I have a db table that has a self referencing field. I need to create
an audit table that inherits this table. In this table I also set
primarykey so that web2py does not create it's default id. Attempting
to do this with the current dal.py results in a splitting error on
line 523:

rtablename,rfieldname = referenced.split('.')

To stop this issue I catch when the reference contains do . and isn't
referring to the tablename.

if (referenced.split('.')[0] == referenced) and not(referenced ==
tablename) and hasattr(table,'_primarykey'):
    ftype = self.types['integer']

This if gets added after line 520 and the lines 521 - 511 are
contained in the else of this if. Another thing I thought would be
nice is if you have a self referencing field in addition to 'reference
tablename' you could do 'reference'. This would help in inheritance
that way the table that inherits this will also have a self
referencing field. To do this I modify line 520 to:

referenced = field.type[10:].strip() or tablename

Let me know what you guys think of these changes I would love to get
them into the trunk.


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