Lauri Tischler wrote:
> Some operators (at least Welho) have rearranged their channel id's,
> so you may need to re-scan your channels or allow VDR to automatically
> update pid's and id's.

I have allowed vdr to search new channels and transponders so it should 
also found new PIDs I think. At least in logfile it says that vdr has 
found some new pids.

I did update first only channel data for channels which had missing epg 
data in xxv. This did help, but at the same time TV2 did start miss epg 
data. Then I updated whole channel.conf and now TV2 seem to be workin, 
but MTV3 is missing some of its program and SUBTV does not have any epd 
data in XXV. At the same time data in vdradmin is correct. Strange.


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