In contains all the missing editors (amy, editarea, ace).

On Thursday, 11 October 2012 19:14:31 UTC-5, Adam Bryzak wrote:
> Is there a way to still use the ACE editor? applications/admin/models/ 
> references but I can't find this anywhere.
> -- 
> Adam Bryzak
> On Friday, 14 September 2012 12:22:21 UTC+10, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>> It fixes a few minor issues and bugs.
>> The most notable features are a better layout, and admin now ships only 
>> with the codemirror editor.
>> It works better under windows. 
>> I strongly suggest you upgrade.
>> There are still some open issues but they are not new of 2.0.9
>> - dropbox login does not work (I believe due to change in dropbox APIs)
>> - users have reported problems with the pg8000 so until we understand 
>> them we recommend the psycopg2 driver.
>> - keyed tables support can be improved.
>> Continue to test it and please report any issue so they can be taken care 
>> of asap.
>> Massimo


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