On Apr 23, 8:03 pm, Tim Michelsen wrote:
> Hello!>> javascript has a problem fetching external urls.
> >> They created a proxy.cgi script [3].
> > Yup, I have the same issue :)
> Thanks for confirming this. Such a short time I am working with
> Openlayers (OL)...
This is the bit that I'm more co
On Apr 24, 7:11 am, Nazgi wrote:
> I'm new to web2py. Can some1 tell me how to debug javascript
> code in web2py?
Same as you debug JavaScript in other environments:
You received this message because you are s
thanks for the reply...
On Apr 24, 12:27 pm, Fran wrote:
> On Apr 24, 7:11 am, Nazgi wrote:
> > I'm new to web2py. Can some1 tell me how to debug javascript
> > code in web2py?
> Same as you debug JavaScript in other environments:http://getfirebug.com
> F
I have the following table definition:
SQLField('superactiviteit', length=48, default='', notnull=True,
(48,error_message=T('length exceeds 48')), IS_NOT_EMPTY(), IS_NO
After adding col3=dict() my form reads like:
def contact():
SQLField('u_bent',label='U bent',requires=IS_IN_SET(['de
> Strictly speaking only reset is valid HTML.
> But you can create any button you want.
> How? it depends on what do you want to do with it.
> In your case, what is "Cancel" going to do?.
> To add a reset button:
> form[0].append(TR(TD(),TD(INPUT(_type="reset",_value="Reset form")))
it's nice to have more power to do the things users want, go for it
but please mind me asking...
why would anyone want to impersonate a different user while logged in?
Isn't that what a good authentication system isn't trying to avoid as
a possibility?
Thank you
On Apr 24, 5:27 am, mdipierro wr
IntegrityError: duplicate key value violates unique constraint
is a DB error, not web2py's. There is another record with the same
key. Perhaps inserted before the constraint was added.
On 24 Apr, 03:14, annet wrote:
> I have the following table definition:
Hi list and hi Massimo,
I bought the pdf book version, is there a way to pretty print the book
without crop markers??
Thank you for the answers and the beautiful framework!!
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Gr
They were kind enough to offer me a professional license for open
source projects dev. I even't yet configured it for web2py but I know
Wing very well and I love it. I use to work with a very advanced
configuration on Emacs and Eclipse with pydev and pydev extensions.
For a time, I used Komodo (an
I also have a couple of problems:
* How to configure RemoteObject for web2py?
* I suppose the flex files go on the static folder. But where goes the
I can do this with PyAMF using the SQLAlchemy example or the Twisted
how-to, but I would much rather do this with web2py. My r
> Strictly speaking only reset is valid HTML.
> But you can create any button you want.
> How? it depends on what do you want to do with it.
> In your case, what is "Cancel" going to do?.
> To add a reset button:
> form[0].append(TR(TD(),TD(INPUT(_type="reset",_value="Reset form")))
> f
I have my book! Im gonne start learning W2P in a few hours =D!
2009/4/23 waTR
> No, it is a webapp being developed using web2py. Think Drupal/Jumla +
> Plug-ins.
> On Apr 22, 7:51 am, Pynthon Pynthon wrote:
> > So also a web-framework :$?
> >
> > 2009/4/22 mdipierro
> >
> >
> >
> > > T1
Lol, I posted with my wrong account!
On Apr 24, 2:45 pm, Omar Munk wrote:
> I have my book! Im gonne start learning W2P in a few hours =D!
> 2009/4/23 waTR
> > No, it is a webapp being developed using web2py. Think Drupal/Jumla +
> > Plug-ins.
> > On Apr 22, 7:51 am, Pynthon Pynthon wr
I would also like to print it.
May I ask you to put the cover page (http://eu.wiley.com/WileyCDA/
on the website so that I can print it with the Lulu PDF.
You received this message because you are
I think it has too much pages to print it :(. I putt the eBook on my
On Apr 24, 3:21 pm, Timmie wrote:
> I would also like to print it.
> May I ask you to put the cover page (http://eu.wiley.com/WileyCDA/
> WileyTitle/productCd-0470432322.html)
> on the website so that I can print it with t
I've tried firebug debugger. I'm getting 400 BAD REQUEST error. can
anyone help me out???
Nithin Kumar M.
On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 1:16 PM, newbie wrote:
> thanks for the reply...
> On Apr 24, 12:27 pm, Fran wrote:
> > On Apr 24, 7:11 am, Nazgi wrote:
> >
> > >
I generated initial db structure with wwwsqldesigner,
now I get
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/www/web2py/gluon/restricted.py", line 98, in restricted
exec ccode in environment
File "/home/www/web2py/applications/all_ways_wui/models/db.py", line
35, in
well well well...
What PDF Reader do you have on PSP?
On Apr 24, 2:31 pm, Pynthon wrote:
> I think it has too much pages to print it :(. I putt the eBook on my
> PSP.
> On Apr 24, 3:21 pm, Timmie wrote:
> > I would also like to print it.
> > May I ask you to put the cover page (http://eu.w
auch? where?
I am not saying this is not true, I just want to understand.
Several of my views use extend with double quotes and they don't have
the problem (or I haven't noticed it).
I also tested using Kodos and the regex seems fine.
You rece
Bookr, you need to have a modified PSP. And don't use version 8! It lags!
2009/4/24 Francisco Gama
> well well well...
> What PDF Reader do you have on PSP?
> On Apr 24, 2:31 pm, Pynthon wrote:
> > I think it has too much pages to print it :(. I putt the eBook on my
> > PSP.
> >
> > On Ap
On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 10:59 AM, DenesL wrote:
> auch? where?
> I am not saying this is not true, I just want to understand.
> Several of my views use extend with double quotes and they don't have
> the problem (or I haven't noticed it).
> I also tested using Kodos and the regex seems fine.
management function for an application.
Imagine someone asking for help to check some information on their form, and
you have dozens of even managers to help people...
Admin view of tables is not so safe, or so useful (how can someone at a desk
help if they do not see what the end user sees, or ev
I know, there is a "multiple=True" way to do it, which leads to
representation like |4|5|7| in the textual db field. The solution
seems to be straightforward and there is handy widget to deal with.
But I am concerned about scalability, performance and referential
integrity. Should I use this for
About the asterisks in col3, you have to use your form's field names
as in:
col3=dict(initialen='*', naam='*', ...)
On Apr 24, 5:49 am, jmverm...@xs4all.nl wrote:
> Denes,
> > Strictly speaking only reset is valid HTML.
> > But you can create any button you want.
> > How? it depends on what do
The client (javascript) is doing something wrong; start by looking at what
the request was (in the source web2py localy, there should be a
httpserver.log file that will help; if you are running under apache, apache
has similar logs).
On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 8:35 AM, Nithin Kumar M wrote:
> Hi,
On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 7:39 AM, Jurgis Pralgauskis
> hello,
> and don't get the error, if I do
> db.define_table("items",
> SQLField("progwww", "string", ),
> SQLField("importance", "integer"),
> SQLField("about", "text", ),
> #SQLField("timestamp", "date"),
Any name in dir(db) produces the error.
This is a restriction due to the way we can access tables using the
dot notation: db.table; it is also a restriction in other constructs.
But I agree that it can be misleading.
Maybe the code in sql.py should be split up:
if tablename in dir(self):
Hello I got this in my controller:
def index():
return("Hallo Wereld")
def first():
form = FORM(INPUT(_name = 'naam', requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
INPUT(_type = 'submit'))
if form.accepts(request.vars, session):
session.naam = form.vars.naam
Does cache.ram not work with mod_wsgi/apache? Is it because of the
multiple apache processes?
Sample code:
result = cache.ram(response.session_id,lambda: cacheFunc(),600)
def cacheFunc():
return True
Reloading the pa
Put it on a USB memory stick and take it to a professional copy shop.
If they have a Canon or Ricoh machine the device actually looks for
the framing marks and prints the interior content full page.
Your ability to do it at home will depend on the printer you have
access to. If it suppor
Thanks, I understand that already but when I only do:
if form.accepts():
Then I can't go to the view.
2009/4/24 Yannick
> Hello Pynthon,
> Request.vars : It is used to get the values of the form you send from
> the view in the server side
> Session: it is used to access values stored in you
I already got the book the full PDF.
On Apr 24, 5:48 pm, Yannick wrote:
> Also take a look in this
> file:http://mdp.cti.depaul.edu/examples/static/web2py_manual_cut.pdf
> You will get a good and complete introduction to the framework...
> Enjoy!
> On Apr 24, 11:12 am, Pynthon wrote:
> >
Also take a look in this file:
You will get a good and complete introduction to the framework...
On Apr 24, 11:12 am, Pynthon wrote:
> Hello I got this in my controller:
> def index():
> return("Hallo Wereld")
> def
Hello Pynthon,
Request.vars : It is used to get the values of the form you send from
the view in the server side
Session: it is used to access values stored in your session (If any)
in the server side
I hope it helps,
Yannick P.
On Apr 24, 11:12 am, Pynthon wrote:
> Hello I got this in my cont
This is my model (db.py):
And this is the error:
Do someone know the problem?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"web2py Web Framework"
> Is it because of the multiple apache processes?
OK, I answered my own question, setting apache/mod_wsgi to 1 process
fixes this. In fact it's mentioned (subtly) in Example 39 at:
I might look into using mem-cached instead.
On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 10:42 AM, Pynthon wrote:
> Hello
> This is my model (db.py):
> http://dpaste.com/37436/
db = ('sqlite://storage.db')
should be
db = SQLDB('sqlite://storage.db')
> And this is the error:
> http://dpaste.com/37439/
> Do someone know the problem?
db = ('sqlite://storage.db')
should be
db = SQLDB('sqlite://storage.db')
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"web2py Web Framework" group.
To post to this group, send email to web2py@googlegroups.com
Oups sorry if i did understand your original question... I still don't
see what it is that you don't understand...
The view doesn't display ??
Yannick P.
On Apr 24, 11:45 am, Pynthon Pynthon wrote:
> Thanks, I understand that already but when I only do:
> if form.accepts():
> Then I can't go
Umm... copyright? You need to check if you have the right to print
the PDF... often that is not permitted by the author due to their
contract with a publisher...
On Apr 24, 8:46 am, JohnMc wrote:
> Angelo,
> Put it on a USB memory stick and take it to a professional copy shop.
> If they have
Indeed, a bit off-topic, but you're right, I'm Dutch too.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"web2py Web Framework" group.
To post to this group, send email to web2py@googlegroups.com
Indeed, it is a DB error. It had something to do with the Sequences in
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"web2py Web Framework" group.
To post to this group, send email to
OK. So I've studied a little more and tried some stuff like a custom
form, which loses the ability to enforce restrictions and read the
source code, which is beyond my newbie comprehension and downloaded
Wing IDE to step through the code hoping that it would be easier to
understand what's happeni
On Apr 24, 6:17 am, Angelo Compagnucci
> Hi list and hi Massimo,
> I bought the pdf book version, is there a way to pretty print the book
> without crop markers??
One way to do this is to use Inkscape and pdftk. Open Inkscape and
change the page type to Letter. Draw a rectangle the size
Hahaha, sorry for my bad English. The if form.accepts(request.vars):
means if the sended information passed the validation right? But what
does the session mean? I know what sessions are but why here?
On Apr 24, 7:30 pm, Yannick wrote:
> Oups sorry if i did understand your original quest
Sorry for all the questions :$. I've got this validator:
data.comment.image.id.requires = IS_IN_DB(db, db.image.id, '%(title)
It says it needs to be in the db. What what does (db, db.image.id, '%
(title)s') mean? And: IS_NOT_IN_DB(db, db.image.title). That means
that the value of imag
> About the asterisks in col3, you have to use your form's field names
> as in:
> col3=dict(initialen='*', naam='*', ...)
> form[0][-1][1].append(INPUT(_type='reset',_value='Reset'))
> form[0][-1][1].append(INPUT(_type='button',_value='Cancel'))
This all works. The form[0][-1][1] code is
Thanks! Works like a charm right now!
On Apr 24, 7:20 pm, DenesL wrote:
> db = ('sqlite://storage.db')
> should be
> db = SQLDB('sqlite://storage.db')
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"web2py Web
In one of the model files you need to setup HOST, this is something
like "http://hostname:port"; as visible by your authentication
provider. web2py does not always gets it right because may be running
behind a proxy.
On Apr 23, 5:49 pm, dvid wrote:
> I added the CAS service provider as
I am not really fond of them. If you want to try for sun you can look
at the code linked from here
On Apr 24, 1:39 am, Álvaro Justen [Turicas]
> On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 11:47 AM, mdipierro wrote:
> > It is our philosophy that web2py DAL sh
No. This code is dangerous because does not always work. It only work
for simple mappings that do not use regex and domainname.
On Apr 24, 1:51 am, Álvaro Justen [Turicas]
> On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 10:28 AM, mdipierro wrote:
> > Good point! I can add this.
> > Massimo
> > On Apr 10,
I am doing this in trunk and actually I am allowing A to impersonate B
(if A has permission) which can impersonates C (if B has permission)
etc etc recursively. Needs a little bit more work and testing.
On Apr 24, 9:19 am, Yarko Tymciurak wrote:
> management function for an application.
This solution is ok if you do not have too many (<1000) records that
can be referenced. It has no problems with referential integrity in
the sense a record A may reference a record |5| that does not exist
but it does not break the system, it does not show and the broken
reference is eliminated aut
In this line
$.ajax({type: "POST", url: u, data: query, success: function(msg)
what is u?
On Apr 24, 1:11 am, Nazgi wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm new to web2py. Can some1 tell me how to debug javascript
> code in web2py? I've written the following code and am not able to
> debug it...can som
timestamp is a reserved keywork in SQL and cannot be used as a field
On Apr 24, 9:53 am, Wes James wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 7:39 AM, Jurgis Pralgauskis
> wrote:
> > hello,
> > and don't get the error, if I do
> > db.define_table("items",
> > SQLField("progwww
would you write an AlterEgo entry about this?
On Apr 24, 11:48 am, Mark Larsen wrote:
> > Is it because of the multiple apache processes?
> OK, I answered my own question, setting apache/mod_wsgi to 1 process
> fixes this. In fact it's mentioned (subtly) in Example 39
> at:http://www.web2py.
On Apr 24, 1:27 pm, Gary wrote:
> OK. So I've studied a little more and tried some stuff like a custom
> form, which loses the ability to enforce restrictions and read the
> source code, which is beyond my newbie comprehension and downloaded
> Wing IDE to step through the code hoping that it w
I note that I am not the only newbie on the group. And not the only
one struggling with some of the finer points of web2py. (I have the
book, its great for starters.) Thing is as I watch the discussion the
docs for most of the details are out there.
Is there some kind soul that could do a table o
Mind that you can also access TAGs by attribute
On Apr 24, 1:59 pm, jmverm...@xs4all.nl wrote:
> Denes,
> > About the asterisks in col3, you have to use your form's field names
> > as in:
> > col3=dict(initialen='*', naam='*', ...)
> > form[0][
If I create an object of type SQLFORM specifying the 'record' keyword
and then call sqlform.accepts(...), accepts seems to update the
database correctly, but it doesn't seem to update it's own data. When
I redisplay the sqlform after a successful .accepts() call, the
resulting form contains the o
It is optional. If it is there is associate a unique ID to each form
to prevent double form submission.
On Apr 24, 2:02 pm, Pynthon wrote:
> Hahaha, sorry for my bad English. The if form.accepts(request.vars):
> means if the sended information passed the validation right? But what
> doe
db.table.field.requires = IS_NOT_IN_DB(db, db.othertable.otherfield)
means each table.field value has to be unique
db.table.field.requires = IS_IN_DB(db, db.othertable.otherfield, '%
means that table field stores a db.othertable.otherfield that must be
in the DB but dropboxes sh
By default it displays the default values for the field unless
On Apr 24, 3:12 pm, "ae88...@gmail.com" wrote:
> If I create an object of type SQLFORM specifying the 'record' keyword
> and then call sqlform.accepts(...), accepts seems to update the
> da
ok, thanks, seems it was double error :)
by the way
> timestamp is a reserved keywork in SQL and cannot be used as a field
> name.
it would be good for folks in my situation to see similar exeption :)
by the way, how I assign now() as default value in datetime type?
didn't find this in examples
as Massimo shows here, the kind of thing this does is implement a heirarchy
of permissions - allowing one with more permission to (attempt) to operate
at a lower level (certainly a different level).
In general, this is a useful facility for an application writer to have at
their disposal to use in
I'm not sure what you are referring to by 'said that'. I'm just
confused. Could you please review the entire thread and see if you
could help?
Thanks so much,
On Apr 24, 4:10 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> On Apr 24, 1:27 pm, Gary wrote:
> > OK. So I've studied a little more and t
On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 4:18 PM, Jurgis Pralgauskis <
jurgis.pralgaus...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ok, thanks, seems it was double error :)
> by the way
> > timestamp is a reserved keywork in SQL and cannot be used as a field
> > name.
> it would be good for folks in my situation to see similar ex
On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 4:57 PM, mdipierro wrote:
> No. This code is dangerous because does not always work. It only work
> for simple mappings that do not use regex and domainname.
I was talking about get full URL in request...
Even if I have a rewrite, I want to know what URL user requested:
I think if you are willing to collect a few articles/posts and submit
them, someone will be willing to organize them into a table of
contents. Not sure how fair it is to ask a bunch of volunteers to do
something like this all by themselves.
On Apr 24, 1:11 pm, JohnMc wrote:
> I note that I am
> About the asterisks in col3, you have to use your form's field names
> as in:
> col3=dict(initialen='*', naam='*', ...)
> form[0][-1][1].append(INPUT(_type='reset',_value='Reset'))
> form[0][-1][1].append(INPUT(_type='button',_value='Cancel'))
This all works. The form[0][-1][1] code is
I'm beginning to learn user authentication. I've implemented a very
basic authentication using the Auth module that works fine on my local
machine: I can register a user, a confirmation email is sent out, the
user can confirm his email, login and logout.
I copied the app to a remote serve
On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 1:24 AM, wrote:
> Denes,
> > See this recent thread:
> http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/browse_thread/thread/ec7d941c8d...
> This link appears to be broken ...
Your link is; Denes's works; search the group with this:
feature request Jason smtp
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