On Apr 24, 6:17 am, Angelo Compagnucci <angelo.compagnu...@gmail.com>
> Hi list and hi Massimo,
> I bought the pdf book version, is there a way to pretty print the book
> without crop markers??

One way to do this is to use Inkscape and pdftk. Open Inkscape and
change the page type to Letter. Draw a rectangle the size you want and
make the Fill nothing and the Stroke white. Adjust the Stroke width to
what you want. Print that page out to a PDF.
Use pdftk to add the overlay you created as a 'stamp'... Assuming your
PDF was printerd to a file called 'stamp.pdf' you would do something
similar to the following:

 pdftk web2pybook.pdf stamp stamp.pdf output newweb2pybook.pdf

I don't have the PDF version but do have the bound version :-)

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