Hi, I'm trying to set my T-Online S100 (Intel 830M) up as a VDR-Client. Someone in the zenega forum finally got intelfb to output via SCART[1] and that's what I'm planning to use in the end. But for now I can't get vdr-fbfe working with directfb on VGA-out.
I compiled 2.6.26 with intelfb included and used video=intelfb:[EMAIL PROTECTED],accel,hwcursor,vram=16 as cmdline. With directfb-1.2.0 and a mode entry in /etc/fb.modes[2] I can run the dfb-examples (df_andi etc) more or less fine. However, after installing dfb-extras and compiling xineliboutput against it I get this when trying to start vdr: [EMAIL PROTECTED] vdr-1.6.0]# ./vdr -Pstreamdev-client -P"xineliboutput --local=fbfe --video=DFB --remote=none" [...] starting plugin: xineliboutput Local decoder/display (cXinelibThread) thread started (pid=13223, tid=13227) [xine..put] xineliboutput: plugin file is /usr/local/src/VDR/PLUGINS/lib/libvdr-xineliboutput.so.1.6.0 [xine..put] Searching frontend fbfe from /usr/local/src/VDR/PLUGINS/lib/ [xine..put] Probing /usr/local/src/VDR/PLUGINS/lib/libxineliboutput-fbfe.so.1.0.2-cvs [xine..put] load_frontend: entry at 0xb6553a30 [xine..put] Using frontend fbfe (Framebuffer (fbfe)) from libxineliboutput-fbfe.so.1.0.2-cvs [xine..put] cXinelibLocal::Action - fe created [vdr-fe] fbfe_display_open(width=720, height=576, fullscreen=0, display=0.0) [xine..put] cXinelibLocal::Action - fe->fe_display_open ok [xine..put] cXinelibLocal::Action - xine_init [vdr-fe] fe_xine_init: xine_open_video_driver("DFB") failed [xine..put] cXinelibLocal: Error initializing frontend segfault at 250 ip b7f824e0 sp b7574200 error 4 in libpthread-2.8.so[b7f7b000+14000] It works fine with --video=fb. I'm out of ideas now. What am I missing here? - Jan [1] in german: http://forum.zenega-user.de/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=5440&start=15#p43241 [2] mode "720x576-50" # D: 27.000 MHz, H: 31.250 kHz, V: 50.000 Hz geometry 720 576 720 576 32 timings 37037 64 16 39 5 64 5 accel true endmode _______________________________________________ vdr mailing list vdr@linuxtv.org http://www.linuxtv.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/vdr