So, in addition to st_transform, I would add st_aswkb. This isn't an official Postgis command - it provides a method to bypass the automatic conversion to WKT found in here: With a suitably modified PostgreRepresenter, that then allows this: from pydal import geoPoint, geoLine, geoPolygon trans_test = db.define_table('transform_test', Field('point', 'geometry()'), Field('point_wec', 'geometry(public, 4087, 2)' )) trans_test.bulk_insert([{'point': geoPoint(0,0)}, {'point': geoPoint(3,0)}]) # [1L, 2L] db(db.transform_test).select().as_list() # [{'id': 1L, 'point': 'POINT(0 0)', 'point_wec': None}, # {'id': 2L, 'point': 'POINT(3 0)', 'point_wec': None}] copy_wkb = db( == 1).select(db.transform_test.point. st_aswkb().with_alias('wkb')).first() rec = db.transform_test[2] rec.update_record(point=copy_wkb['wkb']) # <Row {'point_wec': None, 'id': 2L, 'point': '0101000020E610000000000000000000000000000000000000'}> db(db.transform_test).select().as_list() # [{'id': 1L, 'point': 'POINT(0 0)', 'point_wec': None}, # {'id': 2L, 'point': 'POINT(0 0)', 'point_wec': None}] This avoids the round trip through WKT. Note also that the extended WKB provided by PostGIS contains a reference to the geometry SRID, so trying to update a field with a different SRID gets caught, as you might hope. In [10]: rec.update_record(point_wec=copy_wkb['wkb']) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ProgrammingError Traceback (most recent call last) # <snip> ProgrammingError: ('ERROR', '22023', 'Geometry SRID (4326) does not match column SRID (4087)') I don't think this breaks any existing functions. Cheers, David -- Resources: - - (Documentation) - (Source code) - (Report Issues) --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "web2py-users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to For more options, visit