I have several VDR boxes that all run 24/7 without being restarted
for weeks/months at a time. Even then a restart was only necessary due
to a system update such as kernel or drive update. All of these boxes
use the EEPG plugin and none of them display any kind of memory
problem. I strongly urge a
Am 15.03.2014 11:30, schrieb Bernd Butscheidt:
> I downloaded eepg, e.g. lasst time September 2013, from git-source
> (http://projects.vdr-developer.org/git/vdr-plugin-eepg.git/). With this and
> various versions before I have epg on BBC HD (satelite) and never ran into
> this memory leak whi
I am using the xineliboutput plugin with xine program instead of vdr-sxfe. All
work except rewind recordings. Anyone know how to fix this?
Jose Alberto
Enviado desde mi dispositivo android.
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