thanks Jorge; most helpful in pointing me in the right direction.

The python to pickle is simply; for example:
    import pickle
    flat_retort = pickle.dumps(retort)

and to unpickle; for example:
    import pickle
    options = pickle.loads(rows[0].retort)

On Feb 17, 3:57 pm, JorgeRpo <> wrote:
> On Feb 17, 10:47 am, Carl <> wrote:
> > I have a Python list that I want to store and retrieve from the data
> > store.
> > The individual items of the list are of no use unless used with the
> > items of the complete list and there are no use-cases requiring
> > searching for a specified list item. The number of items in the list
> > is between one and fifteen (any more is beyond end users to manage).
> > I'd like to store and retrieve the list in a single field. On
> > retrieval the data would be in a Python list object.
> > What's an approach I can use?
> serialize
> --
> sig text

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