Is anyone using SASS to manage their CSS definitions?
And if so, how have you managed web2py's css files?
milar to SASS.
> However, for dynamic css I use it as a template. And for small apps I
> just write css straight up in the static folder.
> --
> Thadeus
> On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 9:12 AM, Carl wrote:
> > hi,
> > Is anyone using SASS to
perhaps it's time I dropped the css I've adopted from web2py! :)
On May 4, 6:04 pm, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
> I do not understand. I do not have any web2py css files.
> --
> Thadeus
> On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 11:58 AM, Carl wrote:
> > thanks fo
I'd like to use several decorators on a function
def add_team(name, cap):
#function uses auth.user.id
In testing I've realised that service.jsonrpc is working but
auth.requires_login isn't.
ie if a user is not logged in then service.jsonrpc is c
the flaw is in my architecture not web2py. can you help with a better
approach? Needs to be BigTable-friendly to boot.
I have two user types: Agents and Candidates
Agents invite Candidates to Parties.
I keep a Party table recording all such Party invites.
Candidates can be invited to the same Par
ceberg wrote:
> On May27, 11:32pm, Carl wrote:
> > the flaw is in my architecture not web2py. can you help with a better
> > approach? Needs to be BigTable-friendly to boot.
> > I have two user types: Agents and Candidates
> > Agents invit
global ThreadLock so that developers can do:
> def invite():
> with web2py_lock:
> form = ...
> if form.accepts(...):
> ...
> or maybe a syntactic sugar:
> @with_lock
> def invite():
> all_the_
27;t have
Candidates checking the same invite simultaneously.
On Jun 2, 2:52 am, Richard wrote:
> I am not sure how to do it through web2py, but if working directly
> with the GAE API you can set the entities "key_name" to avoid
> duplicates.
> On Jun 2, 1:21 am, Carl wrot
Has anyone got a basic example project of using LinkedIn OAuth with
the Web2py platform? Something based on Welcome for example.
I've tried to integrate linkedin_account.py but haven't quiet gotten
it working. It may be my local set-up rather than code. I'm also
thinking a lot of potential web
I don't use Web2py integrated code editor (I use Eclipse) but I had a
look for you.
However, on Windows 7 using Opera 10.53 the editor runs speedily.
On Jun 18, 10:39 am, selecta wrote:
> I use opera every day :)
> For me everything is really fast ... since I changed to 10.5x
> But I really don
I don't use Web2py integrated code editor (I use Eclipse) but I had a
look for you.
On my Windows 7 box using Opera 10.53 the editor runs speedily.
On Jun 18, 10:39 am, selecta wrote:
> I use opera every day :)
> For me everything is really fast ... since I changed to 10.5x
> But I really don't k
> in
> web2py.com/linkedin
> On Jun 18, 6:56 am, Carl wrote:
> > hi
> > Has anyone got a basic example project of using LinkedIn OAuth with
> > the Web2py platform? Something based on Welcome for example.
> > I
uired=True is not the same as requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY() and it is not
> the same as notnull=True.
> required=True means you cannot do insert without providing a value for
> this field and that is exactly what you tell me the problem is.
> On Feb 3, 12:22 pm, Carl wrote:
This may be related to GAE update_record() has subtle difference
compared to native Web2Py
but until shown otherwise, I've posed separately.
I have this in db.py:
d('name_lower', compute=lambda
> r:r['name'].lower(),readable=False,writable=False)
> Perhaps you do not display the field name in the form?
> On Feb 3, 5:57 pm, Carl wrote:
> > I've traced right now to the exception and I get KeyErr
I have a Python list that I want to store and retrieve from the data
The individual items of the list are of no use unless used with the
items of the complete list and there are no use-cases requiring
searching for a specified list item. The number of items in the list
is between one and fi
> On Feb 17, 10:47 am, Carl wrote:
> > I have a Python list that I want to store and retrieve from the data
> > store.
> > The individual items of the list are of no use unless used with the
> > items of the complete list and there are no use-cases requiring
Tested the latest changes locally on dev_appserver.
All went smoothly in that only one difference from local Web2py
tripped up the process.
Pickling lists into strings and storing them in the database:
dev_appserver barked when a pickled string contained '\n' was inserted
into a field of type 'st
Following Dan's posting last year about the loss of microseconds when
storing Python DateTime instances in SQLite
I've got to this area too :)
Dan suggests a w
tuff to list
> > > MY_PICKLE.save("listkey", a_list)
> > > -Thadeus
> > > On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 1:20 PM, spiffytech wrote:
> > > > I'm serializing with Pickle in my app, but it's a hassle to dump/load
> > > >
Perhaps I need to escape my parameter in encoder/decoder in db.py?
On Feb 23, 9:50 am, mdipierro wrote:
> before the
> ... insert()
> can you
> print ..._insert(...)
> this will tell us what is being sent to the db.
> On Feb 23, 3:29 am,
der = (lambda x:cPickle.dumps(s)
> but
> encoder = (lambda x: "'%s'" % cPickle.dumps(s).replace("'", "''"))
> This is why the SQLCustomType API needs to be rewritten.
> On Feb 23, 4:06 am, Carl wrote:
> > p
ot about the issue. will take a second look.
> On Feb 21, 5:48 am, Carl wrote:
> > Following Dan's posting last year about the loss of microseconds when
> > storing PythonDateTimeinstances in
> > SQLitehttp://groups.google.com/group/web2py/browse_thread/
If I use a field of type 'text' and perform the pickling in my module
code then I can put lists in and get lists out.
Any idea why? it'd be real nice to define the pickling once in db.py
On Feb 23, 10:30 am, Carl wrote:
> thanks for the turn of speed!
> I now
I aim to use web2py\gluon\contrib\login_methods\linkedin_account.py
along with http://code.google.com/p/python-linkedin/
I'm deploying on GAE so I was hoping someone had a suggestion of where
I should install the library (http://code.google.com/p/python-
linkedin/) within Web2py?
Should it be wit
to drop in the login_methods folder.
> The proper way would be to install the module in web2py/site-packages
> and make sure that, on gae, site-packages is added to sys.path
> On Mar 25, 9:18 am, Carl wrote:
> > I aim to use web2py\gluon\contrib\login_me
hi all,
I'm using http://code.google.com/p/python-linkedin/ from contrib/
In db.py I've added:
KEY = 'my key'
SECRET = 'associated secret'
RETURN_URL = http://localhost:8080/a/c/f
auth.settings.login_form=LinkedInAccount(request, KEY, SECRET,
In link
> I do not think it works from localhost. It must run from a public url.
> I have it running here:http://web2py.com/linkedin
> On Mar 25, 12:42 pm, Carl wrote:
> > hi all,
> > I'm usinghttp://code.google.com/p/python-linkedin/fromcontrib/
hi M
Could I get a copy of your example code behind:
p.s. when I click login on your example I am not taken to a linked
authentication page. Should I expect that?
On Mar 25, 6:12 pm, Carl wrote:
> This pagehttp://code.google.com/p/python-linkedin/claims &
I'm building a ui that lists results to the user. if there are further
results available a "More" button allows the user to retrieve them
(and have them displayed beneath the existing results)
To calculate if there are indeed more results available I am using
limitby and requesting one more result
en(rows) == max+1:
> #lose last row!
> #but how?
> results = self.build_results( *rows[:max] *)
> return results
> Sorry if it doesn't work. I can't try it now.
> Regards,
> Tiago Almeida
> On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 10:48 AM, Carl wrote:
I'm using Pyjamas to build my client app and Web2py to build the
I'm submitting a HTML form (generated by Pyjamas) to the Web2py server
Where should I look to see how I can handle the submission using
I already have a function defined in /app/controllers/default.py which
thanks for replying.
It's not an image that's being uploaded but instead an XML file which
I will be parsing the contents of into a database table.
On Aug 27, 5:24 pm, "Martin.Mulone" wrote:
> do you want to access to the image uploaded with form for example?.
Aug 27, 6:33 pm, Carl wrote:
> thanks for replying.
> It's not an image that's being uploaded but instead an XML file which
> I will be parsing the contents of into a database table.
> Carl
> On Aug 27, 5:24 pm, "Martin.Mulone" wrote:
I'm uploading a file from a html form submitted from a page built by
"pyjamas" pyjs.org
Such files contain XML and I have a method on the server to parse the
content of such files and generate rows in various tables. Such files
are <1MB in size (probably ~50KB at most).
What is a good approach to
n and in gae you are going to have problems. You can
> use an iframe for showing in another page.
> On Sep 1, 12:48 pm, Carl wrote:
> > I'm uploading a file from a html form submitted from a page built by
> > "pyjamas" pyjs.org
> > Such files
It took a bit of binary upgrading to pin down this issue but I#ve
found that it's between 1.84.4 and 1.85.1
However since 1.85.1 (thru to 1.85.3) selects and inserts to the
datastore fail when I use a SQLCustom definition (see details below).
On dev_appserver all continues to work fine.
But local
atforms is going to trip developers up.
On Sep 20, 2:35 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> Can you please try trunk?
> On Sep 20, 8:09 am, Carl wrote:
> > It took a bit of binary upgrading to pin down this issue but I#ve
> > found that it's between 1.84.4 and 1.85
My db.py includes...
Field('code', 'string', length=128, unique=True, notnull=True,
Locally on sqlite when I insert a second record with the same 'code'
as an existing record insert() throws an except. I catch the exception
and report back t
I'd like to second that comment - and add patient community and lead
architect to it too!
On Oct 1, 1:47 pm, István Gazsi wrote:
> Thanks Massimo, you're working really fast! And by the way web2py has
> the most user-friendly developers and community I have ever seen. :)
I've been following the instructions at
to add linkedin authentication. I grabbed the latest revision (#20)
from svn.
I've started by creating a new app (and called it oauth) within web2py
to keep things simple.
Into default.py I've added the following f
rieves a
host name including a port number.
The line url_port = ':' + r.env.server_port adds the port number
The headache is: why does this happen within Eclipse but not from a
Does anyone know the cure for this headache?
On Oct 9, 8:15 pm, Carl Roach wrote:
I'm on 1.85.3, the same as your example
I'll update tomorrow to 1.86.3 and see if I get the same behaviour
thanks for the help
On 11 October 2010 21:06, Michele Comitini wrote:
> Carl, on 2nd thought... do you have 1.86.3, do you?
> there was a bug in some erlier version..
don't know why I didn't upgrade (it's normally the first thing I try)
1.86.3 has removed the bug! sorry to have wasted your time.
I'll now have a go at adding Linkedin to your example app.
On Oct 11, 9:29 pm, Carl wrote:
> I'm on 1.85.3, the same as your examp
I started with Michele Comitini pointing me towards his example of
oauth with twitter (it also has facebook)
The Twitter oauth worked fine locally but on Wi
I have a basic linked oauth working.
Now it's a question of parsing LinkedIn replies.
thanks for your help
On Oct 12, 10:20 am, Carl wrote:
> don't know why I didn't upgrade (it's normally the first thing I try)
> 1.86.3 has removed the bug! sorry to have wast
In my web2py login is done using oauth (via LinkedIn).
How does Web2py differentiate between users?
Without oauth I can see in the table auth_user that email is unique
and can be mapped.
When I login using a LinkedIn account I don't see anything unique in
What am I missing / not
Have worked out the answer; and it's an obvious answer.
auth_user.username can be set to a linkedin user's profile id.
On Oct 13, 5:19 pm, Carl wrote:
> hi
> In my web2py login is done using oauth (via LinkedIn).
> How does Web2py differentiate between users?
great idea for an app.
as well as voting perhaps adding a comment field could be offered as
an option?
Such comments could help logo designers iterate designs.
On Oct 14, 11:07 am, rochacbruno wrote:
> The app needs some improvements that will be done today.
> 1 order logos by number of votes
My app has two methods for creating user accounts (for two different
user groups)
The first is conventional and takes email/password and sets
auth.settings.register_onaccept to a function that adds the new user
to various 'permission' groups.
The second authenticates via LinkedIn but on return I'
Is there a way to use [app]/default/agent instead of app/default/user?
I want to have two implementations of authentication (/agent and /
Have we considered using 99designs.com? Logo design is one of their
No offence intended (to anyone, at all!)
gt; def candidate(): return dict(form=auth())
> and in the two functions you can set different default for auth_user
> fields.
> On Oct 15, 8:45 am, Carl wrote:
> > Is there a way to use [app]/default/agent instead of app/default/user?
> >
> > I want to have two implementations of authentication (/agent and /
> > candidate)
I'm glad I don't need two user tables. I ideally would want to stick to a
single table.
On 15 October 2010 19:14, mdipierro wrote:
> Not necessarily and I would not do it that way but you can.
> On Oct 15, 1:12 pm, Carl wrote:
> > thanks M.
> >
I need to add some permissions and do other
one-off stuff) when they come back from LinkedIn.
The problem is that registration doesn't take place at all and I can't
figure out how to get this one-off registration phase called. can you point
me in the right direction?
On 15 October 2010
g I should have done to avoid this route through the code?
I'm currently using it to pass a "return url" to LinkedIn and I'd like a
different url besides /user/
On 16 October 2010 01:01, Carl Roach wrote:
> Thanks M
> I'll base my agent user type on your a
is indeed a
> problem. One solution would be to extend Auth and override url()
> On Oct 15, 9:07 pm, Carl wrote:
> > One small problem I'm coming across...
> >
> > I'm using OAuth to login via LinkedIn for a subset of my users.
> >
> > In gluon/too
4:51 am, mdipierro wrote:
> On a second look... 'user' only appears in auth.settings. therefore
> you can change them.
> On Oct 15, 9:51 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> > I did not realize that... can change it but for now it is indeed a
gt; RPX (LinkedId) + web2py Auth module
> this could help: http://www.web2pyslices.com/main/slices/take_slice/28
> Cheers,
> rad
> On Oct 16, 12:40 pm, Carl Roach wrote:
> > I've got authentication working with LinkedIn. But no registration step
> happens... I would like to ad
how to setup is account? You cannot decide from the url! No
> because it would not be safe since the user decides the url.
> massimo
> On Oct 15, 10:59 pm, Carl wrote:
> > thanks for the pointer Radomirs.
> > the slice has the registering step d
one thought:
for one set of users I'll have been given an email address and password
and for the other set I'll have a LinkedIn user key
On 16 October 2010 06:06, Carl wrote:
> good question!
> if the account is authenticated using linkedin then I want to set-up the
How about Web heart Py
with a '2' within the heart symbol
On Oct 13, 10:17 pm, Bruno Rocha wrote:
> Martin Mulone made the logovote application.
> I am hosting at my server
> You can post logo ideas, and vote for you prefered logo.
> Better if you made an transparent canvas .gif or .png max
I am trying to add a registration step when users login using OAuth
(LinkedIn in my example).
a) am I taking a good approach?
b) why am I getting an exception when I try to write to my user table?
>From db.py:
auth.settings.table_user = db.define_table(
On Oct 28, 4:25 pm, Carl wrote:
> I am trying to add a registration step when users login using OAuth
> (LinkedIn in my example).
When I try and do an update_record() I get an exception.
Is there something wrong with my table definition?
Can anyone help?
>From db.py:
auth.settings.table_user = db.define_table(
db.Field('email', 'string', length=254, unique=True, notnull=True,
anual example...
> >>>rows=db(db.person.id>2).select()
> >>>row=rows[0]
> >>>row.update_record(name='Curt')
> http://www.web2py.com/book/default/chapter/06?search=update_record
> -D
> On Oct 29, 3:32 pm, Carl wrote:
hi all,
I've set-up a group on LinkedIn to publicize that developers are
combining Web2py with the Pyjamas compiler*.
If you are using both, please consider joining Web2Pyjamas at
This can, I hope, act as a beacon for developers who have found one
side of the equa
subject=T('Lazy subjects'),message=message)
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"web2py Web Framework" group.
To post to this group, send email to web2py@googlegroups.com
To unsubsc
> The problem may be that you need:
> subject=str(T('Lazy subjects'))
> Massimo
> On Jun 10, 3:27 pm, Carl wrote:
> > I am using web2py on GAE.
> > I am sending emails using GAE. I'd delimited the subject line with T
I'm building URLs for emails.
One email is fired out in response to the user submitting a form.
url = '%s%s' % (request.env.http_origin,URL
(r=request,c='default',f='confirmgreet', args=base64.b16encode
However, I also need to build an URL when a form is not submitted.
In this case,
not guaranteed that the server defines these variables
> either.
> massimo
> On Jun 17, 12:04 pm, Carl wrote:
> > I'm building URLs for emails.
> > One email is fired out in response to the user submitting a form.
> > url =
not looking in
the right place!)
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"web2py Web Framework" group.
To post to this group, send email to web2py@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe from this
ge records 9500 function calls
taking .207 CPU seconds. So that's 10K fewer function calls between
local and GAE.
On Jun 24, 2:05 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> try web2py.py -h
> there is a profiling flag but does not work on GAE
> On Jun 24, 4:03 am, Carl wrote:
hi M,
where can I find release notes for each release?
On Jun 4, 2:56 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> Fixed anouther python 2.4 compatibility issue, thanks Mariano.
> Massimo
> On Jun 4, 8:32 am, Hans
> wrote:
> > I just downloaded 1.63.5 from web
Is there a document/guideline detailing how one can extend markdown2?
I want to add my own handlers (line handling and perhaps block
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
h instance that
was set-up in db.py with auth=EnvoyAuth(globals(),db)
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"web2py-users" group.
To post to this group, send email to web2py@googlegr
hi Fran
For now your first solution is fab (& simple to boot).
[and yes I mean EnvoyAuth not MyAuth - a typo in my post]
On Jul 28, 5:36 pm, Fran wrote:
> On Jul 28, 1:43 pm, Carl wrote:
> > I have created MyAuth(Auth)
> You mean EnvoyAuth(Auth)
fernt registration fields?
say for .../user_b/register & .../user_s/register
I've looked into tools.py at register() and, given that it calls
SQLForm() without giving a "fields=" parameter I'm jumping ahead and
thinking that getting my desired behaviour won't be
e future: being able to set my own form for register() would be
real nice. at present I can do that only if I want to pull in a remote
authentication system.
thanks again.
On Jul 29, 6:58 pm, Fran wrote:
> On Jul 29, 5:51 pm, Carl wrote:
> > I'm using auth for my authent
Fran - thanks. that's great. C
On Jul 29, 8:53 pm, Fran wrote:
> On Jul 29, 8:13 pm, Carl wrote:
> > for the future: being able to set my own form for register() would be
> > real nice. at present I can do that only if I want to pull in a remote
> > authentica
I wanted that too?)
Many thanks for your time
On Jul 29, 8:53 pm, Fran wrote:
> On Jul 29, 8:13 pm, Carl wrote:
> > for the future: being able to set my own form for register() would be
> > real nice. at present I can do that only if I want to pull in a remote
> &
hi Fran,
I've figured it out.
In my view I've added
{{if form.errors and form.errors.password_two:}}Password fields don't match{{pass}}
at the end of my "Verify password" td.
thanks for your help.
On Jul 30, 12:48 pm, Carl wrote:
> hi Fran,
> H
So... I'm twisting existing validators to get the behaviour I want. In
step #3 "IS_NULL_OR(IS_NOT_EMPTY())" feels hacky but otherwise I'm
comfortable enough.
Constructive feedback welcomed.
You re
This is an excellent article on the traps to beware of when regex'ing
email address formats
This may ignite a debate though :)
I favour this variation...
On Aug 7, 4:48 pm, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
> On Aug 7, 2009, at 8:13 AM, Carl wrote:
> > This is an excellent article on the traps to beware of when regex'ing
> > email address formats
> >http://www.regular-expressions.info/email.html
What does each logo look like on a dark/black background?
On Aug 13, 5:29 pm, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> Two logos have been proposed for web2py. I love them both and I would
> like your opinions. Here they are attached.
> Which one should go on the main web2py page and the book?
> Vote
A handful of points:
1. It would be useful to supply both logos on a black background as
well as white.
Having a logo that works on a broad range of backgrounds means it can
be applied in a broader range of situations.
2. Printing in black and white is becoming rarer but it would be
useful to ha
I'm currently building a project with python, web2py & pyjamas; I will
be deploying on gae.
As you will know gae isn't a relational store but leverages a
different design so I want to experiment with two different
approaches: a) accessing gae thru web2py (treating gae as a subset of
a relatio
I want to leverage BigTable within my web2py-based application.
To create a local environment that I can test code what would be
Would I need to run dev_appserver.py locally and then load the web2py
environment 'manually' ?
I've looked at Django on gae but it loses some key funct
hi Benigno,
'fraid my project is from a clean sheet so I've not investigated how
to migrate relational databases.
I'm currently looking at http://code.google.com/p/app-engine-patch
which leverages Django to access BigTable natively.
On Aug 19, 12:52 pm, Benigno wrote:
> Ca
Google's own video are a place to start:
Wipe your mind of rdbm design, sit back and breath them in...
On Aug 19, 4:28 pm, Benigno wrote:
> Hello Carl,
> My question was rather more g
s would be more interesting results than merely "I want
> to access all of big tables facilities" - it would reach into how to hook it
> into the nature of what web2py does.
> On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 11:20 AM, dlypka wrote:
> > rdbm is still needed to drive
nto the nature of what web2py does.
> > On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 11:20 AM, dlypka wrote:
> > > rdbm is still needed to drive CRUD forns
> > > On Aug 19, 11:56 am, Carl wrote:
> > > > Google's own video are a place to start:
> > > &
I upgraded from 1.65.5 to 1.66.1 this morning but had the following
I'm using WinXP with sqlite.
recent call stack (most recent call at bottom)...
gluon/main.py line 470 inwsgibase session._unlock(response)
gluon/globals.py line 369 in _unlock portalocker.unlock
I'm using src.
heard about exe but have always run from src so I'm not tied to a
particular OS.
On Aug 20, 12:30 pm, Fran wrote:
> On Aug 20, 10:24 am, Carl wrote:
> > I upgraded from 1.65.5 to 1.66.1 this morning but had the following
> > issue.
> > Bef
I'm using src.
heard about exe but have always run from src so I'm not tied to a
particular OS.
Fran - are you using sqlite?
On Aug 20, 12:30 pm, Fran wrote:
> On Aug 20, 10:24 am, Carl wrote:
> > I upgraded from 1.65.5 to 1.66.1 this morning but had the following
ied updating to pyjamas 0.6 and that didn't go well either! :) not
my day.
thanks for the feedback - good to know it's not just me on xp
On Aug 20, 4:46 pm, Fran wrote:
> On Aug 20, 2:41 pm, Carl wrote:
> > Fran - are you using sqlite?
> Yes: XP, Python 2.5.
ha! sometimes web2py is too straightforward! :) and that's not a
have set-up Eclipse to launch a debug session for dev_appserver.py as
well as web2py.py
thanks for the pointer
mdipierro wrote:
> On Aug 19, 2:55 am, Carl wrote:
> > hi,
> >
> > I want to l
I've just downloaded 1.66.2 and am getting further.
I'm getting this ticket...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "G:\My Documents\Carl\projects\TestOrbit\web2py\gluon\main.py",
line 412, in wsgibase
session._try_store_on_disk(request, response)
File "G:\M
On 25/08/2009, mdipierro wrote:
> Yes. That issues was fixed in 1.66.2
> On Aug 20, 4:24 am, Carl wrote:
> > hi,
> >
> > I upgraded from 1.65.5 to 1.66.1 this morning but had the following
> > issue.
> >
> > I'm using WinXP
1 - 100 of 404 matches
Mail list logo