put in
> python web2py.py -z 5
> it seems like it is trying to start another instance of web2py rather
> than trying to shut it down. Any body has any idea how shu
On Jun 14, 8:51 am, zsouthboy wrote:
> Problem: I don't see how to specify multiple tables with table
> references to each other. I can't simply define the relationship,
> because the DAL hasn't created a table yet to reference. But I can't
> create the table(s) because they reference tables tha
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