We're looking at utility scale deployments with thousands of nodes reporting 
data back to the server. That and the ability to compile .NET.

On Nov 29, 2010, at 12:05 , mdipierro wrote:

> You achieve scalability by replicating the web server behind a load
> balancer. This is documented in the book, chapter 11, using HAProxy.
> All frameworks work the same way in this respect. web2py has no
> intrinsic limitations. The bottle neck is the database connection. All
> frameworks have the same problem. You can replicate the database too
> and web2py supports multiple database clients with Round-Robin.
> On a small VPS, web2py in average, should execute one page in 20ms.
> Depending on how many requests/second you need you can determine how
> many servers you need.
> web2py apps run on Google App Engine and that means arbitrary
> scalability as long as you can live with the constraints imposed by
> the Google datastore (these limitations will go away as soon as Google
> releases MySQL in the cloud, which they announced some time ago).
> Please ask the consultant: which .NET feature makes it scale any
> better than web2py or Rails? If he explains we can address it more
> specifically.
> Massimo
> On Nov 29, 11:56 am, Lorin Rivers <lriv...@mosasaur.com> wrote:
>> The project I'm working on has hired a consultant who is now recommending 
>> .Net in place of web2py or even rails.
>> What's the 'largest' scale web2py is known to perform well on?
>> --
>> Lorin Rivers
>> Mosasaur: Killer Technical Marketing <http://www.mosasaur.com>
>> <mailto:lriv...@mosasaur.com>
>> 512/203.3198 (m)

Lorin Rivers
Mosasaur: Killer Technical Marketing <http://www.mosasaur.com>
512/203.3198 (m)

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