2011/9/7 Christian Wieninger
> I think it's time to make a new release, anyway. So I will come up with a
> 0.9.25 ( or a 1.0.0? - allways wanted to have one *g*) in the next few days.
make it 1.0 and you'll be almost on par with the pulseaudio-guys (0.9.23 →
2011/10/11 Mikko Tuumanen
> What is the latest kernel that dxr3 driver works on?
2.6.37 AFAIK
vdr mailing list
2011/10/12 Mikko Tuumanen
> > > What is the latest kernel that dxr3 driver works on?
> >
> > 2.6.37 AFAIK
> With which patches? Any url to pull from?
No patches needed.
vdr mailing list
Great patch, thank you very much! Now the dxr3 runs very smoothly and I
don't need to be frightened while switching channels.
I strongly suggest this patch for everyone with a dxr3-card!
Keep up the good work!
- jcw
vdr mailing list
Jaroslaw Swierczynski schrieb:
which version of VDR, vdr-dxr3 and em8300 are you using? I've tried
and ended up with this:
em8300_video.o: Video sync rdptr is stuck at 0x0001b8fc, wrptr
0x0001b9f6, left 250
em8300_video.o: Video sync timeout
I have those messages as well - although not very oft
VDR User schrieb:
> If a timer is triggered while the mplayer plugin is in use, VDR
> crashes. This has happened to me about a zillion times now and I'm
> hoping somebody will fix this! You can use the mplayer plugin after a
> timer is started no problem. Correct me if I'm wrong but mplayer
> sh
VDR User schrieb:
> On 6/7/07, Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Like I said last time this topic came up: I somehow got rid off the
>> problem. I don't exactly remember the last thread about this problem
>> and I didn't keep the mails - but wasn't there someone who also got
>> rid off this probl
Gregoire Favre schrieb:
> does someone redirect vdr log messages to /var/log/vdr.log using
> syslogd-ng ?
destination vdr { file("/var/log/vdr.log"); };
filter f_vdr { program("vdr") or program("noad"); };
filter f_syslog { not facility(auth, authpriv, cron)
and not prog
Kartsa schrieb:
> think of. Anybody had similar problems? I thought I'd try using mplayer
> plugin for DVDplayback but for some reason my mplayer plugin does not
> want to play DVD's (don't know why all settings should be correct in
> mplayer.sh.conf, even set debug to true).
Why don't you use
Kartsa wrote:
>> Alkuperäinen viesti
>> Kartsa wrote:
>>> think of. Anybody had similar problems? I thought I'd try using mplayer
>>> plugin for DVDplayback but for some reason my mplayer plugin does not
>>> want to play DVD's (don't know why all settings should be correct in
>>> m
After upgrading from 1.5.2 to 1.5.11 I ran into some problems with my
dxr3 card. The first one was solved by setting AntiAlias = 0 in
setup.conf. But after that, VDR won't even start:
vdr: [3936] ERROR: FreeType: error during FT_Render_Glyph 32, 3
vdr: [3936] ERROR: FreeType: error during FT_Ren
Luca Olivetti wrote:
> En/na Jan Willies ha escrit:
>> After upgrading from 1.5.2 to 1.5.11 I ran into some problems with my
>> dxr3 card. The first one was solved by setting AntiAlias = 0 in
>> setup.conf. But after that, VDR won't even start:
Luca Olivetti wrote:
> Jan Willies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
>> Luca Olivetti wrote:
>>> FWIW I have 2.3.1 (the version that came with mandriva 2007.1).
>> Seems that debian only has Version: 2.3.5-1+b1 and Version:
>> 2.2.1-5+etch1. Unfortunately, 2
YUP wrote:
> Did anybody try to compile dxr3 plugin from source from e-tobi
> repositories against 1.5.11 tree? Any luck?
It compiles fine for me from cvs. No idea what e-tobi uses, but probably
not current trunk.
- Jan
vdr mailing list
Ville Aakko wrote:
> Just in case "vdr: [3936] ERROR: FreeType: error during
> FT_Render_Glyph 32, 3" is not caused by this / VDR does not crash
> because of that (I'm not getting that error), I've noticed that VDR
> does not start at all if I enable text2skin.
It seems to be a FreeType/font erro
I get segfaults when trying to start a vdr version with freetype fonts support.
The last working version is 1.5.2. Here are some information:
I guess my fonts installation is somewhat hosed but I really have no idea.
there is no update available.
- Jan
> On Wed, Jan 30, 2008 at 02:49:05PM
> +0100, Jan Willies wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I get segfaults when trying to start a vdr version with freetype fonts
>> support. The last working version is 1.5.2. Here are some information:
Jan Willies wrote:
>> I had the same problem and I think I upgraded fontconfig and freetype
>> and then it worked like a charm!
> Thanks, but it seems you had a problem which was somewhat different than mine.
I fixed it by installing anoth
Artem Makhutov wrote:
> has anybody thought of running VDR on OpenWRT?
Yes, I think it is possible. I once tried packaging VDR for openwrt but gave
eventually up. There are some uClibc patches for VDR floating around, if you
are interested I can get you the links. But first you should probably s
Steffen Barszus wrote:
> Goga777 schrieb:
>> http://www.broadcom.com/press/release.php?id=1161576&source=home
> PCI Express and Linux supported / according to the press release /
> doesn|t sound that bad. Question is if the support will binary only
> again / or if thez learned in the me
I'm trying to set my T-Online S100 (Intel 830M) up as a VDR-Client. Someone in
the zenega forum finally got intelfb to output via SCART[1] and that's what I'm
planning to use in the end. But for now I can't get vdr-fbfe working with
directfb on VGA-out.
I compiled 2.6.26 with intelfb inclu
Goga777 schrieb:
> new nice benchmarks from Phoronix
> http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=nvidia_vdpau_gpu&num=1
> HD Video Playback With A $20 CPU & $30 GPU On Linux
As far as I can see there is no (cheap) PCI/AGP-Version of a
VDPAU-enabled nvidia chip available :/
I guess it ne
Ville Skyttä schrieb:
> vdr-dxr3 0.2.9 is available at https://sourceforge.net/projects/dxr3plugin
> 2009-01-02: Version 0.2.9
> - Update Italian translation (Diego Pierotto)
> - Error handling improvements (Ville Skyttä)
> - Add SVDRP commands for device release/reopen, audio output settings
Ville Skyttä schrieb:
> On Friday 02 January 2009, Jan Willies wrote:
>> Is there a way to apply the brightness/contrast settings on VDR-start?
>> Currently I have to go to Menu->System->Plugins->Dxr3 and press OK after
>> every start of VDR.
> Hm, t
Goga777 schrieb:
In general I would have no objections against this. What kind of patches
is this all about? I haven't followed this VGA2SCART thing, but a quick
lookup showed, that this involves patching XOrg stuff and xineliboutput.
>>> That is correct. It requires several programs
Am 25.06.2009 21:55, schrieb Ville Skyttä:
> On Sunday 21 June 2009, Udo Richter wrote:
>> On 21.06.2009 17:08, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
>>> On 17.06.2009 19:03, J.W. wrote:
I thought you could just release vdr-1.6.1 with the patches you have
already published (maybe with additional dvb_a
Hi Joachim,
Am 29.06.2009 09:49, schrieb J.W.:
>> Well, I am not keen on doing this, but to get some progress I at least did
>> upload my git tree based on vdr-1.6.0-2 version of
>> git://vdr.gekrumbel.de/vdr.git to github:
>> http://github.com/zzam/vdr/tree/stable
>> git://github.com/zzam/vdr.
Hi Damien,
2009/8/28 Damien Bally
> Hello
> Sorry if my mail is out of topic. I'm looking for a linux distro for my vdr
> box. I'd like a light system (without X11 since I use a dxr3 card) that
> boots fast.
I have Arch Linux runnning with a DXR3 and it works really well. I'm using
VDR for
Hi Damien,
Am 02.11.2009 23:32, schrieb Damien Bally:
I tried dvdplugin and noticed the sound was totally broken and jerky. Is
there a patch that fixes this problem ?
You may want to try dxr3player (via externalplayerPlugin or something).
That used to work well here.
Now I am using plain mp
Hi Damien,
Am 29.10.2009 15:17, schrieb Damien Bally:
Did anyone succeed in compiling dxr3player with gcc 4.x.x ?
I succeeded around september but now compilation fails here too
(gcc-4.4.2) with the same error.
You may want to contact the author directly, he's been always helpful to me.
Hi Frank,
2010/6/18 Frank Schmirler
> I'm about to prepare streamdev releases 0.4.0 (final release for VDR-1.4)
> and
> 0.5.0 (for VDR-1.6/1.7). The 0.5.0 release will contain two larger changes
> which have not been commited to the main CVS branch yet. Maybe some of you
> want to review and com
2010/8/23 Teemu Suikki :
> I have been using ancient versions of VDR 1.4.5 and dxr3plugin 0.2.6
> for years now, with no real problems. For some reason I decided to try
> the recent versions. :) VDR 1.7.15 and dxr3plugin 0.2.10.
Did you choose the buffer-and-sync-rewrite branch [1]? It's working
> Sometimes when you want to pause live video you are already recording the
> current channel. In such case it is not practical to start a new instant
> recording but it would be more practical to start replaying the recording
> already being made, jump to correct position in the recording and th
2011/2/7 Christian Gmeiner
> YUP,
> thanks for the patch... I will update my hg repository. Maybe its also
> a good time to tell everybody about my other
> repositroy loacted at github - [0].
> The goal of this repository is to get the driver finally into
> mainline. There is lot work left, but
2011/3/13 Klaus Schmidinger :
> On 13.03.2011 15:36, Udo Richter wrote:
>> Am 13.03.2011 15:18, schrieb Klaus Schmidinger:
>>> On 27.07.2010 15:15, Frank Schmirler wrote:
On Tue, 27 Jul 2010 15:07:23 +0200, syrius.ml wrote
> Have you had a look at
> http://projects.vdr-developer.org/is
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