set I have contains over
2.5M records).
I did some googling and found this:
<>, but my version was giving
me line continuation errors.
I could use some hand-holding, can someone walk me through the parts (i.e.,
controller and view code to
r=='00AF') &
(db4.data_table.ReqTime>='2010-11-08T21:00') &
Lorin Rivers
Mosasaur: Killer Technical Marketing <>
512/203.3198 (m)
epted variables
Errors in form
My form is displaying the request.vars and the three elements in the select(),
but no results.
What am I missing/doing wrong?
Lorin Rivers
Mosasaur: Killer Technical Marketing <>
512/203.3198 (m)
You put me on the right track! Thanks.
Lorin Rivers
Mosasaur: Killer Technical Marketing <>
512/203.3198 (m)
(db4.data_table.ReqTime>='2010-11-08T21:00') &
How do I create a loop that will return records using more than one selection
in my f
010, at 21:01, mdipierro wrote:
> sorry I do not understand the question.
> On Nov 11, 6:12 pm, Lorin Rivers wrote:
>> I have a form using this:
>> options=[str(my_macaddr[i].MacAddr) for i in range(len(my_macaddr))]
>> form=FORM(SELECT(*options,_name='MacAddrSele
> if form.accepts(request) and form.vars.macs:
> query = reduce(lambda a,b:a|b,[db4.data_table.MacAddr==x for x in
> form.vars.macs])
> dbset=dbset(query)
> records =
list in the form.
I have tried adding 'zero=T('Choose one')', both with and without adding the
string 'Choose one' to the list 'options'. What would the best way to validate
this be?
Lorin Rivers
Mosasaur: Killer Technical Marketing <>
512/203.3198 (m)
Thanks for mentioning this, looks interesting.
On Nov 15, 2010, at 15:24 , Michele Comitini wrote:
> Does anyone use this with web2py?
> seems interesting!
> mic
Lorin Rivers
Mosasaur: Killer Technical Marketing <
t; string 'Choose one' to the list 'options'. What would the best way to
>> validate this be?
Lorin Rivers
Mosasaur: Killer Technical Marketing <>
512/203.3198 (m)
response.write(stream.getvalue(), escape=False)
return dict(form=form,records=records,results=SQLTABLE(records,
else: results=[]
Lorin Rivers
Mosasaur: Killer Technical Marketing <>
512/203.3198 (m)
o craft queries
for each time span to get the max, min, and count?
I tried using find on rows but couldn't get max to work with that.
Lorin Rivers
Mosasaur: Killer Technical Marketing <>
512/203.3198 (m)
I was going crazy when I was trying to figure out my max() question because of
the frequent use of the person's name "Max" in the documentation and examples.
Lorin Rivers
Mosasaur: Killer Technical Marketing <>
512/203.3198 (m)
executesql('select min(reqtime) from data_table;')
Lorin Rivers
Mosasaur: Killer Technical Marketing <>
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firsttime = db4(db4.data_table).select().first()[m]
On Nov 17, 2010, at 13:30 , mdipierro wrote:
> m=db.data_table.reqtime.min()
> value = db(db.date_table).select().first()[m]
> On Nov 17, 11:43 am, Lorin Rivers wrote:
>> executesql('selec
I think this would make a good thing to have in the examples.
On Nov 17, 2010, at 13:45 , Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> my mistake
> m=db4.data_table.ReqTime.min()
> firsttime = db4(db4.data_table).select(m).first()[m]
> On Nov 17, 2010, at 1:44 PM, Lorin Rivers
ntal changes to databases?
I'm stuck and need some help.
Lorin Rivers
Mosasaur: Killer Technical Marketing <>
512/203.3198 (m)
(i.e., add a
field, change a field's type, and so on)?
On Nov 18, 2010, at 14:29 , VP wrote:
> Unless you have migration set to False, these things should be
> automatic.
> On Nov 18, 1:53 pm, Lorin Rivers wrote:
>> My database is PostgreSQL
> Massimo
> On Nov 18, 2:47 pm, Lorin Rivers wrote:
>> They are not set to false.
>> I'm coming from a slight rails perspective (some experience with it). In
>> rails, migrations are sequential. If you want to add a field to a table, you
>> create a
aults SHOULD be available globally, correct?
Also, what is the procedure for debugging a problem where a model won't load
and the migrations don't take effect?
Lorin Rivers
Mosasaur: Killer Technical Marketing <>
512/203.3198 (m)
>>>>> to_get=[1,2,4,5]
>>>>> q= in to_get # Guess this wont work?
>>>>> db(q).select(db.casedb.ALL)
let us know in this thread to avoid
> duplication of work.
> The first responder gets the job.
> Massimo
Lorin Rivers
Mosasaur: Killer Technical Marketing <>
512/203.3198 (m)
t to update a field with the datetime calculated from that string.
Set operations are so fast and rows, not nearly as. It would be awesome if I
could do some of this stuff in the set.
Lorin Rivers
Mosasaur: Killer Technical Marketing <>
n Nov 20, 2010, at 11:40 , mdipierro wrote:
> something like this?
> db(query).update(field1=db.table.field2+db.table.field3)
> Massimo
Lorin Rivers
Mosasaur: Killer Technical Marketing <>
512/203.3198 (m)
at 0x101cc9b90>, 'FreezeTime': None}>
>>> type(row.ReqTime)
On Nov 20, 2010, at 13:36 , CesarBustios wrote:
> Did you try converting the Field to string?
> str(db4.data_table.ReqTime).split(".")[0]
> Lorin Rivers ha escrito:
>> What ab
I figured out what i was doing wrong. I should have been updating the datetime
field with a string.
Lorin Rivers
Mosasaur: Killer Technical Marketing <>
512/203.3198 (m)
I have a set that represents the records within a minute time span, upon insert
of the calculated summary into another table, I'd like to update the source set
with the ID of the inserted record.
How do I do that?
Lorin Rivers
Mosasaur: Killer Technical Marketing <http://www.mosa
> On Nov 22, 10:12 am, Lorin Rivers wrote:
>> I have a set that represents the records within a minute time span, upon
>> insert of the calculated summary into another table, I'd like to update the
>> source set w
On Nov 22, 2010, at 10:51 , mdipierro wrote:
> I do not underatnd the question. What is you current model?
> On Nov 22, 10:45 am, Lorin Rivers wrote:
>> Do I need to set up my model so that the source set will accept the id?
>> I'm getting a KeyError on
How should I construct a URL that includes the String bits?
Lorin Rivers
Mosasaur: Killer Technical Marketing <>
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t model?
> On Nov 22, 10:45 am, Lorin Rivers wrote:
>> Do I need to set up my model so that the source set will accept the id?
>> I'm getting a KeyError on RollupID:
>> myset.update(RollupID=db4.array_mins.insert(..)
>> On Nov 22
Can you provide a simple example?
On Nov 22, 2010, at 17:47 , Phyo Arkar wrote:
> You better use JSON via Post , dont pass from URL.
> On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 3:48 AM, Lorin Rivers wrote:
>> I've got the starttime and endtime portions figured out, how do I r
How can I perform an 'OR' request with a url? Or pass a list using a url?
I have 'AND' figured out…
Lorin Rivers
Mosasaur: Killer Technical Marketing <>
512/203.3198 (m)
request.var['bar']: ["this", "that"]
On Nov 23, 2010, at 9:34 , Jonathan Lundell wrote:
> On Nov 23, 2010, at 6:28 AM, Lorin Rivers wrote:
>> How can I perform an 'OR' request with a url? Or pass a list using a url?
> I hope you like. Comments are appreciated.
Lorin Rivers
Mosasaur: Killer Technical Marketing <>
512/203.3198 (m)
Getting pretty sick of using 'print' to debug.
I tried pydbgr, but that didn't seem to work (crashed python).
What other tools should I look at that will let me step through my web2py code?
Lorin Rivers
Mosasaur: Killer Technical Marketing <http://www.mosasaur
rks like a champ. I can set breakpoints,
> inspect variables, create expressions at runtime. Very handy, not to
> mention that the mercurial eclipse plugin makes it very easy to
> update.
> On Nov 26, 10:25 am, Lorin Rivers wrote:
>> Getting pretty sick of using 'print
verify your interpreter
> setup.
> On Nov 26, 10:37 am, Lorin Rivers wrote:
>> So you just click (or whatever the gesture is) to the side of the line you
>> want to break at and it just works?
>> To start a session, you right-click on web2py and start a debu
er to the left of the code and it should
> show a green dot.
> On Nov 26, 11:09 am, Lorin Rivers wrote:
>> I have python run, my web2py app is running, I can load it in the web
>> browser in eclipse, the breakpoints are showing in the list of breakpoints
>> and in
is to copy all the
files from your project into your workspace, which caused me problems.
That option is unclearly worded, so avoid all the copying option in the Eclipse
Hope that helps!
If you are on the Mac I could probably provide some more tips.
Lorin Rivers
Mosasaur: Killer Techni
27;,605.00], ['2010-11-08 21:01',600.66]]
At the moment I'm using the simplejson.dumps method as explained in The Book
What should I do?
Lorin Rivers
Mosasaur: Killer Technical Marketing <>
512/203.3198 (m)
How do I insert the results of a function into an html view as JSON?
Specifically I need a javascript variable in the view to include my JSON.
Lorin Rivers
Mosasaur: Killer Technical Marketing <>
512/203.3198 (m)
The project I'm working on has hired a consultant who is now recommending .Net
in place of web2py or even rails.
What's the 'largest' scale web2py is known to perform well on?
Lorin Rivers
Mosasaur: Killer Technical Marketing <>
than web2py or Rails? If he explains we can address it more
> specifically.
> Massimo
> On Nov 29, 11:56 am, Lorin Rivers wrote:
>> The project I'm working on has hired a consultant who is now recommending
>> .Net in place of web2py or even rails.
he Google datastore (these limitations will go away as soon as Google
>> releases MySQL in the cloud, which they announced some time ago).
>> Please ask the consultant: which .NET feature makes it scale any
>> better than web2py or Rails? If he explains we can address it mo
eb2py will use mssql.
> If mssql does not scale well with web2py you have other options and do
> not need to rewrite code.
> You can always reuse most of the design (html, js, css, images).
> Management costs. I am sure you can make the case it costs less to run
nt turns on you.
> On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 7:49 PM, Lorin Rivers wrote:
>> Unfortunately, the killing argument is "we know .NET will scale to thousands
>> of nodes, blah, blah, blah".
>> This from (a guy who's smart and I respect, honestly) w
rn db4.arraydata_table
elif period = 1:
return db4.array_mins
elif period = 5:
return db4.array_5mins
Lorin Rivers
Mosasaur: Killer Technical Marketing <>
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I have a list of Field variables
whichAttributes = [t.f1, t.f2, t.f3]
and I want to use them in my .select, like so:
records =,orderby=t.f4|t.f5)
How do I unroll that list into the select?
Lorin Rivers
Mosasaur: Killer Technical Marketing <h
On Dec 3, 2010, at 17:29 , mr.freeze wrote:
> records =*whichAttributes,orderby=t.f4|t.f5)
> * unpacks a list
> ** unpacks a dict
> On Dec 3, 5:16 pm, Lorin Rivers wrote:
>> I have a list of Field variables
>> whichAtt
If a model is defined in, everything in that application has access to
it, correct?
The only reason to define a model in a different file is if you only need to
access that particular model in a similarly named controller, correct?
Lorin Rivers
Mosasaur: Killer Technical
We've encountered a bug where our app behaves differently if you access it via
/AppName/ than it does if you access it via /AppName/default/index
What would likely explain that and how should I go about ensuring identical
behavior in either case?
Lorin Rivers
Mosasaur: Killer Tech
> On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 12:35 PM, Lorin Rivers wrote:
>> We've encountered a bug where our app behaves differently if you access it
>> via /AppName/ than it does if you access it via /AppName/default/index
>> What would likely explain that and how should I g
THere are a few aspects of the DAL that I can't quite get my head around. For
example, how would I do this?
select max(reqtime) from arraydata_table where rollupid = 0
Lorin Rivers
Mosasaur: Killer Technical Marketing <>
512/203.3198 (m)
>> Check out my blog:
>> Check out my portfolio:
>> Registered Linux user #438078 (
>> I hang o
eld is not NULL;"
Lorin Rivers
Mosasaur: Killer Technical Marketing <>
512/203.3198 (m)
No kidding. That should be called out in The Book.
On Dec 12, 2010, at 17:14 , mdipierro wrote:
> db(db.mytable.myfield!=None).select()
> On Dec 12, 5:02 pm, Lorin Rivers wrote:
>> Sometimes in the app I'm working on the default values aren't set in a
>> co
As far as I can tell, the only place null is mentioned in the DAL page is in
the definition of tables.
On Dec 12, 2010, at 17:35 , mdipierro wrote:
> The book never says that None is "NULL"?
> I will check. That would be a big omission.
> Massimo
> On Dec 12,
> [3]
> --
> Bruno Rocha
Lorin Rivers
Mosasaur: Killer Technical Marketing <>
512/203.3198 (m)
>> Check out my blog:
>> Check out my portfolio:
>> Registered Linux user #438078 (
>> I hang out on
{{extend 'layout.html'}}
What's up?
Lorin Rivers
Mosasaur: Killer Technical Marketing <>
512/203.3198 (m)
No, it's in, a controller.
On Dec 14, 2010, at 13:37 , Bruno Rocha wrote:
> if def test() is defined inside, the test.html should be in
> /views/default/test.html
> 2010/12/14 Lorin Rivers
>> I have an app "Debug", a contro
Thanks, I got it now.
On Dec 14, 2010, at 14:10 , Bruno Rocha wrote:
> so, you need views inside /views/reports/.html
> 2010/12/14 Lorin Rivers
>> No, it's in, a controller.
>> On Dec 14, 2010, at 13:37 , Bruno Rocha wrote:
hang out on
> Gimp Brushmakers Guild
Lorin Rivers
Mosasaur: Killer Technical Marketing <>
512/203.3198 (m)
arbitrary python statements and expressions, as well as a
> debugging environment that supports pdb-style commands, like ``s`` for
> step, ``r`` for return (I think), etc. I don't remember the exact
> commands, but I think you can get help by typing ``h`` or ``help``.
> O
I have logging writing to the console, but not to the log file.
Starting with the example, I changed WARNING to DEBUG (everywhere--as
soon as I get it working, I'll be more selective), I set [keys] to
logs/web2py.log gets created on startup, but never gets
format=%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s
On Dec 16, 2010, at 16:47 , Jonathan Lundell wrote:
> On Dec 16, 2010, at 11:00 AM, Lorin Rivers wrote:
>> I have logging writing to the console, but not to
I use it like this:
finishtime = lasttime.replace(minute=round_off(lasttime.minute,
lasttime.second, to_nearest=5), second=0)
I'm too tired & ignorant to figure it out.
Lorin Rivers
Mosasaur: Killer Technical Marketing <>
512/203.3198 (m)
How do I turn a list of fields to an orderby expression?
In other words, If I have this: [db.table.field1, db.table.field2]
I want this: db(db.table).select(orderby = db.table.field1 | db.table.field2)
Lorin Rivers
Mosasaur: Killer Technical Marketing <http://www.mosasaur.
Yep, thanks!
On Dec 20, 2010, at 11:28 , mdipierro wrote:
> I think this is what you are asking:
> myorderlist = [db.table.field1, db.table.field2]
> orderby = reduce(lambda a,b:a|b, myorderlist)
> rows = db(db.table).select(orderby = orderby)
> On Dec 20, 11:07
I am working on moving some of the computation-intensive processes to a
cron-launched scheme. I have some that run every minute, every 2 minutes,
every 5 minutes and every 15 minutes.
In production, it's possible that the volume of incoming data would result
in the task not finishing before its ne
Thanks, Massimo!
Looking forward to checking out the processing stuff!
On Dec 30, 2010, at 18:32 , mdipierro wrote:
> Source:
Lorin Rivers
Mosasaur: Killer Technical Marketing <>
512/203.3198 (m)
uot;. What gives? How can I make this more generic?
I'd like to be able to use the same url conventions to return json for use in
Lorin Rivers
Mosasaur: Killer Technical Marketing <>
512/203.3198 (m)
What's the best practice for this sort of thing?
Lorin Rivers
Mosasaur: Killer Technical Marketing <>
512/203.3198 (m)
ratuitos e Inteligentes
> 2011/1/13 Lorin Rivers
>> I am using tabular <> (which requires
>> numpy), as well as psycopg2 and a number of other libraries.
>> The default location for such things is one of the loc
What do I put in generic.json to expose the details of the exception?
On Jan 13, 2011, at 13:46 , Wikus van de Merwe wrote:
> Do you have the "generic.json" view? Change it to print out the details of
> the exception thrown there. My guess is that you need escaping=True.
;t seem like it should be necessary.
def function():
dbset = db()
records =, db.table.field2,
otherrecords = records.as_list()
Then in my generic.csv, I use records and in generic.json I use otherrecords.
Lorin Rivers
Mosasaur: K
"Po_avg_sum": 519.912549612443
"FreezeTime": "2010-12-12 19:00:00",
"StringID": "S0002",
"Po_avg_sum": 532.390706326218
What's the easiest way to get that?
Lorin Rivers
Mosasaur: Killer Technical Marketing <>
512/203.3198 (m)
12/13/2010 22:00:00,76,,195
If the 'S0001' data was missing for that time.
It's probably really easy, but I'm struggling.
Lorin Rivers
Mosasaur: Killer Technical Marketing <>
512/203.3198 (m)
on(optimizers), escape=False)}};
Where optimizers is a list that looks like this:
It throws the error, saying this:
TypeError: key ('S0001',) is not a string
Lorin Rivers
Mosasaur: Killer Technical Marketing <>
512/203.3198 (m)
, gender,
> age, bookmark category (could compete with too)
> - You can then choose to be notified when a given person bookmarks
> something new (like twitter)
> - You can check who is following your bookmarks.
> Massimo
Lorin Rivers
Mosasaur: Killer Technical Marketing <>
512/203.3198 (m)
print db4(db4.rollup_semaphore.table_name=='data_table').select()
Which is what I expect the first to return.
What am I doing wrong?
Lorin Rivers
Mosasaur: Killer Technical Marketing &
>print row
> should be
>for row in semaphore_rows.find(lambda row:
> row.table_name=='data_table'):
>print row
> else you compare only the first char with 'date_table'
> On Jan 18, 1:05 pm, Lorin Rivers wrote:
One of the mental challenges I have with mvc/layout approach is how to assign
values from the "inside-out". Almost all the work I have done so far is in the
I'd like to dynamically change the title tag (e.g., in the
How does that work?
Lorin Rivers
OK, I'm getting there.
How do I specify response.title in my view?
On Feb 9, 2011, at 12:55 PM, DenesL wrote:
> If you are using the default layout.html file then just set
> response.title to whatever title you want.
> On Feb 9, 1:50 pm, Lorin Rivers wrote:
In case someone stumbles upon this thread, here's what I did:
theTitle = ctab.title, str(timestart), "to", str(timeend)
response.title = " ".join(theTitle)
{{=response.title or URL()}}
Lorin Rivers
Mosasaur: Killer Technica
ken the
Can you think of a light-weight solution?
Lorin Rivers
Mosasaur: Killer Technical Marketing <>
512/203.3198 (m)
On Mar 1, 2011, at 5:18 AM, darkblue_b wrote:
> as per the very simple instructions, I wrote a controller function to
> return a few items..
> generic.html and generic.xml work, but generic.json and generic.rss
> fail
> just learning still, I searched the newsgroup and found
If you can do any of the analysis ahead of time and store that, it might help.
That's what I had to do.
In my case, I also discovered that the database I was using wanted more RAM
than I could give it at the time and had to do my real-time analysis in smaller
Lorin R
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