The AGC is by default in manual mode when using GNU Radio.
GNU Radio doesn't expose (gr-uhd) the AGC function Marcus referred to. If
you want to use AGC in GNU Radio, you'll have to extend the source code a
See this answer to a similar question I asked:
On 02/20/2018 11:35 AM, Cho, Daniel J (332C) via USRP-users wrote:
Hello –
I have a few questions regarding the usrpb200mini.
Does it have an AGC?
When setting the gain manually through GNUradio, does that bypass the
AGC or will the AGC kick in when it senses a low powered signal.
What is
Hello -
I have a few questions regarding the usrpb200mini.
Does it have an AGC?
When setting the gain manually through GNUradio, does that bypass the AGC or
will the AGC kick in when it senses a low powered signal.
What is the relationship between the manual gain set through GNUradio and the