Re: [web2py] Re: question about scale

2010-07-10 Thread Luis Díaz
the same happens? if you run the application directly with python without using apache? in my job application can be used by about 160 users simultaneously .. download music, send messages, among other things original Spanish translated with google -- Díaz Luis TSU Analisis de Sistemas Universid

Re: [web2py] Re: question about scale

2010-07-10 Thread Luis Díaz
I have no problems .. sole wonder better performance if I run python directly web2py? (Is what I have thought to ask) I like what the bottleneck, because the user can enjoy music from the application I further commented that my application was thought initially to 160 users .. where does this f

Re: [web2py] Re: Can web2py be used as a node in a P2P app or store data in a DHT?

2010-07-13 Thread Luis Díaz
ask You can create an intranet-style distributed in web2py p2p? Each client node is connected to the primary node and stores your content: reference bone contents (not the full content) client nodes are connected to the main content to search and locate the reference of closest nodes which serve

[web2py] crear un función estilo MENU

2010-07-19 Thread Luis Díaz
me gusta la idea de tener pestañas en mis diseños. y no quiero hacerlas todas a mano. entonces cree varios script que me facilitan el trabajo: en layout.html: {{ pestania = response.pestania}} {{if pestania:}} //-

[web2py] create native functions

2010-07-19 Thread Luis Díaz
how I can create your own functions, style MENU () or URL ()? I want to call them from any (controllers, view) without import with local_import as they like web2py native code -- Díaz Luis TSU Analisis de Sistemas Universidad de Carabobo

Re: [web2py] Re: create native functions

2010-07-19 Thread Luis Díaz
thank you very much. 2010/7/19 rāma > Usually you create a function in the model so that it is available > throughout the view and and controllers. > > On Jul 20, 1:57 am, Luis Díaz wrote: > > how I can create your own functions, style MENU () or URL ()? > > > >

Re: [web2py] Re: plugin_wiki

2010-07-21 Thread Luis Díaz
Greetings, my personal and humble opinion about plugin_wiki: You're on the right track and if it remains as "plugin", I congratulate you in advance! Plugin_wiki I hope to keep growing and allow more people to become part of Community shows I hope it is another tool and not something that re

[web2py] Re: Can web2py be used as a node in a P2P app or store data in a DHT?

2010-07-22 Thread Luis Díaz
yo tengo tiempo pensando en algo como una red para móviles, donde cada uno de ellos funcione como nodo de conexión descentralizado, para asi ampliar la cobertura y escalar el servicio. y con plataformas libres como androi.. el camino lo veo poco empinado. bueno... yo salgo de vacaciones para el 1

[web2py] new user specific groups -usuario nuevos en grupos especificos

2010-08-17 Thread Luis Díaz
new user specific groups I want the users who register they are not set up a group automaticamante. so disable the option .. auth.settings.create_user_groups = False now I need that users successfully achieve registration are added to the group type 1 or type 2 .. conditionally speaking I tried

[web2py] cache html5?

2010-08-22 Thread Luis Díaz
wonder how I can implement off-line cache for content: Type: # application-cache-api I created the file: static / mi_manifest.manifest and I added: layout.html with the necessary specifications .. but using the debuggi

[web2py] problem with date

2010-09-12 Thread Luis Díaz
commented that after about 1 hour try .. I did not understand and chooses to leave aside by SQLTables where: db.define_table ('tabla_x' Field ('type', 'string'), Field ('fecha_x', 'date'), ) this does not work: mi_fecha = rows = db (tabla_x.fecha_x == mi_fecha). select ()

[web2py] do not know how to use RPXAccount

2010-09-15 Thread Luis Díaz
Greetings: I implement JanRain and I have an account and I have the api key and I imagine that the domain is "localhost" remove the comments in the and make changes and domain api_key I'm still under development, so my application runs in: http://localhost:8000/welcome/ the system sho

[web2py] Re: do not know how to use RPXAccount

2010-09-15 Thread Luis Díaz
: S solved .. I did not know that the domain is the one recorded in JanRain "The simple version .." example: https: / / the domain is: superapp at this point that the basics work .. wonder .. as I draw pictures of the user profiles?

Re: [web2py] Re: StackExchange for web2py community

2010-09-19 Thread Luis Díaz
my thoughts: Mailing List seems an excellent idea .. when you have time in the group realizes that mdipierro answers most questions ... looks great and sincerely thank him personally. my language is Spanish and sometimes do not understand the emails from this list and why I use a translator lol B

Re: [web2py] Re: welcome app normalize hack ie and html5 ready

2010-09-24 Thread Luis Díaz
Greetings, there is an option select multiple problems. should have at least 5 lines minimum to select various options to see -- Díaz Luis TSU Analisis de Sistemas Universidad de Carabobo

Re: [web2py] Question about CRUD forms and compute values

2010-09-24 Thread Luis Díaz
Greetings, I ask where do you get r [date] r [Customer_ID] I think that Field should be within a SQLFORM.factory so that the controller have the values of r [] and then loads the data: if form.accepts read Part of: SQLFORM.factory if you really underst

Re: [web2py] Re: "unable to create application" on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS

2010-10-05 Thread Luis Díaz
perhaps I have a similar problem .. I just installed with: wget chmod + x sudo ./ the system could not connect .. until I happened to switch to https Nor did then download: http://www

Re: [web2py] Re: "unable to create application" on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS

2010-10-06 Thread Luis Díaz
Thank you very much .. problem solved -- Díaz Luis TSU Analisis de Sistemas Universidad de Carabobo Facultad de Odontología

[web2py] primary database and valid in many app sess ion - base de datos principal y sesión validas en muchas ap p

2010-10-06 Thread Luis Díaz
#google translator Need: - main application> welcome - many applications related> app1, app2, App3 ... etc. - users to register and login in welcome, assign groups, permissions and that the session is valid at any app - the primary database is in welcome and any app can work with

Re: [web2py] Re: please help us test new web site

2010-10-09 Thread Luis Díaz
very good design! I like the irc channel -- Díaz Luis TSU Analisis de Sistemas Universidad de Carabobo Facultad de Odontología

[web2py] flash p2p

2010-10-11 Thread Luis Díaz
short question: could be implemented as flash p2p? know any example using "amfast" in web2py? -- Díaz Luis TSU Analisis de Sistemas Universidad de Carabobo Facultad de Odontología

Re: [web2py] Re: flash p2p

2010-10-11 Thread Luis Díaz
I have found lots of information

Re: [web2py] Instant Press in beta

2010-10-18 Thread Luis Díaz
congratulations very good job. request: can you write an article ... recommendations or suggestions .. or good practices applied during the development of "Instant Press"? -- Díaz Luis TSU Analisis de Sistemas Universidad de Carabobo Facultad de Odontología

Re: [web2py] AWS Free Tier

2010-10-24 Thread Luis Díaz
cuales serian los a favor y los contras en comparación a Google app engine? what would be the pros and cons compared to Google App Engine? 2010/10/22 glimmung > Hi All, > > For anyone looking for hosting, Amazon's recent announcement of the > AWS Free Tier may be of interest: - > > http://aws

Re: [web2py] Re: AWS Free Tier

2010-10-26 Thread Luis Díaz
thanks for the info -- Díaz Luis TSU Analisis de Sistemas Universidad de Carabobo Facultad de Odontología

Re: [web2py] Re: new admin layout

2010-11-01 Thread Luis Díaz
As I think I prefer the old style -- Díaz Luis TSU Analisis de Sistemas Universidad de Carabobo Facultad de Odontología

Re: [web2py] Re: New Admin Design: Suggested Improvement

2010-11-20 Thread Luis Díaz
+1 -- Díaz Luis TSU Analisis de Sistemas Universidad de Carabobo Facultad de Odontología

[web2py] graph node python

2010-11-20 Thread Luis Díaz
+1 -- Díaz Luis TSU Analisis de Sistemas Universidad de Carabobo Facultad de Odontología

Re: [web2py] Re: very long wait for on IE and Firefox browsers

2010-11-20 Thread Luis Díaz
I had a similar problem and was produced by my work poxy if you are behind a proxy, I recommend you disable it in your browser while you do local tests. -- google translator -- Díaz Luis TSU Analisis de Sistemas Universidad de Carabobo Facul

Re: [web2py] Re: web2py admin 2.0

2010-11-21 Thread Luis Díaz
other suggestions: button to temporarily disable the application mind, but which allows run on in this way could work in the system and the visitor would see that the system is under maintenance -- Díaz Luis TSU Analisis de Sistemas Universidad de Carabobo http://web2pyfacil.blogspot

Re: [web2py] Re: web2py admin 2.0

2010-11-21 Thread Luis Díaz
other suggestions: a mini database administrator PostgreSQL / MySQL or another. I mean: one uses SQLite because it does not require any configuration or MySQL as the hosting is provided. would be great in the admin web2py have an assistant you can connect, create and delete easily PostgreSQL dat

[web2py] Comment on gluon/contrib/

2010-11-27 Thread Luis Díaz
Greetings. I have problems when trying to read the file I just want to see the code and my system is experiencing a strange behavior. use linux I tried it with the beaver and Komodo editor the problem does not prevent me from working my apps run perfectly just commented Case -- D

Re: [web2py] Re: Comment on gluon/contrib/

2010-11-27 Thread Luis Díaz
thanks and quiet only was the comment, I also thought of the size of line 3 and I read I like to read the code -- Díaz Luis TSU Analisis de Sistemas Universidad de Carabobo Facultad de Odontología

[web2py] suggestion for "def navbar"

2010-11-28 Thread Luis Díaz
suggestion for "def navbar" only requires users to register with your email and password therefore comment (#) "fields" and "requires" that do not need. everything works fine. the only thing auth.navbar "Welcome None." that I can adapt to my needs ... and would thus be Welcome usua...@dominio.c

[web2py] commented behavior IS_INT_IN_RANGE

2010-12-05 Thread Luis Díaz
in the following statement: db.producto.stock.requires = IS_INT_IN_RANGE(0, 999, error_message='Error') value of 999 in stock returns me error. only works with maximum values of 998 in gluon.validators in line 588: elif self.minimum <= value Facultad de Odontolo

[web2py] error list:reference table

2010-12-15 Thread Luis Díaz
is't code: db.define_table('tag', Field('nombre', 'string', length=32, ondelete='CASCADE'), format='%(nombre)s' ) db.define_table('producto', Field('nombre', 'string', length=64, ondelete='CASCADE'), Field('codigo', 'string', length=10), Field('tag', 'list:reference tag'),

Re: [web2py] Re: error list:reference table

2010-12-15 Thread Luis Díaz
you cannod use the SQLFORM.widgets.checkboxes.widget with a > > list:reference > > > > On Dec 15, 12:11 pm, Luis Díaz wrote: > > > > > is't code: > > > > > db.define_table('tag', > > > Field('nombre', 'string', length=32, ondelete=&

Re: [web2py] Re: error list:reference table

2010-12-15 Thread Luis Díaz
empty database and the error disappears. may be in the tests were corrupted data could show me how to do what I need without having to install plugin_wiki? 2010/12/15 Luis Díaz > eliminating SQLFORM.widgets.checkboxes.widget > > I still get the error > > 2010/12/15 mdipierro

Re: [web2py] Re: error list:reference table

2010-12-15 Thread Luis Díaz
thanks for the help Massimo Di Pierro and Bruno Rocha 2010/12/15 > > >> could show me how to do what I need without having to install plugin_wiki >> ? >> > > > -- Díaz Luis TSU Analisis de Sistemas Universidad de Carabobo http://web2pyfacil.blo

[web2py] helper tabs

2010-12-17 Thread Luis Díaz
Greetings. I like working with tabs here posted something that I designed, I hope to improve the work with your comments and suggestions and also post my progress on the mailing list in Spanish I personally like ... obvious is my creation ha ha ha notes:

Re: [web2py] helper tabs

2010-12-17 Thread Luis Díaz
* very good perspective you used * TAG is certainly easier to read than PEST use "PEST" because my language is Spanish and use it asshorthand for " PESTAÑA" * with respect to: "Needs a Proper way to output dynamic CSS I do not understand, I could explain with an example? * I do not like the plug

Re: [web2py] helper tabs

2010-12-17 Thread Luis Díaz
as recommended by a friend: Bruno Rocha make some changes to the system tab I get it link: is the same but the file is new version 2010/12/18 Luis Díaz > * very good perspective you used > > * TAG is certainly easier to read than PEST &g

Re: [web2py] helper tabs

2010-12-18 Thread Luis Díaz
forgot comment: 1) PEST was changed by "TAB" 2) the system detects the color of the main DIV and appliesthe tab 3) can even customize the color of the tab off, default is light green 2010/12/18 Luis Díaz > > as recommended by a friend: Bruno Rocha > > make some changes t

Re: [web2py] web2py 1.90.1 is OUT

2010-12-18 Thread Luis Díaz
+1 excellent teamwork 2010/12/18 mdipierro > This is a major - major release mostly because it includes the new > DAL. > > It is supposed to be 100% backward compatible but cleaner, and more > readable. We have fixed every known issue. If 1.90.1 breaks you DAL > queries, please report it asap s

Re: [web2py] It is done GPL2 -> LGPL3

2010-12-21 Thread Luis Díaz
+1 2010/12/22 R. Strusberg > Another reason to switch from *webframework to web2py!. > > +1 :-) Merry Christmas +1 > > 2010/12/21 mdipierro : > > For now trunk only. This will propagate to stable since 1.91.1 > > > -- Díaz Luis TSU Analisis de Sistemas Universidad de Carabobo http://web2pyf

Re: [web2py] Re: The stability of web2py releases

2010-12-22 Thread Luis Díaz
in particular whenever new versions come out ... I always say ... have to wait 1 week or 2 to becomestable ... unless the new features are highly anticipated and then one is dedicated to testing the system 2010/12/22 KR > I support that. > For me the last stable is 1.89.5 (or maybe 1.90.6 ? if

Re: [web2py] Re: Merry Christmas

2010-12-23 Thread Luis Díaz
+1 2010/12/24 Albert Abril > Happy Holidays, happy winter solstice, and happy new year. > > No doubt we have a great community! > > Kind Regards! > > -- > Albert Abril, > @desmondo > > -- Díaz Luis TSU Analisis de Sistemas Universidad de Carabobo Facultad de

Re: [web2py] Re: The stability of web2py releases

2010-12-23 Thread Luis Díaz
+1 2010/12/24 ron_m > I for one am happy with the current release cycle. It is a good balance > between new features and the ultimate stability of release 1.XX.N where N > is the last version before XX+1 for example. The nightly build is a bit of a > misnomer, many projects (C or C++ mostly) ha

Re: [web2py] Re: (urvey) web2py web browser

2011-01-11 Thread Luis Díaz
updated, add operates on the following link. I am developing an extension for chrome (very easy to do). I am evaluating the development of the same for Firefox based on the number of users 2011/1/11 cjrh > On

Re: [web2py] [OT](urvey) web2py web browser

2011-01-13 Thread Luis Díaz
Results for 13/01/2011 Chrome 1648%Firefox 1339%Explorer 13%Safari 13%Otros 13%opera 13%- total 33100% graphic: -- Díaz Luis TSU Analisi

[web2py] Facebook + CAS

2012-04-26 Thread Luis Díaz
greetings 3 app I'm developing of which need all the login is using facebook. the point is that one of the app has N amounts of domain names and facebook is necessary to configure a domain for each system login. I happened to use CAS in this way the app "welcome" would serve as a central authent

[web2py] Error facebook login

2012-05-15 Thread Luis Díaz
I'll try to explain better: I need my app to do login using facebook. you can test in is configured in the "panel WebFaction" to use the ip: when the visitor tries to login, facebook return to the page from which you

[web2py] mistake by not using db.commit ()?

2012-03-23 Thread Luis Díaz
The following code gives me error if not explicitly use db.commit () can someone explain why I now need to use db.commit () to something so simple? models/ ## id_user = (auth.user and or None db.define_table('home', Field('titulo', 'string', length=64, defaul

Re: [web2py] Re: web2py not using global http_proxy

2011-02-11 Thread Luis Díaz
Greetings, web2py I mention that I use in my work. and we have a proxy that we restrict the output by user name and password I have solved the problem properly configuring the proxy on the computer where I have installed debian web2py nano /etc/profile adding the following lines: export http_

Re: [web2py] Re: web2py not using global http_proxy

2011-02-11 Thread Luis Díaz
I forgot. if you need to specify username and password then the structure would be something. export http_proxy = http://username:password@proxy:port/ export https_proxy = http://username:password@proxy:port / export ftp_proxy = http://username:password@proxy:port / 2011/2/11 Luis Díaz

Re: [web2py] Re: web2py not using global http_proxy

2011-02-12 Thread Luis Díaz
blem > occurring? > > Luis .. which is the web server and cgi setup you are using? > > i am really impressed with the speed of cherokee + wsgi + web2py, the > memory foot print is small and the whole thing runs like greased > lightning :D .. i just hope to solve this proxy issue. &

Re: [web2py] Re: Apache, Wsgi problem

2011-02-12 Thread Luis Díaz
Greetings. I could create a and detail the specifications of the environment, I will try to put him eye to the issue. I am a rookie .. but I would try Díaz Luis TSU Analisis de Sistemas Universidad de Carabobo Facultad de Odontología

Re: [web2py] Re: Apache, Wsgi problem

2011-02-12 Thread Luis Díaz
Translation error .. sorry. I could not .. might wonder if any of you? Díaz Luis TSU Analisis de Sistemas Universidad de Carabobo Facultad de Odontología 2011/2/12 Jonathan Lundell > On Feb 12, 2

Re: [web2py] Re: Apache, Wsgi problem

2011-02-14 Thread Luis Díaz
Universidad de Carabobo Facultad de Odontología<> 2011/2/12 Luis Díaz > Translation error .. sorry. > > I could not .. > might wonder if any of you? > >

Re: [web2py] Re: web2py not using global http_proxy

2011-02-14 Thread Luis Díaz
re or on the web2py wiki. > > i was seeing a total memory consumption of under 150MB with Cherokee, > > WSGI and web2py (4 WSGI processes) > > i have done this on my work machine (running turnkey Linux (based on > > Ubuntu 10.04) in a virtualbox). i will document and post what i

Re: [web2py] Re: Apache, Wsgi problem

2011-02-14 Thread Luis Díaz
gt; 2011/2/14 Jonathan Lundell > On Feb 14, 2011, at 9:48 AM, Luis Díaz wrote: > > > Greetings. > > I have tried to replicate the error and have had no > exicto. > > > Thanks. What version of psycopg2 are you using? > > > Environment: > virtual server 1:

Re: [web2py] Re: Apache, Wsgi problem

2011-02-14 Thread Luis Díaz
ttp://> 2011/2/14 Luis Díaz > > I have installed: > python-psycopg2/lenny update 2.0.7-4 > > Question: > What is the funsion of psycopg2? > > Díaz Luis > TSU Analisis de Siste

Re: [web2py] explanation of corrections in version 1.93.2

2011-03-06 Thread Luis Díaz
perhaps for lack of time and hard work has not documented the new features but a new feature that is not reported or explained, is a feature that does not exist :S Greetings and thanks for the good work! Happy Carnival: D Díaz Luis TSU Analisis de Sistemas Universidad de Carabobo Facultad

Re: [web2py] Re: explanation of corrections in version 1.93.2

2011-03-06 Thread Luis Díaz
or more users to test. > If test passed with success, feature get documented and this feature > will be same in all next releases. > And yes, if it not documented, it is not exist and no complains for > brocked compatibality could be. > > fix me. > > On 6 мар, 22:52, Luis

[web2py] Re: DAL new syntax RFC

2011-03-06 Thread Luis Díaz
Explicit is better than implicit. +1

Re: [web2py] Re: DAL new syntax RFC

2011-03-07 Thread Luis Díaz
in my humble opinion I think abbreviations are unnecessary. this is ruby on rails remember everyone: the code is read more times than is written. Díaz Luis TSU Analisis de Sistemas Universidad de Carabobo Facultad de Odontología

Re: [web2py] Re: DAL new syntax RFC

2011-03-07 Thread Luis Díaz
"premature optimization is the root of all evil" otherwise I still use: URL (f = 'default ', c = 'home') these characters f =, c = I may write more readable code

Re: [web2py] Re: DAL new syntax RFC

2011-03-08 Thread Luis Díaz
add shortcuts and much more magic. distance of the system of philosophy python Python is clean, easy to read. You can love the language and can devote time reading, that is understandable, allowing you to learn more easily web2py is easy, because it's python, not have to learn new and complicated

Re: [web2py] Re: Japan

2011-03-11 Thread Luis Díaz
+1 Díaz Luis TSU Analisis de Sistemas Universidad de Carabobo Facultad de Odontología 2011/3/12 Anthony > +1 > > On Friday, March 11, 2011 10:58:37 AM UTC-5, Mas

Re: [web2py] Re: web2py 1.94.1 is OUT

2011-03-17 Thread Luis Díaz
+1 Díaz Luis TSU Analisis de Sistemas Universidad de Carabobo Facultad de Odontología 2011/3/17 villas > On Mar 17, 7:19 pm, guruyaya wrote: > > moder..what? >

Re: [web2py] squeeze + Apache2 = lots of RAM

2011-03-19 Thread Luis Díaz
next week I test with that configuration, whatever the result will comment Díaz Luis TSU Analisis de Sistemas Universidad de Carabobo Facultad de Odontología 2011

[web2py] [OT] Free Software University

2011-03-22 Thread Luis Díaz
Greetings! I do not remember if I comment the following draft well, the area is very active python .. all have good intentions and desire to contribute with ideas, time and effort. in my humble opinion, propose and design something related to web2py would be great.

Re: [web2py] squeeze + Apache2 = lots of RAM

2011-03-24 Thread Luis Díaz
tal of 1GB RAM and 500MB swap Díaz Luis TSU Analisis de Sistemas Universidad de Carabobo Facultad de Odontología<> 2011/3/19 Luis Díaz

Re: [web2py] Re: squeeze + Apache2 = lots of RAM

2011-03-24 Thread Luis Díaz
that it will eat all your > RAM. > > On Mar 24, 3:55 pm, Luis Díaz wrote: > > I just implement a VPS with "debian 6 / 64bit" > > using the script > > > > VPS administrator in me Proxmox typical samples > > consumption of 669 ra

Re: [web2py] Re: squeeze + Apache2 = lots of RAM

2011-03-24 Thread Luis Díaz
> Somebody should make a > > > > Massimo > > > > On Mar 24, 5:37 pm, Luis Díaz wrote: > > will try next week to conduct stress tests. > > someone has a script-style " > > allow me to implement a tornado server >

Re: [web2py] Re: squeeze + Apache2 = lots of RAM

2011-03-25 Thread Luis Díaz
pbreit that link does not lead me to anything .. Díaz Luis User Linux 532223 TSU Analisis de Sistemas Universidad de Carabobo Facultad de Odontología

[web2py] secure connection to database ¿?

2011-04-12 Thread Luis Díaz
Greetings pose the scenario: I have 2 VPS: the first where web2py run the app I'm developing. the second that I have for postgresql database Now the question .. as the database is not on the same server I require to connect securely? Díaz Luis User Linux

[web2py] error css widget autocomplete

2011-04-18 Thread Luis Díaz
when using the autocomplete widget and the system throws me at least 2 output options, the list is presented so small that it is impossible to use. the solution is: in base.css /* input[type=text], input[type=password], select { height: 16px; } */ Díaz Luis

[web2py] checkboxes widget error

2011-05-17 Thread Luis Díaz
Greetings! I write to ask what happened with checkboxes widget error reference to the report is as follows: in my case I tested using 'list:string' the error persists Díaz Luis User Linux

[web2py] sincronizar datos entre app local -> app internet --> app remota

2011-05-20 Thread Luis Díaz
saludos! quiero tener semi sincrinizada varias app instaladas en varios sitios diferentes (geograficamente) quiero poder distribuir la app bajo la licencia MIT y que cualquier la instale en local, para ser usada cómodamente entre los usuarios de su intranet. pero también me interesa que esa app

[web2py] is_upper() no found

2013-06-02 Thread Luis Díaz
greetings to all. in the following model (which generally works well) when the user enters values in the group are not changed to uppercase by the system .. bone does not apply is_upper () that Requires to define in this field the controller is as follows: http://pa

[web2py] I have an error with AutocompleteWidget

2013-06-10 Thread Luis Díaz
files presented below: controller modules models and throws error controller: ## @auth.requires_login() def update(): ubicacion = db.ubicacion(auth_user=auth_user_id) db.ubicacion.ciudad_pais.widget = SQLFORM.widgets.autocomplete( request, db.ciudad_pais.nombre, min_length=2, id

[web2py] error postgresql with table new :S

2014-02-04 Thread Luis Díaz
db = DAL('postgres://usuario:puerto@localhost:5432/welcome', pool_size=1,check_reserved=['all'], fake_migrate_all=True) db.define_table('denuncia', Field('status', 'integer', default=0, writable=False, readable=False), Field('descripcion', 'text'), Fi

[web2py] Error in

2016-03-25 Thread Luis Díaz
Web2py 2.14.2, in line 31, falta una coma "," -- Resources: - - (Documentation) - (Source code) - (Report Issues) --- You received this message because you are sub

[web2py] error connecting two applications on different computers

2015-01-15 Thread Luis Díaz
greetings. excuse me I'm using google translator (my language is Spanish) location: a control system for assistance. * A central computer where managers come and go down the reports. * Some stations where the person registers its input and output (such equipment may or may not be connected to the n