linux_nl_plugin routing issues [Was: Re: [vpp-dev] linux_nl_plugin causes VPP crash when importing a full IPv4 table]

2021-05-27 Thread Mike Beattie
dynamically. Of course, I'm new to VPP as well, so if I'm doing something stupid, please let me know! Mike. -- Mike Beattie -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Links: You receive all messages sent to this group. View/Reply Online (#19492): Mute This Topi

Re: linux_nl_plugin routing issues [Was: Re: [vpp-dev] linux_nl_plugin causes VPP crash when importing a full IPv4 table]

2021-06-02 Thread Mike Beattie
nd not in lcp_set_default_ns(). However, until this patch is merged, there's no reason for lcp_set_default_ns to know anything about netlink listeners, so that makes sense. Thanks again for both of your help, Mike. -- Mike Beattie -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Links: You receive all messages sent

Re: [vpp-dev] VPP and IS-IS

2021-06-17 Thread Mike Beattie
aplane interface-auto-create # Optional } * With latest FRR, start watchfrr with --netns. On Debian, in /etc/frr/daemons: watchfrr_options="--netns=dataplane" I've been slowly building a new router infrastructure with this using OSPF and BGP

Re: [vpp-dev] VPP and IS-IS

2021-06-19 Thread Mike Beattie
7;s ok, I'm a novice too ;) Mike. -- Mike Beattie -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Links: You receive all messages sent to this group. View/Reply Online (#19617): Mute This Topic: Group Owner: vpp-dev+ow...@lists