Dear Piero ,
you can start from here
auth.settings.register_next = URL('Welcome')
def Welcome():
if auth.user:
User_Email =
mail.send(User_Email,'Welcome To website','Welcome To website')
In chapter 5, under "Mobile development"...
Notice that the decorator must be important once before using it in a
> controller.
I assume should be
Notice that the decorator must be imported before using it in a controller.
It works like a charm. :)
Thanks a lot for your help guys. I would have never figured it out by
Have a wonderful Friday!
On 12 October 2012 00:34, Niphlod wrote:
> you're overridding the default validator (IS_DATE*) with IS_NOT_EMPTY
> replacing this line
I recently benchmarked my two apps with apache benchmark just to see
'req/s' and found out(accidently) in task manager, that both leak memory
somehow. e.g. in one of my app python interpreter has grown from 70kB to
110kB just after 10K requests. Second app was sightly better but still it
I'm getting a completely different grid (at least with postgresql), with
lazy_tables=True, different as in not showing links for all the tables that
reference the table on the grid.
After a cursive investigation it appears it's because
"table._referenced_by" does not get correctly filled
For admin notifications you can place this code in your
auth.settings.register_onaccept.append(lambda form:
mail.send(to='',subject='New user registered for %s
application' % (request.application),
message="new user email is %s" % (
Are you storing session in db?
On Friday, 12 October 2012 01:58:24 UTC-5, Hassan Alnatour wrote:
> Dear Massimo ,
> I tried the nightly build as you said and i still get errors :
> 1.
> 2.
> 3.
> 4.
> 5.
> 6.
> 7.
> 8.
> 9.
> 10.
> 11.
> 12.
> 13.
> 14.
> 15.
> 16.
> 17.
Any chance I see your application? It could be a bug in web2py but it could
a bug in your app. I cannot say.
On Friday, 12 October 2012 01:59:49 UTC-5, Hassan Alnatour wrote:
> Dear Massimo ,
> i want to upgrade , but i have that problem with the login i told you
> about , that we didnt sol
oops. thanks.
On Friday, 12 October 2012 03:16:14 UTC-5, Rob Goldsmith wrote:
> In chapter 5, under "Mobile development"...
> Notice that the decorator must be important once before using it in a
>> controller.
> I assume should be
> Notice that the decorator must be imported before us
I posted this yesterday:!searchin/web2py/leak/web2py/Go1TUyDm4ys/Tyk7iwjLKL0J
What is exactly the version you are using? Can you tell us more about your
os, python version, test settings?
On Friday, 12 October 2012 07:32:56 UTC-5, David Marko wrote:
Please open a ticket with a simple mode to reproduce the problem.
On Friday, 12 October 2012 07:52:38 UTC-5, Leonel Câmara wrote:
> Hey,
> I'm getting a completely different grid (at least with postgresql), with
> lazy_tables=True, different as in not showing links for all the tables that
I'm a bit late on my projects so I'm not sure if I'll have time to do it
today, I will try to open the ticket tomorrow or Sunday at the latest.
Thanks for looking into this.
Latest web2py trunk version from this morning, win7, python 2.7.3 . No special
settings in app, but model tried to be lazy, so everything is defined in Field
Can you show me? I would like to try reproduce it. We have recently changed
the way db connections are collected and perhaps something is going wrong
On Friday, 12 October 2012 09:11:29 UTC-5, David Marko wrote:
> Latest web2py trunk version from this morning, win7, python 2.7.3 . No
Dear Massimo ,
The error is happening to all my applications , after i use the new web2py
the login in all my websites start giving me the error massage i showed you
, but when i use web2py 1.99.2 everything is working fine , so from where
do you want me to start the search , now for the cs
Thank you Ovidio. Do you mean like auth.enable_record_versioning? Can you
give more details?
vineri, 12 octombrie 2012, 00:55:00 UTC+3, Ovidio Marinho a scris:
> It really is a great job and I think it definitely will be incorporated as
> a standard interface for administration. A sugges
Dear Massimo ,
in one of my applications , that has a shopping cart in the controller i
have :
# Here i create a number that will never happen again ! and save it in the
session and i use it in the database to get the cart items
def store():
import random
if session.order == None
I tryed to find others with the same iusse problem without understand how
to solve the problems :(
I set in the the follow table
Field('username', type='string',
Dear Massimo ,
I Removed the applications that are using the carts and still am getting
the same thing , now i noticed somthing thing , now that i when i try to
login in my website i get the error , but when i try it from my server
locally i dont get any errors
On Friday, Octobe
Its interal app so I cant provide the source. But I realised the app still
contains 'local_import' so I have replaced with 'import' but no effect.
Then I benchmarked both compiled and non compiled version ... each 2x and
non-compiled is fine, but compiled leaks memory ...
a) non-compiled versi
You can use the appadmin for these tasks :
Then you will have a list of all your tables that you can access by
clicking over their name. You should understand rapidly how it's working.
Ask other questions here if you need more help about that.
Thanks ...
On Friday, October 12, 2012 5:44:58 AM UTC+3, rochacbruno wrote:
> Hosting only depends on how much you want to pay for it, you use Amazon S3
> which is widely used for image cdns, You can pick any VPS which offers
> backups (Linode, Rackspace etc), alternativelly you can use DropBo
Dear Richard i did what you said.
But even with appadmin, if i change the using db.auth_user when i
submit the information i get the rise of the error_message set in the
IS_STRONG control.
If i remove the string in the
db.auth_user.password.requires= [*IS_STRONG(min=8),
Hi All,
How do I add an extra link to the SQLFORM.smartgird
As an example I want to add a link or a button "Process File" and have it
run a controller function that opens and processes an uploaded file.
Is it possible to added named arguments to the URL, such as ?n=123
the problem with request.args is that you have to know in advance where in
your url structure the data you want to access is held.
{"name": "Bruno"}
Piero is your password respecting your IS_STRONG min length?
Also, if the only thing you want to enforce with IS_STRONG is the minimum
length of the user password, you can enforce it with CRYPT :
requires = CRYPT(min_length=auth.settings.password_min_length,
error_message=T('too sho
I know that , i really wont to upgrade web2py , but i told you my problem
with the login :( , and really upset about this , am going crazy
On Thursday, October 11, 2012 4:35:48 PM UTC+3, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> (1, 99, 4, datetime.datetime(2011, 12, 14, 14, 46, 14), 'stable') is
The password is correct it contaings numbers, caps and symbols. I would
like to set also the others attribute of IS_LONG like number=1 , special=1,
The string i posted above was just for a simple try.
It seems like the password is bad rapresented in the form of the
appadmin--> db.auth_user
Depending of your backend, for example with postgres :
pg_dump --attribute-inserts
+"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S"`".gz" --compress=9 --role=roleName --username=postgres
>From the command line.
Or you may also use p
I don't have this problem, I can submit my form in appadmin db.auth.user...
Make sure you are on this page :
Replace if needed.
Also, replace the 1 at the end with the id of your user.
You should see only big dot in th
here is a quick code sample:
in a smartgrid:
lambda row: A('Duplicate',
_onclick='return confirm("Duplicate %s?")'
Dear Richerd ,
am moving my database from sqlite to mysql, what is the best way ? and
keeping the ids the same
On Friday, October 12, 2012 9:44:59 PM UTC+3, Richard wrote:
> Depending of your backend, for example with postgres :
> pg_dump --attribute-inserts
> --file=/whereYouW
This could help you :
If you want to do it manually (if you dataset is not so big and you can
rapidly check the data integrity) :
Not recommended
Or "automatically" first answer:
Do you mean like this:
def uploadfile():
filelist = SQLFORM.smartgrid(db.productdatafiles,links=dict(table_a=[
lambda row: A('Duplicate',
_onclick='return confirm("Duplicate %s?")'
Can you try remove the sessions?
On Friday, 12 October 2012 10:35:02 UTC-5, Hassan Alnatour wrote:
> Dear Massimo ,
> I Removed the applications that are using the carts and still am getting
> the same thing , now i noticed somthing thing , now that i when i try to
> login in my website i
I will try reproduce and let you know.
On Friday, 12 October 2012 11:59:01 UTC-5, David Marko wrote:
> Its interal app so I cant provide the source. But I realised the app still
> contains 'local_import' so I have replaced with 'import' but no effect.
> Then I benchmarked both compiled and non
What is your model? Do you have a custom auth user or a auth extra fields?
On Friday, 12 October 2012 13:35:42 UTC-5, Hassan Alnatour wrote:
> I know that , i really wont to upgrade web2py , but i told you my problem
> with the login :( , and really upset about this , am going crazy
> Rega
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## This scaffolding model makes your app work on Google App Engine too
## File is released under public domain and you can use without limitations
What do you mean with removing the session ? and how do i do that ?
On Friday, October 12, 2012 10:40:09 PM UTC+3, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> Can you try remove the sessions?
> On Friday, 12 October 2012 10:35:02 UTC-5, Hassan Alnatour wrote:
>> Dear Massimo ,
>> I Removed the
Thanks for the reply Bruno, but is there a web2py function that can add
vars to the url?
On 12 October 2012 19:10, Bruno Rocha wrote:
> http:///?name=Bruno
> then
> request.vars
> {"name": "Bruno"}
> --
On the client side you can only do that by JavaScript history API (look for
On server side you can build urls with URL('app', 'controller', 'function',
args=[], vars={}, anchor="string", scheme=True, host=True)
delete all files in applications/yourapp/sessions/*
On Friday, 12 October 2012 14:52:33 UTC-5, Hassan Alnatour wrote:
> What do you mean with removing the session ? and how do i do that ?
> regards,
> On Friday, October 12, 2012 10:40:09 PM UTC+3, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>> Can you try r
On Friday, 12 October 2012 15:07:19 UTC-5, Simon Carr wrote:
> Thanks for the reply Bruno, but is there a web2py function that can add
> vars to the url?
> On 12 October 2012 19:10, Bruno Rocha >wrote:
>> http:///?name=Bruno
>> then
>> r
OK Sorted it,
Not sure why your example didn't work, but I took a very similar example
from another web site and it worked fine.
Thanks anyway for putting me on the write track.
On 12 October 2012 20:35, Simon Carr wrote:
> Do you mean like this:
> def uploadfile():
> filelist = S
Sorry, in case anyone else comes across this post looking for the same
thing, here is the code I used to generate my smartgird.
def uploadfile():
filelist = SQLFORM.smartgrid(db.productdatafiles,links = [lambda row:
A(T('Process File'),_href=URL("vital","processfile",args=[]))])
would i lose any data ? or what will happen to the users who is logged in
On Friday, October 12, 2012 11:14:14 PM UTC+3, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> delete all files in applications/yourapp/sessions/*
> On Friday, 12 October 2012 14:52:33 UTC-5, Hassan Alnatour wrote:
>> What do
I'm just starting down the same road so I hope you found success or at
least some resources.
So far I've had to manually add the tables found in to Oracle.
>From here it looks like I might need:
from import Auth, Crud, Service, PluginManager, prettydate, Wiki
auth = Auth
Bruno, Massimo - Thanks to you both.
On 12 October 2012 21:14, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> URL('function',vars=dict(name='value'))
> On Friday, 12 October 2012 15:07:19 UTC-5, Simon Carr wrote:
>> Thanks for the reply Bruno, but is there a web2py function that can add
>> vars to the url?
I applied the patch to gluon tools (basically just give the
Wiki.__init__(...,render=None,...) a default value of 'markmin' instead of
None to remove the first error. Now I need to add an upload field to
wiki_media but this does not work:
Hi Simon,
It didn't work because I put there "table_a", referring to a table where
you need your button displayed. In your case, you could put there
productdatafiles (without db in front).
Since smartgrid drills into related tables, some buttons will not be
applicable to those tables, like in my c
¿What error do you get?
To force the wiki class to define the tables before serving the wiki pages
(so you can customize them) you must add something like this to the model
El viernes, 12 de octubre de 2012 18:47:10 UTC-3, Bill Thayer escribió:
> I applied the patch t
I put my apps and in a new folder web2py 2.0.9 and all my
websites are pointed to init app
and I downgraded back to 1.99.4
I currently have a VPS which I am hosting active sites for my customers in
PHP. In future I would like to write apps for my customers in web2py and
host them on the same server. From what I have seen it seems possible, but
I can't find any clear instructions.
Can someone point me to a link tha
Thanks to all of you who have given so many of us another wonderful
evolution of this great framework.
On Thursday, 30 August 2012 04:41:34 UTC+1, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> After 5 months. It is done. This is the most waited and the most
> feature-packed release.
> I am sure we'll fi
you are kind of late, we are already at 2.0.9 and 2.1.0 soon to be released
How can I get the date and datetime calendar jquery from SQLForm to appear
(when a time is being entered) on mobile platforms
and ty
You would logout everybody. But tell me login does not work anyway. Is that
the case?
On Friday, 12 October 2012 15:14:14 UTC-5, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> delete all files in applications/yourapp/sessions/*
> On Friday, 12 October 2012 14:52:33 UTC-5, Hassan Alnatour wrote:
>> What do you
oh db.executesql, thx.
will we have any table locking implement on web2py? say an option to lock
all queried table read only until commit?
On Thursday, October 11, 2012 9:32:14 PM UTC+8, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> You can try:
> db.executesql('LOCK TABLE tablename READ;')
> http://aark
Strange. We have unitests for them and they all pass. Can I see your
On Friday, 12 October 2012 17:54:08 UTC-5, Vasile Ermicioi wrote:
> hi,
> I put my apps and in a new folder web2py 2.0.9 and all my
> websites are pointed to init app
> and I downgraded back to 1.99.4
i tried web2py on linux with source code version and on osx with the mac
version, both connected to the same mysql backend.
i have notice the user created on linux can only access on linux, login
from osx will be invalid login. it's the same on osx the other way around.
I will try a demo asap but I do not have an account so it will take a tille
time. In principle everything in eb is not django specific and should work
with web2py almost out of them box.
On Tuesday, 9 October 2012 11:42:35 UTC-5, CST International Mike wrote:
> Hi
> I trying to find an AWS
I am getting "enter a value"(with red colored back
ground) when not entering any data to field of table (to which i made
constraint IS_NOT_NULL). How can I change that flash to some "DESIRED
ONE."(including back ground color) for 'ONLY SOME' fields of table
Can any1 tell me quickest way to learn all the essential stuff of web2py in
Any books or video-tutorials?
The documentation is too large and is too frustrating to read.
I want to accept only 9 digit number as input to one field and
other's are invalid. and in another field I want to accept time format of
form ("hours:minutes" to "hours:minutes").
Thank you in advance...
Is there a way to still use the ACE editor? applications/admin/models/
references but I can't find this anywhere.
Adam Bryzak
On Friday, 14 September 2012 12:22:21 UTC+10, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> It fixes a few minor issues and bugs.
> The most notable featu
In contains all the missing editors (amy, editarea, ace).
On Thursday, 11 October 2012 19:14:31 UTC-5, Adam Bryzak wrote:
> Is there a way to still use the ACE editor? applications/admin/models/
> references web2py.admin.editor
On Friday, 12 October 2012 00:14:23 UTC-5, dantuluri jaganadha raju wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to accept only 9 digit number as input to one field and
> other's are invalid. and in another
Most people like this:
On Friday, 12 October 2012 11:43:25 UTC-5, Sponona wrote:
> Can any1 tell me quickest way to learn all the essential stuff of web2py
> in detail?
> Any books or video-tutorials?
> The documentation is too large and is too frus
Open a ticket and we will look to include it. The problem is that not all
databases support it.
On Friday, 12 October 2012 20:47:06 UTC-5, vince wrote:
> oh db.executesql, thx.
> will we have any table locking implement on web2py? say an option to lock
> all queried table read only until com
I experience the same when I use python25 on my mac and python27 on my
linux vm. I believe it is because of this bug in python25
Could this be the same case as yours?
On Friday, 12 October 2012 20:51:49 UTC-5, vince wrote:
> i tried web2py on linux with source
I tried with the welcome app and i cannot reproduce this problem. Compiled
or not compiled I see the memory increase, then move and down and then
On Friday, 12 October 2012 14:41:49 UTC-5, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> I will try reproduce and let you know.
> On Friday, 12
i am using osx 10.8 so the default python should be 2.7. however i notice
the mac package of web2py 2.0.9 bundle with the python 2.5.1 binary.
i just tried to link the python binary inside to
the 2.7 version from osx but it fail to start.
On Saturday, October 13, 2012
oh my mistake, link to osx's default
python works fine.
On Saturday, October 13, 2012 10:29:20 AM UTC+8, vince wrote:
> i am using osx 10.8 so the default python should be 2.7. however i notice
> the mac package of web2py 2.0.9 bundle with the python 2.5.1 bina
I want to give option to user to fill ONLY either "..." or
".." in one of the field of table.How can it be done?
Thank you in advance..
Maybe it can help you:
On Fri, Oct 12, 2012 at 11:44 PM, dantuluri jaganadha raju <> wrote:
> Hi,
>I want to give option to user to fill ONLY either "..." or
> ".." in one of the field of table
BTW. Are you using rocket? If so, are you using the -N option? You should
otherwise cron may do strange things.
I am considering removing the -N option and disabling cron by default.
On Friday, 12 October 2012 21:26:51 UTC-5, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> I tried with the welcome app and i canno
In a function I have the following lines of code:
setFlash(crud,response,session,row,'Home page')
... in a module:
def setFlash(crud,response,session,row,function):
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