[USRP-users] Re: Build custom fpga image for x410

2025-02-13 Thread joerg.hofrichter--- via USRP-users
Hi, the correct value for the --target parameter when building for x410 is “X410”: ``` $ rfnoc_image_builder -y x410_CG_400_rfnoc_image_core.yml --target X410 --vivado-path /opt/tools/Xilinx/Vivado/ ``` However, the image core file already includes the default target value, this means it is su

[USRP-users] Re: Build custom fpga image for x410

2025-02-13 Thread dhpanchaai
Hi, thanks for the reply. I’m using UHD 4.7. I ran the following and it worked fine:\ \ $ source ../setupenv.sh --vivado-path=/opt/tools/Xilinx/Vivado/ Setting up a 64-bit FPGA build environment for the USRP-X4xx... \- Vivado: Found (/opt/tools/Xilinx/Vivado//2021.1/bin) Installed ve

[USRP-users] Re: Reading/Write registers - Timeout

2025-02-13 Thread cyberphox
Hi Martin Thank your for your reply. This is a software question, related to register peek and poke. For example, if a register read (via ctrlport_endpoint_impl::peek32) is performed, is there a chance that the software can block (or get stuck)? Note: I am using UHD-4.7 kind regards, Mari

[USRP-users] Re: Reading/Write registers - Timeout

2025-02-13 Thread Martin Braun
Hey Marino, not sure what you mean -- from software, or in general as a CHDR transaction (e.g., from another RFNoC block)? Also, what do you want to timeout: Is this for the case where there are too many commands in the queue, and the backpressure is blocking (so you want to return without doing t