[web2py] Re: French Speakers Group

2010-11-25 Thread lannick
Hi, We have change the Group name to include all the "francophonie" (fr- fr, fr-ca, ...) The new name is web2py-fr and the link is : http://groups.google.com/group/web2py-fr Regards, Lannick On 16 nov, 23:07, mart wrote: > Salut Lannick! > > We have language differ

[web2py] Re: French Speakers Group

2010-11-16 Thread lannick
ame place fr-fr and fr-qc ? I don't know. We will discuss about this point in the French users group. I will look if it is possible to change the name of the group. Regards, Lannick On 16 nov, 09:44, mart wrote: >  Salut Lannick, > > I think a group for French speakers is great! How

[web2py] Re: French Speakers Group

2010-11-15 Thread lannick
for that. Regards, Lannick On 15 nov, 14:24, rochacbruno wrote: > Groups are created voluntary by the community. > > If somebody create a new group wherever. Just have to report the link to > Massimo to be included in /usergroups page. > > Is it important to create a google

[web2py] French Speakers Group

2010-11-15 Thread lannick
Hi, Is it possible to create a French Speakers group ? The main purpose of this group will be to work on the translation of Web2py. Regards, Lannick

[web2py] Re: please help us test new web site

2010-10-10 Thread lannick
What about a contest for a new logo ? Nice work Massimo. Regards, Lannick

[web2py] Re: [off-topic] UI frameworks like: ExtJs, Pivot

2010-05-23 Thread lannick
Hi, Toscawidgets : http://toscawidgets.org/ With a lot of ajax integration : http://toscawidgets.org/hg I hane not tested yet TW and would like feedback of integration in web2py Regards, lannick On 22 mai, 22:16, Pepe wrote: > Hi everybody! > > i'm searching ui frameworks

[web2py] Re: ToscaWidgets

2010-05-13 Thread lannick
;t want to learn javascript and TW seem to make easy the use of ajax widgets. Only an easy-install and an import in the web2py code. It is about that I would like some help from web2py community. Sorry for my bad english. Regards, Lannick On 12 mai, 18:16, mdipierro wrote: > I do not think an

[web2py] Re: ToscaWidgets

2010-05-08 Thread lannick
Hi, Nobody know Toscawidgets and have try it with web2py ? Regards, Lannick On 26 avr, 13:14, lannick wrote: > Hi, > > Does anyone know and have used ToscaWidgets with web2py ? (http:// > toscawidgets.org/ ) > > Regards, > Lannick > > -- > Subscription settings:

[web2py] ToscaWidgets

2010-04-26 Thread lannick
Hi, Does anyone know and have used ToscaWidgets with web2py ? (http:// toscawidgets.org/ ) Regards, Lannick -- Subscription settings: http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/subscribe?hl=en