Hi, Thank you for your answer.
Massimo, I agree with you using tw-forms is not the best way to construct forms. But with toscawidgets I don't want to use tw-forms but all others widgets. you can see them here : http://toscawidgets.org/hg I am a beginner in python and web2py. I don't want to learn javascript and TW seem to make easy the use of ajax widgets. Only an easy-install and an import in the web2py code. It is about that I would like some help from web2py community. Sorry for my bad english. Regards, Lannick On 12 mai, 18:16, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote: > I do not think anybody did and here is why: > > ToscaWidget example > > import tw.forms as twf > movie_form = twf.TableForm('movie_form', action='save_movie', > children=[ > twf.HiddenField('id'), > twf.TextField('title'), > twf.TextField('year', size=4), > twf.CalendarDatePicker('release_date'), > twf.SingleSelectField('genera', options=['', 'Action', 'Comedy', > 'Other']), > twf.TextArea('description'), > ]) > > same code in web2py: > > movie_form = SQLFORM.factory( > Field('title','text'), > Field('year', length=4), > Field('release_date','date'), > Field('genera', requires=IS_IN_SET(('Action', 'Comedy', > 'Other'),zero='')), > Field('description','text'), > _hidden=dict(id=3),_action=URL(r=request,f='save_movie')) > > On May 12, 10:36 am, stefaan <stefaan.hi...@gmail.com> wrote: > > > > Nobody know Toscawidgets and have try it with web2py ? > > > Hello Lannick, > > > Given the lack of answers it is safe to assume that no-one has tried > > it with web2py... > > > Best regards, > > Stefaan.