Certainly if you can use the latest Ubuntu LTS, use that instead.
I have a C6 box talking to an x310 and n210 without issue, but I don't need
to support twinRX (which requires 3.10), just the UBX/SBX.
It can be done, but given you need the latest uhd version, you may need to
source build many dep
Centos systems are "born obsolete". IT departments love them because
they tend to change at glacial speeds. Developers find them to be
heartburn-inducing, because the "latest" Centos tends to have packages
that are years out of date with respect to the rest of the world.
Pybombs does its best
I am currently having a lot of problems communicating with an x310 containing a
twin RX.
I believe it stems from the fact that centos 6.5 comes loaded with python 2.6,
while the UHD and GNU radio version required needs python 2.7 I have loaded
2.7, and tried running pybombs but without much su