Hi group, I have been tinkering with this idea for a while, it is only an early design sketch for my application idea. I am a self taught hobbyist developer, as I work in Civil Engineering to pay my bills, but I aspire to creating something that can gain an audience.
Going forward I would be interested your comments and if anyone would like to join me in taking this forward. My intention is to make it a behaviour based social media app - linked to a dynamic, motivational reward scheme. I want to add more content to the tabs, a mobile version, add geo location using jquery etc. Please remember that my code it is alpha (although the underlying web2py / jquery code is proven:) and that I have only logged in through google and twitter so far? also I notice an error in jquery round corners and positioning of divs after animation in internet explorer 7 and also i wonder about processing load using the marquees and the animated gifs?? Regards Chris