try this
from gluon.sql import Expression
where datetime('now') is a database dependent SQL expression
On Jun 17, 11:28 am, Narendran wrote:
> Hi,
> I saw a discussion on the same topic a year back. Is
oops, thanks Yarko
On Jun 17, 12:33 pm, Yarko Tymciurak
> On Jun 17, 10:41 am, mdipierro wrote:
> >
> > fix is in trunk
> Massimo -
> ... I see you added _type= to ONE of the html.SCRIPT() calls (the
> one for no ajax); I think yo
Please email me your code and I will look at it by the end of next
On Jun 17, 11:19 pm, weheh wrote:
> Massimo - I tried this approach and it didn't work for me.
> Unfortunately, it seems to do absolutely nothing. No file uploaded to
> the uploads folder. No database update. No error messag
On Jun 16, 11:48 pm, Pai wrote:
> Is it possible to do checkbox with constraints?? For example,
> consider following
> db.define_table('children', Field('name'), Field('sex')
You are right. As far as I understand firebird does not require begin
to start a transaction yet web2py should not fire an exception if you
try to begin. I am fixing it in trunk. Please take a look and let us
know. I have never tested this with firebird.
On Jun 17, 8:41 pm, Doug Warren w
thanks looks good :)
On Jun 18, 9:17 am, mdipierro wrote:
> oops, thanks Yarko
> On Jun 17, 12:33 pm, Yarko Tymciurak
> wrote:
> > On Jun 17, 10:41 am, mdipierro wrote:
> > >
> > > fix is in trunk
> > Massimo -
> > ... I see you added
This is an excellent idea.
On Jun 17, 12:35 pm, Mark Breedveld wrote:
> Hello everone,
> I've two announcements to make.
> First one is that the Hogeschool Rotterdam (HRO) about to launch a
> test educational environment with web2py.
> Tested on GAE and SUN. So support is on his way.
> Second
I use opera every day :)
For me everything is really fast ... since I changed to 10.5x
But I really don't know what you mean with the programming thing? Do
you mean Firefly, the debugger? That works really fast for me, even
though I am very annoyed that you cannot use it offline, that means no
Has anyone got a basic example project of using LinkedIn OAuth with
the Web2py platform? Something based on Welcome for example.
I've tried to integrate but haven't quiet gotten
it working. It may be my local set-up rather than code. I'm also
thinking a lot of potential web
I don't use Web2py integrated code editor (I use Eclipse) but I had a
look for you.
However, on Windows 7 using Opera 10.53 the editor runs speedily.
On Jun 18, 10:39 am, selecta wrote:
> I use opera every day :)
> For me everything is really fast ... since I changed to 10.5x
> But I really don
I don't use Web2py integrated code editor (I use Eclipse) but I had a
look for you.
On my Windows 7 box using Opera 10.53 the editor runs speedily.
On Jun 18, 10:39 am, selecta wrote:
> I use opera every day :)
> For me everything is really fast ... since I changed to 10.5x
> But I really don't k
Thanks MrFreeze and Hywang!
"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are
honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure,
whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if
there be any virtue, and if there be any pra
I have some funcions which are printing info directly to console. How
to get it working in cron?
when i call it by hand it works - from cron - it doesn't..
I'm trying to download (using urllib.urlretrieve) a remote file into
my application. It's a zip file containing an IP-to-country lookup
table. I want to download the zip to the application's file system
(probably 'uploads'), unzip it, process the csv and then import the
sanitised data into my ip-to
Should have tried harder myself - this works, but is there a better
way of doing it?
filename, headers = urllib.urlretrieve(link, path.join(os.getcwd(),
"applications", request.application, "uploads", ""))
On Jun 18, 1:56 pm, scausten wrote:
> I'm trying to download (using urllib.urlr
Developed with web2py.
Document Management System LOL :) for home use with sane compatible
flatbed scanners...
There is no hierarchie among files just tags.
The application make use of crud.archive.
There is no document checkout or checkin.
There is only basic right management (just login and
Need a latest trunk with uploadseparate support.
On jún. 18, 15:26, szimszon wrote:
> Developed with web2py.
> Document Management System LOL :) for home use with sane compatible
> flatbed scanners...
> There is no hierarchie among files just tags.
> The application make use of crud.archive
That sounds like a great idea.
On Jun 18, 5:33 am, mdipierro wrote:
> This is an excellent idea.
> On Jun 17, 12:35 pm, Mark Breedveld wrote:
> > Hello everone,
> > I've two announcements to make.
> > First one is that the Hogeschool Rotterdam (HRO) about to launch a
> > test
No one knows?
On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 3:14 AM, Albert Abril wrote:
> Hi everybody!
> I'm wondering if is someone using mootools with web2py. If yes, could you
> report your experiences?
> For what I understood:
> · Web2py welcome applications uses jquery.
> · Any js library could be used wit
Hi group,
I have been tinkering with this idea for a while, it is only an early
design sketch for
my application idea. I am a self taught hobbyist developer, as I work
in Civil Engineering to
pay my bills, but I aspire to creating something that can gain an
Going forward I would be inte
My comment between the text down there...
On 2010-06-15 18:51, Yarko Tymciurak wrote:
On Jun 15, 1:05 pm, Jean-Guy wrote:
On 2010-06-15 13:16, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
I ment... whats the use attempting to convince Massimo that this is a
good idea although many community members wa
I use this
On Jun 18, 6:56 am, Carl wrote:
> hi
> Has anyone got a basic example project of using LinkedIn OAuth with
> the Web2py platform? Something based on Welcome for example.
> I've tried to integrate linkedin_accou
cron is a deamon and by definition it cannot have a console output.
You need to open a file and append to the file. You can also run your
tasks as
web2py,py -S app -M -N -R script
and this will output to console.
On Jun 18, 7:52 am, mika wrote:
> I have some funcions which are printing info dir
Can you post a screenshot? Do you use a version control and hosting,
like google code?
On Jun 18, 8:26 am, szimszon wrote:
> Developed with web2py.
> Document Management System LOL :) for home use with sane compatible
> flatbed scanners...
> There is no hierarchie among files just tags.
> T
It really depends on what you want to do. mootools should be
compatible with web2py_ajax
On Jun 16, 8:14 pm, Albert Abril wrote:
> Hi everybody!
> I'm wondering if is someone using mootools with web2py. If yes, could you
> report your experiences?
> For what I understood:
> · Web2py welcome a
While not linkedin, I'm writing a blog post now on Twitter oauth and
integrating it with web2py. It should be posted on Tuesday.
On Jun 18, 2010 7:56 AM, "Carl" wrote:
Has anyone got a basic example project of using LinkedIn OAuth with
the Web2py platform? Something based on Welcome for exam
I've looked at gluon/contrib/login_methods/
(in web2py v1.77.3)
Q1. It looks like it has syntax errors.
Line 42 & 45. api is used instead of self.api
Line 45 should profile = api.GetProfile(profile.public_url = "http://")
instead be profile = api
This is not a problem if you use
On Jun 18, 9:48 am, Jean-Guy wrote:
> My comment between the text down there...
> On 2010-06-15 18:51, Yarko Tymciurak wrote:
> > On Jun 15, 1:05 pm, Jean-Guy wrote:
> >> On 2010-06-15 13:16, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
> >>> I ment... whats the
I don't have Firebird either I'm afraid I was just reading the source to add
a persistent database connection when I noticed the assymetry in the two
methods and started digging. Never did quite find what I was looking for
On Jun 18, 2010 4:52 AM, "mdipierro" wrote:
You are right. As far
Sure but the conf of seems a bit tricky to me for now and the
time I understand it completly I prefer the init symlink that you propose.
On 2010-06-18 11:18, mdipierro wrote:
This is not a problem if you use
On Jun 18, 9:48 am, Jean-Guy wrote:
My commen
That was easy.. thanks!
On Jun 18, 2:42 am, mdipierro wrote:
> form=SQLFORM.factory(Field('child',db.children,requires=IS_IN_DB(db('M')),'','%
> (name)s')))
> On Jun 16, 11:48 pm, Pai wrote:
> > Is it possible to do checkbox with constraints?? For example,
I meant the EditArea. That is what drags really slow in my opera.
Thanks again
On Jun 18, 11:57 am, greenpoise wrote:
> I am using Opera 10.5x as well on linux. Weird. Thanks!!
> On Jun 18, 7:59 am, Carl wrote:
> > I don't use Web2py integrated code editor (I use Eclipse) but I had a
I am using Opera 10.5x as well on linux. Weird. Thanks!!
On Jun 18, 7:59 am, Carl wrote:
> I don't use Web2py integrated code editor (I use Eclipse) but I had a
> look for you.
> On my Windows 7 box using Opera 10.53 the editor runs speedily.
> On Jun 18, 10:39 am, selecta wrote:
> > I us
I need a contact form (name, address,...) on every page of a web site.
Thinking about putting the form into layout.html and use some Ajax to
send entered values to be processed by a controller. I would like to
avoid page reload on form submission.
I found 2 possible solutions in the archive:
any examples / info on using cron on gae.
I searched the group but did not get results so apologise if this is a
I also get the "Invalid reset password" flash on a request reset
password. I have looked at the posts regarding this issue but I can't
quite follow the proposed cure.
Any help would be appreciated.
On Jun 1, 10:36 pm, weheh wrote:
> I'm trying to get the retrieve_password functionality wor
Thank you for the explanation Massimo.
I thought there is package called 'modules' in my web2py application
directory so I can put my modules there and import them with 'import'.
It is the natural way of doing thing. Now I understand the limitations
you are facing.
I need to retrieve the request.vars from an JavaScript Object.
controller code:
form.append(INPUT( _id="buttonid", _type="button", _class="my_button",
_name="buttonName", _value="Off"))
and then i want to get the value from this, like so:
if request.vars.buttonName == "Off":
do anythin
When I try to add info from the admin, I get a ticket on any table
with foreign fields. Normal tables work fine. Here's the code:
Field('date_requested','datetime', notnull=True),
requires = IS_NULL_OR(IS_DATE())),
oh yeah that was slw, but with 10.5x it is usable in my case
On Jun 18, 5:58 pm, greenpoise wrote:
> I meant the EditArea. That is what drags really slow in my opera.
> Thanks again
> On Jun 18, 11:57 am, greenpoise wrote:
> > I am using Opera 10.5x as well on linux. Weird. Thanks!
Right now when I try to use it it tells me a number is required... Huh?
And if I statically set w and h it doesn't download the iamges.
What am I missing here to make this work?
def image():
if len(request.args) == 1:
#nothing to change, just give the full image
return respo
I have an occasion where I know that the contents of a session are
invalid, and I'd like to clear the session off the disk/db and clear
the session object of an data stored in it. Apparently
session.forget() just marks the session as being able to be cleared,
and it takes an undocumented(?) argume
--- Begin Message ---
def image():
if len(request.args) == 1:
#nothing to change, just give the full image
return, db)
import Image
import os
image_file = request.args[0]
image_file = os.path.join(request.folde
I got the "Invalid reset password" when clicking (twice?? did not
check it) the confirmation link that was send with the email, this
error message is somewhat misleading
On Jun 18, 6:59 pm, pecos1046 wrote:
> I also get the "Invalid reset password" flash on a request reset
> password. I have look
I agree, routes is tricky,
I tried a redirect that that calls /myapp when calling
but i only got it to redirect calls from to
without hiding the /myapp part
I know I will figure it out at some point, but web2py is "the easy
framework" and I guess
Hi Larry:
Looking at your suggestion, I made a code change in and mail
with gae works well. Here my patch - so far so good, I wonder when it
will backfire.
elif self.settings.server == 'gae':
from google.appengine.api import mail
attachments = a
yes I did follow the link, of course. But there is no download link
there. Do you need to be logged in to see it?
If it is available to you can you just post the link here?
On Jun 18, 10:57 am, Yarko Tymciurak
> On Jun 17, 6:48 pm, Richard wrote:
> > cool. Is the source code available
for cron (and many other advanced features) on GAE you need to refer
to their docs:
On Jun 19, 2:45 am, ChrisM wrote:
> any examples / info on using cron on gae.
> I searched the group but did not get results so apologise if this is a
can buttons post form data?
Are you perhaps after a checkbox instead?
On Jun 19, 3:11 am, AsmanCom wrote:
> Hi,
> I need to retrieve the request.vars from an JavaScript Object.
> controller code:
> form.append(INPUT( _id="buttonid", _type="button", _class="my_button",
> _name="buttonName
Look again:
the mazes aren't offered (it's setup in web2py, but done mostly w/
processing.js - look at the page source);
Download this web appliance
Download here
On Jun 18, 7:23 pm, Richard wrote:
> yes I di
I used the "inspect element" feature in Safari and got the
When I toggle the "margin-left: -3px;" attribute off the shadow goes
away. Also, the 'find' function in Safari will report twice as many
matches as there really for the shadow and one for the
primary text.
I loo
On Jun 18, 2010, at 6:12 PM, Mike wrote:
> I used the "inspect element" feature in Safari and got the
> following...
> onchange="editArea.execCommand("onchange");"
> onfocus="javascript:editArea.textareaFocused=true;"
> onblur="javascript:editArea.textareaFocused=false;" classname="null
> hidd
I worked extensively with the library pytesser, and one of my
projects is an ECM system with OCR, I'm still working on the lower
level porting tesseract lib for Mac and Linux, and creating the API.
this first implementation is a commercial project for one of my
clients, but the intention is to re
I am using MySQL as my backend store. I have declared a field like
this in one of my tables:
Field("OFFER_TITLE", "string", length=255, notnull=True, default=None,
Now, I have written a cron job which will do DB insertions using DAL.
The problem now is that when I insert a row
54 matches
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