I did not assign the default value of False explicitly but implicitly since 
it's already the default.

I understand the interpretation currently in place but if you think about 
this, validators are supposed to accept allowed values *first* and reject 
all others. True and False are the allowed values here and must have 
precedence to be accepted. Checkboxes are UIs for boolean types, so an 
unticked box means False, it does not mean NULL.

On my scenario I have a dynamically generated form using SQLFORM.factory() 
where one my attributes for each form field is "is_required". So these 
things are stored on the DB, defining how the form should be generated and 
the way I was handling it was by adding the IS_NOT_EMPTY() validator to the 
form field if has the is_required parameter = True on its definition. It 
works fine for all other input fields tested where IS_NOT_EMPTY() makes 
sense but chechboxes broke it.

Kind regards,

On Thursday, 4 December 2014 11:48:04 UTC, Anthony wrote:
> If a boolean widget can only be true or false and never empty, then there 
> is no need for this validator to begin with, so just remove it. Are you 
> suggesting that the validator itself should be changed to always return 
> success for booleans? If so, what would be the point? 
> Anthony

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