I know about trunk solution, but you've recently said you dont like to 
implement decimals at all. Or may be I miunderstood you..:)

You think it is fine to start with trunk version and one day it will 
become stable? Coz thats the only thing that really holds me back from 
using web2py in 'real' world..:)


mdipierro wrote:
> In trunk this is already implemented
> http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/browse_thread/thread/13d9e9fd7334b679
> But it is experimental.
> If you really want a date for a stable Decimal API in DAL, I can Say
> July 31 but it may be done sooner.
> Masssimo
> On May 27, 6:53 am, Michal Jursa <mic...@jursa.cz> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I know there were a lot of posts about pros and cons of implementing
>> DECIMAL type to DAL, but there is no result. As DECIMALs are really
>> important for me, I'd like to know if it will be included in DAL and if
>> yes, when ( i don't need exact date :) ). I can patch DAL to do it for
>> me on postgres now, but that's not solution for future and to say true,
>> I'm not happy with those solutions converting strings to decimals and
>> back etc. I think DECIMAL is standard type today and missing support in
>> sqlite should not be reason to stop implement it in DAL. If web2py aims
>> to be a real tool, then decimals are necessary. Noone makes real
>> projects on sqlite.
>> If I decide to stay with web2py, then I'd like to make this decision for
>> a bit longer term so I really need some info, coz i need to start
>> project :)
>> Michal
> > 

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