[web2py] simple_hash and salt order

2016-05-26 Thread David Orme
Hello, I've got an application where I'm sharing a database with a second (non web2py) framework. I want my web2py application to handle user registration and would like to avoid users having two passwords (partly so that only web2py ever writes to the auth_user table). Inevitably, the hashed

[web2py] Re: simple_hash and salt order

2016-05-27 Thread David Orme
YPT and validators.LazyCrypt, and in >LazyCrypt, replace the __str__ method with one that calls a custom >simple_hash function. >3. Create an entirely new custom hashing validator that replicates the >algorithm used by the other app. > > Anthony > > On Th

[web2py] Case sensitivity in PostgreSQL Table and Field names

2016-07-11 Thread David Orme
Hello, I've got an application with a PostgreSQL backend that shares a small subset of tables with another application. At the moment, I have Web2Py defining all the tables and the expectation is that the other application just read information from the tables (and does what it likes with any

[web2py] Add a field to primary key in non-legacy tables

2016-08-18 Thread David Orme
Hi, I've got an application that shares a DB with another application running a different framework. The setup is that my application declares a set of tables that the other application can read from but won't write to, so I haven't been exploring the mechanisms for connecting to legacy databas

[web2py] Re: Add a field to primary key in non-legacy tables

2016-08-18 Thread David Orme
.define_table('key_test2', Field('id', 'integer'), Field('oid', length=64, default=uuid.uuid4, rname='"Oid"'), primarykey = ['id', '"Oid"']) The error thrown is: primarykey must be a list of fiel

[web2py] Re: Add a field to primary key in non-legacy tables

2016-08-18 Thread David Orme
re where the best place to put that might be - it presumably shouldn't be in db.py where it will get repeatedly called, but somewhere in something like a zzz_indexing.py model file that checks first whether the primary keys have been modified? Cheers, David On Thursday, 18 Augu

[web2py] Use menu selection to change a variable

2016-03-02 Thread David Orme
Hello, I'd like to use a simple menu to switch between two possible languages for content. I've got the content separated out following the markmin get_content() model so want to use a global variable `lang` to direct the path of the content to be loaded in pages. I've got a couple of URLs de

[web2py] Fields from multiple tables in a single form

2016-03-06 Thread David Orme
I have a table like this: db.define_table('visit', Field('project_id', 'integer', 'references projects'), Field('arrival_date','date'), Field('departure_date','date'), Field('number_of_visitors','integer'), Field('purpose','text'), Field('proposer_id', 'integer', 'reference

[web2py] Re: Fields from multiple tables in a single form

2016-03-10 Thread David Orme
Thanks for the help. I'm still working on this - I will come back with some code to show what worked for me - but just wanted to correct another typo in my code. The correct syntax for referencing other tables is not: Field('project_id', 'references projects') but: Field('project_id', 'refere

[web2py] Using writable=False fields in an onupdate function

2016-03-10 Thread David Orme
Hello, I'm trying to use a variable from a form in an onupdate function, but because I've set it to writeable=False in the controller, it doesn't get passed in form.vars. In more depth: I've got a table for volunteers to post offers of help on a project. Those have to be approved by an admin b

[web2py] Re: Using writable=False fields in an onupdate function

2016-03-10 Thread David Orme
That's the problem - the auth_user row _can't_ be retrieved because form.vars.volunteer_id is None. -- Resources: - http://web2py.com - http://web2py.com/book (Documentation) - http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code) - https://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/list (Report Issues) --- You r

[web2py] Re: Using writable=False fields in an onupdate function

2016-03-11 Thread David Orme
Hello all, Thanks for the information and help. - I can see that using SQLFORM simplifies it, but the SQLFORM.grid API makes it really easy to present a user with a summary table of options that they can then click into to see details. - The other options suggested both carry out the query I w

[web2py] Re: Using writable=False fields in an onupdate function

2016-03-11 Thread David Orme
That is exactly what I was looking for. I don't know how it compares for performance with the record id query, but it makes for very clean code, and the fact that it exposes the reference table fields is very neat. Many thanks! -- Resources: - http://web2py.com - http://web2py.com/book (Docume

[web2py] Getting the next ID value to create linked rows (or multiple updates on a single view)

2016-03-15 Thread David Orme
Hi, I'm trying to create a view that allows a user to create a new project and add (existing) users to that project. In order to represent the two tables on a single page, I've been following a recipe from pyslices: http://www.web2pyslices.com/article/show/1542/manage-users-and-memebership-in-t

[web2py] Upload locations in web2py_ckeditor plugin

2016-03-18 Thread David Orme
Hi, I've installed the web2py_ckeditor plugin from: https://github.com/timrichardson/web2py_ckeditor4/releases I think this will working really nicely for providing a table of simple blog posts, but I'd like to control where uploaded files get stored. I had a look at the source and it seemed li

[web2py] Left join with filters on joined table

2018-11-24 Thread David Orme
Hi, I've got a table 'sites' and a table 'audio', where sites.id = audio.site_id. I'm trying to create a service that returns a list of sites with the number of audio recordings at each site, including zero counts. That's easily achieved using: sitedata = db(db.sites).select(db.sites.ALL,

Re: [web2py] Re: Left join with filters on joined table

2018-11-24 Thread David Orme
o WHERE > ((sites.id IS NOT NULL) > > > On Sunday, November 25, 2018 at 1:00:56 AM UTC+3, David Orme wrote: >> >> Hi, >> >> I've got a table 'sites' and a table 'audio', where sites.id = >> audio.site_id. I'm trying to crea

Re: [web2py] Re: Left join with filters on joined table

2018-11-25 Thread David Orme
> > '12:00:00')) > > > On Sunday, November 25, 2018 at 1:34:54 AM UTC+3, David Orme wrote: >> >> Thanks for the suggestion. I've actually tried that and get exactly the >> same results - I read somewhere that using an empty db() could be >>

[web2py] Geometry fields and validators

2019-03-15 Thread David Orme
Hi, I'm looking for an approach to validate a user provided WKT geometry. The obvious answer is to let the spatial backend do the validation, so this works: if geometry is not None: geometry = db.executesql("select st_geomfromtext('{}');".format(geometry)) except ProgrammingError: rai

[web2py] Re: Geometry fields and validators

2019-03-15 Thread David Orme
cutesql("select st_geomfromtext('{}');".format(geometry)) except db._adapter.driver.ProgrammingError: raise HTTP(404, "Invalid WKT Geometry") Cheers, David On Friday, 15 March 2019 13:21:43 UTC, David Orme wrote: > > > Hi, > > I'm looking for an

[web2py] ST_Transform in GIS support

2019-03-19 Thread David Orme
Hi, I wanted to see if anyone has opinions on adding ST_Transform in to the list of available GIS commands. I've only looked at this from the point of view of PostgreSQL and PostGIS, but there is precedent for having Postgre only GIS functions. The basic argument is that coordinate transformati

[web2py] Re: ST_Transform in GIS support

2019-03-19 Thread David Orme
I guess more generally there is an issue with having to do a round trip through WKT to update a record - it loses precision and is there is an explicit warning about using it for passing data: http://postgis.org/docs/ST_AsText.html I don't see any point in altering how the select represents the

[web2py] Re: ST_Transform in GIS support

2019-03-19 Thread David Orme
So, in addition to st_transform, I would add st_aswkb. This isn't an official Postgis command - it provides a method to bypass the automatic conversion to WKT found in here: https://github.com/web2py/pydal/blob/master/pydal/adapters/base.py#L550 With a suitably modified PostgreRepresenter, that

[web2py] Re: AWS Lambda Serverless and Zappa

2019-03-22 Thread David Orme
Hi, Just wanted to ask about that recipe. I'm using web2py to provide some database management pages and then an API to feed data to a front end. The front end developer is looking for speedups and was asking about deploying to now.sh, to take advantage of the CDN that sits in front of it for

[web2py] Return random row on left join in one to many

2019-04-02 Thread David Orme
Hi, I have two tables: `tx` contains a set of named objects and then `tx_vals` contain 0 to many possible values for those objects. I want to obtain a table that contains all named objects in `tx` and one random value from `tx_vals`. I think that has to be a left join to get the null values wh

[web2py] CORS headers on static file

2019-04-16 Thread David Orme
Hi, I'm running a static website from an S3 bucket that calls an API running on web2py and I've run into a problem with CORS. I can update the headers for API calls by editing the calls() controller: def call(): """ exposes services. for example: http:///[app]/default/call/json

[web2py] Javascript load order and templates

2017-03-31 Thread David Orme
Hello, I'm using wavesurfer in a site, so have included it at the bottom of layout.html. http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/wavesurfer.js/1.0.52/wavesurfer.min.js";> But then one of my views has javascript code to setup a wavesurfer player. This is currently included at the bottom of

Re: [web2py] Javascript load order and templates

2017-03-31 Thread David Orme
d page_js}} > > This way it will be inserted in the right place into the rendered page. > > > 2017-03-31 11:45 GMT-03:00 David Orme <mailto:david.o...@gmail.com>>: > Hello, > > I'm using wavesurfer in a site, so have included it at the b

[web2py] Representing field in IS_IN_DB

2017-06-27 Thread David Orme
Hi, I'm trying to set up a dropdown on a form to have representation text that merges information from multiple tables. The table setup is one where I'm tracking users and datasets associated with projects. Because project details can get updated, I have a permanent project id, and the details

[web2py] Re: Representing field in IS_IN_DB

2017-06-27 Thread David Orme
That's great. Thanks - I simply hadn't thought that I could switch which table the IS_IN_DB 'table.value_field' argument was pointing to in order to shift which fields were available. To give the specific answer for my case: db.datasets.project_id.requires = IS_IN_DB(query, 'project_details.pr

[web2py] Accessing all attributes for all SQLFORM grid rows

2017-07-19 Thread David Orme
Hi, I've got a controller that is serving up a searchable SQLFORM grid of some map locations along with a Leaflet map containing the locations. The underlying table looks like this: db.define_table('gazeteer', Field('location', 'string', unique=True), Field('type', 'string', requires=IS

[web2py] Sharing function between controller and scheduler

2017-08-17 Thread David Orme
Hi, I have a function that checks an uploaded file. I want the check to get scheduled automatically on upload but I also want admin user to be able to run the check live from the website (it doesn't take too long). I currently have a single function in a model that gets shared, but then it has

Re: [web2py] Sharing function between controller and scheduler

2017-08-17 Thread David Orme
Aha. That is very helpful. Thanks very much. Cheers, David > On 17 Aug 2017, at 14:20, Leonel Câmara wrote: > > That seems fine to me. Note however that you can know if the function is > being run by the scheduler looking at request.is_scheduler > > -- > Resources: > - http://web2py.com

[web2py] Re: Sharing function between controller and scheduler

2017-08-17 Thread David Orme
day, 17 August 2017 11:22:50 UTC+1, David Orme wrote: > > Hi, > > I have a function that checks an uploaded file. I want the check to get > scheduled automatically on upload but I also want admin user to be able to > run the check live from the website (it doesn't take too l

[web2py] API for database sequence?

2018-02-01 Thread David Orme
Hi, I've got a table where I want to group related rows with a unique id. I could use something like: next_val = db.table.unique_id.max() + 1 But that does not seem safe against updates happening at almost the same time (I might be being paranoid). I could also use: next_val = uuid.uuid4 But

[web2py] Download link for dynamic upload folder

2018-02-02 Thread David Orme
Hi, I'm collecting dataset files from users. There can be several versions as problems with the files get fixed and I want to organise the uploaded files by their common dataset id. So in my controller I do this: # set the upload directory locally upload_dir = os.path.join(request.folder, 'uplo

[web2py] Re: Download link for dynamic upload folder

2018-02-02 Thread David Orme
I think that is field.retrieve firmly expecting a string and trying to find the end character of the lambda function. So, if that isn't possible, then I need a custom view of the record, which represents the file with a custom download function that I can pass new_ds_id to? On Friday,

[web2py] Re: Download link for dynamic upload folder

2018-02-03 Thread David Orme
at would derail the upload widget in the SQLFORM edit view but it doesn't seem to. Its probably a simpler way to get a custom download link that points to the record rather than just the filename, but doesn't get around the need for a custom download function. On Saturday, 3 February

[web2py] Re: Download link for dynamic upload folder

2018-02-03 Thread David Orme
#x27;Content-Disposition'] = file_header # get a stream of the file path = os.path.join(request.folder, 'uploads', 'datasets', str(record.dataset_id), record.file) stream = open(path, 'rb') return response.stream(stream) On Saturday, 3 Fe

[web2py] Using parse_as_rest: problem with cross joins?

2019-05-17 Thread David Orme
Hi, I'm looking at parse_as_rest() to provide an API and can't get it to work as expected. I have two table: datasets and fields, with a 1 to N relationship and I want to create an API that returns datasets that have a field name matching a pattern so (using the tuple version of patterns to pr

[web2py] Re: Using parse_as_rest: problem with cross joins?

2019-05-19 Thread David Orme
Hi Massimo, I saw that announcement shortly after submitting the question. I've downloaded the developer source (/static/nightly, with VERSION contents "Version 2.18.5-stable+timestamp.2019.") and neither dbapi.py (nor it's recent rebranding as restapi.py) is in that zip. Is it re

[web2py] Re: Using parse_as_rest: problem with cross joins?

2019-05-19 Thread David Orme
Sorry, being dim. The web2py repo links out to pydal, so I can just clone web2py/web2py. Cheers, David -- Resources: - http://web2py.com - http://web2py.com/book (Documentation) - http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code) - https://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/list (Report Issues) --- Y

[web2py] import_from_csv_file and auth.signature

2020-07-24 Thread David Orme
Hello, I've got a table like this: db._common_fields.append(auth.signature) db.define_table('locations', Field('title', 'string'), Field('capacity', 'integer'), Field('celcat_code', 'string'), Field('is_external', 'boolean', default

[web2py] Re: import_from_csv_file and auth.signature

2020-07-24 Thread David Orme
Well now that is embarrassing. Thanks! For reference, this was my recipe to put at the top of a file that is going to populate multiple tables: if db(db.auth_user).count() == 0: #Bulk load account admin_user_id = db.auth_user.insert(first_name='Bulk uploader') else: admin_user_id = d

[web2py] Re: changing default redirect after failed login attempt.

2020-08-10 Thread David Orme
Just to note that I had a similar fix to make and I think this solution is flawed: > auth.settings.controller = 'plugin_user_admin' > > It's exactly the right setting, but initialising an Auth instance uses `settings.controller` to initialise a whole bunch of links and I don't think these ge

[web2py] Altering reference table format in SQLFORM

2020-08-11 Thread David Orme
I'm sure I'm missing something obvious but I am trying to alter the representation of a referenced field in a SQLFORM and failing hopelessly (Web2Py 2.20.4 on Python 3.7.7). The two tables involved are: db.define_table('markers', Field('first_name','string'), Fiel

[web2py] Re: Altering reference table format in SQLFORM

2020-08-11 Thread David Orme
Thanks! I had played with the represent attribute, with no success, but using that first option within the controller works. Changing the validator seems a bit over the top just to change the format, but it works! On Tuesday, 11 August 2020 16:07:36 UTC+1, villas wrote: > > Off the top of my hea

Re: [web2py] Re: Programatically create Row

2021-02-13 Thread David Orme
Thanks for the suggestion. I don't need to create the form programmatically - the factory is great for that. I've already got code to create the form but want to create a dummy row on the server side to populate a display example form. Cheers, David On Sat, 13 Feb 2021, 08:37 Jacinto Parga, wrot