> group holds just one worker...
> On Monday, May 7, 2018 at 8:13:02 PM UTC+2, Francisco Ribeiro wrote:
>> I have been testing my own hypothesis, it didn't work. I was unable to
>> assign a task to a specific worker, I can only assign tasks to groups.
I have been testing my own hypothesis, it didn't work. I was unable to
assign a task to a specific worker, I can only assign tasks to groups.
Please correct me if I am wrong...
On Sunday, 6 May 2018 16:16:08 UTC+1, Francisco Ribeiro wrote:
> Thank you for confirming.
see any problem
doing that?
On Sunday, 6 May 2018 04:16:53 UTC+1, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> No. I do not believe there is any way to guarantee that every work will
> execute the same task.
> On Friday, 4 May 2018 17:36:30 UTC-5, Francisco Ribeiro wrote:
The question refers to submitting a task simultaneously to all workers
within a group.
Thank you
- http://web2py.com
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- http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code)
- https://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/list (Report Issues)
You rec
That is useful but is it really equivalent to error ticket issuance i.e. do
all tickets we see as error tickets hit the routes_onerror? What if the
error is triggered by a scheduled task running in the background?
On Thursday, 15 February 2018 17:43:58 UTC, Leonel Câmara wrote:
> I'd
Hi all,
I have created an event viewer web console that uses websockets to keep
itself up to date.
I wanted error tickets to show up in here as well, so once a ticket is
issued it would execute my custom code that keeps my event viewer up to
date with a link to the ticket itself.
Ideally, the
t;2. Use the parameter-based rewrite system and specify args_match to
>suit your needs (the default args_match regex is '([\w@ =-]|(?<=[\w@
> Anthony
> On Thursday, October 19, 2017 at 1:30:09 PM UTC-4, Francisco Ribeiro wrote:
Am I missing something? shouldn't request.args() take care of URL encoding
/ decoding for me?
Thank you
Kind regards,
Francisco Ribeiro
- http://web2py.com
- http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
- http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code)
- https://code.google
Well, actually I was able to hide it as well with CSS:
table th:nth-child(7) {display: none;}
table td:nth-child(7) {display: none;}
Not ideal since all this content is there twice but it works :)
On Monday, 9 October 2017 11:28:52 UTC+1, Francisco Ribeiro wrote:
> That works, (thanks f
That works, (thanks for the idea btw) but leaves me with a different
problem which is that 'myfield' becomes visible and it happens to hold a
long string (reason why I came up with the idea to turn it into
copy-to-clipboard button).
On Monday, 9 October 2017 03:22:11 UTC+1, 黄祥 wrote:
> had y
I have customized one of the fields of my SQLForm whereby instead of
displaying its long content, it shows a small button that copies its
content into the clipboard, as follows:
db.mytable.myfield.represent = lambda value, row: TAG.button(SPAN(DIV(
row.myfield, _id="cp_"+str(row.id),_st
This use case keeps on haunting me... :)
Sometimes i want to hide columns from a smartgrid but I still want to be
able to search for them AND use it within the SQLFORM links parameter, like
the 'fingerprint' parameter in the following example:
in model:
post and
then will hide the content left from the last iteration of the loop.
On Friday, 15 September 2017 03:35:06 UTC+1, Francisco Ribeiro wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a monitoring component in which my app continuously grabs data from
> the database through a
Hi all,
I have a monitoring component in which my app continuously grabs data from
the database through a controller which is triggered by a javascript call
as follows:
$.web2py.component("{{=URL('controller', 'my_function.load')}}", "my_target"
, timeout=2000, times='Infinity');
As you can se
these licenses for the pro version?
> Is the pro version supporting web2py?
> If yes i'm iterested.
> Il giorno domenica 11 ottobre 2015 21:29:54 UTC+2, Encompass solutions ha
> scritto:
>> I can try it if you want. +1
>> On Sun, Oct 11,
howed interest in here is far
greater than the number of people who messaged their email addresses. I
will need your email address to send you the license so if you haven't done
so please do it.
Kind regards,
On Sunday, 11 October 2015 20:21:16 UTC+1, Francisco Ribeiro wrote:
Hello all,
for those who know PyCharm is a great IDE from JetBrains that provides free
licenses for Open Source projects like web2py (
https://www.jetbrains.com/buy/opensource/?product=pycharm ). To request
such a license, I need to know how many of you would want one of these as
well so I can
There is another way of looking at this which I think it's really
effective. Don't guide your approach by user requirements because customers
don't know what are their own requirements. Even we, think we do but many
times, we don't. Guide your approach by something concrete based on rapid
> On Thursday, December 4, 2014 8:12:17 AM UTC-5, Francisco Ribeiro wrote:
>> Anthony,
>> this is what I'm doing now. I am aware of that, the problem starts on the
>> interpretation given to the request sent by the browser for checkboxes for
>> these fi
uired to False for boolean fields.
> Anthony
> On Thursday, December 4, 2014 7:00:00 AM UTC-5, Francisco Ribeiro wrote:
>> Kiran,
>> I did not assign the default value of False explicitly but implicitly
>> since it's already the default.
I did not assign the default value of False explicitly but implicitly since
it's already the default.
I understand the interpretation currently in place but if you think about
this, validators are supposed to accept allowed values *first* and reject
all others. True and False
hi there,
I noticed that when I use the IS_NOT_EMPTY() validator on a boolean field
(i.e. a form checkbox) that it will not allow me to submit the form with
this field as "not checked" / "unticked". In my opinion, this is a wrong
interpretation of what is an empty value, since a checkbox can on
> in standard lib, timeout=None means "let it run with no timeout", but the
> scheduler doesn't allow a timeout=None for the reasons explained before.
> summary: I'll send a patch to restrict the timeout value to be >= 1 instead
> of >= 0.
> in standard lib, timeout=None means "let it run with no timeout", but the
> scheduler doesn't allow a timeout=None for the reasons explained before.
> summary: I'll send a patch to restrict the timeout value to be >= 1 instead
> of >= 0.
let me tell you that the "0" is very often interpreted as "disabled" in
computing. For example in "select()" the famous UNIX system call, uses
that convention for the timeout argument and the "same" happens when you
use the snapshop length = 0 argument in "tcpdump -s 0" which is allo
ets it to 0. which is kinda the
> nonsense I was trying to figure it out ;-P
> On Friday, November 21, 2014 4:47:53 PM UTC+1, Francisco Ribeiro wrote:
>> So, by disabling the timeout, I'm making sure that the scheduler will be
>> taken by that process for
o the
Kind regards,
On Friday, 21 November 2014 13:13:04 UTC, Niphlod wrote:
> will do. in the meantime with timeout=0 what are you trying to achieve
> ?
> On Friday, November 21, 2014 12:42:54 PM UTC+1, Francisco Ribeiro wrote:
>> just creat
e bug, if there's one.
> On Thursday, November 20, 2014 12:07:50 PM UTC+1, Francisco Ribeiro wrote:
>> thank you,
>> a different and yet related problem that I found when I was testing the
>> timeout behaviour using a simple task that just does a tim
that knows only if the task ended
> correctly or raised some exceptions.
> The "finer grained" statuses are "computed" back in the "worker" process
> (the report_task() routine, to be exact), that knows, e.g., if a task needs
> to be queued again, etc et
After some debugging, I noticed that when tasks timeout while using the
scheduler, I get an output as follows:
DEBUG:web2py.app.myapp:new task report: FAILED
DEBUG:web2py.app.myapp: traceback: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/../web2py/gluon/scheduler.py", line 303, in execut
d even though this should be very
- it would be nice to have an API for grids. I think there is this big
"jump" for database records to generated HTML code ready to be rendered,
not so much control over the Application logic on it.
Kind regards,
hello everyone,
I believe I have ran into a dead end but maybe one of you may find a way
for what I'm trying to do. So, please consider this model:
Field('location_type', requires=IS_IN_SET(['city', 'country', 'sea'])),
Nice! Thank you for the attention. There is a good reason that I'm sure you
deeply understand for me to be less connected... I've been finishing my mst.
thesis. Work done, presentation finished more time free.
Meanwhile, I've been working on some interesting projects including web2py
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