Thanks for the hint. Adding requires=self.requires to the widget
solved the problem partially. The problem is now reduced to:
when the user clicks the link the update_adress function is called:
which displays an update/delete form, in which the plaats field is
Kind regard
Thanks for your explanation.
On May 27, 6:28 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> It depends on who sends the email. If an action triggered by a web
> request does, then the code goes in the action. If you want a
> backrgound script to send the emails then you put the code in
> a
Thanks for your explanation.
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"web2py Web Framework" group.
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Vihang is right. In my model I defined the following table:
SQLField('bedrijf', db.bedrijf, default='', notnull=True),
SQLField('adressoort', length=30, default='Vestigingsadres',
SQLField('straat', length=42, default='', notnull=True)
Perhaps because your customized widget does not contain any "requires"
restriction? I assume web2py still need that when doing form.accepts
My experience is try to use a subclass of the original widget whenever
On May 27, 8:01 pm, wrote:
> The auto_complet
This is something about your design, not about the web2py. You may,
for example, define your "rules" table, and let your app's user (ok,
"maybe he is a system administrator") to define new rules. But after
all, these rules are logically stored as data inside web2py's db.
Then, you may define speci
Yes, very right about that.
On May 27, 11:19 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> Technically this is correct because
> Adam
> M
> McGinnis
> Technically "M" is before "McGinnis".
> You should use (lastname<"N") to include "McGinnis"
> Notice that the selection is done by the database (sqlite) not web
Technically this is correct because
Technically "M" is before "McGinnis".
You should use (lastname<"N") to include "McGinnis"
Notice that the selection is done by the database (sqlite) not web2py.
On May 27, 10:50 pm, JohnMc wrote:
> I have the following:
> Model:
2009/5/28 SergeyPo
> My vote for it too, I've reported this problem before.
> Sergey
Sorry I missed it: seems I didn't search enough.
> On May 28, 8:13 am, Mariano Mara wrote:
> > G'night everyone.
> >
> > I'm defining a table like this:
> >
> > db.define_table("BillHourType", SQLFie
My vote for it too, I've reported this problem before.
On May 28, 8:13 am, Mariano Mara wrote:
> G'night everyone.
> I'm defining a table like this:
> db.define_table("BillHourType", SQLField("hourtype", db.HourType),
> SQLField("billtype", db.Billable
Next year, they do a whole article on Web2Py!!
On May 27, 7:02 pm, Richard wrote:
> "web2py looks very promising"!
> On May 28, 9:33 am, mdipierro wrote:
> >
G'night everyone.
I'm defining a table like this:
db.define_table("BillHourType", SQLField("hourtype", db.HourType),
SQLField("billtype", db.BillableType),
SQLField("startdate", type='date',
I have the following:
Using the Web2Py command line --
The complete data set --
In [64]: rows = dbhlx((>0)).select
I think Christopher and Saber have good points here. Any application
should be flexible about where its data is stored. There are many
good potential reasons for wanting to separate the respective
locations of application and data. The symbolic link solution, while
offering just a little flexib
gluon/ << Again 10Q!
I know, what is removed is the full version of the manual which was
but the manual @:
seems not complete, I'm using it though. U know, I want 2 dig it
all!!! I would still
Thanks a lot Dlypka... I tried so many things except that one... IT IS
Thanks Massimo, please don't waste your precious time looking to my
Thanks to you guys for your hints...
Yannick P.
On May 27, 2:02 am, dlypka wrote:
> Maybe
> value="{{=profileSet["formsetting"].latest.
> > Then I copied these template files from /applications/welcome/views/
> > but they do not show up in the admin/default/design/app web page for
> > my app:
> > generic.json
> > generic.rss
> > generic.xml
> > And in fact when I tried to use the web interface to create a new
> > view, it insisted
"web2py looks very promising"!
On May 28, 9:33 am, mdipierro wrote:
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"web2py Web Framework"
I think we need a new cookbook. Any volunteer to rewrite it?
On May 27, 5:42 pm, Fran wrote:
> On 27 May, 21:31, Ron wrote:
> > Completely new to web2py. Problems just getting through the "cookbook"
> > tutorial:
> > Page 8 says to create a new There was already a, and t
can you post an example? I am confused.
On May 27, 5:15 pm, Carl wrote:
> it's got me puzzled too.
> the text I have in my view is used but it's prefixed response.write(
> and carriage returns are converted to \r\n
> a dict in my view is displayed in emails as
> response.write(absurl)
> C
On May 27, 4:56 pm, Dan wrote:
> Hello Massimo and others-
> I just upgraded from version 1.62 to 1.63 and tried to get the CSV and
> JSON output to work, and ran into a few small issues that I thought
> could be fixed. It works, after a bit of tweaking.
> As suggested, I copied the content
Did you add the NOT NULL later?
On May 27, 2:37 pm, vihang wrote:
> the particular column created in postgres does not have the NOT NULL
> set to true.
> On May 27, 10:10 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> > What do you mean it does not make it nonull?
> > On May 27, 11:55 am, vihang wrote:
> > >
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"web2py Web Framework" group.
To post to this group, send email to
On 27 May, 21:31, Ron wrote:
> Completely new to web2py. Problems just getting through the "cookbook"
> tutorial:
> Page 8 says to create a new There was already a, and this
> seemed to create errors. I deleted the old one and created a new one.
> Is that correct?
Fine :)
> After c
thanks M; a cleaner approach that I will adopt
had read about commit; thanks for confirming my understanding that I
can remove it
mdipierro wrote:
> I would go for
> records=self.db(
> if not records:
> self.db.user.insert(email=email,greet=True)
> el
it's got me puzzled too.
the text I have in my view is used but it's prefixed response.write(
and carriage returns are converted to \r\n
a dict in my view is displayed in emails as
mdipierro wrote:
> ?
> why response.write( ... escape=False) ?
> On May 27, 12:13 pm
i'm thinking of local user applications in ~/.exapp.
suppose that main application runs in every user session and can load
apps in their home directory.
can we dynamically set applications directory? i mean having multiple
application directories.
sorry i don't want to make things complex. j
Completely new to web2py. Problems just getting through the "cookbook"
Page 8 says to create a new There was already a, and this
seemed to create errors. I deleted the old one and created a new one.
Is that correct?
After creating the new, I entered the tutorial db c
Hello Massimo and others-
I just upgraded from version 1.62 to 1.63 and tried to get the CSV and
JSON output to work, and ran into a few small issues that I thought
could be fixed. It works, after a bit of tweaking.
As suggested, I copied the contents of my app's folder to the new
version's tree
Okay, but where do i
- rename the login_name as 'username' ?
- replace the label with 'login_name' ?
it seems that auth.module produces its own html.form and i dont know
where i can modify this behaviour.
Thanks a lot
On 26 Mai, 19:32, mdipierro wrote:
> I suggest you rename the login_nam
On May 27, 9:54 pm, captainy wrote:
> Okay, but where do i
> - rename the login_name as 'username' ?
Look at +616
auth.settings.table_user should point to your table containing
If there is a field called 'username' in this table then that is what
is used for login.
On May 26, 11:42 pm, haftish21 wrote:
> I'm not sure if u can access it, take a look @ my first attempt to
> build Personal Geo-website (a marked class assignmet)
> http://itcnt07/~tsega19167/module10/index.html
** server can't find NXDOMAIN
> On May 27, 12:37 am, haftish21 wr
Okay, but where do i
- rename the login_name as 'username' ?
- replace the label with 'login_name' ?
it seems that auth.module produces its own html.form and i dont know
where i can modify this behaviour.
Thanks a lot
On 26 Mai, 19:32, mdipierro wrote:
> I suggest you rename the login_nam
Okay, but where do i
- rename the login_name as 'username' ?
- replace the label with 'login_name' ?
it seems that auth.module produces its own html.form and i dont know
where i can modify this behaviour.
Thanks a lot
On 26 Mai, 19:32, mdipierro wrote:
> I suggest you rename the login_nam
When creating a UI to optionally set permissions on certain objects I
want to do:
db[table].access.requires = IS_NULL_OR(IS_IN_DB(db, '',
'auth_group.role', multiple=True))
However this breaks the Multi-select widget.
Now obviously if one of the tags is 'NULL' then it wouldn't make
spec: For DECIMAL(M,D), the maximum M is 65
create: CREATE TABLE foo( bar decimal(10,2) )
spec: DECIMAL(M,D), exact, no limit
create: CREATE TABLE foo( bar decimal(10,2) )
DenesL napsal(a):
> Lets document the support for decimal type in the available DBs (my $.
> 02):
> p=
the particular column created in postgres does not have the NOT NULL
set to true.
On May 27, 10:10 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> What do you mean it does not make it nonull?
> On May 27, 11:55 am, vihang wrote:
> > Hi,
> > The following does not make the foreign key field notnull (in
> > postgre
Lets document the support for decimal type in the available DBs (my $.
p=precision, s=scale, [means optional]
---DB -syntax- --limits--- --dft--
MSSQL2005 decimal[(p[,s])] 0<=s<=p<=38 18,0
DB2/400 " 1<=s<=p<=31 5,0
Wow, thanks!
Elcimar Leandro -
Portal Net Fácil -
2009/5/23 Pystar
> You can try this:
> * ***
> db.define_table("Foo",
> db.Field("foo1", "string", length=32, default=None
why response.write( ... escape=False) ?
On May 27, 12:13 pm, Carl wrote:
> I've implemented the code but am one step away from a working
> solution.
> The variable message contains text "response.write( ... escape=False)"
> for each section of text and for each dictionary item I use in my
I would go for
if not records:
commit is implicit on relational database and useless on GAE.
On May 27, 11:49 am, Carl wrote:
> This guy said so las
You have an extra space after %
> '% (apellido)s %(nombre)s')
should be
'%(apellido)s %(nombre)s')
On May 27, 10:32 am, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
> Hi all,
> Sorry for not putting this in the proper thread, but google groups seems
> not behave nicely for people without google acco
What do you mean it does not make it nonull?
On May 27, 11:55 am, vihang wrote:
> Hi,
> The following does not make the foreign key field notnull (in
> postgres)
> db.define_table("Purchase_Invoice_Details",
> db.Field("id_Purchase_Invoice", db.Purchase_Invoice,
> notnull=True, ondelet
Hi all,
Sorry for not putting this in the proper thread, but google groups seems
not behave nicely for people without google accounts, so I'm not getting
your answers in my inbox, despite of the fact that I'm a register user
and I can post to the list. I tried the suggestion about using
I've implemented the code but am one step away from a working
The variable message contains text "response.write( ... escape=False)"
for each section of text and for each dictionary item I use in my
any thoughts?
On May 27, 12:16 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> You can use the web2py
The following does not make the foreign key field notnull (in
db.Field("id_Purchase_Invoice", db.Purchase_Invoice,
notnull=True, ondelete='CASCADE'),
any help.
'If you really need to store Decimals values, and do some op on them in the
database, just do *not* use SQLite'
This is a quote from an sqlalchemy group..
We need an exception, an error occuring when trying to use decimal on sqlite
or we implement decimal as float in sqlite(sqlalchemy default whe
This guy said so last May: :)
Sounds like the statement is out of date (if so... can you point me to
the most up to date source on this subject?).
I've used GAE's Data Viewer where I see that multiple entries exist
with the same email address. On my dev version I can use web2py'
It depends on who sends the email. If an action triggered by a web
request does, then the code goes in the action. If you want a
backrgound script to send the emails then you put the code in and run it with -S yourapp -M -R /path/to/your/
the context is dictionary wi
IS_NOT_IN_DB works on GAE, who said it does not?
On May 27, 10:57 am, Carl wrote:
> As IS_NOT_IN_DB isn't implemented on GAE does anyone know what an
> alternative implementation on the App Engine is?
> I'm wanting rows to have unique email addresses. Is there a solution
> on GAE or do I chan
it would help if somebody explains to me how sqlalchemy handles it
with sqlite and systems that does not support it.
On May 27, 9:16 am, Michal Jursa wrote:
> +1 !! exactly ;)
> Kuba Kucharski wrote:
> > Stay with web2py! I have the same problem. I've decided to wait.
> > Decimal is a must. We
In one of my applications I have an e-mail form, which for a lack of
knowledge is sent to my mail box using the following code in the
mail.send(to=[''], subject=form.vars.onderwerp,
In I have got:
from import Mail
As IS_NOT_IN_DB isn't implemented on GAE does anyone know what an
alternative implementation on the App Engine is?
I'm wanting rows to have unique email addresses. Is there a solution
on GAE or do I change the question and consequently, implementation?
On May 27, 10:46 am, wrote:
> However, this:
> record=db.adres[request.args[0]]
> is not equivalent to:
> record=db([0]).select(db.adres.bedrijf)
> Why not?
The former gets the whole record (including lambda function
The la
Massimo and Denes,
Both solutions work on Mac OS X Leopard Server. Thanks.
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unix thinking;)
Let's say we would have solution for this. That means that 'the path' should
be placed in a configuration outside 'applications'.. and outside web2py
folder(since you need to do upgrades etc..). This means we should also have
some standard place for configuration.. /etc..?:)
Ok! I've been thinking about some of the things we discussed in this
thread and it must remain simple. I'll stick with the sym link idea
since anything else is more complex. After all, the reason we love
"Web2Py" is because development practice utilizes the KIS (Keep It
Simple) method.
Thanks f
The reason is to separate Web2Py from developed applications. The same
idea is usually done with databases. Separate the data (in this case
Web2Py apps) from the application (Web2Py). This should ease with
upgrades and other administration/development tasks.
Kuba Kucharski
Your suggested code solved the problem, thanks.
is equivalent to:
and in my case:
However, this:
is not equ
What is the purpose? could you explain more?
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I was thinking about this approach, but was hoping for a more
customizable method via web2py. Is there another way to do this aside
from a sym link?
virhilo wrote:
> ln -s /opt/web2py_apps /opt/web2py/applications/
> On 27 Maj, 15:55, cesmiga wrote:
> > All:
> >
> > I've
+1 !! exactly ;)
Kuba Kucharski wrote:
> Stay with web2py! I have the same problem. I've decided to wait.
> Decimal is a must. Web2py is not an enterprise framework until we have it ;)
You received this message because you are subscribed t
Stay with web2py! I have the same problem. I've decided to wait.
Decimal is a must. Web2py is not an enterprise framework until we have it ;)
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"web2py Web Fram
Jpolite works with javascript code running in modules as I have
FCKeditor running
in one of the modules.
I installed jquery jmaps and I have it referenced in the layout.html
and the
google script with key for localhost.
I also tried this previously just using standard google maps insertion
Problem is I want to leave some logic also in db (triggers etc) and then
i come to trouble if i need to do some calculations in db. STR + STR in
db is not the right way to be done in SQL. I can handle these
str<->decimal conversions in any program, but i also need fully
functional database and
ln -s /opt/web2py_apps /opt/web2py/applications/
On 27 Maj, 15:55, cesmiga wrote:
> All:
> I've been looking around and was wondering if there is a way to place
> apps in a separate directory from the "applications" directory?
> From:
> /opt/web2py/applications
> To:
> /opt/web2py_apps
I've been looking around and was wondering if there is a way to place
apps in a separate directory from the "applications" directory?
Thank you,
You received this message
That is not what I said. I said that it is not possible to implement
decimal in a way that behaves the same way with database backend
systems that support decimal nativly and those that do not.
My suggestion is, for now, use 'string' but convert the values to
decimal.Decimal() before using them i
I do not know. may have to do with different on commit behavior.
On May 27, 7:44 am, wrote:
> Massimo,
> Thanks, problem solved! But why did it work in SQLite and doesn't it
> work in Postrgesql?
> Annet.
You rece
I know about trunk solution, but you've recently said you dont like to
implement decimals at all. Or may be I miunderstood you..:)
You think it is fine to start with trunk version and one day it will
become stable? Coz thats the only thing that really holds me back from
using web2py in 'real'
Thanks, problem solved! But why did it work in SQLite and doesn't it
work in Postrgesql?
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"web2py Web Framework" group.
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Thanks, the workaround you suggest works!
On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 2:19 PM, Horst Herb
> Had the same problem, this worked for me:
> Search for:
This is wrong
if not record:
elif not record.bedrijf==auth.user.bedrijf:
because the resul
In this post:
I described the following problem:
When the user clicks the link in the view:
I am not sure wehther this is the only issue but you do not accept a
crud form, they are already accepted automatically. Try this code
def crud_address():
response.functionname= T('CRUD adres')
I had forgotten about this.
Actually should be
db.openingstijd.dag.requires=IS_IN_DB(db,, '%(naam)
Denes suggestion works too but not on GAE.
On May 27, 6:27 am, DenesL wrote:
> Hi Annet,
> use:
> db.openingstijd.dag.requires=IS_IN_DB(db,
In trunk this is already implemented
But it is experimental.
If you really want a date for a stable Decimal API in DAL, I can Say
July 31 but it may be done sooner.
On May 27, 6:53 am, Michal Jursa wrote:
On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 9:46 PM, Vincent Borghi
> Thanks for the prompt suggestion, but it does not work.
> With this code, both Enter key and submit button have the same bad
> behavior: they just run a GET of the same current URL ("searchform"),
> without passing parameters...
> Other i
Has this problem already been solved?
I am developing my application on Mac OS X Leopard in web2py version
1.61.4, and did not experience any difficulties creating, retrieving,
updating and deleting records in SQLite. However, when I connect to a
Postgresql database creating a record doesn't work
The auto_complete field is working, however, adding the auto_complete
functionality introduces a flaw in the update function.
In the view I have got:
when the user clicks the link the update_adress functio
I know there were a lot of posts about pros and cons of implementing
DECIMAL type to DAL, but there is no result. As DECIMALs are really
important for me, I'd like to know if it will be included in DAL and if
yes, when ( i don't need exact date :) ). I can patch DAL to do it for
me on post
On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 1:19 PM, mdipierro wrote:
> Try
Thanks for the prompt suggestion, but it does not work.
With this code, both Enter key and submit button have the same bad
behavior: they just run a GET of the same current URL ("searchform"),
without passing parameters...
thanks M; knew there's be a concise way to leverage the existing
On May 27, 12:16 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> You can use the web2py template language to generate emails.
> from gluon.template import parse_template
> from gluon.tool import Mail
> mail=Mail
> mail.settings.server='s
Hi Denes,
Thanks, problem solved, and solution added to my log.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"web2py Web Framework" group.
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Hi Annet,
db.openingstijd.dag.requires=IS_IN_DB(db,, '%(naam)
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"web2py Web Framework" group.
To post to this group, send email t
On May 27, 4:03 am, Vincent Borghi wrote:
> Hello,
> In the following form (essentially taken from web2py examples),
> the "Enter" key does not work as expected, I am obliged
> to click on the submit button.
> === test1/views/default/searchform.html ===
> {{extend 'layout.html'}}
In the following form (essentially taken from web2py examples),
the "Enter" key does not work as expected, I am obliged
to click on the submit button.
=== test1/views/default/searchform.html ===
{{extend 'layout.html'}}
Type something and press the button.
=== test1/controllers/def
You can use the web2py template language to generate emails.
from gluon.template import parse_template
from gluon.tool import Mail
mail.settings.login=None or
Thanks, problem solved and solution added to my log.
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"web2py Web Framework" group.
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As far as I can tell the preceding lines of code are correct. The
validator was an IS_IN_DB() validator, which worked. The problem
arises when I replace the IS_IN_DB() validator by the auto_complete
field. I used the widget before in a form:
h, the best you can do is
db.openingstijd.dag.requires=IS_IN_DB(db,, '%(id)s, %(naam)
On May 27, 2:06 am, annet wrote:
> In I have a validator:
> db.openingstijd.dag.requires=IS_IN_DB(db,, '%(naam)s')
> In the view it displays as a dropbox, which is sorted
Hi Annet,
requires and widget are separate attributes of a field:
db.adres.plaats.widget=lambda self,value:INPUT(...)
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
web2py's templating for HTML pages makes managing page structure
populated with dynamic content very straightforward and scalable.
What approach is recommended to use this power to manage emails/email
My application sends out emails populated with a lot of dynamic data
and before I co
I had a look at a few upload progress bars in the past and they used
server side queries, which I agree is not ideal. So let me know if you
find a pure client side one.
On May 25, 11:02 am, mdi
On Wednesday 27 May 2009 10:57:41 annet wrote:
> To me it is syntactically correct, however, web2py tells me it's not:
Surely, that's not web2py who is telling you that you are wrong.
And this line is of course syntaxically incorrect:
sn...@home3:~/dv/SC$ python
Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Jul 31 2
On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 4:57 PM, annet wrote:
> In I defined an auto complete widget:
> db.adres.plaats.requires=[IS_NOT_EMPTY(),widget=lambda self,
> value:INPUT
> (_id='place',_name='plaats',_class='ac_input',_type='text')]
> To me it is syntactically correct, however, web2py tells
In I have a validator:
db.openingstijd.dag.requires=IS_IN_DB(db,, '%(naam)s')
In the view it displays as a dropbox, which is sorted by naam. Since
the days of the week being sorted alphabetically doesn't make sense, I
wonder whether it is possible to sort the dropbox by id.
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