I just noticed a new update in trunk with text < SQLFORM(separator=': '),
thanks Anthony> If this means that I can remove/change default collon
in field label names on form, thats great !!!
Try this again. At the second ticket, do not click on the link. Locate
the admin/errors/ticket# file and mail it to me.
On Jul 28, 12:40 am, tejus pratap wrote:
> I replaced evwsgi.start(*address[0]) with
> evwsgi.start(address[0],str(address[1])), then when I tried to run
> web2py I got the err
What is the field type? None is NULL in SQL. This is an SQL issue.
On Jul 28, 1:17 am, Kenneth Lundström
> Hello,
> is it so that if I query a table and ask to get all rows where a fields
> value is != True then all "None" rows are also exluded, only "False"
> rows are included?
> Kenn
yes. Thanks to Anthony!
On Jul 28, 2:00 am, David Marko wrote:
> I just noticed a new update in trunk with text < SQLFORM(separator=': '),
> thanks Anthony> If this means that I can remove/change default collon
> in field label names on form, thats great !!!
> David
Boolean and MySQL.
What is the field type? None is NULL in SQL. This is an SQL issue.
On Jul 28, 1:17 am, Kenneth Lundström
is it so that if I query a table and ask to get all rows where a fields
value is != True then all "None" rows are also exluded, only "False"
Sure !!! I really like that he, in most his answers here, references web2py
book with link. Very useful
I observed a curious behavior when scrolling inside a modal window:
when you reach the top (or bottom) of the modal, your main window also
scrolls up(or down) as well.
Very nice. Kudos to Bruno!
+1 for plans to make this part of web2py/contrib
On Jul 26, 6:15 am, Bruno Rocha wrote:
> BTW:
> You
Book is giving tickets again.
I apologize. The server run out of disk space.
Fortunately the database did not get corrupted. I did a lot of cleanup
and now everything should be up and running as usual.
On Jul 26, 2:34 pm, cjrh wrote:
Book is working again.
crud.search returns form and rows
1. is it possible to set that rows object (result of search) contains all
data from table, not just fields, that are checked in search form
2. after doing search, is it possible to display just a result (rows),
without form
so the result of searching for cour
Have your tried wireshark or tcpdump ?
On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 4:06 AM, Ismael Serratos wrote:
> So how do you know it's not working? Do you get any error? or just you can't
> login?
> On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 8:39 PM, Brian M wrote:
>> Hmm not certain server is on 10.0.
db(db.table.id>1).select() is diferent from db.select(db.table.id>1)
the first returns what i want, the second returns all
thank you
the first returns what i want and the second returns all records but they
are empty
Em 28 de julho de 2011 13:11, António Ramos escreveu:
> hello
> why
> db(db.table.id>1).select() is diferent from db.select(db.table.id>1)
> the first returns what i want, the second returns all
The end result of the discussion was to give the developers a way to detect
the devices using request.user_agent() to get info from the user agent
string, and then the developer can do whatever they want with that
information, so the creating of mobile and desktop sites is still completely
up t
Very cool!
The correct syntax is:
db(query).select( fields_to_include )
You can find the details at:
as for db.select(db.table.id>1) I would expect it to create a ticket due to
a KeyError since db as no select method.
2011/7/28 António Ramos
> c
This is SO COOL :)
By the way, if you go to grafpad.com, then click on your logo , you
get an error:
"Server Error!
Sorry, there was an error with our server. Please continue to our
homepage. "( homepage is a link)
and clicking the link gets you to a 404 error ( that you drew with
grafpag i guess
Ok, my mistake!
2011/7/28 Miguel Lopes
> The correct syntax is:
> db(query).select( fields_to_include )
> You can find the details at:
> http://web2py.com/book/default/chapter/06#Query,-Set,-Rows
> as for db.select(db.table.id>1) I would expect it to create a ticket due
> to a KeyError sin
returns all field from *product* table only
returns all field from *requests* table only
What is the logic?
and if i want all record from both tables?
thank you
The DAL is not SQL, it has a diferent logic.
What are you trying to achieve?
2011/7/28 António Ramos
> this
> db(db.requests.product==*db.products.id*==3).select()
> returns all field from *product* table only
> this
> db(db.products.id==*db.requests.product*==3).select()
> returns all
Dear friends,
I would like to know if is possible to use the jqgrid widget with a
data source that wouldn't be a table or a set of tables. I would like
to know if I could use it with a json webservice, for example.
I know its possible to use the Javascript version of the control with
such type of
i want to select record from 2 tables.
I have table requests that have a column product. This column is only the id
of the product
to know the meaning of the id i have to connect the 2 tables to know the
thank you
2011/7/28 Miguel Lopes
> The DAL is not SQL, it has a dife
Ok. One way is to use the represent attribute of db.requests.product field.
You can setup this in models after the table definition with:
db.requests.product.represent = lambda id: db.product(id).description
id is a parameter to lambda which takes the value of the current field value
(for product
Antonio, check out these references:
Assuming 'db.requests.product' is a foreign key to your products
I dont know about jQgrid, but in PowerGrid[1] you can pass any callback
function which returns JSON.
On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 4:27 AM, xenebros wrote:
> Dear friends,
> I would like to know if is possible to use the jqgrid widget with a
> data source that wo
Rocket doesn't currently support IPv6. As I understand adding support
would not be difficult. If I add it in, can you help me test it?
On Jul 26, 11:34 pm, Rahul wrote:
> Hi Tim, All,
> Does Rocket support IPv6? If not, can we expect this to be
> added to its feature set a
Set the default value for your boolean column. That way you won't
have any NULL values in there and you can select on True or False.
If you don't like that solution, try (db.mytable.boolean==None) |
(db.mytable.boolean==False) in your where clause.
If this conditions is ANDed with other conditio
I think you mean the default logging level set to DEBUG as we once discussed
But here we have quite opposite problem, it's not that too much goes to the
log but rather that
errors were not logged.
If you're just fetching a single request at a time, you can also do a
recursive select (see
request = db(db.requests.id==3).select().first()
description = request.product.description
This is inefficient for multiple records (requ
I am trying to create a very straightforward database of about 5
tables (for now)
but when I try to use the wizard, I always get errors. A trimmed down
table employee
picture upload
table driver
employee_id employee
table vehicle
On Jul 28, 2011, at 7:03 AM, Wikus van de Merwe wrote:
> I think you mean the default logging level set to DEBUG as we once discussed
> here:
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/web2py/N2O7WrPJdAE/trGuTFU9cssJ
> But here we have quite opposite problem, it's not that too much goes to the
i have table requests,products,clients,auth_user and comments
all tables have related records except comments
this table is related with requests and may be empty for a request
how to do a left join between these 5 tables?
i want to select records between requests,products,clients,aut
Couldn't it be implemented by calling a engine-dependent method like
sql_quote(name), which in other engines would by default return the
unquoted string, but return the quoted name in mysql and postgres?
On 27 jul, 22:16, Massimo Di Pierro
> Yes. The dal was rewritten to allow thi
I think field name "type" could be a problem.
I've deleted the logging.conf file.
What was the final answer on creating compound queries like this:
Is that acceptable or advisable? Or is the & way preferred? The & way has
the benefit of being splittable across lines?
Also, I think Field('product', db.product
what is the best way to add an event like "on create" on a table model?
i want to send an email every time a record is create on a table.
thank you
On Thursday, July 28, 2011 11:53:47 AM UTC-4, pbreit wrote:
> I think field name "type" could be a problem.
I'm not sure -- I think the wizard will end up changing that to 'f_type' (it
adds 'f_' to field names and 't_' to table names).
I have a db table that has a self referencing field. I need to create
an audit table that inherits this table. In this table I also set
primarykey so that web2py does not create it's default id. Attempting
to do this with the current dal.py results in a splitting error on
line 523:
I'll prefix all my field names in the wizard to avoid that
keyword problem and see what happens.
On Jul 28, 12:25 pm, Anthony wrote:
> On Thursday, July 28, 2011 11:53:47 AM UTC-4, pbreit wrote:
> > I think field name "type" could be a problem.
> I'm not sure -- I think the wizard will end up
I want to use app-specific routes to make my application more portable.
Let's assume that there
is no "web2py/routes.py" file and my application name is "init". Now I
created the "routes.py" file
in "web2py/applications/init/" directory and defined my simple router there:
my_router = dict(
If you are using SQLFORM or FORM:
if form.accepts(...):
if you are using crud:
crud.settings.create_onaccept = lambda form: mail.send(...)
If you need to do that at database level, you will need to look at triggers
or create a kind of daemon to watch tables
2011/7/28 Antón
Yes, to remove the default colon, just do separator=False or separator=''.
You can also change the separator to something other than a colon, and it
can even be an HTML helper instead of a string (e.g.,
separator=IMG(_src=URL('static','img/my_label_separator.png')) ).
On Thursday, Jul
I have this in web2py/routes.py and never see /init or /init/default:
routers = dict(
BASE = dict(
default_application = 'init',
I just do what the book says and it works; so I use the binary and
operator between terms. Also you can split it across lines. Since I
use descriptive (meaning too long) table and field names, it's helpful
to be able to split.
On Jul 28, 12:02 pm, pbreit wrote:
> What was the final answer on cr
I have 9 'apps' in my web2py install(including welcome & examples). I
noticed this morning that one of them is very slow to access. The pages
and jquerys take 2-5 seconds to load. The other apps seem to be fine,
but the admin app might be tad slow today.
I have restarted web2py and the other h
On Jul 28, 2011, at 9:30 AM, Wikus van de Merwe wrote:
> I want to use app-specific routes to make my application more portable. Let's
> assume that there
> is no "web2py/routes.py" file and my application name is "init". Now I
> created the "routes.py" file
> in "web2py/applications/init/" dire
can i restrict the menu.py items according to the user group?
thank you
Hmmm... So this means that app-specific routes are not so useful as I
thought. I thought I would be able
to get away without the "web2py/routes.py" having all rules defined per
application. In other words, I was
expecting the default_router to be the default when there is no
It seems like that would be a code issue. Is there anything in your models
or controllers that looks suspicious?
Default value could be a good solution, but I don't understand how I
have never before run into this. Can't remember how many times I have
used !=True to find all none True records. I have chosen not to use
==False as I know that default value is None for boolean. But I guess
not so often has I
On Jul 28, 2011, at 10:57 AM, Wikus van de Merwe wrote:
> Hmmm... So this means that app-specific routes are not so useful as I
> thought. I thought I would be able
> to get away without the "web2py/routes.py" having all rules defined per
> application. In other words, I was
> expecting the defa
> can i restrict the menu.py items according to the user group?
Definitly, I do it like this:
response.menu = []#[(T('Frontpage'), False, URL('default', 'index'), []),]
if (auth.has_membership('admin')):
response.menu += [(T('Settings'), False, URL('default',
'settings'), []),]
It should definitly not help that you Rufus prefix all fields by hand as
web2pys wizard already does that automatically. But it could be that the
wizard does not understand to prefix a reserved word. Maybe it helps to
prefix by hand. But then your fields are problaly prefixed twice.
On 7/28/2011 1:59 PM, pbreit wrote:
It seems like that would be a code issue. Is there anything in your
models or controllers that looks suspicious?
This was my first project in python, so I am sure most of it looks
suspicious. Only one of the app/controller/*.py files has been touched
Send your app if you don't matter, I will try to write your query...
But you may be able to do it by reading the book about Left outer join :
db.person.ALL, db.dog.ALL,
Python profiler :
You need to boot your app and call your function with the profiler and you
will have detail of time for all the task and subtask that your function
On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 2:29 PM, Andrew Thompson wrote:
> On 7/28
On Thursday, July 28, 2011 2:29:46 PM UTC-4, Tobarja wrote:
> This was my first project in python, so I am sure most of it looks
> suspicious. Only one of the app/controller/*.py files has been touched
> this year, back in March.
> I use this app once a month. It was fine last month.
> I
Very nice!
That is excellent! I think that using pyjamas was a great choice of yours!
I also use it and I suggest it to anyone here that needs complex
applications since web2py supports it very well.
2011/7/28 Charles Law :
> Hi everyone,
> My friend and I have been using Pyjamas and web2
I find it unfortunate that it was never implemented.
Would it be possible to get a web2pyslice of how to do something like
what was the orginal idea?
The end result of the discussion was to give the developers a way to
detect the devices using request.user_agent() to get info from t
I'm not sure I understand exactly what you need and don't have time to check
your app, but does this help at all:
On Thursday, July 28, 2011 5:49:35 PM UTC-4, Richard wrote:
> Hello,
> I know it's not a web2py q
On Thursday, July 28, 2011 6:06:43 PM UTC-4, Kenneth wrote:
> I find it unfortunate that it was never implemented.
> Would it be possible to get a web2pyslice of how to do something like
> what was the orginal idea?
The mobile device detector has been implemented (in trunk). I don't think
In the db, i have html code stored in a field. If i want to display it
in the views, i have to write : response.write(variable,escape=False)
Is it possible to use it in this manner by setting a default somewhere :
On Thursday, July 28, 2011 5:39:32 PM UTC-4, Tushar Chandra wrote:
> Hi,
> In the db, i have html code stored in a field. If i want to display it
> in the views, i have to write : response.write(variable,escape=False)
> Is it possible to use it in this manner by setting a default some
It was just browser sniffing to set an "is_mobile" variable.
At a basic level, I agree that 1) app routing should be controlled at the
app level and 2) routes.py should be "on" by default. But I think there are
some complexities such as what to do when upgrading web2py (overwrite and
edited routes file?).
Is it possible that you have the string "None" in the DB?
Web2py always says invalid login. Running the same steps in plain python gives
an exception saying the user lookup cannot be performed without a valid binding
which would mean it is not accepting the username and password provided. But
again the exact same code works fine from the other subnet.
Thanks everyone! My friend and I will be looking into all those bugs
and getting them fixed over the next couple days.
We really appreciate the feedback and bug reports. Keep it coming!
On Jul 28, 5:41 pm, Michele Comitini
> Charles,
> That is excellent! I think that using pyjamas wa
On Jul 27, 11:45 pm, Johann Spies wrote:
> On 27 July 2011 14:08, flebber wrote:
> > I installed web2py into a virtualenv in my ubuntu install. When
> > reading the book it states to start web2py with "python web2py.py -S
> > welcome" however I don't appear to have web2py in my directory.
Well as you tell may be is because you are trying to get users from another
domain, different IP mean different domains, so users aren't the same, have
you tried to login with an acoount from 10.0.1.x?? I mean, not the one you
use in .0.0.x?
On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 6:06 PM, Brian M wrote:
> Web2
I have written a simple "audit" system for tables that patches the dal. You
can do something similar to send an email on record creation.
See this thread:
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/web2py/jKpUVyvNHeE/oufbLz_n1GEJ - which did
not receive any response so far.
Yes ofcourse I can help test it, but that may take some time as I
would be deploying a new web2py project on an IPV6 site late this
Cheers Rahul
On Jul 28, 6:46 pm, Timothy Farrell wrote:
> Rocket doesn't currently support IPv6. As I understand adding support
> would not be difficul
I'm integrating plupload into web2py but having issues getting the
manual upload to work with the store method.
I have the filename of the original file in request.vars.name and the
file stream data in request.vars.file
I've tried these options and have no luck:
Yeah, I know the fields would be prefixed twice. It was just an
experiment to ensure any field names I chose didn't correspond to
keywords. It worked fine when I did that, so I may have used "type"
as was suggested here. I went through so many iterations I wasn't
exactly sure which I had tried.
I assessed both the libraries for exporting data to excel.
"python-excel" is far better in terms of features.
"tablib" doesn't have any feature for formatting of cells (such as
fore/back color, font, border, etc.)
Syntax of python-excel is more human-readable (especially the "easysf"
class in it).
haha, the subject line could be misunderstood as something more personal...
Yea am using web2py group to fix things with my girlfriend using
python... LOL
the speed of my website when am trying any view is fast , is it going
to be in the same speed when its online ???
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