>I and some of my friends had same problem with ff card (rev.1.3) after 5-6
> And replaced LNBP chip (located near bigest capacitor), now everything
> work as used to be.
> Total cost of repair was 10 euros ;)
Ah cool.
I've also a rev. 1.3 so I will try to do the same :-)
Can you give
I've get it from
About the oszilloscope and signals, sorry but I don't know...
Hope that you will fix your card soon,
- Original Message
From: Patrick Maier
To: VDR Mailing List
Sent: Friday, February
Hello all,
is there a way to display the OSD-Menue additionly on the 2nd FF-Card?
The background for this question is, that I want to use the mp3-funtion
of my vdr with a small 7"-LCD-monitor instead of the big tv-set.
best regards
vdr mai
Matti Ropo wrote:
> Hi
> I am using xxv with my vdr, but lately there has been strange problem.
> Couple of channels are missing most of the EPG data. Same data is in the
> vdr epg file, but does not appear in xxv. I have tried to look some
> erros from log file but haven't found any error me
Hello Alfred
If you don't want to look Live-TV or Videos on the 7" LCD you should
better use the graphtft plugin. It can show OSD-Menu optimized for
small displays without Video on background either on a 2nd FF-Card or
on the VGA output.
Best regards,
Am 13.02.2009 um 17:31 schr
Matthias Bauer schrieb:
> If you don't want to look Live-TV or Videos on the 7" LCD you should
> better use the graphtft plugin. It can show OSD-Menu optimized for
> small displays without Video on background either on a 2nd FF-Card or
> on the VGA output.
Hello Matthias,
thanks for this h
> thanks for this hint, but I already tried this plugin. It was pretty
> slow on my duron 1200 MHz system and most of the skins were
> overcoloured.
the current version has only 2 skins, and the
alien vs. predator skin looks like a film noir.
I wouldn't name this overcoloured.
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I demand that LinHai may or may not have written...
> I apt-get install libfaad-dev,but the
Lauri Tischler wrote:
> Some operators (at least Welho) have rearranged their channel id's,
> so you may need to re-scan your channels or allow VDR to automatically
> update pid's and id's.
I have allowed vdr to search new channels and transponders so it should
also found new PIDs I think. At