[web2py] Re: Debian Packaging

2010-05-17 Thread José L .
(Intend to Package) bug in bugs.debian.org, so you'll be the official maintainer of it, and do all the packaging in Debian. Doing it in that way, web2py will be in the Debian archive and, automatically, in all its derivatives, as Ubuntu. If you need any help, I can lend you a hand, or even do the maintaining of web2py together, but for that, I need more time to know the insides of web2py before feeling I can do a good work with it. Regards. José L.

[web2py] does anybody know what happened to www.web2pyslices.com?

2010-06-09 Thread José L .
It's not reachable since a couple of days, and it's a very valuable tool for web2py users... José L.

[web2py] web2py on twisted

2010-04-28 Thread José L .
Hi, I'm using an application running on twisted to communicate with some electronic devices. twisted is almost a need to handle this application because of the async nature of the comms. Also I use twisted + some javascript to render a http page with the info coming from the devices and to give the

[web2py] Re: Debian Packaging

2010-09-08 Thread José L .
he packaging in alioth.debian.org. And, if you think you can not do it, please let me hijack to ITP, I'd try to do the packaging, so in the medium term, we can have a working package to be tested by the Debian community (and its derivatives, as Ubuntu, Linux Mint, LinEx, etc.) Regards. José

[web2py] Packaging web2py for Debian

2010-10-13 Thread José L .
e people want to collaborate in the packaging I'll be glad to open a project in alioth.debian.org, so we can work together. Regards. José L.

[web2py] Re: Packaging web2py for Debian

2010-10-13 Thread José L .
On 13 oct, 21:00, mdipierro wrote: > web2py -f folder > > It should work but you may want to check. Perhaps we may need a patch. I'll try it, I guess some other files will be needed, but I'll report my progress. Anyway maybe you could add some code to web2py.py so if it doesn't find the glu

[web2py] Re: Packaging web2py for Debian

2010-10-13 Thread José L .
of different instances, maybe > > throughhttp://pypi.python.org/pypi/virtualenvsothat upgrade of > > system python doesn't break everything as it usually happens on > >  debian with other python frameworks. > > > mic > > > 2010/10/13 José L. : > > > &g

[web2py] Re: Packaging web2py for Debian

2010-10-13 Thread José L .
On 13 oct, 23:17, Richard wrote: > I remember talk about ability to upgrade through admin - is that > practical? > It works, but it must be disabled in the Debian package. Versions can not be upgraded without upgrading the package, that would break the system packages database. As an example,

[web2py] Re: Packaging web2py for Debian

2010-10-13 Thread José L .
On 13 oct, 23:18, Tim Michelsen wrote: > > I feel this will be a maintenance nightmare unless it somehow upgrades > > itself. The release process of debian is very slow compared to ours. > > You can have automatic daily builds of a source tree import to your > PPA:https://help.launchpad.net/Pac

[web2py] Re: Packaging web2py for Debian

2010-10-13 Thread José L .
On 14 oct, 02:36, Mark Breedveld wrote: > Hello Guys, > > My apologise for my late update on the project. > Had to get my propedeuse  :p. > > And next 1 - 1,5 year I hope to do my graduation project on HRO. > Which I hope is implement or extends web2py manager. > > In other topics we discussed t

[web2py] Re: Packaging web2py for Debian

2010-10-14 Thread José L .
en Red Hat. I am just a Debian Developer who is using web2py, knows the internal of packaging, has permissions to upload new software to the official Debian repository, and would like to have it in Debian. So far, so good. No more ambitions, no more needs. Regards José L.

[web2py] Re: Packaging web2py for Debian

2010-10-15 Thread José L .
e/doc/python-web2py the scripts to run web2py at the computer booting and the configuration files for apache2, httpd-light, index.yaml, etc. with all the needed documentation to do it manually. Your idea may be useful to be done with apache, with a apache2-web2py package, but I don't see how to do it universally for any web server. > > Sounds cool! > More than cool. It sounds as a need for many people! Regards. José L.

[web2py] Re: Packaging web2py for Debian

2010-10-15 Thread José L .
On 15 oct, 11:33, Jurgis Pralgauskis wrote: > Maybe You could usehttps://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/SourceBuilds/ > > if you'd create stable branch on bazar and add packaging recipy > likehttps://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mdipierro/web2py/devel/+new-recipe > fromhttps://code.edge.launchpad.net

[web2py] Re: Packaging web2py for Debian

2010-10-15 Thread José L .
On 15 oct, 13:32, Mark Breedveld wrote: > You have the idea. Thanks for clearing it towards the others. > > My guesses it we need to do both. > Because Jose goal is general purpose and mine aswell, > but comes with overkill in the most cases. > > In Jose case I would suggest a slight change. > w

[web2py] Re: Packaging web2py for Debian

2010-10-16 Thread José L .
plications, for example. It's only that I don't know if there are technical or logical reasons to do it. If it has been discussed and agreed before, it's very possible that's the right way, but I can not find the thread of discussion for this. José L.

[web2py] Re: Packaging web2py for Debian

2010-10-16 Thread José L .
try. Anyway, I've requested the creation of a packaging group in alioth.debian.org. As soon as it is created by the admins I'll tell it here, so anybody can join to help. Regards José L. > > Mark,

[web2py] Re: Packaging web2py for Debian

2010-10-17 Thread José L .
al ones. web2py includes several javascript files made by other people, and I want it to pass the legal exam in Debian. > In any case, I'm going to keep maintaining the RPMs for our internal > use and I'd appreciate any additional comments. > I thank you your comments, and I hope you can help in the Debian packaging too, as most problems (if not they all) are common to any distribution packaging. The final way of compiling the package differs, but I can't recall of any other difference. Regards. José L. > Kind regards to all.

[web2py] Re: Packaging web2py for Debian

2010-10-18 Thread José L .
ad of flooding this group of packaging technical details that most people don't care. Regards. José L.

[web2py] Re: LMS experimenting

2010-11-28 Thread José L .
design is a good and powerful design, and the way it interacts with the teacher is a total sucess in many countries around the world, and believe me: I've been working developing code and applications for teachers for the last 8 years and it's not easy to find an application that most teachers c

[web2py] Re: minimal setup on Debian for using Mail()

2010-12-05 Thread José L .
ng exim4 by ssmtp (the simplest mail server around), as it's really easy to setup. http://wiki.debian.org/sSMTP To test if it's working, then install mail-utils, and use the command "mail" to send mails and check if they 're received. Then you are sure your server setup is working and you can think of configuring mail in web2py. Regards José L.

[web2py] Application with no session

2011-01-26 Thread José L .
case, is there any option (or could it be added) to avoid using any kind of sessions in a web2py application? Regards. José L.

[web2py] Re: Application with no session

2011-01-26 Thread José L .
Forget my previous mail, I've checked that adding session.forget() to the default controller makes the needed magic. Regards.

[web2py] web2py launcher for Debian package

2011-01-26 Thread José L .
idea about how to launch an external process (the web browser), after it has started. Regards. José L.

[web2py] Re: web2py launcher for Debian package

2011-01-26 Thread José L .
This message has disappeared from the web2py google groups site . I don't know why. So, I'm bumping it On Wednesday, January 26, 2011 8:33:37 PM UTC+1, José L. wrote: > > Hello, in order to do the packaging of web2py, I've done these things: > - moved gluon to be a

[web2py] Validator for sqlform combo list

2012-05-31 Thread José L .
Hi, I'm using a referenced table with IS_IN_DB validator, but I'd like to filter the fields to be shown in the combo list. As an example: db.define_table('person', Field('name'), Field('surname), Field(age,'integer') ) db.define_table('class_attendant', Fiel

[web2py] executing javascript after accepting a form

2012-03-27 Thread José L .
Hi, I'm having problems trying to show a modal window after the user submits correctly a form. I've tried to do it with: def index(): if form.accepts(request.vars): response.js='$( "#dialog-message" ).dialog({ modal: true });' ... being #dialog-message a div in the sam

[web2py] Running web2py in an apache directory

2011-10-21 Thread José L .
Hi, I've been running successfully web2py under apache in a directory following the slice at http://www.web2pyslices.com/slices/take_slice/56 . I need it running in a subdirectory because this apache server is running some other apps, some of them in php. It worked perfectly with version 1.95.1

[web2py] Autocomplete in GAE

2011-11-02 Thread José L .
arch in the database, not a simple combo with a very short list of possible items to show/search. Thanks in advance José L.

[web2py] Translation error in SQLFORM.grid

2011-11-27 Thread José L .
nrows)s records found' % dict(nrows=nrows)) by: message = error or T('%s records found', nrows) The problem is fixed. I've filled bug #539 to follow this issue. Regards. José L.

[web2py] Digging in the web2py license(s)

2011-02-17 Thread José L .
Hello, in my progress of making the Debian packaging of web2py I'm dealing with the non-always-clear world of licensing. Up to now, I've some clear parts, which can be read at: http://paste.debian.net/107968/ For Massimo and all the web2py contributors, it would be great if you can take a look

[web2py] Re: Digging in the web2py license(s)

2011-02-18 Thread José L .
Bumping Massimo, I really need your help on this topic, specially on the part of the unlicensed files.

[web2py] Small bug in gluon/widget.py and something more

2011-02-26 Thread José L .
7;d just add it as a patch to the Debian packages. Regards José L.

[web2py] Re: Small bug in gluon/widget.py and something more

2011-02-26 Thread José L .
text) method in web2pyDialog, so I haven't translated it into the gtk class. Tell me if it's needed. Regards. José L. > Massimo > > >

[web2py] Re: Small bug in gluon/widget.py and something more

2011-02-27 Thread José L .
gt; > Done. I have uploaded widget.py, widget.diff and gtk_presentation.py (to be placed at gluon/contrib) again to http://people.debian.org/~jredrejo/web2py update_canvas is also implemented now, so I consider it finished unless some bug arise. Regards. José L. P.S.: web2pyGtkDialog cou

[web2py] web2py Debian packages available for testing

2011-02-28 Thread José L .
Debian based distributions, including documentation and an example configuration file to use Apache. My plan is uploading these packages to Debian at the end of this week if nobody complains with bugs, so I ask help to all the Debian/Ubuntu users in this group to test it and tell me their opinion.

[web2py] web2py always writes on language files to translate

2011-03-13 Thread José L .
/lib/python-support/python2.5/gluon/languages.py(95)write_dict() i.e.: As far as I can check, method translate, from class translator at gluon/languages.py , always call method write_dict, and it looks there's no need to do it. is it a bug ? Regards. José L.

[web2py] Re: web2py always writes on language files to translate

2011-03-13 Thread José L .
this is not an important issue. Thanks. José L. > > Massimo > > On Mar 13, 10:56 am, José L. wrote: > > Hi, > > running web2py in a directory with restricted permissions I've checked > that > > anytime a translation is used, web2py try to re-write the tr

[web2py] Re: greetings from PyCon

2011-03-14 Thread José L .
On Monday, March 14, 2011 2:38:24 PM UTC+1, Massimo Di Pierro wrote: > > http://blip.tv/file/4879126 > > Can you see it? > > Perfectly, thanks very much. > On Mar 14, 6:50 am, Mengu wrote: > > so, what about the video?

[web2py] Re: web2py always writes on language files to translate

2011-03-14 Thread José L .
Is there anyway to force the update of translations files by code? I'll add it to the Debian package in case it's possible, so this problem will disappear...

[web2py] Re: web2py 1.94.1 is OUT

2011-03-18 Thread José L .
Debian packages for 1.94.4 are already available where usual: http://people.debian.org/~jredrejo/web2py/lenny/ (for python2.5) or http://people.debian.org/~jredrejo/web2py/squeeze/ (for python >> 2.5) Regards.

[web2py] What's the utility of auth.settings.alternate_requires_registration?

2011-04-15 Thread José L .
I've tried to use it to avoid registering automatically users in the database after a login using ldap, but the result is almost the opposite. If auth.settings.alternate_requires_registration=True, then only database users are allowed, and the alternate_login_methods are ignored. Is it a bug or a

[web2py] Pack applications stored on control version filesystems

2011-05-26 Thread José L .
Hi I was having problems (Internal error) when trying to pack an application that I have under subversion control. I've detected the problem was in the app_cleanup function in gluon/admin.py (it tried to remove files, but raised an error when tried to remove the .svn directory). I guess this wil

[web2py] Use plugin_wiki widgets in standard views

2011-06-19 Thread José L .
I'd like to use some of the widgets plugin_wiki has (mainly jqgrid and tags) , but I don't want to use plugin wiki pages to build the site because I'd like to have more flexibility (specially with layouts and javascript). Is there an easy way to use some of these widgets in a "normal" view? (I've

[web2py] Re: Use plugin_wiki widgets in standard views

2011-06-19 Thread José L .
Forget my previous email , I've found the answer in the book: {{=plugin_wiki.widget('jqgrid',table='... ) }}

[web2py] Re: plugins

2011-06-19 Thread José L .
selecta, the downloads from http://pymantis.org/pymantis_server/plugin_release/download don't work in any of its versions. Do you have some control version system where I could take a look to these plugins? Thanks.

[web2py] New bug working with 1.96.4

2011-06-22 Thread José L .
I'm having an authentication error in an application that works without any problem in 1.95.1. This application uses ldap authentication, the backtrace is: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/src/web2py/web2py/gluon/restricted.py", line 192, in restricted exec ccode in environment

[web2py] Re: New bug working with 1.96.4

2011-06-22 Thread José L .
I've checked the problem comes since http://code.google.com/p/web2py/source/detail?r=9153fbe0349812922daae09c487f4dfe68280d76&path=/gluon/tools.py where the user_id = table_user.insert(**keys) replaced the old method to insert data in the auth table. No idea of the rationale behind

[web2py] Insert "One to many" related tables in GAE

2011-07-02 Thread José L .
ng mysql, or sqlite. But using GAE I can not fill it using the province_id (the id is ignored and gae puts another one) and I have no clue on how to associate both data. Can anybody lend me a hand? Regards José L.

[web2py] autocomplete widget does not work on GAE

2011-07-03 Thread José L .
es anybody know of any workaround to make autocomplete work in GAE? BTW: A note should be added at the web2py book section (http://www.web2py.com/book/default/chapter/07#Autocomplete-Widget ) warning it does not work in gae. It will save time to many people. Regards. José L.

[web2py] Form for two tables (one of them repeated)

2011-08-03 Thread José L .
Hello, I need the help of some web2py guru... I'm developing an application where I have to add and modify couples of people. So I've defined a table called "person", and a table called "pairs" which have two fields related to "person". I need to show a form to add/edit couples (so adding/editin

[web2py] Re: PowerFormWizard 0.1.4 - Bug Fixes and auto_validation (+ a new plugin for grids)

2011-08-09 Thread José L .
Hi Bruno, I'm trying to use PowerFormWizard and it was working fine until I found a bug using an Autocomplete widget for one of the fields. I can reproduce the error even using your example application (I just added a colors table and db.person.colors.widget = SQLFORM.widgets.autocomplete(

[web2py] oncreate callback inside a component

2014-07-24 Thread José L .
Hi, I'm using load to put two sqlform.grid inside a page in an application. I have added ... editable=True, create=True, searchable=False, onvalidation=check_documento, oncreate = check_documento, onupdate = check_documento, formname

[web2py] IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_IN_DB incompatible with custom form?

2014-08-26 Thread José L .
ld('lastName'), Field('dept_id', db.department), requires=IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_IN_DB(db, db.department.id, '%(nombre)s'))) {{=form.custom.widget.dept_id}} shows the departament id instead of the name. I need to add the "IS_EMPTY_OR" condition, I've als

[web2py] Re: IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_IN_DB incompatible with custom form?

2014-08-27 Thread José L .
El martes, 26 de agosto de 2014 22:49:17 UTC+2, Anthony escribió: > > > > On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 3:13:35 PM UTC-4, José L. wrote: >> >> Hi, I'm using a custom form to represent the fields of a table. This >> table has referenced fields. >>