Centos systems are "born obsolete". IT departments love them because
they tend to change at glacial speeds. Developers find them to be
heartburn-inducing, because the "latest" Centos tends to have packages
that are years out of date with respect to the rest of the world.
Pybombs does its best, but I don't think that it has known-good recipes
for Centos at the moment.
Your best bet may be a recent Fedora or Ubuntu or Debian or Mint.
On 2017-07-24 08:44, Mark Koenig via USRP-users wrote:
> I am currently having a lot of problems communicating with an x310 containing
> a twin RX.
> I believe it stems from the fact that centos 6.5 comes loaded with python
> 2.6, while the UHD and GNU radio version required needs python 2.7 I have
> loaded 2.7, and tried running pybombs but without much success. I am
> constantly running into GNU radio package issues, among other errors.
> Has anyone been successful using centos 6.5 to communicate with an x310?
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thank you
> Mark
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