Ah, thanks for that link, I was trying . I
suppose it would have been a bad idea to post bugs there anyways, it
doesn't seem like the place to do it, it's just what came up in google
On Thursday, March 1, 2012 6:59:50 AM UTC-7, LightDot wrote:
> Which wi
Confirm. I have the same problem.
2012. március 2., péntek 7:19:13 UTC+1 időpontban Sanjeet Kumar a
következőt írta:
> i am very excited to use the new version of web2py 1.99.5 . when i
> downloaded it and use than i face the to many problems i am not be able to
> go the database administrati
*What steps will reproduce the problem?*
1. Click the Compile button in admin
*What is the expected output? What do you see instead?*
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/share/web2py/gluon/", line 146, in app_compile
This talk from the author explains the philosophy behind it
Il 02 marzo 2012 09:56, stefaan ha scritto:
> Impressive!
2012. március 2., péntek 10:14:45 UTC+1 időpontban szimszon a következőt
> *What steps will reproduce the problem?*
> 1. Click the Compile button in
> What "wiki" are you talking about?
>, see above comment.
>> 1. When a database field requires an IS_IN_SET() validator, you'd expect
>> it to show up as a drop-down in forms, and normally you'd be right.
>> However, if you place that validator within a l
> Note, SQLFORM.grid itself takes a user_signature argument (which defaults
> to True), so you may not need the @auth decorator. Also, is the user logged
> in -- signature requires login?
The way I had it set up was, the welcome page requires login, while all
other pages require signatures
Is there a way to limit CRUD and/or SQLFORM.grid objects to only operating
on a subset of records, so they can be used as managers for records based
on ownership? As far as I can tell, CRUD works on either a whole table
level or single record label, nothing in between. SQLFORM.grid does this
Possible solution:
--- 2012-02-29 11:38:58.0 +0100
+++ 2012-03-02 10:32:02.983062126 +0100
@@ -289,10 +289,11 @@
if delimiters != self.default_delimiters:
escaped_delimiters =
look at this:
Am Freitag, 2. März 2012 10:40:58 UTC+1 schrieb Serpent_Guard:
> Is there a way to limit CRUD and/or SQLFORM.grid objects to only operating
> on a subset of records, so they can be used as managers for records based
Hey dewds forging web2py 2.0 have a look at these gorgeous:
I think the easiest is to add your validation code in the controller and
then process
the data after successful validation. I don't know how your data looks like
but here
is a simple example of a controller code with custom validation and db
def validate_add(form):
pattern = re.compil
I'm trying to use DAL with a MSSQL db.
I need to work with tables from 2 different schemas but I don't find how to
specify the schema when I define the table.
Can you help me?
Thank you.
Thanks Anthony. Yes I am running web2py. That was probably the reason
for the error message.
On Feb 29, 9:36 pm, Anthony wrote:
> Are you running Python 3? Note, the standard web2py is only compatible with
> Python 2.5 to 2.7 (though there is a Python 3 compatible branch).
> Note, you can simpl
The args keywords is used to pass extra parameters to grid URLs. It is only
useful if you implement your own ondelete, onupdate or oncreate functions
and need to get this extra arguments from a request.
Hello all,
I work in emacs and have just begun using web2py. Unfortunately I can't get
proper highlighting for the templates (ie. web2py's own flavour of mixed
python and HTML).
Can anyone describe for me an emacs working setup for web2py development?
ps. this must have been asked bef
On 2 March 2012 14:09, viva wrote:
> Hello all,
> I work in emacs and have just begun using web2py. Unfortunately I can't
> get proper highlighting for the templates (ie. web2py's own flavour of
> mixed python and HTML).
For work with html-files I use the nxhtml-mode. However I don't think
On 1 March 2012 16:15, Bruce Wade wrote:
> Ummm where are you creating your object? In Or only in actions that
> require it? If only in actions that require it you will also need to import
> it and create an instance in the appadmin file.
I think my previous email(s) on this subject con
Hi Anthony,
Thanks for your advice. In the end I wrote a function to verify that the
emails were the same and attached it to the onvalidation callback as
auth.settings.register_onvalidation = verify_email
This verify email function then manually adds an error flag to the form:
To use 2 different databases you require 2 connection strings.
db_1 = DAL(.)
db_2 = DAL()
db_1.table_from_db_1.insert() # query etc...
db_2.table_from_db_2.insert() # query etc...
On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 3:58 AM, Wuwei wrote:
> Hello,
> I
To get emacs to work with web2py templates where you have color hilighing
for both the HTML and Python you will need to create a custom language mode
for emacs.
Here are some guides if you are interested:
The args keyword is also used to pass ALL parameters to grid urls.
Suppose you call grid/5 controller. This calls
grid(customer==request.args(0)). Now if you hit the Export button on
the grid then it calls grid/csv which fails because the query is
looking for customer=="csv". However if you do
what specifically breaks?
On Friday, 2 March 2012 00:46:28 UTC-6, Sanjeet Kumar wrote:
> i am very excited to use the new version of web2py 1.99.5 . when i
> downloaded it and use than i face the to many problems i am not be able to
> go the database administration when i click on the database
I think we should include this in web2oy 2.0:
On Friday, 2 March 2012 05:21:52 UTC-6, smoggy wrote:
> Hey dewds forging web2py 2.0 have a look at these gorgeous:
Thank for sharing,
Now Movuca has a lot of themes:
On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 8:21 AM, smogzer wrote:
> Hey dewds forging web2py 2.0 have a look at these gorgeous:
I've looked through the views chapter, but I'm not sure what these
brackets [ ] are doing in this line.
[ {{=A('search', _href=URL('search'))}} ]
What do the brackets around the link syntax do? Thanks.
> Ah I see now where that behavior is mentioned. Is the _and argument valid
>> for all validators, or just IS_IN_DB?
Just IS_IN_DB. I think the only other one for which it might be relevant is
IS_IN_SET, but once you specify a specific set of items, you generally
wouldn't need to apply
Is not being maintained, the content is outdated and should go offline.
Bruno Rocha
On Friday, March 2, 2012 11:12:44 AM UTC-5, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> I think we should include this in web2oy 2.0:
Are you saying you want to change the welcome app to Bootstrap and also add
jQuery UI with this Bootstrap theme, or just a
Fixed all the issues that have been reported with 1.99.5. Thanks Gyuris for
all your help.
Please continue to report any issue you find.
Could we consider this change :
Wrapping error div inside an other div?
Reason :
Allow auto width of error box base on length of error message.
Try this with chrome dev tool on a triggered validator page :
field can't be
I think it will work every where 3cols 2cols and divs
I want to redirect users after login...
I am using the following, but does not work:
auth.settings.login_next = URL('index')
I have put the above line inside my
Agreed. I removed the DNS entry.
On Friday, 2 March 2012 10:32:02 UTC-6, rochacbruno wrote:
> this:
> Is not being maintained, the content is outdated and should go offline.
> --
> Bruno Rocha
> []
> I am using the following, but does not work:
> auth.settings.login_next = URL('index')
> I have put the above line inside my
The above only works if the user somehow goes directly to the login page.
However, if the user gets to the login page via a redirect tha
Sorry, the date search is implemented in grid and smartgrid?
I Haven a table only with date fields and this option not works
If you are ok digging through code, in mostly all of my apps I use a
"" module that is basically a class that mimics
web2py's but it is very thin compared to the stock's, I use it this way not
because 'mine is better' but because I wanted to control my registration
and aut
*Original :*
def xml(self):
name = self.attributes.get('_name', None)
if name and hasattr(self, 'errors') \
and self.errors.get(name, None) \
and self['hideerror'] != True:
return DIV.xml(self) + DIV(self.errors[name], _class='error',
On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 2:44 PM, Richard Vézina
> *return DIV.xml(self) + DIV(DIV(self.errors[name], _class='error',*
> *errors=None, _id='%s__error' % name, _style='display:
> inline-block;'),_style='display: block;').xml()*
Just give it classes and set the style in css
This has been fixed in 1.99.6
There are four features I want:
1 a flexible layout
2 ability to easily change the default theme
3 a default theme that looks as close as possible to bootstrap
4 minimize the number of files that ship with "welcome"
Currently we have 1, 3 and 4 but not 2.
Now jQuery UI provides both 2 and 3 but no
On Friday, March 2, 2012 1:44:50 PM UTC-5, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> There are four features I want:
> 1 a flexible layout
By flexible layout, do you mean "responsive" (i.e., mobile friendly)? In
that case, Bootstrap 2.0 does now include responsive layouts.
On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 3:44 PM, Massimo Di Pierro <> wrote:
> 1 a flexible layout
> 2 ability to easily change the default theme
> 3 a default theme that looks as close as possible to bootstrap
> 4 minimize the number of files that ship with "welcome"
with bootstrap
Hello Anthony,
Well i have done a custom login in the index page, so after the user logs
in the login form is still shown so i am trying to redirect the user to
a different page after the login
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
### required - do no delete
def user(): return dict(for
Thanks for your help, Anthony. I pulled out the openssl commands and
made a private key and an ssl certificate, but I couldn't get them to
work with the rocket server. In fact, when I started up the server, it
wouldn't serve any pages at all.
I used this command:
nohup sudo python -a
looks helpful. adapting now. thanks.
On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 06:32, Wikus van de Merwe wrote:
> I think the easiest is to add your validation code in the controller and
> then process
> the data after successful validation. I don't know how your data looks
> like but here
> is a simple example o
Is it possible to display a multiline error via I'm
parsing a list and want to show all invalid entries in the error message
that flashes.
Ok, but we need to add a DIV()
On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 12:51 PM, Bruno Rocha wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 2:44 PM, Richard Vézina <
>> wrote:
>> *return DIV.xml(self) + DIV(DIV(self.errors[name], _class='error',*
>> *errors=None, _id=
Then I need a patch. ;-)
On Friday, 2 March 2012 12:55:46 UTC-6, rochacbruno wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 3:44 PM, Massimo Di Pierro <
>> wrote:
>> 1 a flexible layout
>> 2 ability to easily change the default theme
>> 3 a default theme that looks as close as
I'm confused by the behavior of my web app.
It is deployed on a remote server using ubuntu+apache+web2py+mysql
with a self-signed certificate and was installed using the setup- script.
Everythings seems functional except that I can't access my
application's appadmin controller.
I have this:
Just need to remove all JS and adapt to bootstrap 2.0, I will do it for
web2py 2.0
On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 5:34 PM, Massimo Di Pierro <> wrote:
> Then I need a patch. ;-)
> On Friday, 2 March 2012 12:55:46 UTC-6, roch
This is a bug in 1.99.5. Please download 1.99.6 should be fixed there.
On Friday, 2 March 2012 14:43:49 UTC-6, David Phillips wrote:
> I'm confused by the behavior of my web app.
> It is deployed on a remote server using ubuntu+apache+web2py+mysql
> with a self-signed certificate and was ins
Hi There!
I tinkered a bit with and it's in 1.99.6 now.
Now you can restrict login access based on ldap groups where the user is a
You need just to specify allowed_groups:
auth.settings.login_methods.append(ldap_auth( usual...,
allowed_groups = [...]
I'm writing my first non-trivial web2py application, and I have a hard
time keeping my HTML boilerplate in views rather than in controllers.
More specifically, some of my FORMs feature a lot of fancy markup +
javascript. Since they deal mostly with HTML, I'd rather put them in
HTML view t
First of all, what a beautiful framework web2py is! Thank you!
I am having issues streaming a video file to ios devices.
The file is not the problem because the same file plays properly on
those devices when it is served by Amazon CloudFront (here is the URL
Have you looked
and Note, in the
latter case, if you want CSRF protection, you'll also need to add the
hidden _formkey field in addition to the _formname field.
On F
On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 2:43 PM, Rajesh wrote:
> Connection: close
I guess that is the problem.
response.headers['Connection'] = 'keep-alive'
Bruno Rocha
> Hello Anthony,
> Well i have done a custom login in the index page, so after the user logs
> in the login form is still shown so i am trying to redirect the user to
> a different page after the login
> controller:
> # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
> ### required - do no delete
> def
If this is supposed to be a scalable application, then I'd really suggest
using some middleware layer. This way your front end(s) (web2py instances)
can make a request which could then be distributed to multiple services.
Example: First thought on a solution that comes to mind is web2py using
On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 4:33 AM, Chris wrote:
> I've got a web2py app that processes an uploaded file. When I upload a big
> file, it pushes the CPU to 100% and blocks out all other processes.
> How do I limit this thread so that other things can go through? Any ideas
> would be great.
The info
I propose instead:
function ajax(u,s,t) {
query = '';
if (typeof s == "string") {
d = jQuery(s).serialize();
if(d){ query = d; }
} else {
pcs = [];switch (th
if (s != null && s != undefined) for(i=0; i0){query = pcs.join("&");}
when i am going to database administration i will be redirected to the site
and i am using the instant_admin in my application but in that version all
the layout for instant admin are breaked.
On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 9:35 PM, Massimo Di Pierro <> wrote:
> what specifical
In the new version 1.99.6 database administration problem are fixed but it
is also breaking the plugin_instant_admin backward compatibility actually i
am using the plugin_instant_admin in my application and when i copied the
application in new version and run it than plugin_instant_admin layout is
Thanks pbreit
In the new version 1.99.6 database administration problem are fixed but it
is also breaking the plugin_instant_admin backward compatibility actually i
am using the plugin_instant_admin in my application and when i copied the
application in new version and run it than plugin_instant_a
> In the new version 1.99.6 database administration problem are fixed but it
> is also breaking the plugin_instant_admin backward compatibility actually i
> am using the plugin_instant_admin in my application and when i copied the
> application in new version and run it than plugin_instant_ad
OK thanks Anthony
On Sat, Mar 3, 2012 at 9:25 AM, Anthony wrote:
> In the new version 1.99.6 database administration problem are fixed but it
>> is also breaking the plugin_instant_admin backward compatibility actually i
>> am using the plugin_instant_admin in my application and when i copied th
Hi Fabien,
web2py is so well designed that it should not be hard to do what you ask,
I've developed at least 4 public webapps with 95%+ of the "logic" code
being in the controller and the view containing ALL of the html
bolierplate code, yes, you lose constructs like form.accepts() but you
Thanks for the suggestions, as well as helping with my somewhat
ambiguous question :). I'll try time.sleep, and moving to tornado, as
a belt-and-suspenders kind of approach. I am using rocket and didn't
realize the GIL was an issue.
On Mar 2, 7:37 pm, Ricardo Pedroso wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 2
How does it break it? Can you post a traceback?
On Friday, 2 March 2012 21:28:38 UTC-6, Sanjeet Kumar wrote:
> In the new version 1.99.6 database administration problem are fixed but it
> is also breaking the plugin_instant_admin backward compatibility actually i
> am using the plugin_instant_
Sorry Massimo its my mistake it was the layout problem
On Sat, Mar 3, 2012 at 11:19 AM, Massimo Di Pierro <> wrote:
> How does it break it? Can you post a traceback?
> On Friday, 2 March 2012 21:28:38 UTC-6, Sanjeet Kumar wrote:
>> In the new version 1.99.6 datab
Not sure I understand the issue but you should not have time.sleep in code.
It causes the threads to live longer then necessary and make you vulnerable
to DoS attacks.
If you need to do something computationally expensive you need to use the
scheduler and perform the tack using a background pro
better to have a false positive than an un-reported bug. :-)
On Friday, 2 March 2012 23:51:25 UTC-6, Sanjeet Kumar wrote:
> Sorry Massimo its my mistake it was the layout problem
> On Sat, Mar 3, 2012 at 11:19 AM, Massimo Di Pierro <
>> wrote:
>> How does it bre
Bruno has reported a backward compatibility issue with LOAD with 1.99.6.
The issue is fixed in trunk but I will wait tomorrow to post 1.99.7 just in
case something else arises.
This was the biggest release in meny months so we need to iron some corners.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
I created a very simple blog and when done editing a post, I am
redirected to the updated post.
This works great unless I'm deleting a post, in which case it spits
out an error because the post no longer exists.
How can I tell my controller to check the status of the deleted
checkbox before submi
If there is somebody using ldap_auth with AD please try to test
allowed_groups and / or manage_groups as I have no means to test it. And I
do not know differences between OpenLdap and AD regarding groups :(
2012. március 2., péntek 22:30:37 UTC+1 időpontban szimszon a következőt
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