me on the right direction?
Thanks very much.
Álvaro J. Iradier Muro
Departamento de Desarrollo
Polar Technologies
T +34 976 527 952
F +34 976 466 125
> What problem do you experience?
> On 8 Lug, 03:38, Álvaro J. Iradier
> wrote:
> > Hi everybody,
> > I need to run web2py integrated web server, and I'd like to run it on port
> > 80 as a non-root user, for security reasons.
n (that is applications/init ->
applications/myapplication) and skip running one of the crontabs?
Álvaro J. Iradier Muro
Departamento de Desarrollo
Polar Technologies
T +34 976 527 952
F +34 976 466 125
Antes de imprimir este mensa
t migrated.
So, for every request, web2py detects a migration is needed, but it
does nothing but writing the .table file with the old values.
I think the correct behaviour should be throwing an error if migration
can't be done.
Can you suggest a fix for this?
Thanks very much.
Álvaro J. Iradier Muro
Departamento de Desarrollo
> > First, sql_fields_old is updated with the migrated value ONLY if query
> > is not None. For sqlite it's None for changed columns. So, later,
> > cPickle dumps the value of sql_fields_old, so the file
> > _settings.table is written with the same old values, as this field
> > was not migrated.
> > So, for every request, web2py detects a migration is needed, but it
> > does nothing but writing the .table file with the old values.
> > I think the correct behaviour should be throwing an error if migration
> > can't be done.
> > Can you suggest a fix for this?
> > Thanks very much.
> > --
> > Álvaro J. Iradier Muro
> > Departamento de Desarrollo
> >
fix it.
> I am not sure about dropping columns and SQLite. The problem only
> appears when a user tries to re-define a column that was dropped.
> Perhaps a warning instead of an exception? I would take a patch to
> issue a logging.warn.
> On Aug 28, 12:32 pm, Álvaro J. I
Hi, I think I found a problem (bug?) with crud.create and
I have the following model:
Field('name', 'string', required=True, notnull=True,
Field('ordering', 'integer', required=True,
On 9 sep, 22:31, mdipierro wrote:
> because you cannot ".accepts" a crud forms. It is implicit. You can do
> def index():
> form = crud.create(db.contents,message='Inserted')
> return dict(form=form)
> On Sep 9, 2:51 pm, Álvaro J. Iradier
I've setup a background worker thread using cron @reboot. The
background worker is polling some serial sensors all the time (there's
a loop in class reading the sensor values). On some moment, the values
are recorded and an alarm bit is set.
Now, what I need is a way to share this information
> writing app crashes.
> I would use the database because of transcaction safety.
> Massimo
> On Sep 21, 3:21 pm, Álvaro J. Iradier wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I've setup a background worker thread using cron @reboot. The
> > background worker is p
> >
> > has pros and cons. data can be lost or corrupted if the reading/
> > writing app crashes.
> > I would use the database because of transcaction safety.
> > Massimo
> > On
After upgrading web2py from 1.81.4 to latest 1.87.3, cron jobs at
@reboot stopped working. This is my crontab file:
* * * * * root *cron/pollsensors
* * * * * root *cron/checkschedule
0 0 * * * root *cron/cleandata
@reboot root *cron/cleandata
@reboot root *cron/pollingloop
The two last
> 2010/10/14 Álvaro J. Iradier
> > After upgrading web2py from 1.81.4 to latest 1.87.3, cron jobs at
> > @reboot stopped working. This i
if line.startswith('@reboot'):
154 line=line.replace('@reboot', '-1 * * * *')
However, I can't guess what the fix is...
On 14 oct, 22:34, Álvaro J. Iradier wrote:
> Thanks very much.
> Ok, so after trying:
> Works i
if val != '-1' and '-' in val and '/' not in val:
val = '%s/1' % val
if '/' in val:
task[id] += rangetolist(val, id)
Please confirm if you're going to apply it.
s not working for bytecode compiled
applications, as it's searching for the .py file:
cfile = os.path.join('applications', a, 'controllers', c + '.py')
Suggested patch attached.
Álvaro J. Iradier Muro
Departamento de Desarrollo
Given the pace of quick adoption for new versions of web2py, I think
it would be good enough to mark a new release (except if it's just a
bug fix release) like "latest" or "edge release", and just keep the
previous one as "recommended".
After some days (for example one week), without new releases,
I found thread where someone asked exactly the same question I'm
trying to solve:
but the question wasn't answered, quoting from the last post:
In a controller I defined a form:
> s=['Fitnesscentrum','Fysiofitnesscentrum','Personal
> Trainer','Dietist(e)','Voedingsconsulent(e)','Yogaschool'],zero=None)))
> On Jan 20, 3:15 pm, Álvaro J. Ir
I agree they should get priority over system wide modules, but not over
imports for files on the same directory. So in Geraldo reports, it does not
make sense that in the situation:
.../site-packages/geraldo/generators/ -> from pdf import
Works, but the identation at the "else:" on line 84 in is
wrong. FIxed identation, and it apparently works perfect.
Thanks very much!
On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 6:35 PM, Massimo Di Pierro <> wrote:
> I agree. I am have attempted a fix. Can you try it?
I have made a small proposed patch to, in order to keep a list
of cron subprocesses and send a terminate signal when web2py exists. See
attached A lock should be added when accessing the
_cron_subprocs list, to avoid thread concurrency.
Also, I noticed tha
There is also an old thread I started some time ago about quoting
On 31 dic 2011, 15:15, Anthony wrote:
> On Saturday, December 31, 2011 7:33:30 AM UTC-5, Plumo wrote:
> > ah thanks - that was it. I heard a
I was trying to distribute an application with web2py binary for
windows, but I required the PostgreSQL driver. So I copied the
psycopg2 files to site-packages in the web2py binary folder.
If I start a shell from an application, I can import psycopg2 and
connect to the database. However, it l
Does work at all? When I run it, A "PyFPDF Template
Designer" pop ups. The line causing it is:
from gluon.import_all import base_modules, contributed_modules
Trying, there is a syntax error in line 113:
if os.path.exists('dist/site-packages')
ndle it with web2py
On Jan 11, 11:55 am, Alan Etkin wrote:
> I think i installed one of the listed binary files listed here without
> problems:
> Regards
> On 10 ene, 17:14, Álvaro J. Iradier wrote:
I have a testing web2py environment running on a system on port 8000,
and then apache2 using mod_proxy to redirect requests to a virtual
host on port 80 to the web2py rocket server. This is the apache config
for the vhost:
Order deny,allow
Allow from
Álvaro J. Iradier Muro
Departamento de Desarrollo
Polar Technologies
T +34 976 527 952
F +34 976 466 125
Antes de imprimir este mensaje, por favor, compruebe que es verdaderamente
necesario. El medioambiente es cosa de
customizable per project.
Comments and help are welcome!
On 29 abr, 10:51, Álvaro J. Iradier
> Hi,
> I am trying to develop an extension (a Jython script[1]) for Pydev[2] to
> improve web2py integration into Eclipse (I'm not sattisfied with the
> existi
Yes, I checked that project, but these way would require not adding
anything at the headers, and it also parses the models file. It
requires no modification in web2py, just in Pydev.
Talking to the pydev author in the pydev mailing list, he might
consider including support for web2py if we manage
in the latest web2py version?
> I am talking specially about the new importer, the 'current' object and the
> models subfolders.
> Is that being considerated?
> On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 6:11 PM, Álvaro J. Iradier wrote:
> &
As seen in this thread:
I'm getting "broken pipe" messages when mysql is restarted, and under
other circunstances.
Going to a shell, I tried doing a query, for example:
>>> db(db.location).select()
happen. Edit the
> mysql config file and change the timeout. If the database is
> restarted, web2py needs restarting because there is no mechanism in
> the database connection API to notify web2py (or python) that a
> connection lost.
> On Jun 14, 4:06 pm, Álvaro J. Iradier wrot
I agree with Ron. If connection is broken between 4 and 5, I would
expect the transaction to be rollback (it was not commited), and an
error raised. Probably that request will fail, but at least the
connection is not dropped and not recoverable.
I guess in a server restart or shutdown, the server
Hi, I have a table with a record of values read from a device. Table
has a parameter ID, the record date, and the parameter value:
Field('param', db.dev_parameter, required=True, notnull=True),
Field('date', 'datetime', required=True, notnull=True),
ow to do this using the DAL.
On 17 jul, 22:45, Álvaro J. Iradier wrote:
> Hi, I have a table with a record of values read from a device. Table
> has a parameter ID, the record date, and the parameter value:
> db.define_table('param_values',
> Field(
At first I thought this was exactly what I was looking for... but
after trying, sorry, but this query doesn't work for me... it returns
0 records, while the previous one is returning the right number. It
looks like the GROUP BY selects one of the dates (the first record
found) for the grouping, the
migrating my application to Postgres, I've been hit by the "user"
reserved keyword problem previously commented on
According to PostgreSQL documentation,
to allow this. The reason it was never
> implemented fully is that I cannot find documentation about this for
> all supported db engines. Implementing this only for mysql and pgsql
> is a pain.
> On Jul 27, 2:34 pm, Álvaro J. Iradier wrote:
> &
keeping my own modified version of web2py forever,
that is why I am asking if this might be included in a future version.
Just let me know.
On 29 jul, 12:03, Massimo Di Pierro
> This is a good idea. Let me give this some thought.
> On Jul 28, 10:35 am, Álvar
I've created a component mycomponent.load to be used with the LOAD()
method. But inside the mycomponent.load I want to have a link to
another function in the same controller.
When I do: {{=URL(r=request, f='otherfunction')}}, the .load extension
is automatically added, so I end up being linke
Thanks very much, that made it. I couldn't find documentation about
the extension=False option for the URL function, it would be nice to
have it in the book.
On 23 ago, 18:47, Anthony wrote:
> On Tuesday, August 23, 2011 12:14:43 PM UTC-4, Álvaro J. Iradier wrote:
> &g
Back in 2011 I proposed using quoted identifiers for databases supporting
I think the check_reserved option is a valid fix, but databases like
PostgreSql that allow using any word as identifier by quoting it should use
this in
Hi, I have a field in table 'expenses' defined as:
Field('gang', db.gangs, required=True, notnull=True),
Field('payer', db.gang_users, label=T('Payer')),
Table gang_users has a format like:
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