[web2py] Routing help

2012-05-17 Thread Alexander McLin
Hello, I'm new to web2py and am having a difficult time understanding how to use either the parameter or pattern based systems as well how web2py default routing works. *I'll start off with the first point of confusion for me;* The web2py book and documentation has led me to believe that the f

[web2py] Re: Routing help

2012-05-18 Thread Alexander McLin
Thank you for the clarification, I understand it better now. I was indeed confused by the statement you quoted, I had thought that web2py's base behavior would that if it couldn't find a controller corresponding to somefunction, it would then invoke the default controller and search for somefun

[web2py] Re: Routing help

2012-05-18 Thread Alexander McLin
Sorry if I wasn't clear, I actually meant URLs of the following form, myapp/controller/args to be mapped to myapp/controller/index/args. The second point of confusion takes a different tack on web2py routing than the first point. I'll try to experiment with your solution though. For future not

[web2py] Re: Routing help

2012-05-18 Thread Alexander McLin
owing, routes_in = ((r'/myapp/users/(?P\d*)', r'/myapp/users/index/\g'),) routes_out = ((r'/myapp/users/index/(?P\d*)', r'/myapp/users/\g'),') This is what worked for me. Alex On Friday, May 18, 2012 2:11:28 PM UTC-4, Alexander McLin wrote: > &g