[web2py] appadmin insert broken if session.forget()

2011-03-11 Thread sherdim
Hello! In the recent versions of web2py appadmin silently cannot insert new records if session.forget() in the model At least in Version 1.90.6 (2010-12-20 11:24:15) it is working! remedy is simple, but silent disfunction discourages Vale!

[web2py] Google GAE Task Queue independence

2011-03-11 Thread Carl
I'm looking at using http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/python/taskqueue/overview.html in my Web2py-based app. Up until now I have the option to deploy to another service other than GAE (thanks to Web2py) but in using taskqueue I'll be adding a GAE- only solution. Has anyone come to this poin

[web2py] Wrapping GAE taskqueue

2011-03-11 Thread Carl
has anyone wrapped up GAE taskqueue to be used by a web2py app? and what have you done about running your app locally on web2py? (as opposed to dev_appserver.py)

[web2py] Bug? Opening session files from multiple processes

2011-03-11 Thread Corne
Hello, We were running into the following: (os: Linux - Apache with mod_wsgi) We have client code which does a number of requests: what happened is that some of these requests got 401-not authorized as response. The problem is that in globals.py the session file is opened (rb+) and the file is

[web2py] Re: about SQLFORM

2011-03-11 Thread cyber
It works perfectly! I understood your code. Many thanks and respects for you!!! *** Could you give me a piece of advise of how can I use checkboxes to represent results of db selection? I have some boolean fields in db and I want users to be able to check/ uncheck checkbox's state. Is it posible?

[web2py] PDF report

2011-03-11 Thread Bruno Barbosa
Hello, how to pdf report in web2py? any tips? # --- # Bruno Barbosa # Seja livre - Use Linux!!! # http://algoritmizando.com # http://twitter.com/bruninbsb # ---

[web2py] Re: Update_record and validator conflict.

2011-03-11 Thread annet
Hi Denes, > Or better yet, store the validator object in a variable and use that: Thanks for providing me with this solution, problem solved and something learned again. Kind regards, Annet.

Re: [web2py] Re: web2py in the Pypi

2011-03-11 Thread Bruno Barbosa
I believe that Gilson is proposing to assist and update if necessary... # --- # Bruno Barbosa # Seja livre - Use Linux!!! # http://algoritmizando.com # http://twitter.com/bruninbsb # --- 2011/3/11 pbreit > Weird. The versi

[web2py] Recomanded way questions

2011-03-11 Thread rif
db.define_table('client', Field('name'), format='%(name)s' ) db.define_table('project', Field('client', db.client), Field('name'), format='%(name)s' ) db.define_table('entry', Field('client', db.client), Field('project', db.project), Field('name'), format='%(na

[web2py] Adjusting the width of the textarea

2011-03-11 Thread Johann Spies
I want to change the width of certain input fields for the type 'text' in a form. I have tried this but it did not have any effect: textarea { width: 100px; } The defined width in base.css is 400px. So how do I do it

Re: [web2py] Adjusting the width of the textarea

2011-03-11 Thread contatogilson...@gmail.com
Become to me too. _ *Gilson Filho* *Web Developer http://gilsondev.com* 2011/3/11 Johann Spies > I want to change the width of certain input fields for the type 'text' in > a form. > > I have tried this but it did not have any effect: > > >

[web2py] Re: PDF report

2011-03-11 Thread cjrh
On Mar 11, 12:50 pm, Bruno Barbosa wrote: > how to pdf report in web2py? http://www.reportlab.com/software/opensource/

Re: [web2py] Adjusting the width of the textarea

2011-03-11 Thread contatogilson...@gmail.com
Sorry, Happens to me too _ *Gilson Filho* *Web Developer http://gilsondev.com*

[web2py] Re: appadmin insert broken if session.forget()

2011-03-11 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
Without sessions you do not have CSRF protection. crud.create, cruf.update and form.accepts(request,session) are never supposed to work form.accepts(request) should work because no CSRF protection. On Mar 11, 2:38 am, sherdim wrote: > Hello! > > In the recent versions of web2py appadmin silen

[web2py] Re: Bug? Opening session files from multiple processes

2011-03-11 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
This is a strange behavior of open. Which linux version? Anyway, I will test your solution, it seems the right one. Massimo On Mar 11, 3:30 am, Corne wrote: > Hello, > > We were running into the following: > > (os: Linux - Apache with mod_wsgi) > > We have client code which does a number of requ

[web2py] Re: PDF report

2011-03-11 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
web2py comes with ~/web2py/gluon/contrib/pyfpdf/fpdf.py which converts html to pdf and does not require reportlab Read more about this http://code.google.com/p/pyfpdf On Mar 11, 4:50 am, Bruno Barbosa wrote: > Hello, > > how to pdf report in web2py? > any tips? > > #

[web2py] Re: Operational Error

2011-03-11 Thread Eduardo
Thanks for replying, pbreit. Interesting enough, the capital letter was the only persistent cause of error. I had to reinstall web2py to finally fix that. I still need to question your 3 suggestions, though: 1) The reason why I completely rewrote db.py with only those lines is because we are tol

[web2py] Re: Log the user out

2011-03-11 Thread Ed Greenberg
This returns me to /default/index with the flash of "Logged out". My response.flash, specified below the auth.logout() is never seen. I also tried it with the response.flash= statement ABOVE the auth.logout(). The user gets logged out, but I have no control over what he sees next. Do you have an

Re: [web2py] Adjusting the width of the textarea

2011-03-11 Thread Martín Mulone
Fijate que no tengas en layout.html esta linea o algo por el estilo alguna vez la vi. jQuery(document).ready(function(){jQuery('textarea').css('width','600px').css('height','400px')}); también fijate en base.css por esto: input[type=text], input[type=password], textarea, select { 2011/3/11 co

[web2py] behaviour of the IS_EMPTY_OR( ) validator

2011-03-11 Thread Eduardo
When I leave a field empty, it shows nothing on the SQLTABLE generated by appadmin. If, however, the empty field was validated with IS_EMPTY_OR(...), its value is displayed as "None" Is it possible to make it show no value at all? Thanks, Eduardo

[web2py] Re: Bug? Opening session files from multiple processes

2011-03-11 Thread Corne
> This is a strange behavior of open. Which linux version? Slackware 13.0 (with kernel

[web2py] Re: How to validate/notify this simple form with db

2011-03-11 Thread Jamboo
Thanks. This method works but what if I want to keep my view the same way yet still have alerts for empty fields, wrong input and much more?

[web2py] Re: PDF report

2011-03-11 Thread LightOfMooN
is there some way to convert pdf to html? On 11 мар, 18:17, Massimo Di Pierro wrote: > web2py comes with > > ~/web2py/gluon/contrib/pyfpdf/fpdf.py > > which converts html to pdf and does not require reportlab > > Read more about thishttp://code.google.com/p/pyfpdf > > On Mar 11, 4:50 am, Bruno Ba

Re: [web2py] Adjusting the width of the textarea

2011-03-11 Thread Johann Spies
On 11 March 2011 15:32, Martín Mulone wrote: > Fijate que no tengas en layout.html esta linea o algo por el estilo alguna > vez la vi. > > > jQuery(document).ready(function(){jQuery('textarea').css('width','600px').css('height','400px')}); > > You are a star! Thanks. Now I also learning how to

Re: [web2py] PDF report

2011-03-11 Thread Lucas D'Avila
2011/3/11 Bruno Barbosa > Hello, > > how to pdf report in web2py? > any tips? > > I started a plugin to help create reports based on html code, take a look at http://vimeo.com/18601633 / https://github.com/lucasdavila/plugin-appreport/wiki/Docs-and-examples > # -

[web2py] Re: behaviour of the IS_EMPTY_OR( ) validator

2011-03-11 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
appadmin is for the administrator so it ignores "represent" and allows you to distinguish None from ''. It is important. Mind that appadmin is not safe to expose to users. Massimo On Mar 11, 7:38 am, Eduardo wrote: > When I leave a field empty, it shows nothing on the SQLTABLE generated > by app

[web2py] Re: appadmin insert broken if session.forget()

2011-03-11 Thread DenesL
This should go somewhere in the book. On Mar 11, 8:09 am, Massimo Di Pierro wrote: > Without sessions you do not have CSRF protection. > > crud.create, > cruf.update > and form.accepts(request,session) > > are never supposed to work > > form.accepts(request) > > should work because no CSRF prot

[web2py] Re: behaviour of the IS_EMPTY_OR( ) validator

2011-03-11 Thread Eduardo
Thanks for replying, Massimo. I am aware of the security concerns surrounding appadmin. I am actually using it as a model for an app which will solely be used on a local computer. appadmin has most part of what I need on the app! Can I revert the behaviour of appadmin towards "represent"? I am tr

Re: [web2py] Adjusting the width of the textarea

2011-03-11 Thread Bruno Rocha
Use the !important[0] textarea { width: 100px *!important; * } [0] http://www.webcredible.co.uk/user-friendly-resources/web-dev/css-important.shtml -- Bruno Rocha [ About me: http://zerp.ly/rochacbruno ] 2011/3/11 Johann Spies > > textarea { >

[web2py] Re: PDF report

2011-03-11 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
cool, please keep me updated. On Mar 11, 8:15 am, "Lucas D'Avila" wrote: > 2011/3/11 Bruno Barbosa > > > Hello, > > > how to pdf report in web2py? > > any tips? > > I started a plugin to help create reports based on html code, take a look > athttp://vimeo.com/18601633/https://github.com/lucasdav

[web2py] plugins

2011-03-11 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
I did a very poor job at keeping track of community created plugins. If you are aware of a plugin for web2py that is not listed on http://web2py.com/plugins can please add a link to this thread with a small description? Massimo

[web2py] Re: Bug? Opening session files from multiple processes

2011-03-11 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
I do not believe the file is locked using the code above because the second open closes the previous file pointer and unlocks the file. Can you show the traceback of the problem you are having? On Mar 11, 3:30 am, Corne wrote: > Hello, > > We were running into the following: > > (os: Linux - Apac

[web2py] Re: Operational Error

2011-03-11 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
There is nothing wrong with this approach. It is possible that you have some unwanted hidden char in the code. Email me the db.py file and I will take a look. Massimo On Mar 10, 10:51 pm, Eduardo wrote: > Hello, > > I generated a new simple app  through "New Simple Application" and > then change

[web2py] Dynamic generation model

2011-03-11 Thread Jose
Hi everyone, I'm using PostgreSQL + postgis. In web2py, in the model, define the table localidades: tb_localidades = db.define_table('localidades', Field('nombre', length=100), ... Field('alias', length=50, comment='Un único nombre'), ... Field('datos', 'upload', autodelete=T

Re: [web2py] PDF report

2011-03-11 Thread Alexandre Andrade
Web2py comes with pyfpdf now. It's better than reportlab, in my opinion. 2011/3/11 Bruno Barbosa > Hello, > > how to pdf report in web2py? > any tips? > > # --- > # Bruno Barbosa > # Seja livre - Use Linux!!! > # http://algoritmizando.com > # http://twitter

[web2py] Re: Dynamic generation model

2011-03-11 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
db.define_table('meta',Field('name')) for row in db(db.meta).select(): db.define_table(row.name,Field('fieldname')) def dynamically_add_new_table(db,name): db.meta.insert(name=name) db.define_table(name,Field('fieldname')) then you call the function dynamically_add_new_table for the

Re: [web2py] Show in select list a field of another table

2011-03-11 Thread Richard Vézina
Hello Norbert, I forgot in my solution post, you will need a trigger function on update and deletion of records to make sure that person_company table is always sync with the person table. It surely not the better solution. Of course a view is noting esle then a stored SQL select... Here what I

Re: [web2py] Adjusting the width of the textarea

2011-03-11 Thread Jonathan Lundell
On Mar 11, 2011, at 6:24 AM, Bruno Rocha wrote: > Use the !important[0] > > > > textarea { > width: 100px !important; > } > > > [0] > http://www.webcredible.co.uk/user-friendly-resources/web-dev/css-important.shtml > Generally speaking, you should be able to do this

[web2py] Japan

2011-03-11 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
We all feel very close to our friends in Japan, and we are saddened by what has happened.

[web2py] MySQL, encrypt() and CRUD

2011-03-11 Thread Vlad Janicek
Hey there People, I have a question, lets shay that I need to create an users table that some other systems connect to and when these systems check for users, only use the MySQL encrypt() function. The model would be something like this: # My model db.define_table('users', Field('domain', db

[web2py] Re: Problem with unicode data in mssql

2011-03-11 Thread Skiros
The problem is that both adapters are causing me errors... On 10 mar, 14:50, Ross Peoples wrote: > I noticed that you use mssql2:// in there. I don't know if it will help, or > make things worse, but try just mssql:// instead of mssql2://, as that > adapter is still in development and is not yet

[web2py] Re: Problem with unicode data in mssql

2011-03-11 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
I think you need a third adapter. Look at the source of MSQL2Adater in dal.py is it very short and easy to read. How should yours look like? If you tell me that, I tell you how to make it. On Mar 11, 10:00 am, Skiros wrote: > The problem is that both adapters are causing me errors... > > On 10

[web2py] Re: MySQL, encrypt() and CRUD

2011-03-11 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
I am not familiar with encrypt() in mysql. If you show me how you use it in mysql, I can see how to do with dal. On Mar 11, 9:15 am, Vlad Janicek wrote: > Hey there People, > > I have a question, lets shay that I need to create an users table that > some other systems connect to and when these sy

Re: [web2py] Re: Bug? Opening session files from multiple processes

2011-03-11 Thread Jonathan Lundell
On Mar 11, 2011, at 5:13 AM, Massimo Di Pierro wrote: > > This is a strange behavior of open. Which linux version? Anyway, I > will test your solution, it seems the right one. No. The second open unlocks the file (presumably because f is closed with f gets rebound) and it's not getting locked ag

[web2py] Re: behaviour of the IS_EMPTY_OR( ) validator

2011-03-11 Thread villas
http://web2py.com/book/default/chapter/06 search for .represent to see some examples On Mar 11, 2:30 pm, Eduardo wrote: > Thanks for replying, Massimo. > > I am aware of the security concerns surrounding appadmin. I am > actually using it as a model for an app which will solely be used on a > l

Re: [web2py] Re: MySQL, encrypt() and CRUD

2011-03-11 Thread Juan Hernandez
In MySQL would go something like this #Insert insert into users (domain, email, password, quota) values (1, 'x...@x.com', ENCRYPT('mypass'), '101010'); # mysql> select * from users; | 3 | 1 | x...@x.com | j57VHP.kk4c.o | 101010 | 1 row in set (0.00 sec) and reading MySQL's docs I saw this:

Re: [web2py] PDF report

2011-03-11 Thread Ovidio Marinho
This is a good discussion about it and much suffering, but the simplest I found was theplugin for Lucas Davila. 2011/3/11 Bruno Barbosa > Hello, > > how to pdf report in web2py? > any tips? > > # --- > # Bruno Barbosa > # Seja livre - Use Linux!!! > # http://a

Re: [web2py] Japan

2011-03-11 Thread Martín Mulone
+1 2011/3/11 Massimo Di Pierro > We all feel very close to our friends in Japan, and we are saddened by > what has happened. -- Pablo Martín Mulone (mar...@tecnodoc.com.ar) http://www.tecnodoc.com.ar/ My blog: http://martin.tecnodoc.com.ar Expert4Solution Profile: http://www.experts4soluti

Re: [web2py] Japan

2011-03-11 Thread R. Strusberg
+1 2011/3/11 Massimo Di Pierro > We all feel very close to our friends in Japan, and we are saddened by > what has happened.

[web2py] Re: MySQL, encrypt() and CRUD

2011-03-11 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
You can do it with dal.SQLCustomType If you cannot find a useful example, let me know and I will write one. On Mar 11, 10:13 am, Juan Hernandez wrote: > In MySQL would go something like this > > #Insert > insert into users (domain, email, password, quota) values (1, > '...@x.com', ENCRYPT('mypas

[web2py] Re: Japan

2011-03-11 Thread DJ

[web2py] Re: Recomanded way questions

2011-03-11 Thread DenesL
On Mar 11, 6:33 am, rif wrote: > db.define_table('client', > Field('name'), > format='%(name)s' > ) > > db.define_table('project', > Field('client', db.client), > Field('name'), > format='%(name)s' > ) > > db.define_table('entry', > Field('client', db.client), > Field

[web2py] NicEdit Upload Files

2011-03-11 Thread DJ
Hello web2py users, I was wondering if anyone has had success with integrating file upload feature from NicEdit with web2py (possibly into static or uploads folder). There are a couple of sites that show people doing it with plain python or django. I think it will be a very useful tool or plugi

[web2py] Re: Japan

2011-03-11 Thread DenesL

[web2py] Overview of posts.

2011-03-11 Thread annet
Until recently the workgroup had a feature (I think in profile) which gave an overview of the posts you made in a workgroup. Does anyone know where it has gone. Skimming discussions just to find your own post isn't a bit impractical. Kind regards, Annet.

Re: [web2py] Re: Lacking nginx deployment guide

2011-03-11 Thread pbreit
I finally got it working but it was a mess. These steps wil get it done. Linode is really the best resource for setting up on Ubuntu. There is a lot of out-dated, confusing or mis-information out there. Start with the Ubuntu docs and Linode Library. http://library.linode.com/web-servers/nginx/p

Re: [web2py] Re: redirection to /default/user/profile

2011-03-11 Thread Jonathan Lundell
On Mar 9, 2011, at 1:22 PM, DenesL wrote: > > plus the decoration of index: > @auth.requires_login() > > On Mar 9, 11:04 am, Jonathan Lundell wrote: >> On Mar 9, 2011, at 5:00 AM, DenesL wrote: >> >> >> >>> I did use -I but it did not show any redirects. >>> Anyway, I still don't know why it

[web2py] Re: Bug? Opening session files from multiple processes

2011-03-11 Thread ron_m
You should only get a portalocker.LockException if the no blocking option is set on the lock attempt which it is not the case in the original web2py code. However, the exception handler inside portalocker.lock will re-raise any exception if it is not IOError for Errno 11 It would be very helpf

Re: [web2py] Re: redirection to /default/user/profile

2011-03-11 Thread pbreit
Can it be config'd? self.settings.logged_url = self.url('user', args='profile') if self.is_logged_in():redirect(self.settings.logged_url)

Re: [web2py] Re: redirection to /default/user/profile

2011-03-11 Thread Jonathan Lundell
On Mar 11, 2011, at 10:14 AM, pbreit wrote: > Can it be config'd? > > self.settings.logged_url = self.url('user', args='profile') > > if self.is_logged_in(): > redirect(self.settings.logged_url) Yes. But Auth.register is written to be called only when user/register is accessed. And

Re: [web2py] Re: MySQL, encrypt() and CRUD

2011-03-11 Thread Juan Hernandez
Thanks a lot Massimo, I'll let you know what happens vj On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 12:17 PM, Massimo Di Pierro wrote: > You can do it with dal.SQLCustomType > > If you cannot find a useful example, let me know and I will write one. > > On Mar 11, 10:13 am, Juan Hernandez wrote: >> In MySQL would g

[web2py] Re: Log the user out

2011-03-11 Thread Stefaan Himpe
Do you have any suggestions about how to log the user out and keep control of what he sees next? David J. already answered your question: use session.flash instead of response.flash best regards, Stefaan.

Re: [web2py] Legacy PostgreSQL Database using case sensitive table and field names

2011-03-11 Thread Ross Peoples
After also adding migrate=False to the table definition, I now get this error: ProgrammingError: relation "globalsettings" does not exist LINE 1: ...ngs.settingName, GlobalSettings.settingValue FROM GlobalSett... On Thursday, March 10, 2011 3:02:25 PM UTC-5, Richard wrote: > > remove the " from

[web2py] Re: Overview of posts.

2011-03-11 Thread DenesL
The "view profile" link next to your name at the beginning of each post?. On Mar 11, 12:39 pm, annet wrote: > Until recently the workgroup had a feature (I think in profile) which > gave an overview of the posts you made in a workgroup. Does anyone > know where it has gone. Skimming discussions

[web2py] Re: Overview of posts.

2011-03-11 Thread pbreit
For me it's "Show Activity". Shows all of you posts by month.

Re: [web2py] Re: redirection to /default/user/profile

2011-03-11 Thread pbreit
But can't you just put auth.settings.logged_url = self.url('default', 'index') in a model?

[web2py] Re: Recomanded way questions

2011-03-11 Thread pbreit
Could someone help me understand what "format" does? I've read the book several times about it and still don't understand what it does.

[web2py] Re: Operational Error

2011-03-11 Thread pbreit
Those are good points. But I think my suggestions are still good advice. The book deletes a lot of stuff for length reasons. And while you *can* change the db name, it's a good idea not to when you are learning since many code samples will re-use the same names throughout. Changing the db name p

Re: [web2py] Re: web2py in the Pypi

2011-03-11 Thread pbreit
OK, I see. Might apply here: "There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it."

[web2py] Re: Legacy PostgreSQL Database using case sensitive table and field names

2011-03-11 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
It cannot be Field('"settingName"', length=255, unique=True), must be Field('settingName', length=255, unique=True), you cannot have quotes in the file name. So it should be db.define_table('GlobalSettings', Field('settingName', length=255, unique=True), Field('settingValue', 'text'),

[web2py] Re: Recomanded way questions

2011-03-11 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
It is a string "%(name)s" or a function (lambda row: row.name) that will e used to represent records in dropdowns and tables On Mar 11, 1:31 pm, pbreit wrote: > Could someone help me understand what "format" does? I've read the book > several times about it and still don't understand what it does

Re: [web2py] Re: Legacy PostgreSQL Database using case sensitive table and field names

2011-03-11 Thread Ross Peoples
I should have mentioned that I already did this, so now my table definition matches the one you gave. It was after correcting the definition that I get this message. Again, the tables and fields were created using double-quotes (e.g. CREATE TABLE "GlobalSettings"...), so PostgreSQL requires that

Re: [web2py] Re: redirection to /default/user/profile

2011-03-11 Thread Jonathan Lundell
On Mar 11, 2011, at 11:29 AM, pbreit wrote: > But can't you just put auth.settings.logged_url = self.url('default', > 'index') in a model? Sure. The problem is only with calling (for example) auth.register() directly.

[web2py] Amazon Cloud Formation template

2011-03-11 Thread Bit-Smacker
Hi. I've been learning web2py (I bought the book) at the same time I'm trying to learn Python, so I'm nowhere ready to deploy anything useful (coming from a C# background). Still, I've kept the thought of scalability in the back of my mind while using AWS for my employer's cloud projects. Ama

[web2py] Re: Recomanded way questions

2011-03-11 Thread rif
Thank you DenesL, I did't know about IS_EMPTY_OR validator and it is what I was looking for. The answer to my second question is only working for the first time the page is shown. It will not allow to change the client. I guess the only way to have dynamic combo's is via ajax (when user selects

[web2py] Re: Legacy PostgreSQL Database using case sensitive table and field names

2011-03-11 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
Then web2py cannot do this (yet). You would need to create a view for your tables with lowercase table names or perhaps there is some obscure postgresql parameters to make the queries case sensitive (mysql has it). On Mar 11, 2:10 pm, Ross Peoples wrote: > I should have mentioned that I already d

[web2py] Re: Amazon Cloud Formation template

2011-03-11 Thread pbreit
It does look kind of cool. Maybe Bitnami would be interested? http://bitnami.org/stack/djangostack

[web2py] Re: Amazon Cloud Formation template

2011-03-11 Thread pbreit
I created a Wordpress stack but can't figure out how to access it. Any ideas?

Re: [web2py] Re: Legacy PostgreSQL Database using case sensitive table and field names

2011-03-11 Thread pbreit
Note to self: never use capitals!

[web2py] Re: Japan

2011-03-11 Thread mikech
++1. Family in Aomori. Hope they are ok.

[web2py] Auto Submit DropDown

2011-03-11 Thread Ialejandro
Hi everybody!!! How could I make an auto submit with a dropdown??? I have this: def index(): form = SQLFORM.factory(Field("project",label="Project",requires=IS_IN_DB(db(db.project.id>0),'project.id','project.name',error_message="Please pick a project from the list"))) if FORM.accepts(form

Re: [web2py] Auto Submit DropDown

2011-03-11 Thread Bruno Rocha
try onchange="this.form.submit();" or using *Unobtrusive jquery way* $(document).ready(function(){ $('#yourcombo').change(function() { $('form').submit() }); }); 2011/3/11 Ialejandro > Hi everybody!!! > > How could I make an auto submit with a dropdown??? > > I have this: > >

[web2py] Re: Google GAE Task Queue independence

2011-03-11 Thread howesc
i use taskqueue extensively in my GAE apps. i have not wrapped it in a way that it runs in non-gae environment. My usages of the taskqueue are for things that i can't complete in a single 30 second execution time, so i suppose i could put an 'if not GAE run all the processing in one request'

Re: [web2py] Auto Submit DropDown

2011-03-11 Thread Ismael Alejandro
And, where do I type it?? The form is auto generated with SQLFORM or do I have to build the SQLFORM with HTML?? On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 5:18 PM, Bruno Rocha wrote: > try > > onchange="this.form.submit();" > > or using *Unobtrusive jquery way* > > $(document).ready(function(){ >$('#yourcombo'

Re: [web2py] Auto Submit DropDown

2011-03-11 Thread Ismael Alejandro
Any help?? On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 5:32 PM, Ismael Alejandro wrote: > And, where do I type it?? The form is auto generated with SQLFORM or do I > have to build the SQLFORM with HTML?? > > > On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 5:18 PM, Bruno Rocha wrote: > >> try >> >> onchange="this.form.submit();" >> >> or

Re: [web2py] Auto Submit DropDown

2011-03-11 Thread Bruno Rocha
def autopostback(): script = SCRIPT(""" $('document').ready(function(){ $('select').change(function(){ $('form').submit(); }); }); """) form = SQLFORM.fact

Re: [web2py] Auto Submit DropDown

2011-03-11 Thread Ismael Alejandro
Thanks!!! It worked!! Now I'm trying with other scripts! Thank you! On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 6:32 PM, Bruno Rocha wrote: > > def autopostback(): > script = SCRIPT(""" > $('document').ready(function(){ > $('select').change(function(){ >

Re: [web2py] Auto Submit DropDown

2011-03-11 Thread Bruno Rocha
Better to define ids to the elements This way I just tested and works: http://pastie.org/1661667 def autopostback(): script = SCRIPT(""" $('document').ready(function(){ $('#mycombo').change(function(){ $('#myform').submi

[web2py] What to tell designers when they create a mockup for my web2py site

2011-03-11 Thread PlanetUnknown
My goal is to bring an idea to fruition in the fastest way, but I want to use python. Also, I'm not a designer, hence want to get a professional to design the sites. Here are the two questions - 1.) What steps should I take so the layout developed by the designer are easiest to integrate into the

[web2py] web2py mysql user connection refusal

2011-03-11 Thread ender
I've recently set up a web2py install with a mysql database on a linux box. I have installed the mysql driver for python and I have successfully accessed the database from web2py using the root mysql account. I want to set web2py to use a less entitled account to access mysql so I created a second

Re: [web2py] Re: Japan

2011-03-11 Thread Bill Gates
+1, dang HAARP On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 5:22 PM, mikech wrote: > ++1. Family in Aomori. Hope they are ok.

[web2py] Re: character special in DAL

2011-03-11 Thread cabildocl
Is this to be? "web2py or python? On 9 mar, 19:31, Massimo Di Pierro wrote: > you cannot. You can have a field.label with the id but not in the > field name. > > On Mar 9, 6:51 am, cabildocl wrote: > > > I need create a field in DAL, what include a character special "-". > > How i can do this? >

[web2py] Re: web2py mysql user connection refusal

2011-03-11 Thread DenesL
Can you post your DAL('mysql...') statement without the password?. On Mar 11, 6:08 pm, ender wrote: > I've recently set up a web2py install with a mysql database on a linux > box. I have installed the mysql driver for python and I have > successfully accessed the database from web2py using the

[web2py] How to simulate form submission in doctest

2011-03-11 Thread David Bain
I'd like to run a doctest that simulates submitting a form, how would that look? Here's my trivial example: def do_nothing(): ''' >>> request.vars.text = 'earafae faefaf afeaf aefafeaef' >>> do_nothing() 'I'm doing nothing' ''' form=FORM('Your name:',

Re: [web2py] What to tell designers when they create a mockup for my web2py site

2011-03-11 Thread Bruno Rocha
I work in partnership with a designer in blouweb.com so I have some experience in this subject, and I tested variety of work models. *Some things I learned:* 1. The front-end guy have to be master in Images, HTML, CSS & JavaScript/Jquery so DONT EXPECT THE DESIGNER TO LEARN PYTHON or WEB2PY 2. Don

[web2py] Re: Japan

2011-03-11 Thread Anthony
+1 On Friday, March 11, 2011 10:58:37 AM UTC-5, Massimo Di Pierro wrote: > We all feel very close to our friends in Japan, and we are saddened by > what has happened.

Re: [web2py] What to tell designers when they create a mockup for my web2py site

2011-03-11 Thread Bruno Rocha
I forgot to mention that you can take any of the layouts in web2py.com/layouts and use it as an example, the design guy can follow this structure to develop your own layout.html -- Bruno Rocha [ About me: http://zerp.ly/rochacbruno ]

Re: [web2py] What to tell designers when they create a mockup for my web2py site

2011-03-11 Thread Anthony
This is great advice and examples -- you should make this a slice. :) Anthony On Friday, March 11, 2011 11:05:40 PM UTC-5, rochacbruno wrote: > I work in partnership with a designer in blouweb.com so I have some > experience in this subject, and I tested variety of work models. > > *Some thin

Re: [web2py] Re: Google GAE Task Queue independence

2011-03-11 Thread Carl Roach
thanks howesc On 11 Mar 2011, at 23:29, howesc wrote: > i use taskqueue extensively in my GAE apps. i have not wrapped it in a way > that it runs in non-gae environment. My usages of the taskqueue are for > things that i can't complete in a single 30 second execution time, so i > suppose

Re: [web2py] Re: Japan

2011-03-11 Thread Luis Díaz
+1 Díaz Luis http://www.facebook.com/diazluis2007 TSU Analisis de Sistemas Universidad de Carabobo Facultad de Odontología 2011/3/12 Anthony > +1 > > On Friday, March 11, 2011 10:58:37 AM UTC-5, Mas

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