Hello, I'm new to web2py and am having a difficult time understanding how to use either the parameter or pattern based systems as well how web2py default routing works.
*I'll start off with the first point of confusion for me;* The web2py book and documentation has led me to believe that the following would work; can be written as but I get invalid request error If I copy router.example.py to routes.py in the base directory, the above case then works as I expected, but I thought that even with a lack of a routes.py file, web2py would still automatically default to the same behavior. This isn't so at all? If I then overwrite routes.py using routes.example.py, the above case no longer works. Looking at both routes.example.py and router.example.py, it looks like both of them configure web2py's routing behavior in the same way, but the actual behavior is not the same. So I'm pretty confused about this. Note, after each changes to routes.py I do reload the routes in web2py's admin console. *The second point of confusion for me is;* * * In the application I'm writing, which uses AJAX heavily and uses PUT and DELETE in addition to GET and POST. I have in one of the controller, users, the following; def index(): def GET(): blah def POST(*vars, **fields): blah def PUT(*vars, **fields): blah def DELETE(*vars, **fields): blah I want to map a PUT request to users/5 to users/index/5 Right now the current default routing configuration returns users/5 as invalid request which is expected. Unfortunately I still don't understand web2py well enough to know how to set up one of the routing systems to map users/<id> to users/index/<id> I think I need to use the pattern matching system but I'm not able to get it working properly. Would appreciate your tips. Thanks Alex