*To Reproduce*

Steps to reproduce the behavior:
   1. Create a new project(*New simple application*).
   2. Go to Models, and edit *db.py*
   Add this:

db.define_table('contacts', Field('first_name'), Field('last_name'), 
Field('company_name'), Field('address'), Field('city'), Field('county'), 
Field('state_name'), Field('zip'), Field('phone1'), Field('phone2'), 
Field('email', requires=IS_EMAIL()), Field('web') )
code.txt <https://github.com/web2py/web2py/files/2973067/code.txt>

   1. Download and unpack attached CSV file:
   us-500.zip <https://github.com/web2py/web2py/files/2973002/us-500.zip> 
   (Also you can download "us-500.csv" from 
   https://www.briandunning.com/sample-data/ they shall be same)
   2. Return to the administrative interface, select Manage/Edit onto the 
   project you create.
   3. Press the button "*database administration*" under the *Model* label.
   4. Press "db.contacts".
   5. Under the label "*Import/Export*" press *Browse* button
   6. Select unpacked CSV
   7. Press *import* button.
   8. Get same table as it was before(unchanged), and some bubble about the 
   error(which one does not fin into buble).

python 3.7
windows 10

Thank you for your help

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