I am testing out to store Python code and run it by extracting it from the
It looks simple but it's giving me a weird error.
{{a=row.temp}} //question.temp is "def f(x):\nx = x + 1\ny = 10\n
return x + y" same as below
{{b="def f(x):\nx = x + 1\ny = 10\nretu
The last link was the one I was looking at first. Before this post. But
login_bare returns user if the user exists and the password is valid, else
it returns False. username is the email if the "auth_user" table does not
have a "username" field.
doesn't sound like I logged in a user.
filename=(fileApp.filename.replace(' ', '') if fileApp else '')
On Friday, 18 January 2013 19:55:56 UTC-6, Tito Garrido wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 10:30 PM, Bruno Rocha
> > wrote:
>> db.files.validate_and_insert(file_upload=db.files.file_upload.store(fileApp,
>> filename))
Nice work. This will be useful with auth.wiki. Plugin_wiki is going to be
deprecated (unless somebody adopts it) and has been removed from the book.
On Sunday, 12 February 2012 15:07:04 UTC-6, Ross Peoples wrote:
> I have created another plugin for the MarkItUp widget. I know that
> plugin_wik
PythonAnywhere is fantastic! the consoles, the way it integrates with
Dropbox etc... the support also is very helpful.
Have you tried to contact them?
https://www.pythonanywhere.com/ (click on the send feedback link)
maybe the guys can give you an option instead of paypal.
On Sat, Jan 1
ticket submitted:
On Wednesday, January 16, 2013 9:46:20 PM UTC-6, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> Please open a googlecode thicket pointing here. We will review and
> probably accept it.
> On Wednesday, 16 January 2013 11:21:14 UTC-6, Vinc
I'm doing testing for my application in pythonanywhere.com, but I had some
problems with paypal and I could not buy a domain.
someone can recommend another hosting web2py to not only accept paypal ?
thank you very much.
On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 10:30 PM, Bruno Rocha wrote:
> db.files.validate_and_insert(file_upload=db.files.file_upload.store(fileApp,
> filename))
Seems that it is firing the validator but there is an issue:
'NoneType' object has no attribute
'filename' Version web2py™ (2, 3, 2, datetime.datet
There is this Slice:
Here is an example from: http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/07
db.define_table('person', Field('name', unique=True))
db.define_table('dog', Field('name'), Field('owner', db.person)
db.dog.owner.requires = IS_IN_DB(db, 'person.id', '%(name)s',
it should fire the validator (I guess)
Can I use imageutils RESIZE on a manual upload like:
aux=db.files.file_upload.store(fileApp, filename)
Just wondering if I can resize an image uploaded by
Linux User #387870
..º[ .-.___.-._
How are you using the plugin? Can you post some code?
As to getting the code from BitBucket, go to:
And select "Tags" or "Branches", you'll see options to download as .zip,
.tar.gz or .tar.bz2.
On Saturday, January 19, 201
Can't figure it out so I shall rebuild the app on top of the latest
welcome. That seems to work ok.
Thanks, D
Hi Ross!
Nice addition... I am trying to use it but I am getting:
global name 'markitup' is not defined Version
web2py™ (2, 3, 2, datetime.datetime(2012, 12, 17, 15, 3, 30), 'stable')
Python Python 2.6.6: /usr/bin/python Traceback
Traceback (mos
I'd just like to point out, that couldn't he also do this:
return dict(form2=form2, form1=form1)
then in the view you can have this:
{{=form1}} {{=form2}}
On Friday, January 18, 2013 10:04:22 AM UTC-7, Anthony wrote:
> If you go to the URL /yourapp/default/index, when the index.html view is
I am not sure I fully understand.
You can do this:
id = db.sales.insert(invoice=invoice)
old_invoice = db.sales[id].invoice
new_invoice = old_invoice
Does this answer your question?
On Friday, 18 January 2013 15:36:30 UTC-6, greaneym wrote:
> H
Firefox posts the form OK.
Irrespective as to whether the credentials are correct or not, I get the
login form again.
With incorrect credentials I would at least expect a flash of 'Invalid
login' on screen, but I do not even get that. Strange.
Can you suggest anything specific I should look ou
> My current app runs with only JSON calls is there a way to make the login
> occure with JSON?
Did you check this?
I am working on a shopping cart, using the stable version of web2py, with an
sql lite database.
In a checkout function, the order information is being inserted into a
sales db,(for example it has db.sales[id] == 2
then in a buy function, after a user enters their card information in orde
Do you have any slice using HTML 5?
On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 4:30 PM, Niphlod wrote:
> uploads via ajax are not supported. that's true even for a SQLFORM loaded
> via ajax.
> it's not a limitation on web2py per se, more of an ajax limit if you don't
> want to use the n
durp durp custome table.
On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 9:26 PM, encompass wrote:
Sorry for the late reply. Yes, I was using a customer table.
On Tuesday, January 1, 2013 9:59:34 PM UTC+2, Niphlod wrote:
@alec: that was to change the default behaviour of having a first_name
accompanied by l
I think this is trunk and nighlty only.
On Friday, 18 January 2013 13:30:42 UTC-6, Tito Garrido wrote:
> Massimo is it available on 2.3.2?
> Thanks!
> Tito
> On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 10:00 AM, Tito Garrido
> > wrote:
>> Thanks!
>> On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 11:28 PM, Massimo Di P
The issue to be considered is that this will not work on Google App Engine
and it may considerable slow down searches for many wiki pages.
Should we make this optional? Or always on? Or make it conditional to
non-GAE? Should we break request.var.q in tokens and search that each of
them is in tag
Massimo is it available on 2.3.2?
On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 10:00 AM, Tito Garrido wrote:
> Thanks!
> On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 11:28 PM, Massimo Di Pierro <
> massimo.dipie...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Yes, that was missing. I now added it.
>> On Tuesday, 18 December 2012 16:2
uploads via ajax are not supported. that's true even for a SQLFORM loaded
via ajax.
it's not a limitation on web2py per se, more of an ajax limit if you don't
want to use the new html5 features.
On Friday, January 18, 2013 7:58:49 PM UTC+1, Tito Garrido wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I guess I have
I guess I have found a workaround on Antony's reply:
Anyway is there any ticket to fix this problem?
On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 3:58 PM, Tito Garrido wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I guess I have found a bug.
not that I can think of. did you try inspecting what happens with firebug ?
On Friday, January 18, 2013 8:13:37 PM UTC+1, villas wrote:
> Using trunk / Win Vista /
> Login works OK with Chrome and IE, but fails with Firefox.
> I enter User and Password and click Login. The fields are cleared
Sorry for the late reply. Yes, I was using a customer table.
On Tuesday, January 1, 2013 9:59:34 PM UTC+2, Niphlod wrote:
> @alec: that was to change the default behaviour of having a first_name
> accompanied by last_name and so on on the auth_user table. This is a
> different probl
I want to allow external devices, like phones, to login to my web2py.
My current app runs with only JSON calls is there a way to make the login
occure with JSON?
Using trunk / Win Vista /
Login works OK with Chrome and IE, but fails with Firefox.
I enter User and Password and click Login. The fields are cleared and the
login form redisplayed, but no login.
I tried clearing session files and all cookies and other browser data, but
cannot get it working
Hi Folks,
I guess I have found a bug...
Field('pic', 'upload' uploadseparate=True, autodelete=True))
create a function for your component:
def test_function():
return dict(form=form)
load your grid via component:
It's good, thank you :).
On Friday, 18 January 2013 11:00:30 UTC-5, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> Please. check if the solution in trunk is correct.
> On Friday, 18 January 2013 04:19:01 UTC-6, Magnitus wrote:
>> http://dev.w3.org/html5/webvtt/#text/vtt
>> http://www.w3.org/community/texttr
For web2py 2.2.1.
When I use groupby in smartgrid, the number of records found usually
displays a wrong number. Often displays "1 records found" even there are
many records in the grid. Sometime, for examples, displays 11 when there
are 9 records in grid, displays 2 when there are 4 records. T
given that you fixed 'echo' with something like '/app/default/echo' the
problem may be that in your controller, echo() is restricted.
It make *Total Sense* (titlecase, yes :-P) that a @auth.requires_signature
wouldn't let you access that function without the _signature parameter
attached to the
On Friday, January 18, 2013 12:02:53 PM UTC-5, GeeksRule wrote:
> Found the issue !
> The labels are case sensitive !!
> I think we should update the documentation for SQLForm, saying if you are
> using "labels", make sure that the keys in the dictionaries are exactly the
> same case as mentio
given that you must pass a python dictionary and that
{'Label1' : 'label for 1', 'label1' : 'label for 1 lowercase'}
is a totally standard compliant python dictionary is it really
necessary ?
the same things goes for headers, col3, etc etc etc.
On Friday, January 18, 2013 6:02:53 PM UTC+1
That is it! Thanks!
On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 2:04 PM, Niphlod wrote:
> not with createargs, editargs, etc etc etc . in fact, the thing you want
> to do isn't accompilished by passing a parameter in a SQLFORM, so these
> "args" are useless to your ends.
> to "prefill" a value just set i
If you go to the URL /yourapp/default/index, when the index.html view is
executed, it will only have available to it whatever is returned by the
index() function in the default.py controller. If you want to display the
form created in the display_form() action, you have to create a
not with createargs, editargs, etc etc etc . in fact, the thing you want to
do isn't accompilished by passing a parameter in a SQLFORM, so these
"args" are useless to your ends.
to "prefill" a value just set its default before returning the grid.
logic is up to you.
def test():
Found the issue !
The labels are case sensitive !!
I think we should update the documentation for SQLForm, saying if you are
using "labels", make sure that the keys in the dictionaries are exactly the
same case as mentioned in your db.py.
On Friday, 18 January 2013 03:40:54 UTC-5, Niphlod wrot
you're two or more steps ahead than your brain
def display_form():
in a controller named "thecontroller.py"
will work ok as long as in a view
there's a
written inside.
If you want to copy/paste examples in the book at least read the
yes i know
i´m just confused because of the error.
That is why i went to the console to test it
the ajax function does not work if it is get called by a view that has a
controller with @auth.requires_signature()
Its that right?
Thank you
2013/1/18 Niphlod
> 'echo' is the url you're t
I (1) created the "person" table in models, (2) typed in the function
displayed in my original post in the controller, then (3) inserted
{{=form}} in /views/default/index.html but receive this error:
name 'form' is not defined
I'm just trying to make the example in the documentation work so tha
Sorry, I still don't get how to use it...
Field('name', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
Field('name', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
Field('table1', 'reference table1', requires = IS_IN_DB(db,db.table1.id
Massimo, in Wiki.search() method, there is this code:
if query is None:
query = (db.wiki_page.id == db.wiki_tag.wiki_page) &\
query = query | db.wiki_page.title.contains(request.vars.q)
So, search touc
i have @auth.requires_signature() in my controller function behing the view
when calling the ajax function
if i remove it
the error i get in javascript console is 500 (INTERNAL SERVER
Does it have to do with auth?
Thank you
'echo' is the url you're trying to call .. usually is
/app/controller/function . 'echo' alone gets evaluated depending on the
page you're on, appending to (or replacing the last bit of) the current
On Friday, January 18, 2013 5:06:01 PM UTC+1, Ramos wrote:
> hello
> i made this si
Looks good.
Can you please send me a patch applied to the trunk version?
On Friday, 18 January 2013 05:47:20 UTC-6, Felipe Meirelles wrote:
> Did anyone saw it?
> On Monday, January 14, 2013 5:41:36 PM UTC-2, Felipe Meirelles wrote:
>> Please desconsider the sorter_icons parameter, its a c
i made this simple test
in javascript chrome console i typed
ajax('echo', ['name'], 'target')
to call my function
and it returns
GET 403
thank you
from gluon.contrib.autolinks import expand_one
On Friday, 18 January 2013 04:58:20 UTC-6, sasogeek wrote:
> at the moment, i can let users upload pictures and use the img tag to
> allow the image to be displayed on a page, when user
Please. check if the solution in trunk is correct.
On Friday, 18 January 2013 04:19:01 UTC-6, Magnitus wrote:
> http://dev.w3.org/html5/webvtt/#text/vtt
> http://www.w3.org/community/texttracks/2012/08/23/webvtt-support-in-browsers/
> I know the format is still pretty bleeding edge, but it s
You can do
db.table.field.requires = IS_DATE(format = '%D-%M-%Y')
this can be done globally or in one action only. It will affect forms.
You also need to change the format in JS calendar. This is in the code in