That is it! Thanks!


On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 2:04 PM, Niphlod <> wrote:

> not with createargs, editargs, etc etc etc . in fact, the thing you want
> to do isn't accompilished by passing a parameter in a SQLFORM, so these
> "xxxxargs" are useless to your ends.
> to "prefill" a value just set its default before returning the grid.....
> logic is up to you.
> def test():
>      db.table2.table1.default = request.args(0)
>      .......
> if I got what you're triyng to do.
> On Friday, January 18, 2013 5:32:24 PM UTC+1, Tito Garrido wrote:
>> Sorry, I still don't get how to use it...
>> example:
>> db.define_table('table1',
>>     Field('name', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
>>     )
>> db.define_table('table2',
>>     Field('name', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
>>     Field('table1', 'reference table1', requires = IS_IN_DB(db,
>>     )
>> Then I have:
>> table1_id=request.args(0)
>> query_table2=db(db.table2.**table1==table1_id)
>> form=SQLFORM.grid(query_**table2.query,user_signature=**
>> False,args=request.args[:1],**formargs={'table1':table1_id})
>> The way that is set above it does not work... I would like to pre-fill
>> the 'table1' field when I am adding/editing to hide this field on grid...
>> How can I do that?
>> On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 12:56 PM, Niphlod <> wrote:
>>> the same args you'd want to pass to a SQLFORM you can pass them to
>>> createargs, formargs, etc etc etc.
>>> code on the grid basically does this ....
>>> sqlformargs = dict(formargs)
>>> sqlformargs.update(createargs)
>>> create_form = SQLFORM(
>>>     table, ignore_rw=ignore_rw, formstyle=formstyle,
>>>     _class='web2py_form',
>>>     **sqlformargs)
>>> so, formargs is for whatever arg you choose to pass to EVERY form
>>> generated by the grid, while the other are specific to the action the form
>>> is tied to.
>>> On Friday, January 18, 2013 3:59:12 PM UTC+1, Tito Garrido wrote:
>>>> I have read the book on**defaul**
>>>> t/chapter/29/07#SQLFORM.**grid-**and-SQLFORM.smartgrid<>but
>>>>  the explanation about these args are too poor... how to use it? Is
>>>> there any example?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Tito
>>>> --
>>>> Linux User #387870
>>>> .........____
>>>> .... _/_õ|__|
>>>> ..º[ .-.___.-._| . . . .
>>>> .__( o)__( o).:_______
>>>  --
>> --
>> Linux User #387870
>> .........____
>> .... _/_õ|__|
>> ..º[ .-.___.-._| . . . .
>> .__( o)__( o).:_______
>  --


Linux User #387870
.... _/_õ|__|
..º[ .-.___.-._| . . . .
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