[web2py] Re: Can't open sqlite3 databases.

2021-01-05 Thread 'Woody' via web2py-users
Never mind. It was a dumb issue with a permission in the directory hierarchy where the db files are located. My application is now working fine with Python 3.9 + w2p 2.21. On Monday, January 4, 2021 at 12:03:58 AM UTC-5 Woody wrote: > I updated to Python 3.9 using w2p 2.20.4 and now I'm gettin

[web2py] web2py cannot import csv return strings not byte

2021-01-05 Thread lcham...@gmail.com
*To Reproduce* Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. Create a new project(*New simple application*). 2. Go to Models, and edit *db.py* Add this: db.define_table('contacts', Field('first_name'), Field('last_name'), Field('company_name'), Field('address'), Field('city'), Field('county'),

[web2py] root_static mapped to CDN

2021-01-05 Thread App Jar
Is there a way to map root_static files like /favicon.ico to get served from an external CDN URL rather than /static without modifying gluon/rewrite.py? Instead of serving form myapp/static/favicon.ico I want to serve it from: https://mys3bucket/static/favicon.ico When deploying to a AWS Lamb