Hi everyone, this is a long one

today I noticed one of my xxxx_settings.table file was written
everytime. The table definition was changed a long ago, from the old

CREATE TABLE settings(
    key CHAR(512),
    value CHAR(512)

to the new:

CREATE TABLE settings(
    key CHAR(512) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
    value CHAR(512)

the change is, key column was made NOT NULL UNIQUE.

So first question I noticed. In the migrate procedure, I noticed the
following code:
        for key in keys:
            if not key in sql_fields_old:
                query = ['ALTER TABLE %s ADD %s %s;' % \
                         (self._tablename, key,
sql_fields_aux[key].replace(', ', new_add))]
            elif self._db._dbname == 'sqlite':
                query = None

so, for SQL databases, if a column is removed or dropped, it's not
migrated for sqlite. Is there a reason for this?

Then I tried commenting the "if self._db._dbname == 'sqlite':" line,
and I got the following SQL error:

OperationalError: Cannot add a UNIQUE column

which makes sense, it's not trivial to add a UNIQUE column to an
existing database...

But what makes me worry is, at the end of the _migrate method, I find this:

            if query:
                if key in sql_fields:
                    sql_fields_old[key] = sql_fields[key]
                    del sql_fields_old[key]
        tfile = open(self._dbt, 'w')
        portalocker.lock(tfile, portalocker.LOCK_EX)
        print "Here2:", self._dbt, sql_fields, sql_fields_old
        cPickle.dump(sql_fields_old, tfile)

First, sql_fields_old is updated with the migrated value ONLY if query
is not None. For sqlite it's None for changed columns. So, later,
cPickle dumps the value of sql_fields_old, so the file
xxxx_settings.table is written with the same old values, as this field
was not migrated.

So, for every request, web2py detects a migration is needed, but it
does nothing but writing the .table file with the old values.

I think the correct behaviour should be throwing an error if migration
can't be done.

Can you suggest a fix for this?

Thanks very much.

Álvaro J. Iradier Muro
Departamento de Desarrollo

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